Is Houellebecq's writing misogynistic and problematic?
No. The main character does not equal the author. Now that this has been said, there's no need for this thread to spiral into 200+ replies of roastie rage.
>>24116823No, but his writing sucks and is overrated.
>>24116823Who gives a shit if it is?
>>24116823>misogynisticoh heck yeah. Complaining about inequality of genetic survival & chad harems that have full foid cooperation is sure as hell misogynstic
God I fucking love Houellebecq
>>24116823>give Houellebecq another try>the story is once again about a depressed ugly Frenchman driving around trying to cum all the time
>>24116823It's the gross drivel of a fellatio-loving pervert
>>24116823it's french
>>24116823I don't think he's mysoginistic enough
>>24116823I found it quite funny and unique, although excessively horny at times.
>>24116823Most likely trans lators fault. Everything of Wellbeckq translated to my mother's tongue is pathetic onions fuel. BC it sells best. Later I discovered english translations and it kind of saved him for me. French must be happy ppl.
When will they include Houellebecq in La Pléiade
>>24118742Whats your first language?
all his books are just>ahhhhh I cannot breed I'm heckin desperate waaaaaaa>heh I am his friend and I can breed>but I'm desperate anyway waaaaaa waaaaaaaaa