Post your favorite tropes in literature, or explain how your favorite tropes would appear or be utilized in fiction>When the narrator in fantasy introduces himself as a historian, chronicler, or as a storyteller recounting the tale and events of the story, while also commenting on them himself. Bonus points if it is revealed that the narrator had been there himself
Why do people get so excited about stereotypes?
>>24112204Novelty for novelties sake can be just as tedious as something that is stereotypical
>>24112207I don't understand why people get excited for novelty for the sake of novelty either but swinging to the fences does not really make a case, big massive world between stereotype and novelty.
>>24112202I hate the idea of "tropes." You've got cliches, archetypes, and literary devices, good and bad, all rolled up together into a catch all. Rather than discuss individual stories for their own merit, you just list out tropes like they're porn tags. It's the taxonomfication of literature. I hate it.
>>24112216Pattern recognition and categorisation is what the brain does, even if you aren't trying to do so
>>24112234Most people old enough to use this site are able to recognize patterns more complex than stereotypes and are capable of categorization on a far more nuanced level.
>>24112216>You've got cliches, archetypes, and literary devices, good and bad, all rolled up together into a catch all.You've identified a trope here. Hihihi.
>>24112242You're just arguing a difference of degree not a difference of kind. A trope if a perfectly fine category type when applied at the correct resolution.
>>24112249I wasn't arguing, I was insulting you.