Is this still relevant?
Since you noongars keep posting about him, I feel like I need to ask. What's the big deal with Evola? Why is he popular here and nowhere else?
>>24108628this cover fucking sucks
>>24108628How are they right wing with the gayest sounding names possible? Julius Evola sounds like a gay porn actor and Gabor Vona is the sounds he makes sucking cock.
>>24108628Pedo triangles
>>24108643 Evola is the reason why I became a monarchist. An exceptional individual who embodied the heroic kshatriya (warrior) principle. Erudite with a vast amount of knowledge, excellent diagnostician of the sickness of modern world. He was very versatile writer who dealt with wide range of topics in his books.Ignorant people label him a fascist (I personally don't have anything against fascism) without knowing that he was an critic of both fascism and national-socialism (his notable books on this topic are Fascism viewed from the Right and Notes on the Third Reich). But, that's how things are when your primary source is wikipedia.
>>24108643Because /lit/, and 4chan broadly, is contrarianism embodied, and Evola is extremely contrarian.
>>24108819Fascism is a progressive (as in future oriented, no leftist) political philosophy which makes it quite incompatible with Evola's world view
>>24108628Reading this was such a waste of time. Evola will start by talking about something genuinely thought provoking and say something profound before moving on to talk about boysmell or some shit
>>24108628lefty is still seething a week later lmao
>>24108892>moving on to talk about boysmell or some shitthe same old slanders. ((you)) can always tell
>>24108905I can tell only one of us has actually read Evola. Don't worry, the /pol/ posts you skimmed between gooning sessions is just as good!
>>24108643evola confidently asserts everything right-wing men want to believe about themselves. ontological superiority to women, glorification of violence, and so on. each of his books is like a "greatest hits" album for fascism, sans the rigor of a giovanni gentile or the elegance of a junger.
I agree greatly with almost everything he has to say save for his anti Christian views, my same gripe with Nietzsche. Though I believe that opposition to Christianity comes from observing the clergy and the priestly side of the faith as opposed to the Christianity practiced by the knights and crusaders. Which fits more closely to his ideas of heroic virtues.
>>24109054Total Christkike annihilation.
>>24108653I like it
>>24109054His opposition to Christiantiy came from seeing the entire Christian apparatus work against the Germans and the Italians at every step throughout WWI and WWII. That's not even getting into the radical antitraditional nature of Abrahamic religion, or the fact that radical antinomian nominalism and an attack on social hierarchy is baked into Christian theology. But to be fair, you don't really like Christianity, you like the bits of Asatru and Hellenism that Christianity had to keep around to stop itself from melting into a puddle. You should check out the Asatru Folk Assembly, their current high priest is pretty well read on Evola.