This is a tall ask, but are there any biographies (especially of ruthless political monsters like, say, Nixon, Mao, or H.W Bush) that have the same level of quality as Caro's LBJ series?It's easily the best non-fiction I've ever read and I want more like it. >Book 5 yet to be published in 2010+15 btw
>>24108552I enjoyed The Nixon Defense by John W Dean
>>24108552Why is it so good anon?
>ruthless monster>Nixonbruh
>>24110331Great narrative structure, attention to personal detail, and Caro's ability to weave Johnson's ambitions together with the needs and wants of the American people>>24110340"Political Monster" in the sense that Nixon would do anything for power and was a little weasel who could climb up the ranks of power. He wasn't any more of a monster than every other president but his paranoia, ego, and constant scheming make him an interesting guy
>>24108552you are doubtless already aware of its existence but I can vouch for Caro's "The Power Broker"
>>24108552Read The Nixon Conspiracy, everything you think you know about Nixon is a proven-wrong lie.
>>24108552America died with Jack
Otto Pflanze multiple volume biography of Bismarck
How the fuck does it take 15 years to write a portion of a biography of someone in the 20th century. It’s not like you have to piece together missing details or work out the plot
>>24111479tracing details, minutiae, correspondence to primary sources and getting permission for various materials from the many different entities that hold them (broadcast items, archives, estates, etc...) takes an unreal amount of time and patience, and then you have to actually draft, write, edit, wrangle with a publisher...
i assume you mean needlessly detailed by your caro comparison. maybe Kotkin's Stalin books
>>24108552What are monolithic bric biography equivalents for other persons?
Well, the OG and dtill reigning champ is Thomas Carlyle's 4 volume Frederick The Great biography