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Do redditors say this because they read a bad translation or is that also the opinion of Germans with the original text?
And should I read MK in English or in my own language Swedish?
French, obviously.
Because it's missing a substantial amount of context. It assumes you're German and familiar with the political climate in which it was written.
It is very non-cohesive. It's part autobiographical, part political polemic, part propaganda manual. He lays out exactly what things work in propaganda, and then turns around and tries to use those same propaganda tricks on the reader in the next few pages. It's actually laughable when you think about it, definitely needed a competent editor before publishing that.
A lot of people sad a lot of things look now how it is.
Redditors are programmed not to "get it". And you have to have a lot of historical knowledge about the creation of germany and WW1 that most schools seem to want to actively avoid teaching.
They mostly just haven‘t read it, aside from a few who maybe read a chapter out of Mannheim‘s translation just so they could parrot what they were told to think.

Adding to the somewhat understandable reasons which might exist however, I‘d say that it assumes a degree of implicit racism/anti-semitism which was present in the readers of his day and only needed to be reframed in a useful direction. If some present day readers relate to his experience of uncovering the jewish question after he found a sufficient number of cases of their leading the social democratic press, this could still sound alien to somebody who takes seriously modern e-rags about how White people must be displaced.
As a work of antisemitic literature you'd think it should have been written in French (or Russian). It was a surprise to find this shit come out of Germany. Historically Germans and Jews were best bros; the Dreyfuss Affair was because most Frogs thought the local Jews were German traitors. The very language Yiddish is a German dialect.
If I ever see Hitler I'm going to kill him. I encourage everyone else to do the same. See Hitler? Kill Hitler. Its the right thing to do.
I'm advocating for violence against Adolf Hitler.
Is Dalton's translation any good?
Raging antisemitism is the most important contribution the French have made to the canon
It‘s very readable but also a very loose translation (without altering meaning) which is usually fine but not very helpful for someone who got the dual language copy to further my German studies.

Still probably my favorite version.
It's super easy to understand (in English) as long as you can look up all the political trivia of Germany in 1920s to know what he's talking about. It's no different from any other conservative airing of grievances book.
I don't want to tell you buddy...but Adolf Hitler beat you to it 80 years ago.
He lost. Who would want to read the autobiography of a loser?
Have you found major differences in editions?

I read it recently for myself, and confirmed that this is not the case. But you have to be willing to read something written in an angry tone.


>very non-cohesive
Plainly false. Just because some of his conclusions are dubious or poorly reasoned (and some of them are) does not mean that the completed whole isn't well-thought out. He is being rhetorical and the thing works very well as a piece of rhetoric.

Your complaint about an author using the same "trick" (deception is implied) that he's just described is the sort of dull observation that a young teenager makes, btw. If you assert that some psychological technique is effective, explain it in detail and then use it on your readers as you claim, there's no hypocrisy or logical inconsistency in such a manuever, in itself. This is the sort of lazy Gotcha that the young mind thinks counts as a real objection.

I'm not particularly keen to defend Hitler, I just
*I'm just helping you understand that that particular objection sucks.
Hitler got btfo and killed himself while the Soviets were raping their way through Berlin. I'll read Stalin thanks.
Any book written after 1815 in a language other than English is just not worth reading. The author was too low IQ to write in the only real language and clearly felt intimidated by Anglophone chads. Before any non-anglophones try and respond, keep in mind that I just cucked you by making you read this post in English.
It's essential reading should be in the harvard classics.
Contrarianism/autism over having to hate Hitler, same as "I need to call him a bad painter for getting a fucking window wrong."
Say what you will about it, it's legible at least in most English translations.
If you had read Mein Kampf and then become familiar with Hitler's personal life, you would know that it is manifestly filled with deception, thus my "young mind" "teenage" take stands. If you want a direct example from the book, Hitler claims to be fulfilling God's plan and very overtly appeals to Christianity despite being a pagan himself and repudiating Christianity in his personal life. He uses religion dishonestly in order to manipulate people (try reading Hitler's Table Talk, I can't completely spoon feed you). You are a pompous fool who isn't half as intelligent as you think you are.
reddit retards just can't look past the word nazi or anything pertaining to germany at all. it's a good read, about a man who went from practically homeless to one of the most influential people in the world

