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I'm 25% into making my novel only to realize that I am LITERALLY doing the one critique I have towards so many books:Making a bleak ending and a condemnation of the human condition, but then not offering solutions and just inherently giving up on the world.

I hate the trope because it makes the story pointless and is an easy way out of actually having a serious ending with an argument.
I write good endings to all my novels
So don’t do that then
I'm trying, but I don't have a solution to the eternal hopelessness of mankind in real life. Just something something Jesus.
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the solution is gooning
end your novel with the main character building his own gooncave and achieve enlightenment after a 48 hour non-stop goonsesh
I know you're memeing, but you actually just solved my problem. One of the characters will document everything that happens in humanity while creating an enlightened monk-like civilization to record everything. Mankind's hope being in the preservation of information.

Thank you I guess.
ever wondered why all de Sade's novels have a kino ending?
The solution is acceptance.
If it makes you feel any better I never considered you genuine, so you haven't changed in my eyes.
atheists are sex addicts so they spend all their relations with other humans based on sex, either for the sexual pleasures, or the public posturing about inclusion on so on.

You have to understand there hasnt been many types of societies around. First there are only 4 lives and 3 happens in a society; the 3 societies are:
-hunter gatherer
-military society, with kings and kingdoms, emperors etc
-the commercial society in the form of the atheist democracy by subhuman bourgeois anglos as said addicted to sexual perversions

each society provides a typical life, and a hierarchy, so for instance the anglo society is just based on commerce, GDP, buying and selling crap every months trying to earn money for the sake of money. Intellectually, the anglo society is utterly barren. It's the whole goal of this society, because anything other than commerce and materialism will hamper this very commerce of material goods and services used to coom in the next 5 minutes.
The same people now claim that due to their climate change, a creation of their own making pushing relentlessly for commerce, pretty much the planet is fucked and they have no clue on how to fix this. And their desire to fix it is just to coom longer. So they started their new business idea : cooming organically (with fair trade products, stuff which respects '' the worker's right'' lol). But that just hedonism wrapped in public posturing too (which is just shallow intellectual pleasure)

The 4th life is the one of the bums in the forest trying to be hermit or outlaws.
And most people who choose the hermit life, first they are males, then most they go crazy and-or do drugs, and very few manage to get insights. And if they get insights it's like the one of buddhism where life is just shit and it's better to avoid living in society if you must live at all.

You really have to understand that a society is built by men who are happy to be the dispoable tools to develop hedonism for the ruling class (either the king or the merchant-bureaucrats) and women.
This is why atheism develop cities a lot, where all the ''gain of productions'' still happen and the countryside for those people is dull, lacks money and entertainment. At best a countryside is just used as a bucolic escape for the weekend or some crappy zombie cities where people sleep before commuting all at the same time, to work in big cities.
The weird thing is that men are happy to be churned away to develop the society, because the ruling class is telling them that they ''get honor'''and ''merit'' for hard wok, and a woman rewards with sex I guess, and also some fake reward about being the woman promising to be faithful and the husband being the real father of her kids.

It's fucked up that men enjoy being providers and the least awful life is really the one as a hermit, but that means no cooming in women, and most men are losing their mind just hearing that lol.
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>I don't have a solution to the eternal hopelessness of mankind in real life
Umm yeah, because you're not supposed to, idiot. I think you're closer artistically to the truth about the world when you're in this state of ambiguity and doubt and accept that rather than trying to make a phony ending like this wants to wrap everything up neatly: >>24112311 Because that's not real life.
Nah. It's silly if you think about it. Why even bother making the book if you're jaded about the universe? In fact, why do anything? Why not just go sulk in a corner if none of your actions matter?

