Why is wanting to write a book a bad thing?
>>24115022Wanting to write doesn't mean that you have anything to say
>>24115022I don't think books existed back then.
>>24115025That's literally what it means, but okay.
>>24115022This board is a highly compelling argument for anti-intellectualism.
>>24115191You can't be this dumb. Some people want to write because they like the idea of being a writer, or they want to be viewed as writers, or they feel like they need to accomplish something, or any other reason.
>>24115220You just proved my point. I guess what you meant to say is that it doesn't mean that they have anything worthwhile to say.
>>24115022that tablet is from 2nd or 1st millennium BC, not 2800BC
To be fair, the "world" did end for the Assyrians.
>>24115299How dumb of a person are you to feelsl the need to be fair to false statements?
>>24115197How do you win an argument for anti-intellectualism? By punching your opponent in the mouth?
>>24115316Call them a faggot if they are in favor of intellectualismCall them a nigger if they are against intellectualismNever fails
>>24115022This is fake. There was not even an Assyria in 2800 BCThis is a fake created by 20th century Americahttps://quoteinvestigator.com/2012/10/22/world-end/?amp=1
>>24115306>feelslilliterateopinion discarded
>>24115316Smug anime girl (male)Wondering about the health benefits of coffee.
>>24115372It is funny tho
>>24115225>you just proved my point>by proving me wrongSo are you stupid or just retarded
>>24115191What he’s referring to is all the people who “think they could write a book” who can barely string two sentences together and have absolutely no appreciation for literature. This was once demonstrated in a survey comparison of people who thought they’d be capable of writing a novel vs people who had read a single book in the last year, the former was much higher than the latter. Ironically I would guess that the people more capable of writing would be less sure of themselves and wouldn’t claim to be able to do it baselessly