read the dalton translation, author (translator) even makes a point showing how negative or biased or wrong other translations are.
Checked and true
Mein Kampf is politislop. It never pretended to have any literary merit, and the political content is extremely situational (talking about a few concrete issues of the time rather than being political theory). There is no reason to read it aside from having a famous author.
they say it because they're primed to think they're reading some kind of Satanic Guide to Supervillainy but it turns out it's just a 100 year old book about organizing a political movement.
So what am i meant to read before reading Mein Kampf?
Because I tried to read it a few years ago and only got 1/3rd in because it was so "badly written".
i think they say it because it is a shit book
yes i've read it
>Hitler... killed himself
there still hasn't been a single piece of conclusive evidence that proves this
why do people keep repeating it?
>Do redditors say this because they read a bad translation
it being badly written seems to be the consensus across many languages. I can also testify to this being very much the case despite hailing from a country that was allied with germany during the war and that saw a fairly early translation of it compared to other countires
what do you think of it though? you have read it right?
Go to bed, Adolf.
Any deeper involvement with hitlerism reveals his general pantheistic darwinian naturalism and his lack of interest in religious endeavors. His movement effectively protected Christianity as it saw Christians as allies against marxism and liberalism (as previous proto-national/social germanosphere political parties had shown). Hitler’s appeals to God mostly avoid giving specific religious orientation, precisely because he refers to his own personal belief on “God as nature” and nature as primarily darwinistic, therefore racialism, strength of will as supreme value, social Darwinism, etc.
It's easier than doing research and discovering the truth.
Tbf Hitler got into a lot of trouble with art school back then because he was doing this kind of fan fiction architecture, where he'd paint in buildings he liked into places they weren't, and you're not supposed to do that when they ask you to paint a street facade they can check for accurate rendering
It's probably they never read it and yet still are right It's not well written or very well laid out, so they gave a subject index so readers could dip into the juicy bits when the Nazis wanted people to read it.
However, it is a disjointed collection of memories and diary and rants. It does have a through line in that it is Hitler's life but it is also mostly a pretentious art student ranting about how the old guys at the hostel don't understand how dangerous hookers are so he has to drag a classmate out to look at whores and explain it to him and other such episodes. There are Elliot Rodger throws his iced tea from Starbucks on a Stacey who ignored him moments, which is why the index steers readers away from the cringier angry young artist moments and towards the patriotic paragraph or the antiJew rant.
>Do redditors say this because they read a bad translation or is that also the opinion of Germans with the original text?
They say that because Hitler said that
Imagine writing this post and then referring to a memoir as poorly-written for jumping between subjects
A good part of it was copy-pasted from the Count Arthur de Gobineau, so I recommend reading him directly.
Just be careful because the Count was so racist it almost horseshoes into non-racism.
>There are Elliot Rodger throws his iced tea from Starbucks on a Stacey who ignored him moments
Who was that guy who blew up his Cybertruck outside the Trump hotel in Vegas? He had some manifesto that was like, "my wife is leaving me and my mistress is suing me and the Special Forces are trying to kill me and the Chinese are sending the drones WAKE UP PEOPLE." Don't like those kinds of manifestoes.
Is this true seems like disinfo
Rudolf Hess took the dictation and edited it, presumably heavily-- Born in Cairo, five languages, occultist: in addition to having never read it and politically posturing over a historical text with no contemporary relevance, they say this without that context. A sane society would laugh its Internationalist equivalents out of the universities and respectable publishing houses, but God forbid they ever apply the same scrutiny to far more ubiquitous political trash that continues to pollute minds a century on since Lenin.

No, your point does not stand, because it contrasted the effective use of psychological technique to convey a (potentially false) idea. The efficacy of such a technique has little to do with the truth value of whatever is being pushed. What counts is whether the former psychological technique works or not. Most readers can't even pick out contradictions like Hitler's obvious need to appeal to religion every so often, while privately having no use for it, to your point. In this regard he is no different than the average American politican (his private anti-christian sentiment is among his more praiseworthy traits as a human being, but it's cancelled out by his wrongheaded affinity for islam).

I repeat and amplify: there is no hypocrisy or inherent logical contradiction in 1) describing a psychological technique and then turning around to 2) use same to convey an idea, even while 3) the idea itself happens to be false. On the exact contrary, if the psychological technique works, whether it's repetition, keeping things simple (2 or 3 points max at any given moment), or using emotional tone in speech or writing, even at the service of a false idea, then this simply confirms the author/speaker's earlier remarks on the effectiveness of psychological technique.