No one actually believes this nonsense. There's just no reason to do so outside of being smug on frog-posting forums.
4chan, in all its chaotic glory, has somehow managed to stumble onto the truth of existence better than most philosophers ever could. Memes like "nothing ever happens" cut right to the core of reality: everything we think is a big deal is just pointless noise in the void. News cycle? Fake and gay. Global crises? Temporary drama. It’s all just the same recycled suffering, endlessly looping while everyone pretends it matters. This is basically Buddhism 101—samsara is a treadmill of meaningless bullshit, and the only way out is to stop caring about the illusion. 4chan’s collective shrug at "important events" is like reaching enlightenment, but instead of meditating under a tree, you're shitposting about anime and geopolitics.

There’s a strange beauty in the chaos, a freedom that comes from letting go. Memes like "Not My Problem" embody a kind of defiant detachment, a refusal to be dragged into the illusion of responsibility. Dumping oil down the sink isn’t just apathy; it’s a ritual—an absurd rejection of a world that demands you care for its endless problems while offering nothing in return. There’s despair here, yes, but also liberation. It’s the raw, unvarnished truth that the Buddha himself sought: the world is suffering, and the only way out is to stop clinging to it. For those who’ve seen through the illusion, 4chan isn’t just chaos—it’s a sanctuary filled with the kind of bittersweet clarity that comes from accepting the cosmic joke and laughing anyway.

Where monks sit in silence, 4chan howls into the void, finding in its chaos a truth that is raw, relentless, and profoundly Buddhist at heart.
There's a difference between stating categorically there is no purpose versus admitting that you don't *know* if there is a purpose. The first is closed and dead and the second is open to discovery.
But that still doesn't give a reason for making a book. The author just shrugging his shoulders and saying "I don't know" is just him wasting your time and being too lazy to think of a logical conclusion.
The "logical conclusion" of life is death. Whatever the point of life, the world and art is, it's not something that could be simply and explicitly stated at the end of a book, because that would make it sterile and dead. Art can gesture towards purpose and help us discover meaning but not just give it to us on a platter.
Admitting uncertainty is not the lazy thing, the difficult thing is to struggle with the uncertainty in pursuit of truth. The lazy solution is just to make up a "solution" to the problem of purpose because the struggle is too difficult.
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There is nothing wrong with that. In some sense you must do it. Jesus Christ 2000 years ago was the singular event of any importance, by vanquishing the world. Once you stop caring about the world it becomes more comedic than bleak. Aside from physiological pain it's easy to bear.
self-aggrandisement thinly veiled as self-criticism is especially offensive to me.
here’s the truth you missed in your melodramatic navel-gazing: no one cares. least of all about your self-appointed mission to fix fiction. write your dismal book, or don’t. the universe isn't hinging on your ability to craft a "serious argument."
You're supposed to provide thematic catharsis, not literal. In fact, it provides a nice contrast between the generalized despair and the character's personal victories.
Y-you have been paying attention to the themes in your work, right?
Fuck you OP
>I don't have a solution to the eternal hopelessness of mankind in real life.
Then get out of fiction for a while, get into philosophy till you do, and then come back. >>Just something something Jesus.
Worked for Dante, Milton, Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky. Maybe you should read those guys and try taking it as seriously as they did.
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>a serious ending with an argument
Endings with a clear argument are actually very unserious. But yes, your trite nihilism is also unserious.
That's cuz you a bitch ass nigga
Then don't do it? You can workshop something.
you're 25% in, shhhhh

trust the novel and the aesthetics of its system to work on you. if you can't, it's a weak work anyway. just keep chugging anon

too many writers trying to control their descent into the infinite abyss of life/art
This happens for early writing, you are writing you first impressions. You should explore the ideas and some writers even suggest you should trust them. But my advice is to change it into something that satisfies you.
My first book was supposed to be literature and despite how much I read, the first draft read more like genre because I wasn't as conscious about what I was really doing. So I had to keep digging into what ideas I was actually getting at rather than the trope versions of them.
u dont??? maaaaaaan i keep forgetting /lit/ is full of mouthbreaters. Tsk tsk.

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