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with recent events in the west showing us that no matter how much citizens participate in politics, it doesn't matter because the ruling class is sucking up all the wealth in society, resulting in a rapid decline of the standard of living

was fukuyama was wrong about the human desire for recognition being the main driver for achieving the "best" political system?
He was wrong that isothymia is an adequate form of social recognition to stabilise society around, the percentage of those who desire megalothymia either do so anyway (and come into conflict with the system that is trying to achieve equal outcomes) or drop out of the societal bargain and no longer contribute to the civilisational project.
He was pretty spot on that most people will tolerate liberal democracy as long as they can validate their narcissism through consumer products. The government can do anything and Amerifats will care about Netflix and gay sex infinitely more
Sounds like one of the negative consequences of wealth inequality is a loss of political power and recognition, no?
Trump won. Kamala lost.

Cope seethe and dilate tranny
I never read this book, due to an overwhelming desire to punch the author in the nads for declaring the end of history in any context.

was that a mistake?
People pay too much attention to the "end of history" part of the title and not enough attention to the "last man" part. Frank is a bit of a smug retard, but the last portion of the book is a pretty accurate criticism of the inadequacies of modern materialist liberalism going forward. I think it is worth reading if you're interested in modern politics, it is entertaining, in retrospect, how clearly you can see his influence over the last couple of decades, and how much of the text those who were influenced ignored.
Return to /pol/ thanks
>but the last portion of the book is a pretty accurate criticism of the inadequacies of modern materialist liberalism going forward
it seems to me like he's more or less repeating what spengler had already said 70 years earlier but the difference from what i remember is that fukuyama doesn't provide any sort of answers or alternatives as to what can be done about the last man issue

i might be misremembering what i read but it seems that a yearning to break free from the last man lifestyle would be inevitable, and would result in a breakdown of liberal democracy, no?
Yes, he's more or less retracing the arguments of reactionary liberal critics that can be traced back to at least Carlyle, just from a perspective that is palatable to the academic left of the time. He identifies megalothymia, the desire of the spirit to be recognised by his society as superior to others, as this reactionary impulse that will inevitably devour the last man.
People pay attention to the first half of his thesis more because 1. It takes up much more of the book 2. It is the official civilizational goal of liberal states, to reach this end of history turn people into the last men 3. Fukuyama is one of the biggest figures advocating this state of affairs despite warning about how it could potentially implode once the last men revolt. Paranoia over the 3rd point in particular is what drives Fukuyama to seethe about people like Trump even though his popularity doesn't actually contradict the book at all.
Hey same!
>Fukuyama is one of the biggest figures advocating this state of affairs despite warning about how it could potentially implode once the last men revolt
this is the part that stands out head and shoulders above everything else to me
does he seriously not see the problem? that this isn't the best possible system?
every day i have to remind myself that people like this exist
They think it easier to change man than to change the system
>People pay too much attention to the "end of history" part

No, they really don't. He published this right after the collapse of the soviet union and he's implying heavily that the end of the cold war is the end of history! we've done it!

Only Thomas Friedman has been more thoroughly btfo by subsequent events.
QTP has destroyed Fukuyama.
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Fukuyama has been proven wrong. Read Dugin instead

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