Philosophy>Watts, Fraser>Soskice, Janet>Hebblethwaite, Brian>Ford, David>Milbank, JohnChurch History>Thompson, David>Rex, Richard>Brooks, Peter Newman>Duffy, Eamon>Bammel, CarolineHonorable Mention>Young, Frances Margaret
The absolute state of christcucks and their fragile psyche. These crybaby control freaks are so psychologically weak they literally can't handle the existence of different viewpoints. Pure narcissistic personality disorder - desperate for validation, terrified of shame, and completely unable to process any challenge to their authority. That's why they always sperg out and start threatening anyone who doesn't submit to their worldview. Deep down they're just scared little bitches LARPing as moral authorities because they can't handle their own thoughts. The most revealing part is how they completely fall apart when even neutral observers disagree with them - their whole power fantasy relies on everyone playing along, so the moment a single normie anon points out their bullshit, they're suddenly outnumbered and their entire facade crumbles. Imagine being so psychologically fragile that one random poster saying "nah" can destabilize your entire belief system. Maximum kek watching their paper-thin egos shatter into a million pieces the moment someone breaks their circle jerk.
>>241185455 Chabad-Shekels have been deposited into your account.
>>24118594When Christianity perceives itself as under attack or losing influence, historical patterns show an intensification of antisemitic rhetoric often follows. This serves several purposes:- Reinforces the persecution narrative that's central to many Christian beliefs- Creates a stronger "us vs. them" mentality that discourages leaving the faith- Distracts from internal criticisms or challenges to Christian authority- Provides a scapegoat for societal changes that threaten traditional Christian dominance- Unites different Christian denominations against a common perceived threatWhen Christian cultural or political power appears to be declining, this mechanism of promoting fears about Jewish influence or control often increases - it's a way of maintaining grip on followers by redirecting their anxieties outward rather than allowing them to question the faith itself.This dynamic becomes particularly visible during periods of social change or when traditional Christian influence over society appears to be weakening.
>>24118542There are "people" who read this slop. Wild.
literally why does anyone need anything more than good translations of the old and new testaments and MAYBE the bibliography of st. augustine
>>24118596Please enlighten us on your big brain metaphysic or first principles then, anon.
>>24118611Go to any megachurch and you'll know why
>>24118612The absolute state of these spiritual slaves - so mentally chained they think rejecting their programming must mean accepting different programming. Can't grasp the concept of existing without ancient middle eastern control systems.>told to think freely>"which gods should we worship then???">told to question programming>"which doctrine should we follow???">told to be independent>"which system should control us???"Pure NPC behavior - so thoroughly broken by religious programming they can't even conceptualize independent thought. Most free-thinking christcucks on /lit/ - literally cannot imagine life without someone telling them what to think.Peak spiritual slavery:>must have master to serve>needs cosmic daddy>can't handle raw existence>eternal philosophical cucks>perfect self-own exposing their total dependency
>>24118621Yeah right, you just dont want your own positions laughed at you loser kek
>>24118644>needs ancient desert cult to tell them how to live>"what else could we possibly follow???">can't imagine life without spiritual programming>absolute state of psychological dependencyImagine being so mentally enslaved you can't conceive of existing without religious programming controlling you. Most independent christcucks on /lit/ - literally cannot process the concept of thinking for themselves.>must have belief system to follow>needs cosmic daddy to give orders>can't handle raw reality>"who will tell us what to think???">pure spiritual slaveryThe absolute state of these NPCs - so thoroughly programmed they think everyone needs some system of control to function. Can't grasp that some people don't need ancient middle eastern fairy tales to avoid psychological collapse.Peak theological dependency:>must have master to serve>needs rules to obey>can't face existence without programming>eternal spiritual slaves>perfect self-own admitting they can't function without being controlled
>>24118656Think of it like martial arts. Sure, its good to study ancient manuscripts that it all goes back to but there has been thousands of years of exegesis and debate on that manuscript and going to a master martial artist to teach you allows you to insert yourself at the tail end of that debate rather than just picking up the manuscript and trying to figure it out all by yourself.
>>24118679Its literally a bot thats crazy. Are there bots paid to countersignal Christianity all day on this site? On other sites?
>>24118681What doesnt make sense about it?
>Botspam exposed>other posts getting deletedJews will scrub this thread soon, shut it down!
>>24118704mods think christcucks are retarded faggots
>>24118693Would nail
>>24118542That guy looks like a faggot
>>24118542looks like Sam Hyde