He had to have been a unironic pedophile right? No non-pedophile could have ever perfectly encapsulated the lustful longing for children in such a detailed and dreamlike manner like he did for HH. The most impressive thing about it is the pacing in which he describes his desires. You can feel the rush and slow loss of control building up every time he describes something he loves. No one who has not loved similarly would ever be capable of that.
>>24112198how is loving a nymphet different from loving an old hag in the way one would describe his love and desire?
>>24112198Suspicious thread.
Tell me, OP, how can you know whether the portrayal is accurate or not?
>>24112198You’re a faggot
>>24112203Why don't you read the book first, then comment, to see how stupid you are.
>>24112203You cannot describe the experience of whimsical lust with the accuracy he did without having partaken in it yourself, or wishing you had been able to