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Can any well-read anons link to some legitimate sources describing times in history wherein pornography has actually been used as a psychological weapon, especially during wartime? I haven't read E. Michael Jones' "Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control", but I am familiar with this oft-shared passage:

>At 4:30 pm on March 30, 2002, Israeli military forces took over Palestinian TV stations when they occupied Ramallah in the West Bank. Shortly after occupying the Al-Watan TV station, the Israeli forces began broadcasting pornography over its transmitter. The Palestinians were outraged and bewildered. “Why in the world,” one woman wondered, “should one do such a thing?” The answer is simple. The Israelis broadcast pornography because pornography is a weapon in the arsenal of psychological warfare.

My thinking is that if it were such an effective weapon, there would be more recorded instances of pornography having been used as such.

I was watching a documentary recently ("Not a Love Story", 1981) wherein this batty feminist chick shares a story about Nazi Germany distributing pornographic material in Poland in order to isolate people, and I was hoping to find a source for that specific anecdote, if there is one.
>The Israelis broadcast pornography because pornography is a weapon in the arsenal of psychological warfare.
Other than the fact that "the arsenal of psychological warfare" is non sensical, this quote is not from Libido Dominandi.
It's from this article: https://www.fisheaters.com/jc-pornascontrol.html and the argument in support of that claim that pornography is a psychological weapon is a non-cited quote from Thomas Aquinas.
He continued with anything, but actual hard science arguments.
Honestly, anon, I can't think of anything in support of pornography used as a weapon. If weapons are used during conflicts, then sex cannot be a weapon, since with the fight response the SNS shuts down the PSNS.
Only after fight the body reactivates the PSNS to *rape* and pillage.
>Inb4 source
There are like 4 of these videos, I'll link only the first one. I don't know where he speaks about war specifically, but it's one of the "Human Sexual Behaviour" videos.
in the Bible it says that during war warriors abstained from sleeping with their wives
There's a pretty long history of it. The flying dicks that are everywhere in the ancient and middle ages are to ward off evil, Romans spreading it and other public displays of porn as obscenities (painfully large dicks and perversions of male dominance) were used as good luck charms in places people were vulnerable (so a lot of baths had murals which would be considered tentacle nonconsent hentai levels of degen)

Using porn as a political weapon against your enemies really starts in France. Pamphlets about the decadent state had Marie Antoinette fucking dogs and being gay in the lead up to the Revolution and there's always the Catherine the Great and the horse story.

This link has great images but it is old school internet link hell so add a 2 after prop or click the link at the bottom for the allied side and Japanese sex propaganda, this one is just German/Italian leaflets from WW2
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Thank you for the response. The passage I quoted is not from "Libido Dominandi", but it is representative of the central thesis of that book, that pornography is an instrument of psychological warfare, and as far as I can tell that work is the genesis of this distinct anti-porn sentiment as it is currently circulated in places like /pol/. Both the passage quoted above and the book are both written by Jones, and though that passage does not appear in the book, the "arsenal of psychological warfare" idea does. My apologies for not being clearer.

Here's a great example of this anti-porn sentiment being used (ten years ago!):

I began to grow skeptical of the porn-as-warfare claim because there are basically zero trustworthy sources beyond "Libido Dominandi" and the single event it cites (the West Bank incident in 2002). The second most common 'porn-as-warfare' claim seems to be the "WWII pamphlet-slash-propaganda" (see: >>24117914) idea which has a few sources attached to it, but is also pretty shaky. Again, my thinking was that if pornography really was such a reliable psychological weapon, its use as such would have more history behind it.

In response to your scientific argument, I would argue against your definition of 'weapon'. In the documentary I mentioned ("Not a Love Story") the lady describes how pornography was used as an instrument of social control (i.e., to engineer isolation in order to secure a political advantage which would have otherwise been impossible to gain), and thus it was considered a 'weapon'. But, in this way, it cannot be considered a 'weapon' in the way a gun or a flamethrower would be considered a 'weapon'.

