>The only options in life are to be a hedonistic hylic gigacoomer normalfag Mammon worshipper or a meta-ironic contrarian altruism fetishist masking what is essentially the Reformed Whore stereotype >Even people who "renounce" either still essentially fall into the latter group just based off raw statistics and human natureIs there any literature that addresses this?
>>24117956You forgot the third, the enlightened blow your brains out enjoyer. The wisest of men strangle themself whit the ubilicalcord on their way out the womb
what a sad dichotomy. read the sayings of the desert fathers. >nooo st. mary was actually a reformed whore! no.
>>24117956the only options in life is that I stick my penis in your mouth or your butt
>>24117956>be a hedonistNot an option for the absolute majority of men.
>>24117956>altruism fetishist?
>>24117956>we live in a fallen world with original sin>"NOOOO WHY ARE PEOPLE DEGENERATES (AND HAVING FUN WITHOUT MEEEEEEE)">some people try to better themselves despite their fallen nature>"NOOOO YOU WERE SINFUL IN THE PAST SO YOU DON'T GET TO PRETEND TO BE MORAL NOW"
>>24117956This is what metashitics does to you.
>>24117956>altruism fetishistHaven't heard this one yet.
>>24118421Also know as christcuck.
>>24117956>hedonistic hylic gigacoomer normalfag Mammon worshipperNo such thing.It is a projection of the fantasies of the failed normie.>meta-ironic contrarian altruism fetishist masking what is essentially the Reformed WhoreNo such thing.It is the projection of the aspirations of the failed normie.
>>24117956Have you tried just doing the things that you like and apreciate, and loving and being thankful to the people that loves you or like something about you? It's because of people like you that the world needs a new great disaster. You simply forgot what life is all about.>Is there any literature that addresses this?Bible. But, seriously, just go suffer in life and come back when you've endured it without killing yourself.
This is your brain on memeslop
>>24118140Why not both?
>>24117956going to think of this on my daily silent superiority walk