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Who do you prefer? Why? Who fills out the role of hero better? Who would you rather serve? Any comparisons between them welcome. Any comparisons between either work welcome (Including Odyssey)
Aeneas by a long shot, real hero. The enemy came to HIM. he had to choose how to flee and then rebuild. A philosopher-king kinda archetype
looks like no one in /lit/ has read the Aeneid
You know what anon? It's only just occurred to me that this is cementing the roman casus belli. Brainlet mode I know but the link just never formed in my brain until I read this. That being said, his treatment of Dido wasn't very good.
too different, Achilles always struck me as being too god-like to warrant a proper comparison with other heroes, he comes off to me more as a divine force than as a mere human notwithstanding how even other heroes are often descendants of gods and goddesses
overall Aeneas is the more complete figure I think, though the superhumanity of Achilles is also what gives him his appeal
I admit, to my shame, I haven't.
yes but balance this with how willingly the gods interceded on Aeneas' behalf (note esp that Poseidon switches teams for a bit) due to the man he was. interesting too that he was Aphrodite's son. what this says about the myth of Rome's founding that this was the man who did it. fascinating duo to compare
Aeneas as a role model, Achilles as a literary character. The former is a "better" leader but that latter's flaws make him more interesting.
I havent. I dont know why. I love Homer, but I just havent Virgil'd yet.

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