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I want to learn more about the natural state of humans (pre-civilization, hunter & gatherer tribes) and what we were like before the satanic forces of agriculture. I want to understand how humans tend to act in nature because I feel it'd give me better understanding of myself. What books are good for this? I already read "Civilized to Death" by Christopher Ryan and I'm looking for something similar.
Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States by James C. Scott (Yale anthropologist), is exactly what you're looking for.
Levy-Bruhl - How Natives Think, The Mystic Experience and Primitive Symbolism
Stone Age Economics by Marshall Sahlins
Conan The Barbarian
good thread thanks for the suggestions
10,000 year explosion is a good book about similar things
you might enjoy booting up JSTOR and just searching the early civilizations you are curious about that we have a record of. most of the academic treatment of this stuff is anthropological by nature

not what you're asking for, but you might get a lot out of Bookchin's Ecology of Freedom. a hunch
I lol'd, have a (you). They are top shelf pulp.
good thread
Cozzens' Indian Wars Trilogy

Ambrose's Custer & Crazy Horse

Bancroft's book on King Philip's War

Curtis' North American Indian

Perlman's Against His-Story, Against Leviathan

Price's Nutrition and Physical Degeneration

Etkind's Nature's Evil

Anderson's Creatures of Empire

Mann's 1491

Frank Waters - Book of the Hopi

Turner - The North American Reader

Four Souls of Coyote (2023)

your mileage may vary
>human condition
>treating being human / ontology as a pathology that needs to be cured
transhumanism is anti-human.
it's hyper-existentialism: existence without essence (no nature/no-humanity)
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not to mention this "philosophy" is Anti-Logos
("let's make humanity in anything BUT God's Image!")
not to mention the intersection between Transexualism, Neoliberal Consumerism, and Transhumanismâ„¢ with regards to purchasing one "nature" wholesale.
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and let's not forget that even Nick Land's schizophrenic clock can be right once a day about hyper-racism emerging from a transhumanistic technocratic elite (think cyborg-"chosen people").
why are you sperging about transhumanism in an anti-civ thread
I don't like the author Harari.
I don't like the concept/will behind the book (Techno-Feudalistic Transhumanism).
I want to help anons avoid falling into this false framing and sophistry of humanity and the imperative to give people like Harari and his friends more attention & power.
I agree with you that transhumanism is for entertainment addicted nerds, but this clearly isn't the thread for it
not that anon, but that is one of the harari's biggest things that he goes on about, the book in OP's image is by him and is basically a primer/PR piece for justifying transhuman ideas. the other anon didn't just come out of nowhere with this, this is directly related to the topic at hand. i am sorry that you are too low intelligence to understand that.

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