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What's your favorite Magic Treehouse book? I like this one and Ghost Town at Sun Down
Did you guys actually like books with child main characters as a kid? I read them but essentially always preferred books for kids with adult protagonists like The Hobbit (bilbo is just a very short middle aged man in terms of his character) or Wind in the Willows (the main characters are animals but in personality and behaviour they’re all different kinds of country gentlemen)
>Did you guys actually like books with child main characters as a kid?
I actually liked them more as a kid, or if the main character was a teenager. Adult characters weren't relatable to me I guess
Ok, it’s probably just a symptom of autism on my end
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You unlocked something in me that happened over 25 years ago
something good?
I read alot magic tree house books in special ed because the ed teachers thought i was too stupid to read higher grade books :(

fuck those special ed teachers, after about a year after reading higher level books at home, my reading level jumped 2-3 grades.
Also the one where they went to New York was my favorite(dont know why)
I read alot of xanth books when i was 10-14 and quite of few of them had teenage/kids Protagonist(kinda)
i think the reason i didnt really read books with adult protagonist as a kid was because a part of me wanted that to be my story , and adult protags crash against that wish

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