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What book will actually cure or atleast help my depression. In my experience literature mostly makes me feel understood or gives me ideals to strive to but no book I’ve read has taught me how to actually escape despair or find something to actually live for in a tangible sense.

I’ve tried the mainstream suggestions of stoicism, Christianity and absurdism and they helped to a degree but only kind of felt like bandages which held me together for a time before breaking apart when things inevitably got worse.
how much time do you spend on the internet each day
I aim for 2 or less hours a day. But I also get most of my book recommendations form the internet so I guess what I read is very influenced by the internet. I know the school of thought I listed are very trendy right now but they’re also the go to answer I get when I ask for some kind kind of tangible self help against depression.
*schools of thought
Candide by Voltaire. Depression is caused by certain ideas, for example Leibniz's optimism or "best of all possible worlds." The point is that these depression-inducing philosophies or ideas work by suggesting that all effort, endurance, change, and so on is pointless because everything has always been, is currently, and always will be the best. That means there's no point in growth, change, effort, &c. It's a fundamentally nihilistic philosophy even though it sounds okay to put on rose colored glasses. So, Voltaire comes along and makes a satire about it. The character of Dr. Pangloss is a caricature of Leibniz.
To get a very dry affirmation of personal change, development, and growth, listen to the Consciousnesses dharma talk given by Ajaan Lee and recited by Thanissaro Bhikkhu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2w8SVayCess "090106 Ajaan Lee Conciousnesses \ \ Thanissaro Bhikkhu \ \ Dhamma Talks"
wiki for Leibniz's idea: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Best_of_all_possible_worlds
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Christianity doesn't help at all; in fact, it's a positive hindrance for developing psychic powers and abilities (such as developing a solid rocklike foundation for inner happiness and calm). The reason it doesn't help is that Jesus Christ has to babysit all of the people displaced by the annexation of Egypt at the hands of the Roman Empire in 30 BC, so he develops emergency mass ignorance religion. Christians are really terrible, they point their finger at you and scream "WITCH! BURN THE WITCH!" if you develop yourself, it's the so-called "bucket of crabs" a.k.a. crab mentality situation. So, the Christians in your life will turn against you and hate you when you become powerful by developing your psychic powers. Christians view anyone who changes or developers as a personal threat. They're very backward and retrograde. The whole point of Christianity is to put people in a state of suspended animation because the whole world is coming to an end. That's why Christians are such pathetic losers. They're all stuck in 30 BC mentality.
Another good book is the Kybalion by Three Initiates and learning about gnosticism and hermetic alchemy / philosophy. A modern rendition of these ideas is pragmatism, and you can read about that in The Metaphysical Club by Louis Menand. On the Transition of Mind by Huangbo may also help; the reason is that Platonic forms and Buddha's meta-physical system tend to produce a lot of concepts, and Taoism and Chan buddhism come to the rescue with concept killer, essentially meta-physical Roundup or cognicide (Roundup is a herbicide, I'm suggesting that meta-physical concepts tend to proliferate like weeds; pragmatism developed in twentieth century America as a response to Kant, Hegel, and Marx, so called continental philosophy).
There is only one cure for depression, and that's to pull yourself together and stop feeling sorry for yourself.
But depressives secretly love their depression, because they think it frees them from taking responsibility for their lives. So they answer with cope expressions like "You don't understand!" or "That's literally impossible!"
The fact is, your life will never improve until you take responsibility for it. No books, medications or philosophies can cure you. Only by an act of will can you be freed.
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To develop sensations and patterns and to prepare yourself for experiences that will lift you out of depression, I'd suggest these: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick, Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, and the short stories The Empire of the Necromancers and The Return of the Sorcerer by Clarke Ashton Smith.
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I agree, but I'd go further: taking responsibility really means developing psychic powers, and that makes people jealous, so they fight you, refuse to work with you, refuse to adapt to the way you change and develop, see you as a threat, and so on.
If you want a simple way to deal with these people, just say "I'm a sinner" and leave it at that, don't elaborate, if they say "so confess your sins" just say "I don't recollect my sins" while firmly maintaining your position that you are a sinner (you aren't perfect, duh, but so what, you should be changing and growing and developing yourself regardless; Christians never ask, "so what did you learn?" or "how did you grow?" because they aren't gnostics, they aren't Luciferians / Satanists who are after the light and the truth, they're happy to wallow in darkness; also, Jesus Christ was a prophet, not a teacher)
The whole point of Luciferianism is to see development of psychic powers, and the instability they produce in the ego as well as personal social relationships in a positive light, to essentially brush aside all of the jealousy produced by the personal development of psychic powers.
Here are some thoughts on the subject, Alexander Berzin's talks on strategies for deconstructing jealousy: https://web.archive.org/web/20120113174334/http://www.berzinarchives.com/web/x/nav/group.html_218817758.html
Judaism isn't popular here, which is unfortunate, because it's a voluntary service organization that supports personal development and all of the good and positive things that can come from it. Learning about the Noahide laws may be relevant to OP's case: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHRLQOGLxR8 "Convert to Judaism or be a Noahide?"
offtopic. books can't do that & you know it. go whine on /adv/ or something
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Ajahn Chah innovated in helping Christians get out of cycles of negative thinking that are a cause for remaining depressed. In The Natural Mind, he goes
>Our Vinaya is similar to this. When we look at our Vinaya (code of monks' discipline) we feel that it's very difficult. We must keep every rule, study every rule, review our practice with every rule. If we just think about it, ''Oh, it's impossible!'' We read the literal meaning of all the numerous rules and, if we merely follow our thinking about them, we could well decide that it's beyond our ability to keep them all. Anyone who has had this kind of attitude towards the Vinaya has the same feeling about it - there are a lot of rules!
>The scriptures tell us that we must examine ourselves regarding each and every rule and keep them all strictly. We must know them all and observe them perfectly. This is the same as saying that to understand about others we must go and examine absolutely everybody. This is a very heavy attitude. And it's like this because we take what is said literally. If we follow the textbooks, this is the way we must go. Some teachers teach in this manner - strict adherence to what the textbooks say. It just can't work that way.
>Actually, if we study theory like this, our practice won't develop at all. In fact our faith will disappear, our faith in the Way will be destroyed.
So, he's saying that you have to catch yourself if you become discouraged; at all times, you want to hold yourself to a standard you can attain to, not an impossible standard that by definition will leave you discouraged when you don't live up to it.
link here: https://www.ajahnchah.org/book/Reading_Natural_Mind1.php
audio link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WstNfNgYhkA "AJAHN CHAH - THE NATURAL MIND"
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I disagree; we know OP is depressed because of Jesus Christ and the New Testament, which was probably never meant to survive two thousand years in the first place. It's only because of the prophet Mani's universal religion retrofit and the Roman Empire's decision to make Christianity the official religion that there are large numbers of Christians.
If we soak OP with ideas for personal development and developing psychic powers, including developing a solid rocklike foundation for inner happiness, then shock him with Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, I bet we could either turn him into a homicidal maniac or cure his depression.
OP, listen to these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20cqxk7zvH0 "Here We All Are - Ram Dass Full Lecture"
and https://soundcloud.com/anythingbot/why-meditate-4-kinds-of-happiness-ayya-khema?in=anabrasa/sets/khema "Why Meditate ~ 4 Kinds Of Happiness ~ Ayya Khema"
Feeling Good by Dr. Burns
Road Less Travelled by Scot M. Peck
Families and How to Survive Them co-written with John Cleese.
Neville Goddard
Origins and History of Consciousness and Psychogenesis of Mental Disease ACTUALLY cured my depression. Supplement with structure and dynamics of the psyche.
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