Or perhaps you would like to continue to insist that I haven't read the book. Except I have, took notes, and noted the following contradiction (including the one you cited), among others: In Vol.I. Ch.11 he likens the jews to parasites who always have to spread out to find new feeding ground for their people, which of course is... exactly what he wants his beloved Germans to do. It would be more honest if he just said "it's good when we do it and bad when they do it", but this is beside the point: the psych techniques and rhetorical phrasing are effective. We know perfectly well who's good and who's bad as far as he's concerned. Or in I.10 when he complains about existing laws preventing criticism of the state (which stymie both fascists and commies from taking power) and pretends for a moment to care about free speech when of course what he and the commies both really want is simply to take power at which point the winner can then shut down free speech and consolidate their own power, just as the ancien regime was then doing, sort of. Again, the real truth is: it's bad when they do it, good when we do it. And again it doesn't matter about being really honest, as long as the rhetoric is clear and is communicated effectively to the reader (it is).

Your thing is, and remains, a lazy high-school-tier Gotcha, even allowing for the various contradictions in the text. The point is that he got the propaganda and psychology right (and even had a little good design/fashion sense to boot), which is obviously true per history. By his own admission in the book, the jews and marxists themselves (and the Brits' war propaganda, to some extent) taught him a good deal on the former subject.
In my mind, expansionism is just like finding an existing society and exploiting their financial and media institutions.
>"Bro, if you are an ignorant pleb and you just read it while uninformed, you won't know he's being dishonest, so pointing out the fact that he uses dishonest tactics is a bad criticism"
You needed to post a wall of text for that?
Also >>24108799
>I'm not particularly keen to defend Hitler
And then you go on to post multiple paragraphs defending Hitler? kek
Nta, but there is enjoyment in pointing out how wrong other anons are and it has nothing to do with Hitler.
i just like it because it shows he actually was a warmonger and the historical consensus about him is pretty much on point, while the neo nazi revisionist version of hitler is completely falsified

like it or not, it is an important work, if only for that reason
Christfags have always been sheep. They're an engineered slave species.
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"Excerpt from Otto Strasser's book “Hitler and I”, page 57 confirming the rewriting of "Mein Kampf" by the Jesuit Bernhard Stempfle."
of course if youre going to accept this as fact you must also accept the existence of "special death squads" which most neo nazis will deny to avoid looking like comic book villain tier psychopaths and win people over with good optics
Everything surrounding Hitler is a psyop.
Surely not everything
well this guy edited it
hitler just ranted about his life and maybetyped the theory parts himself
>also accept the existence of "special death squads" which most neo nazis will deny
>june 30, 1934
that's the night of the long knives, dummy. neonazis are not likely to deny it because this is when hitler also executes his once closest ally, flagrant gay pedophile ernst rohm, and "well he killed them in the end" is their best defense against the question of why there were open pederasts within hitler's inner circle to start with
When I was in university I had a professor who was so fucking afraid to assign Mein Kampf that if you wanted to use it for an assignment you had to come to him first so he could let you read one excerpt from the book.

It was funny as fuck. Like he was trying to shield some forbidden ancient knowledge that my young mind couldn’t comprehend. Mein Kampf is like the Necrocomicon for liberals.
Everything surrounding him is myth at this point. Anyone is free to take their pick from the multiple, conflicting narratives about him.
>most Frogs
kek hail BAP
>the theory parts
There is barely any theory in mein kampf. He talks about the racist thoery of history to contrast the materialist theory of history like you already know what it is about. Instaed of laying out a national socialist ideolgy he would rather tell you about that time he and his boys liberated a whole town terrorized by commies while being in numerical disadvantage and then everyone clapped
Unless by theory part you mean when he's talking about kids needing to do more PE in school
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Who, indeed??
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why do wignats worship a guy who lost?
Was Hitler funded by Jews?
Zionists. The cretins that step on their own people for their own game.
The book is a transcription of him speaking in prison. There are some interesting parts, but it just feels exhaustingly longwinded, particularly in volume 2.
While there are strong moments (the chapter on propaganda, his stay in the military hospital in WW1, the section on the early rallies etc.), over 60 percent could be cut out without loss.
The supreme irony is that Hitler is directly responsible for the Jews getting their homeland back and having multiple world superpowers continually fund and defend their existence as God's Chosen People. Sometimes you just have to laugh.
I know so many people who speak five languages and write poorly in all of them lmao "bOrn in cAiRO"
Not surprising this book is one of the few /lit/ has deep insight and background on.
I don’t particularly dislike Hitler or Hitlerism, but the book (I admittedly never finished it) was the 1920’s equivalent of The Art of the Deal.
>His movement effectively protected Christianity as it saw Christians as allies against marxism and liberalism
Not really. The National Socialist regime was extremely repressive of Christianity.
Profoundly idiotic redditor
He’s dead? Really? I didn’t even know he was sick…
Der Kunst des Deals
>a piece of rhetoric
Which is to say, sophistry. Which is to say that Mein Kampf is trash as a work of literature or philosophy and only functions effectively as propaganda.

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