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Why'd he snub Schmitt for getting involved with the Nazis when he himself wore a nazi uniform and waged a war on behalf of the Nazis?
It's fairly obvious.
>Many Nazis tortured and executed, including ones inconsequential towards the war
>Maybe if I say I never liked them, I'll be spared
Speer did the same thing.
But it was actually true for speer
He never liked the nazis or was much liked by them, and his "waging war" consisted in hanging around Parisian intellectual and literary spheres which just made him dislike nazchuds even more.
He was fucking a Jewish doctor lady in Paris thus naughtily breaking both his marriage vows and the racial laws of the Third Reich. He hated Hitler and in his diary referred to him as Kniébolo (obviously a scrambled "Diablo" or devil), and Nazi soldiers as "lemures" (i.e. vengeful ghosts). But he wasn't prepared to flee the country or throw his life away by openly opposing Hitler. He was still a German patriot.
many such cases as we see today
It's giving scary, no shade.
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It really was insane just how many rabid anti-Nazi Germans there were.
When did he snub him?
Being anti-nazi is insane.
Accurate except "lemures" was a reference to Mephisto's gravediggers in Faust
>Kirchhorst, 14 February 1945
>Ziegler writes to me from Hamburg that by special order of the Grandgoschier [Goebbels], the press will print no mention of my fiftieth birthday. This happens to be the only honor I prize.
If you were a bit smarter you would recognize nazism did more harm to the "white" race than anything else ever conceived, had this stupid shit never existed maybe the commies would've been the big bad guy and the stupidity that started at the french revolution would've been buried by now instead of taking over
The nazis were the only thing keeping communism out of europe.
NTA. No more posting until you finish undergrad, pseud.
Yeah, kept them so well that they took half of it and the stupid esoteric aryan race bs managed to make fascism and racism a taboo for the rest of the now dying white race, thanks for freeing all those commies to take positions in every academic job and media you fucking tard, had this clown never appeared the commies would've never had grown to what they did
nazis killed as much whites and communists
Polish nationalists kept communism out of Poland, the nazis allied with the biggest communist country on earth, then chimped out against them, over expanded, and led to communisation of half of Europe for half a century. They also allowed for the vilification of antisemitism in every country in the west, even the ones that are becoming more right wing now won’t let go of that yet
almost as if people don't like living in totalitarian shitholes regardless of what the epic slogans read
dont know why wignats worship a guy who lost 90 years ago
This battered woman attitude is something else. Bargaining that maybe the powers who went to war for jewry would let you dislike them if only the heart of Europe had allowed itself to be gorged by kikes first.
Most people were at least a bit antisemitic until the nazis big chimpout allowed it to become so central and vilified. Lacking subtlety makes political groups look retarded and then completely fail
And their little bit of antisemitism did nothing to stop a surge in jewish power, in every nation of the world.

Passive, "tasteful" antisemitism is the most useless thing in the world. Even moreso than indifference or explicit judaism which might at least prove to be grounds for a reaction.
Why yes, instead of them gorging for those few years they got to do so for the rest of history after and whatever opposition meets with immediate remeberance of le shoah and jail, thanks bro, really cool replacement you got us for a few years of larping like retards
All the other countries had to do was not fall for jewish tricks on the level of total war, and still this case has the blindness to assert without evidence that the then-ongoing process of rapid judaization would have stopped eventually.
>Le jew, le jew, le jew
You cant even prove this whole bs, never could, just picked them for scapegoat as the christians and muzzies did before, claims to be the superior race and yet is always losing to supposedly inferior people, stfu all you had to do was not start a fucking war and america could probably have jim crow and british colonies exist till this day instead of the exhaustion that lead to todays world and white extinction
>He never liked the nazis or was much liked by them

Completely false. 'Storm of Steel' received a glowing review from Joseph Goebbels in the Volkischer Beobachter and Juenger reciprocated the praise.
>He hated Hitler
>He was still a German patriot.
Yeah, the patriot who got 10M germans and gave half the land to commies, very patriotic
nice headcanon
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I've been picking up some things from people on this board lately.
>yes of course race is real and can accurately predict behaviour and societal trends.
>yes of course the great replacement is real and deliberate.
>yes of course Jews are wildly over-represented in banking, finance, media, hollywood, and government lobbying and they use this influence to advance Jewish interests at great harm to Whites.
>yes of course Jews created communism.
What causes this mental derangement?
Jews run society directly for 80 years and somehow the decline of society over the last 80 years is Hitler's fault not the Jews? The level of mental gymnastics that anti-Hitlerists have to go to in order to blame Hitler for our current societies predicament is astonishing. These freaks speak as if, That had Hitler never existed all the Western Jewish bankers and Eastern Jewish bolsheviks would have just decided to cease their 2000 year blood-feud with Europeans.
What is the rotten seed in the minds of these fucking cretins that causes them to speak this way? This disgusting cowardly sentiment that 'w- w- well uh.. m- m- maybe i- if we just don't fight back th- they'll leave us alone? r- right?'.
Yeah, we were all this childish once too, believing le bs long epic war between europeans and jews or even better the struggle since the neanderthal extinction, grow up and leave pol for a while, this exoteric shit is what makes you a joke. There were countless more racist rulers before hitler, he didnt even say anything new except spinned to his own, germany was going to end up fighting another war either way, it had no need to associate eugenics who were growing in interest everywhere to it. Admit for once, your "great" leader just rided a inevitable wave of continued war and destroyed eugenics, antisemitism and fascism in one go with him. The comically evil jews are merely a culture who like others have been the scapegoats for centuries, we are already seeing the new jew blaming forming on jeets now. Nobody takes neonazis seriously for a good reason, take a good look at the exoteric bs they propagated, talk about jewish divide and conquer but claims german superiority over everyone else while always somehow getting defeated by them. To finish, you can have race counsciosness without having to lick german boots and fall in line with the whims of an autocratic regime, something most whites have realized but cant talk much thanks to the stigma the stupid larpers created to the word.
because there's a difference between doing your duty as a soldier of the German army regardless of who is in office, and actually getting involved in the party/ideology

the Nazis tried to get Junger ACTUALLY involved in the party and use him as a poster boy, and he told them to go kick rocks

surely you could have thought of this on your own?

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