My rosh hashana's resolution is to read 100 books that contain the word n*****. Could you help me out? What are some books that contain the word n*****? I need 100
Of Mice and Men
Blood MeridianSuttreeChild of GodOuter DarkThe Stonemason
Heart of DarknessThe Adventures of Huckleberry FinnThe Sun Also Rises
>>24117130Flashman - 26 niggersFlashman's Lady - 35 niggers Flashman and the Mountain of Light - 9 niggersRoyal Flash - 4 niggersFlash for Freedom! - 141 niggersFlashman and the Redskins (Parts I & II) - 23 niggersFlashman at the Charge - 13 niggersFlashman in the Great Game - 53 niggersFlashman and the Angel of the Lord - 77 niggersFlashman and the Dragon - 5 niggersFlashman on the March - 15 niggersFlashman and the Tiger - 7 niggersCounts may be off by one or two because I'm only human m'lord and also maybe some sniggers got in with the niggers
>>24117169>>24117285>>24117289>>24117293The only good ones ITT
The Sound and the FuryAbsalom, Absalom!Go Down, MosesThe HamletThe Unvanquished
>>24117130why is "nigger" such a controversial word in american English?
I keep thinking that /lit/ can't get anymore retarded. I have been forced to accept that there is such a thing as a bottomless hole.
>>24117460it's a joke libtard, need a binky?
>>24117450American negros are very fragileIf white people use or even think the word they have to burn down their own neighborhoods and loot the local Nike store
>>24117460Triggered SJW cuck alert
>>24117460>I have been forced to accept that there is such a thing as a bottomless hole.Your mom has been well documented for decades
>>24117465>>24117478I have no problems with racism, but I find people who identify themselves through racism to be just as naive and ridiculous as people who think they can purge racism from the world.>>24117482Oh no, my mother has been anonymously insulted! Nothing in my life has changed, imagine that.
>>24117460All this because you couldn't think of a book containing that word.
>>24117530I can think of many. Against the Day, The Tunnel, Infinite Jest, and The Recognitions. Good luck.
>>24117130Ronald Firbank, Prancing NiggerFr. Rolfe, The Desire & Pursuit of the Whole
>>24117293I think Farewell to Arms uses it tooDuring my 15 minute break I looked at the catalog and conveniently someone confirmed it
>>24117130>n*****newfag nigger>>>9fag>>>facebook>>>reddit
>>24117513How exactly is enjoying a good joke the same as making it part of your identity?
>>24117130A Farewell to Arms>>24116766
>>24117130Niggers! by NiggerThe Complete Works of William Shakespeare (IYKYK)200 Years Together by SolzhenitsynThe Eagle and the Bear by Markovitz Slimeburg
the flashman series is like 13 or so books, all of which say nigger. huck finn and tom sawyer. it appears in melville's "redburn" exactly once.>"May-day confidentially told Rose-water that he considered him a “nigger,” which, among some blacks, is held a great term of reproach."
I forget the official N word count (including alternate spellings like when it's spelled with just one G in that guy's tattoo at Ennet House) but I think it's in there maybe like 12 or so times, a sizable chunk of which being in a single Gately segment towards the end. If anyone has the official count let me know because I'm probably off by a few.
>>24117130Evelyn Waugh - Vile Bodies
>>24119511Chudvid Chudtser Chudace
>>2411951110 niggers and 6 nigers according to the pdf