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He was a card carrying member of NAMBLA. He never apologized for anything. SFWA leftists still run defense for him.
He was a nigger. That's why I never read Dhalgren. I'll never read Colson Whitehead or Dumas too.
his books openly celebrate child abuse. white leftists eat it up.
Dude, you can't say words like that. Seriously. You don't get to fuck with that culture.
Remember in Hogg when the black guy hopped on the back of the biker's motorcycle that had a little swastika flag flapping on it and they sped off laughing? What did he mean by that?
I won't read Paul Beatty, Nella Larsen or John Ridley for the same reason.
so did burroughs, ginsberg, gide, wilde, foucault, nabokov etc etc
One day society is going to have to come to terms with the fact that homosexuality is a disorder consistently correlated with particular co-morbidities. The normal functioning sexual being is a heterosexual, and only abnormal situations or conditions will produce a homosexual. You can use whatever post post post structuralist post modernist post suckmydickism sophistry you want, the homosexual is a fundamentally diseased being.
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lol Nabokov didn't abuse children you twit.
Proofs? Wasn't he just a gaycel who wrote elaborate fantasies?
It's literally been cleaned off his wikipedia page. Do a search for his name and NAMBLA. Prepare to be blackpilled. There's also a good video on youtube called Samuel R. Delany - NAMBLA Advocate, Child Abuse Enthusiast.
Good for him.
The long, widespread and successful history of these kinds of relationships speaks for itself, while the clownesque hellscape we live in today is a stunning indictment.
Criminalizing the male attraction to youth whilst unleashing female hypergamy is the biggest mistake the west ever made.
I’m begging you to kys.
Homosexuality is the last remaining venue where it's possible to express true male sexuality (attraction to youth).
If you hadn't banned husbandry (in the og sense of the word) there would be less faggots.
If you allowed older men to have temporary, supportive relationships with young teen boys (as was standard throughout history and location except where christcuckery took over) there would be almost no actual man on man faggotry, because it's just a larp for the true desires which the matriarchy had made forbidden fruit.
Only losers beg.
I thought there's no proof he engaged in abusive actions? has that changed? he's very candid about the initial support and then the renunciation, but you have to remember that was the time when Paglia was in on that. i don't know why and am not really curious, but there was a weird moment where that was like an intellectual contention people wanted to posture with
literally not a crime
Yes, he's admitted to relations with underaged males. For whatever (((reason))) wikipedia buries the information.
kill yourself
wow, didn't know this. only knew that he was molested as a child and is choosing to believe he wasn't. where can i read this?
Better with more coaching from real men like me you might not be a loser simp one day.
Too bad I didn't meet you when you were fuckable, you might be turned out good.
kill yourself
>The guy who wrote Hogg abused kids
No fucking way. I. Am. Shocked.
you can read about it here https://dorisvsutherland.com/2019/09/23/samuel-r-delany-and-nambla/
It put me off exploring his bibliography in depth. I got the point after Hogg.
>Can we also mention Samuel R Delany, my favourite SF writer when I was 11 and one of my favourite living writers today (also the first black writer and one of the first gay writers whose work I fell in love with), writing a team up between the cool Diana Prince Wonder Woman and Fritz Leiber's characters Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser? With added Catwoman action? Pencilled and inked by Dick Giordano. From October 1972. I have never been as excited about a comic as 11 year old me was about this one, and I didn't have anyone to whom I could explain why I loved it so much.

neil gaiman speaks highly of him
and stalin's favorite writer was dostoevsky. don't think we should be playing that game
As does many of the SFWA
But he wrote Hogg which is a literary masterpiece so we should forgive him
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It’s like Finnegan’s Wake if Joyce had featured a child being repeatedly raped for the enjoyment of the reader…
kek. if not him another actor in the series
there isn't an established definition within american law of "underage" it varies from state to state so no surprise if wikipidia doesn't include it because it's a meaningless allegation completely dependent on the jurisdiction
Delany likes 8 year olds dude
Like I said, a literary masterpiece. Samuel also engaged in piss orgies which should earn him some respect among the educated.

