Just marathoned the first chapter. What did I think/what am I in for?
>>24114713please leave
>>24114848No, I don't think I will.
A dull menagerie of horrible violence and lifeless characters. The worst kind of romanticism that thinks itself real because it dwells on darker subjects. The literary equivalent of a creepypasta.
>>24116303Filtered hard
>>24114713Richard Poe is a great reader and does justice to the material imo. Just remember that he’s colouring your take and to read the physical book at some point.
>>24114713Ignore the contrarians. Blood Meridian is a masterpiece
A humourless slog, written by a nerd that knew nothing about warTry this for some colour, written by a guy that actually held a gun and fought
>>24116519His Suttree is the best. He might be the best reader I ever heard. I tried listening to No Country but the dude talked all fucked up and I couldn't stand it.
>>24117818would rather read Samuel Chamberlain's my confessions (to which blood meridian is inspired from) than this British colonial pulp fiction slop.i know it's you flashman anon. noone is interested in it and you shall stop ruining every wild wild west thread by spamming this literary diharrea. It wasn't even funny the first time you shilled this.
>>24114713It insists upon itself
>>24114713it's /lit/ board for chrissake. you should be literate enough to share your own review than cite someone's else thought on your head.
>>24118164This is the first book I've ever read...