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I judge books by their cover, and it has literally never failed me.

Cool cover = good book
Lame cover = bad book
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This is a great cover and a horrendous book.
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I do this but with random Touhou music CDs on Mandarake and it's never failed me
Got some real bangers out of nowhere just buying what looks cool
give me some of your "bangers"
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The cool chocobo bird draws appeal at first but then I read all that "pulitzer" and "comic fugue" stuff and I'm tired already.
I just realized that this cover is a detail from this painting. Near the bottom.
But what if a book has multiple editions with wildly different covers?
>book is cool enough to get multiple cool covers
this is all that matters
so cool
The author/title text is really poorly made and MS Paint tier. The rest is just a painting.
>draws appeal
I hope you don't really talk like this.
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ALRIGHT /LIT/ bros.lets play a game. search for books on Amazon or any online book store ,and pick the one that catches your eye cuz of the cover art and buy it (the book -including the author-has to be something you don't know single shit about. ).then post it here and others ( who have already read that book) will tell you if it's slop or worth reading.
you possess zero taste
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Moorcock's Blood used the same painting
I do the same and it never failed me too. Sometimes the cover may not be the best but there is some element that says "you should give it a try". Titles and author's name also helps, a good author doesn't use a dumb name or chose a lousy title.
I sighed uncontrollably as my tired digits dribbled against the pantone keys. Another day, another synechdoche of stupidity tarnishes my keen-eyed orbs. Won't someone rid me of this turbulent anon?

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