For reference, I want to clarify that I am not pro-pornography.
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Pretty interesting stuff. Friedman, the author of the piece you linked to, seems to be the strongest/most oft-cited force behind the "WWII pamphlet-slash-propaganda" idea (see my post here: >>24117964). I've read this once before a long time ago, but I'll take another look. Thanks for sharing.

You just think there'd be more reliable coverage about this phenomenon for the times we live in.
>for the times we live in.
It took some convincing for the FT to do a podcast about where the money behind porn is and how it works, despite it being a huge industry

There's also the problem of propaganda being just as slippery a topic, and often pretty localised when done well (e.g. Germans in the east didn't have much experience of black invaders, while the west had thousands of american GIs, so anti black propaganda was more common in the west, while anti russian was more common in the east)
Financial Times?
what was their conclusion? on where it is/how it works
Is picrel good?
>Here's a great example of this anti-porn sentiment being used (ten years ago!):
I am not going to watch the video, but I do not disagree that anti-porn movements existed all throughout history.
>pornography was used as an instrument of social control
I don't disagree that pornography can be used as social control, but not as a weapon per se.
It is too much unreliable, drugs are much more effective: for example, a guy hooked on fent will stop being a sex addict (something that Jones got wrong, there is no such thing as porn addiction).
>to engineer isolation in order to secure a political advantage which would have otherwise been impossible to gain
Drugs don't cause isolation, isolation causes drug use.
>For reference, I want to clarify that I am not pro-pornography.
Many such cases.
>painfully large dicks
Phallic deities are not pornographic, lmao. They *symbolize* fertility.
Daily reminded: Sin contra naturam (which originated in Plato), isn't about watching, only about masturbating.
Basically the same money as casinos
>Phallic deities are not pornographic, lmao. They *symbolize* fertility.
>this anon doesn't know the Priapeia
The reason they carved dicks on everything was because it's a fertility god you poke fun at for having a large (ugly, useless, often wooden or engaged in bestiality) dick. Small dicks were the aesthetic for Romans, and big dicks were seen as hilarious brain drains. And Roman images were pornographic, in that they exclude what was generally considered "normal and legal" and public pictures are almost invariably meant to be humorous hentai. They're supposed to be lurid distractions, and that's why they're often found in baths, because they were meant to keep you from laughing at other patrons and bringing them bad luck through staring at their (probably equally humorous) real body.
tl;dr big dicks did not rule the world for the Romans, which is why they put them everywhere
Well there arnt many because the billion dollar media phenomenon known as Porn is a recent occurance. One example I know however is in the 90s all the post-soviet countries that had an influx of "western" influence reportingly had lots and lots of porn everywhere.
>wherein this batty feminist chick shares a story about Nazi Germany distributing pornographic material in Poland in order to isolate people, and I was hoping to find a source for that specific anecdote

First reference to this in print is in Raphael Lemkin's 1944 "Axis Rule in Occupied Europe: Laws of Occupation, Analysis of Government, Proposals for Redress", it was further delved on in the nuremberg trials FYI


>The moral technique of genocide was calculated “to weaken the spiritual resistance of the national group” by way of “an atmosphere of moral debasement within this group.” Lemkin wrote of German attempts to inflict this form of genocide by promoting use of pornography and excessive alcohol consumption, and by facilitation of gambling.41
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Hey, this is awesome. Exactly the kind of thing I was looking for. How did you find this?
>How did you find this?
I started reading a lot about the holocaust, legal gymnastics surrounding the resistance movements in WWII and such around the 2014 gaza war to understand the legal foundations of the "liberal international order" and its contradictions.
I have a bunch of notes towards a revisionist history of the New World Order I might synthetize and finish this decade but it's nature and thematic theme keeps shifting, it started as a work on the foreign policy of Richard Nixon but kept morphing

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