In what order do you recommend me to read pic relatedi was thinking left to right but i wanted to hear your opinions on this
>>241061821. Outdated2. A historical source, should've gotten a real overview instead3. The most basic bitch SoLCongratulations
>>24106182Be honest, did you know it was about the Byzantines before you bought it?
why do people keep buying shirer when evans exists
>>24106182Your personality is that of an edgy Twitter zoomer desperate to be controversial. You will not read any of those and you're going to grow out of this phase in a few years.
>>24106182Anime the enthusiasts would not be tolerated in the third Reich. Degenerates
>>24106182that book has been debunked. they were not making lampshades out of jew skin. it's full of lies.
>>24106732You would know
>>24106571That's not at all true. Folk literature had wide discretion so long as the values depicted didn't contradict healthy virtues. There's plenty of room for anime stories.
>>24106732I don't remember that being discussed in K-On!
>>24106732Can't believe Gibbon demonized the Romans like that
>>24106182Shirer was a total hack who literally edited his own diary before publishing it because he originally liked Hitler. Also, he viewed Nazi propaganda as "typical German lying" but when the Allies told bold faced lies the only comment he had was that it was "strategically unwise" to lie so fragrantly. From reading him, I learned, once again, that I don't hate journalists enough, no matter what era.
>>24106182read right one firstyou wont need the other two afterwards
>>24106182>Decline and FallRead for the prose>Rise and FallBin>K-OnMuch worse than the anime. Read it (tonight) with that in mind.
>>24106182I struggle with fascism in the same way I struggle with communism. I am simply unable to find anything appealing in it. Communism, because wanting everyone to be equal reeks of no common sense. Fascism, because it can't even be summarized into one sentence like with communism. It's just whatever the ideologue wants it to be. Some sort of special autism I guess.
>>24108417The basis in both Communism and Fascism is the plain fact that, as the wealthy accumulate more power, they inevitably work to enslave the population. Democracy will always be subverted by the interests of the elite. The only viable path to counteract this corruption of society is war or revolution. Once you understand this, you'll understand the Communist/Fascist impulse. in the 20th century, it got entirely coded as "The Jew", but the real problem was "The Wealthy Capitalist". I won't comment on the degree of possible overlap.
>>24108425There is no overlap. There are honest men who are communist, and no honest men who are fascist. I mean communist as in agrarian utopist where every man owns a statally granted lot of land divided among each individual. Even though this state would call itself socialist, it's nature is entirely republican because it recognizes the citizen as one, and grants him benefits.Neither fascism nor communism present any notion of citizenship. They are stupid and dangerous ideologies that serve fantastical hallucinations.
>>24108451>I mean communist as in agrarian utopist where every man owns a statally granted lot of land divided among each individual.Is this not just feudalism?
>>24108464Har har har.
>>24108464But, to write a reply, the old Greeks would work as lawyers, librarians, professors, gymnasts and demand no wage at all for their services.How? Because they financed their living style with slaves.
>>24108491this is a phoenician slander to cover the crimes of the sea peoples
>>24108511The sea people were made up by tranny scientists.I must only remind of Polybius who openly explains that 300 years before the Punic Wars Rome had signed a contract with Carthage, a contract wich he had access to, but couldn't know about the details because the Latin in wich it was written had become incomprehensible to even the older Romans of his time.And the historians of our days have the air to know better about the Romans than the Romans themselves!There is not a single writing about the past that was not made in an attempt to rewrite history in favour of some sort of modern political bias.They take themselves too seriously, taking the name of their profession literally instead of realizing that the only good historian is the historian who writes about historical events that are happening right now.Stupid historians of modernity and their made up nonsense.
>>24108603It's almost as though one must revolt against the modern world.
>>24106182>abridged editionInto the trash>by Ron RosenbaumInto the trash>EnglishInto the trash, learn Japanese and read it as it was intended
>>24108752That predilection implies caring too much about something. Life is too short to care. Life is too short to be a wagecuck or a politician. Leave the pseuds alone and think about the things that truly matter.
>>24110768What does predilection mean
>>24106182>I'm not like other guys on twitter
>>24111378>I choose what to read based on what total strangers will think of me
>>24108360Gibbon demonized the byzantines just as much to be desu
>>24106182>abridged editionwhy?
>>24112618Not everyone has the time to read six 700 page books.