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Is it just Aristotle?
I recently watched some clips of Mortimer J Adler, and one of the things he said, kind of as an aside, is that rigorous study of Aristotle resulted in practical, cool headed, efficient, capable people. He gave the example of the British Officer at the height of the empire. Very capable men.
Of course Aristotle himself was Alexander the Greats tutor, so that's another point.
And I'm thinking at how the start of the Nicomachean ethics he says something like "this isn't for the ethical theorist, this is for someone who wants to know how to achieve virtue".
Also, I'm not sure how true this really is but I've heard it said many times, that the scientific mind and method has it's roots in Aristotle.

Maybe this is putting the cart before the horse, but regardless, can you think of another philosophy which produced such practical, effective, tangible results?
Adler was an Aristotle and scholastics shill and he hated Descartes for destroying that whole pseudo-Christian school of thought and ushering in the enlightenment.
Platonism, NeoPlatonism, Aristotle, Stoicism, Thomism and Neothomism are pretty much all very useful and practical.

Stuff like "How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real", like Kant, Hume and so on are useless.
>rigorous study of Aristotle resulted in practical, cool headed, efficient, capable people.
He would have altered that view had he lived to see /lit/. Rigorous study in general tends to bring out those qualities, they are the qualities of being rigorous. If he had live to see /lit/ he would have just pointed out that being autistic is different from being rigorous.
Schopenhauer calls magic practical metaphysics (On the Will in Nature, Animal Magnetism and Magic chapter), to which he opposes his theoretical metaphysics and philosophy.
Learning Jung sufficiently will cure your mental illness.
Descartes produced Vico so can't fault him for that
I feel divided between these two options, or are they combatable?
I think I'm the kind of person who needs some kind of system of thought, I suppose we all do but what I got naturally from modern culture of course wasn't enough. But I don't want to go down an endless road seeking gnosis. I want to turn my physical and mental energies towards worldly success, competence and of course virtue, I want to be good.
As it is I spend all my extra energy pacing around drinking coffee and thinking. I want to stop that. But maybe I can't learn how to be active from a book, but maybe the right philosophy will answer my questions and I can get on with life. I don't know.
>I want to be good
What about being happy? That's the goal of stoicism. I feel like it's either this or >>24116271
I didn't understand what he meant by magic, is it coming to a knowledge about metaphysical truths and then...interreacting with them.
I don't understand. The closest think I can think of that might be related is the idea in the popular 1904 self-help/spiritual book "As a Man Thinketh". Which shows you a really simple idea, that how you think is how you act, and live out your life. So begin gardening your thoughts, even though they seem private they are not, every thought will find some kind of expression in your life.
Happiness I would like, but I'd rather be miserable and good than happy and bad. Theoretically, of course I'm weak.
Doesn't Aristotle promise that too, Eudaimonia.
I'm #24116271, I just didn't want to repeat myself. By magic I meant magical power and its manifestations.
>I'd rather be miserable and good than happy and bad
I understand. Happiness and evilness is a horrible combination.
One word, pragmatism.
Anon philosophy is simply the way you fit all knowledge together; you don’t just adopt a system wholesale, you adjust your understanding based on new insights. If you ever find yourself spinning your wheels then simply read someone else.
The endless road types are just the philosophy equivalent of autists who can list off train models. They aren’t trying to live the life of philosophy.
It’s applied metaphysics in the way engineering is applied science.

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