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>But orgies and the companionship of women were impossible for me. Not even a friend. I saw myself before an angry mob, facing a firing squad, weeping because of an unhappiness they couldn’t even understand, and pardoning — like Joan of Arc! — “Priests, professors, doctors, you are making a mistake, handing me over to the law. I have never been one of you, never been a Christian; I belong to the race that sang on the scaffold; I do not understand your laws; I have no moral sense; I’m a brute beast; you are making a mistake . . .”

>Yes, my eyes are closed to your light. I am an animal, a nigger. But I can be saved. You are fake niggers, maniacs, wild men, misers, all of you. Businessman, you’re a nigger; judge, you’re a nigger; general, you’re a nigger; emperor, you lousy bastard, you’re a nigger: you’ve drunk bootleg liquor from Satan’s still. This nation is inspired by fever and cancer. Invalids and old men are so respectable they want to be boiled. The smart thing to do is leave this continent where madness prowls, out to supply hostages for these monsters. I will enter the true kingdom of the sons of Ham.
Also need books that explain the French pathology
Why are they so prideful even in their self-hatred
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How do I get into French poetry?
I found this but a lot of it is just extracts
>How do I get into French poetry?
Step 1: Be Homosexual
I'm attracted to men
Step 2: Get some bussy under your belt.
Step 3: Baudelaire or Hugo, pretty much anything by them.
>Step 2:
how much would you say is sufficient?
1x (fantasized in delirium)
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Many such cases
I do not understand how French peoples pathology works lmfao. They have so much pride especially in their self hatred it's crazy. Probably the reason why there are mass political riots and almost literally a civil war there every year
yeah that's literally what he said almost verbatim

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