When did you realize you actually don't like reading and would rather goof around the internet?Reading feels like a chore. An obligation. A thing one needs to do. And that makes me not wanna do it.
>>24110962I had this same realization so I spent a long time fucking around on the internet/playing vidya. Then I realized that I would spend four, five, six hours at a time doing that and feel empty afterwards. So I started gaming for only two hours and then reading for an hour before bed. I gradually replaced my internet/gaming with reading over a few weeks. I play vidya once a week now on Friday night and only for an hour
>>24110962All it takes is to have one true reading experience and then one sees the meaninglessness of posts like yours and pities the kind of person who could post them. It's like saying, When did you realize you don't like the arduous chore of tunnelling your way out of prison and would rather goof around in your cell? Anyone who has escaped, even briefly, and walked abroad in freedom is not going to take you seriously.
>>24110999trips of truth
>>24110962I like listening to a book while walking, doesn't feel like a chore that way.>>24110983Congrats, you turned yourself into a protestant.
>>24110962Obviously you have to stick with it and read books you actually enjoy. The more you read, the more you will enjoy reading, and the more difficult and meaningful books you'll be able to read. Force yourself to read until you don't have to.
>>24110962>posts this on a reading boardIt's not your fault that you are retarded and you shouldn't be ashamed, but you should probably severely beat your parents.