>I remember going down to one of the bars down on the waterfront years ago. They used to have something called Wet Night on the second Wednesday of the month. I was drinking so much urine that it began to shoot out of my butt. It was going in one end and coming out the other end, and it was really bizarre. It was quite an amazing experience, but I only did that once. I wrote a few letters about this to my friend Mogg, who is now dead, but the letters served as the basis for parts of my book The Mad Man.
You’re not saying anything.
Yeah, the cgi chimps in the new movies.
>and stalin's favorite writer was dostoevsky
lol what? not at all, it was Bulgakov and Pushkin way before Dostoevsky. He respected Dostoevsky but felt his work was too parochial.
No he didn’t, you’re right about the others though, you could also include most of the French leftist intellectuals as well as Foucault, Chomsky is also probably a pedophile
Of course. If you're a gay nigger you can do whatever you want, the left won't even try to stop you. They'll find more victims.

Look at Gaiman: his behavior with fans was an open secret since the '80s except it wasn't secret. Everyone knew he was banging underage goth girls at cons while he was still back in Sandman days. If he hadn't been white and straight he would've died without anybody publishing a single one of the accusations against him. "Yes yes, we all know, but you're undermining the Cause if you publish that shit". Now he's old and his importance to youth culture has largely waned so they can decapitate him, but they would've protected him until death if he'd been "our most important Black fantasist" instead. His big mistake was to not buy a can of shoe polish the day he got the Sandman gig.
> Of course. If you're a gay nigger you can do whatever you want, the left won't even try to stop you.

There's a massive number of pedos in the SFWA but leftists don't care.
Of course not, they have """fascists""" to purge!
Kill SFWA niggers. Behead SFWA niggers. Roundhouse kick a SFWA nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a SFWA nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy SFWA blacks. Defecate in a SFWA niggers food. Launch SFWA niggers into the sun.
Allen Ginsburg was also a member of NAMBLA.
Who is samuel r delaney what is a sfwa leftist and why should i care
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Fun fact: in an interview, PKD called Dhalgren “trash” and said it’s one of the few books he literally threw across the room upon getting some pages into it. It was funny because he was mostly pretty kind in his discussions of other authors, but in this one, he laid into him in the interview and seemed to be having a lot of fun doing it. Said it doesn’t succeed at being good sci-fi, and even though it’s trying too hard to be “art”, isn’t art either, it’s just crap, if I remember right. I’ll dig up the interview after I take a shit. Just another reason I love PKD.
It's ironic that Dick hated Delany but Delany loved dick.
I remember reading that interview.
Harlan Ellison also hated Dhalgren.
i remember in a paris review interview he talked about drinking piss lol
>but Delany loved dick.
Who doesn’t love some metaphorically big, veiny, throbbing, rock-hard Dick penetrating our minds and ravishing our souls with his far-out concepts and metaphysical explorations? Allegorically of course. I’m not a faggot like Delany. But every /lit/ connoisseur loves him
some Dick at some point or another.

Also I confabulated some of this from memory but it’s close to what Dick said, I thought it was longer in my memory but it’s more just a short section that he spoke about it during, maybe there’s an interview where he went into it for longer but can’t find it right now:


PKD has unusually funny and entertaining interviews sometimes, I love how witty or absurdly comical he could be, just speaking off the fly and making any number of funnily-worded observations or comments, or giving funny anecdotes. Could’ve been the speed (amphetamines) helping with that.
From here:

>Well, I got to the point where I could fit almost anything down my throat. Which is good, because Dennis is hung like a horse. If I had met him when I was much younger, maybe we never would have gotten together.
>I’m not shy. I have had sex with so many men I literally cannot count. I once estimated it must be about fifty thousand.
>Well, it was because of the theaters in Times Square, where you could go in and have sex with twelve people in twenty-four hours. You made out much better in the theaters than you could at the bars. Then our totally vicious mayor, Rudy Giuliani, closed them all down. Eventually, once we got together, Dennis and I used to go to the theaters and have sex with each other and he was comfortable doing that. One October, we went to the theater and there were chains around the doors. Dennis used to say that Rudy Giuliani ruined our sex lives.
>Unfortunately, I sucked so much dick I lost my gag reflex, so after a while I stopped being able to throw up.
which Dennis is he talking about? Dennis the menace?
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Shut your fucking mouth, child. This is felony imageboard harassment. Enjoy prison, stalker.

> SFWA leftists still run defense for him.
Thats because he's gay.
i think he looks more like charles manson in the ten commandments

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