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Why haven't you read the Richard Sharpe novels yet anon?
Been meaning to. How free of the modern miasma is his prose and the book's worldview?
Because I'm bad at soldiering :(
Because Brigadier Gerard
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Haven't read them personally but from the TV show it seems pretty based and unapolgetic in its imperialism.
>How free of the modern miasma is his prose and the book's worldview?
They're masculine and generally pro-British so couldn't be published today. There's a class element where many of the officers from rich families are portrayed as incompetent snobs. Cornwell is good at writing battles and he's fairly historically accurate. If you want military historical fiction they're good, they're just a little formulaic.
>just a little formulaic.
When I heard someone call Sharpe formulaic, I naturally gave the order the post the pasta. That's my style sir.

Cheesy 80s guitar mixed with fife and drum intro plays
>Small skirmish between the British and French
>Tongue is missing as usual
>Sharpe flailing his sword around while Hagman gives cover fire
>They win the skirmish
>Messenger on horseback approaches
>"Lieutenant/Captain/Major Sharpe, you are summoned to Lord Wellington's tent"
>"Bloody ell Patrick, what's 'e want now"
>Sharpe arrives in old Nosey's tent
>His spymaster of the day is there
>As is a weasel looking British officer or French lord
>"Sharpe, this is Lord Fucksworth, who has a dangerous mission for you - you will be enormously outnumbered, deep behind enemy lines with no support, oh and Major Ducos is around so watch out for him
>Lord Fuckworth insults him for being a poorfag but reluctantly accepts that this is Wellington's best man
>"As ye like sir, Ah'll get it dun"
>Cut to Sharpe and Patrick discussing the mission
>"It dun maek bloody sense Patrick, why do they need us to tek this castle/find this woman/get these supplies/uncover this plot"
>"Oh surely as the fields o' Ireland are green, sir, God has a plan for us, sir"
>A few battles happen on the way to the objective
>Oh look it's an attractive young woman who keeps looking at Sharpe suggestively
>They fuck
>"Look Patrick! It's the thing we're here for!"
>Lord Fucksworth appears and betrays Sharpe
>Ducos appears
>"HON HON HON! Bamboozled you again my nemesis"
>"Bloody Ducos"
>Battle happens
>Patrick goes "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH BANG" with the 7 barrelled gun
>Wellington arrives
>"Well done Sharpe! You've done it again"
>Sharpe and his men march into the sunset
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Because Horatio Hornblower is superior in nearly every way.
Eh, kinda, but its more the classic "Rough and rowdy underdog shows himself in the stuffy upper class were they are all bumbling idiots besides his one good patron"
Horatio is equally a cozy up from the ranks story, but tends to be a bit more nuanced on the topic of leadership and what it entails, with a more even distribution of bumblers, canny men, and people with some of both across different spheres of life.

I still like Sharpe, dont get me wrong, I just think Horatio is generally better on a technical level. Though I would be lieing if I said that Sharpe hits the cozy button like none other.
there is nothing that compairs to the
>"Cheesy 80s guitar mixed with fife and drum intro plays"
>Though I would be lieing if I said that Sharpe hits the cozy button like none other.
Though I would be lying if I said that Sharpe DOESN'T* hit the cozy button like none other.
/tv/s finest hour
Forester is a proper writer compared to Cornwell.
These bookd changed the trajectory of my life. I read them in the mid-2000s during the War on Terror and they made me want to become an Army officer, so I went to West Point and spent 8 years in. No idea what I would have done otherwise.
You would have been my lover.
I curse shapre every day because of this.
Hornblower and Flashman are better but Sharpe is still good
it is the equivalent of fairy porn for men
depends what you mean by fairy porn
you know what i mean, the not totally braindead self-insert fantasy that women are reading. like regency era-set romances that have a little bit of spine. Dick Sharpe is the same thing for men. not the worst thing in the world, but why read it over anything else? I'd read it if it was in the bathroom and I was struggling to shit. that's about it
Bad attitude
>are still good
This is the spirit: one needs turf to balance one's surf. Plus, it's salubrious (for non-Brits especially) to remember the important battles of the Iberian Peninsula campaign, and the official Sharpe series (which I've read from Rifles to Waterloo) is a pleasant way to do so. Also, the Aubrey/Maturin novels kick the Hornblower series ass, but the latter are still worth reading
Sort of I guess, but Cornwell's books do teach readers a fair bit of history so I'd put them in a tier about fairy porn
His actual history of Waterloo is a fabulous starting point for anyone interested in that battle, or the end of the Empire
The British literally worked with the Rothschilds to stop Napoleon from freeing Europe from central banking and Cornwell goes out of his way to write Sharpe as unrealistically progressive for his era. The absolute state of contrarian rightoids.
stop trying so hard to derail a comfy thread
And who financed Napoleon, mong?
I'll give YOU a hint: starts with R..

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