>sun shines in his eyes a little bit>fucking shoots someonethe fuck?
>>24113578Funny, I just finished this book today after putting it off for years. I enjoyed it, but I don't know why it's considered a classic. Probably have to read more about Camus or something.
>>24113578That sounds absurd
>>24113578This book sucks. Should not be considered a classic. Main character is unlikeable, unthinking, unfeeling NPC, nothing exciting or profound happens in the story. Some anon on here told me that you read this book for a conversation that happens at the end, but even that is completely meaningless and boring. Absolute fucking waste of time. Be wary of anyone who says they like this book. They're probably retarded or gay.
>>24114204It's definitely overrated. You can get a lot more out of it if you're familiar with the philosophical writings of Camus, though, and it certainly doesn't suck. Whenever someone says a book is bad and their first reason is "the main character isn't likeable", it's impossible to take them seriously. You might project "unthinking, unfeeling" onto Meursault, but by the end of the story that's just not true. It gets exciting and (somewhat, subtly) profound at parts, but in any case excitement and spoon-fed, in-your-face profundity are not what make a book good. Most of the hate it gets is really just a reaction against the people who read it because they think camus is cool and edgy and haven't read much else, so they overestimate it.
>>24113578Woah, look at mr. Sun resistant, eyes-of-steel over here
>>24113578Diagnosis: French, terminalI read it right after Also sprach Zarathustra and I keeled over laughing at Camus and his feeble mind.
>>24113581>Probably have to read more about Camus or something.No you don't. If art can't stand alone, it's bad art.
>>24113578>>24113581>>24114204you either get it or you don’t, if you do then it’s 10/10
>>24113578It is the book that made me realize I hate french literature just as much as I hate french cinema and french philosophy.
you've never been pissed off, and the slightest bit of sensory stimulation causes you to go crazy?
Part 1 is so much better than part 2. That dreary slice of life stuff could've gone on forever and I would've read it.
>>24114291anything else there is to add to this thread is be absurd
>>24114204>Main character is unlikeable
>>24114204>Main character is unlikeable>anyone who says they like this book [...] probably gayYou know the rules sweetie, tits or gtfo.
>>24114339French "intellectualism" was pretty much all pretension.
>>24113578Fuck the police
>>24114570just like at the start of ww2 and 1
>>24114591It isn't localised in time or space, pretension is the very soul of the french
>>24113578Whats little Muhammad gon do?!
>99 pages of stranger the protagonist treating Marie(his girlfriend) like shit. >tfw
>>24113578Makes more sense if you remember it was an Arab he shot, not just any one.
>>24114818he didn’t treat her like shit. He didn’t treat her like anything. He didn’t treat anyone in the book at all. That’s the whole fucking point. That’s why he shot the Arab and didn’t react much to his mother’s death. He just instinctively does things in the moment. Nigga got a knife? Shoot him. Neighbor asked to do something? Do it. Marie proposed to him? Yeah, whatever.
>>24114204>Main character is unlikeable, unthinking, unfeeling NPThat's the point.
>>24114353>muh sensory stimulation You might have autism.