>"what was in front of me was an indescribable horror like no other">*spends the next two paragraphs describing the said indescribable horror in full detail*
>>24117809>Retards still think all his monsters were non descript mass of tentacles and eyesI hate it
>>24117814>retards don't readshocker
>>24117809cute cat, what's its name?
>>24117809While your observation of the contradiction is amusing, you could take the former line to essentially mean that the description won't do the horror proper justice.
>>24117809This nigger is so insufferable to read. Most of the time it feels like he is trying to impress me with his prose instead of writing a good story. It’s like brutalist architecture; grand for grandness’ sake.
>>24117852You write like ai
>>24117809Better writer than Nietchze or Hemingway but lit won’t admit it
>>24117880While your observation of the writing style in my post in amusing, I sincerely regret to have to inform you that you are categorically incorrect. copy-paste ERROR 42 for Prompt: "clever insult for a 4chan user"
>>24117809>in full detailpost 1 such description, he only vomits>I was so scared I fainted dsrkness coveres my eyes as the horror was so horrory I couldn't look, yet I had to for the mankind! Yes I looked I looked and the more I looked the more scared I was untill I actually fainted. I was woken up by a police officer who found under the debris of that terrible place. The sights I saw I will never forget. For the good of all what is pure I won't name things I saw though. But it was scary, trust me.
>>24118149He doesn't?Then how come we have all of these arts, backstories, and family trees? Are they all fanfictions?
He still hasn't been topped, except maybe by Wolfe.>Ninety aeons ago, before even the gods had danced upon its pointed peak, that mountain had spoken with fire and roared with the voices of the inner thunders. Now it towered all silent and sinister, bearing on the hidden side that secret titan image whereof rumour told. And there were caves in that mountain, which might be empty and alone with elder darkness, or might—if legend spoke truly—hold horrors of a form not to be surmised.>Who had mined those incredible blocks, and whither they had been transported, no man might say; but it was thought best not to trouble that quarry, around which such inhuman memories might conceivably cling. So it was left all alone in the twilight, with only the raven and the rumoured shantak-bird to brood on its immensities. When Carter heard of this quarry he was moved to deep thought, for he knew from old tales that the Great Ones’ castle atop unknown Kadath is of onyx.>And in those frescoes was shewn the great seaport and capital of the almost- humans; proud and pillared betwixt the cliffs and the basalt wharves, and wondrous with high fanes and carven places. Great gardens and columned streets led from the cliffs and from each of the six sphinx-crowned gates to a vast central plaza, and in that plaza was a pair of winged colossal lions guarding the top of a subterrene staircase. Again and again were those huge winged lions shewn, their mighty flanks of diorite glistening in the grey twilight of the day and the cloudy phosphorescence of the night. And as Carter stumbled past their frequent and repeated pictures it came to him at last what indeed they were, and what city it was that the almost-humans had ruled so anciently before the coming of the black galleys.
>>24118240>fanfictionyes, check the authors of the short stories. Not lovecraft.lovecraft described in detail big pinguins, ghouls, dogmen, fishmen, salamandermem, niggers, zombie/frankenstein's monsters, witches, rats, cannibals, ayy lmao aliens aaand some demons. Almost 0 descriptions of>the great eldersthe mad arab didn't provide any except >muh tentacles and it was dark