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Hey anons,

Im looking for university texbooks from the USSR from 1950-1980. I am specifically looking for textbooks about building socialism, local power, socialist institutions, organizing, revolution ect

any language or edition is fine
You should probably try /pol/ there are lots of "people" there that can help you
I find lit seems to be nicer and just more tolerable company
Ismail at eregime is a madman when it comes to scanning those books.
The only thing the USSR achieved was killing millions of Christians and demolishing 99.6% of the occupied church buildings. I wonder who could want such a thing.
4chan is a gentile space.
You have the entirety of remainder of the talmudically censored internet to spew your judaism in. Including Reddit controlled by Ghislaine Maxwell, Mossad and co. who love this kind of thing.
i hope your thread is destroyed
>I wonder who could want such a thing.
bro i just want textbooks to read
>Im looking for university texbooks from the USSR from 1950-1980
This is what you're looking for FYI, it was the work Soviet government gave to those looking to form communist parties in the 1960s

thank you!
If you want the opposite perspective here's a think tank analysis from the RAND corporation in the 1950s: "The Organizational Weapon: A Study of Bolshevik Strategy and Tactics"

I was making a joke about the FSB infesting pol and the FSB being filled with people who grew up in the USSR, chill out man
>the finance capital jews love communism
absolute cope
>>the finance capital jews love communism
That's not what I said. And to them it isn't about "capitalism" or "communism", that's for ensnared goyim
Then I've got no idea what you meant except that for some reason you thought I was a jew because I made a joke about russian influence on /pol/, I just wanted to make a joke to the commie OP that he belongs somewhere he probably thinks is bad
>russian influence on /pol/
You are woefully misinformed
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skip the commie utopian "theory," and read the reputations instead: The Impossibility of Economic Calculation under Socialism or Socialism - Ludwig von Mises & Road to Serfdom - Friedrich Hayek
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>>russian influence on /pol/
>You are woefully misinformed
Living under the Russian Orthodox Church will turn anyone into an atheist.
make no mistake friend I affirm the ECP but I have synthesized political theory and political economy farther than you think
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also, Prices and Production - Hayek and Market Theory and the Price System - Kirzner
Read kevin carson
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I'll check him out, but can you please elaborate on your synthesis.

Also, That Which Is Seen and That Which Is Not See by Bastiat
I doubt any of those survived in the modern day. If they weren't shoved in a moldy library they were probably pulped or burned, and Russia isn't really well known for preserving knowledge. Maybe try reading Roadside Picnic? It's technically Soviet Propaganda and it's from that era.

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