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What’s the literary equivalent of The Sopranos?

The Godfather?
>dramatic decline and fall of a family with significant existential themes and moments of humour
Not sure
Your show's ending, whatever happened there
A book that corny millenials are obsessed with? Infinite Jest
ISOLT is the Sopranos of literature? Bold declaration.
It was kino
it and twin peaks are the only tv that can make claims to art
easy one in many ways would be American Pastoral, no?
David Chase was mostly influenced by Balzac when it comes to literature so start there
you have something i can read on that? cool and surprising
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>"isn't that what you said?'remember the good times'"
picrel /thread
can only find this in french

>David Chase est un fin lecteur de Balzac, de Tennessee Williams et de Flaubert
it's okay, i read in french, thank you
You know, they do reference ISOLT in the Sopranos, though I've not read it so idk how deep the connection goes besides gabagool making Tone remember stuff
I actually saw that on the Wikipedia page for madeleines that they reference that in the tv show
Melfi brings up the Madeleine concept to Tony and he's hung up on it for a little while but that's about it. At this point it's not really a literary reference the madeleine is part of pop culture for educated people like oedipus complex and whatnot
nah it's not limited to that. all the sequences with Pussy after they kill him, the way they move through memory into their remembrances, and then the dreams, the scenes on the Boardwalk. all v proustian
>dream sequences are proustian
get a grip
thats not what i said, i said these dream sequences are. work on that reading comp before you approach Proust yeah?
>At this point it's not really a literary reference the madeleine is part of pop culture for educated people like oedipus complex and whatnot
Fair, that's what I assumed, like I said, I've not read ISOLT yet, so that was the only thing I caught when watching the sopranos that seemed relevant, which even further proves what you said
I always felt that the dream sequences in the sopranos were more like actual dreams than most dream sequences in movies and tv, which usually come across like the person writing it has never had a vivid dream they rarely how things shift and morph and how disparate ideas connect in unexpected ways that begin to make sense like the sopranos does. If that's what they're like in Proust as well I'm really looking forward to reading him.

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