>doesn't even have an article on Freud in your path
>>24117698To be fair, Freud became embittered towards philosophy after some kind of disillusionment with Brentano and explicitly wanted to distance psychoanalysis from it.
I never even noticed the little thinking man is made up of the letters S, e and p.
>>24117698No Joseph de Maistre :(
>>24117698Freud isn't the only one missing. I wonder what it takes to get listed on SEP. Some topics there look quite esoteric
Their articles insist upon themselves.
>>24117698This could be interpreted as an esoteric pizzagate symbol
>>24118110Being an analytic Anglo bugman
>>24117698Read a book instead then, I recommend Rick Boothby’s seminal Freud as Philosopher. Freud’s works, especially Civilization and Its Discontents and the interpretation of dreams, are highly philosophical. However, Freud was first of all a doctor, who had discovered an innovative new way to treat patients then considered untreatable, one he saw firsthand help a great many people, but also understood to seem like total quackery upon first glance. So, in the name of his symbolical responsibilities as such, he makes some concessions in his work, and even finds himself unwittingly constrained by the same strictly physical biological approach to curation he new he would have to reconcile his discovery with (see: the dream of Irma’s injection, the Oedipius as actually about intra familial relations in childhood, and not how these relations are symbolically internalized by the unconscious) Freud saw also the harm analysis could do when applied by careless practitioners (see:Jung, Wild Psychoanalysis, the above texts disc. of the Signorelli anecdote). Thus, the need to advocate for Psychoanalysis to, primarily, those with all the cards, socially administratively speaking, which meant doctors who hadn’t read Nietzsche and still believed the best cure for say a psychically distraught babbling veteran was six months of low stimulation, externally imposed isolation (where in said patients minds would inevitably eat them alive).
>>24117698huh, but they have lacan? why?
>>24117698They don't have an article on Boehme either.
>>24118152Heidegger, Foucault and Derrida have articles there.
>>24118397Yeah I noticed that too, curious. Probably because of his connection to linguistics/structuralism (post-) etc...
The SEP is weird as shit. It will straight up ignore huge chunks of a philosophers work and not even mention it, so it comes across as a complete overview even when it isn’t. The overall lack of articles would make you think they require more depth or something but they don’t.
>>24118505At some point they're too big to be ignored. It's still an overwhelmingly analytic project/site