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Is Houellebecq's writing misogynistic and problematic?
No. The main character does not equal the author. Now that this has been said, there's no need for this thread to spiral into 200+ replies of roastie rage.
No, but his writing sucks and is overrated.
Who gives a shit if it is?
oh heck yeah. Complaining about inequality of genetic survival & chad harems that have full foid cooperation is sure as hell misogynstic
God I fucking love Houellebecq
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>give Houellebecq another try
>the story is once again about a depressed ugly Frenchman driving around trying to cum all the time
It's the gross drivel of a fellatio-loving pervert
it's french
I don't think he's mysoginistic enough
I found it quite funny and unique, although excessively horny at times.
Most likely trans lators fault.
Everything of Wellbeckq translated to my mother's tongue is pathetic onions fuel. BC it sells best.
Later I discovered english translations and it kind of saved him for me. French must be happy ppl.
When will they include Houellebecq in La Pléiade
Whats your first language?
all his books are just
>ahhhhh I cannot breed I'm heckin desperate waaaaaaa
>heh I am his friend and I can breed
>but I'm desperate anyway waaaaaa waaaaaaaaa

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