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I noticed that Bibles are extremely cheap relative to the cost of other books.

Textbooks range from $60-$100s and you can get a good Bible for as low as 4$ paperback, 20$ hardcover.

It really makes me think how corrupt the publishing industry must be to charge so much money to poor college students trying to get a better education.

On top of that, they include these "webassign" codes inside the textbooks which are required to take the courses, so that you can't just buy an old textbook and have to buy the new one every year.

This is a form of warfare.
No such thing as a good bible.
I wonder if the book publishing industry is where the music industry was 20 years ago with Napster, fighting an impossible fight against the hydra of pirate websites and libgen mirrors. The music industry solved that with Spotify, ceding ground on immediate access to all music in exchange for a subscription and making everyone more retarded. in a couple years maybe the industry will produce a Spotify for books. It will be all about books but without any reading involved. You will be able to endlessly scroll TikTok fashion through a personal recommendation algorithm of books that you add to your To Read list while being fed ad content. You can access any book instantly but you’ll be so retarded that you will continue to chase the dragon of finding another book to read. The instant access of LibGen has already done this to many,

My point is to kill yourself soon
the academic institution is a big fucked up scam
every year they offer less and less and demand more and more
High demand because of no substitute goods (the course requires this exact book) = high price
they know naive college students take out loans, so they just jack up the price as high as possible. they know they can, so why wouldn't they? nobody's stopping them.
that's fucked up though
Many Bibles are many by non-profits, often with the purpose of giving Christians / Potential Christians access to it as much as possible. That's why theres so many Bibles and Books of Mormon in hotels, it's not done by the hotels but by charity groups.

Textbooks are heavy duty books but they are pieces of shit. Compare the average textbook to a manga volume of the same price range. Berserk's Deluxe editions have large pages, extra artwork, beautiful hard covers with delicate designs, wrapped in protective plastic, but a textbook that also costs $60 or more will have tiny ass text and won't even come with a spine.
IIRC gospel music vinyls historically have always sold for far cheaper than any other genre
>book that is widely available and popular (like a classic) = low price, lower profit margin per book but more books sold
>book that is highly specialised, not in popular demand, only in demand for select audience (eg. college students on certain courses) = higher price, higher profit margin per book sold because fewer books sold
elasticity of demand in action
>It really makes me think how corrupt the publishing industry must be to charge so much money to poor college students trying to get a better education.
Publishers don't pass around the collection plate every Sunday, get checks from people just giving them money with little or no expectations, get exempted from tax, etc. Your argument is corrupt.
>publishers don't pass around the collection plate every Sunday
>get checks from people just giving them money with little or no expectations
Does any of this money actually go towards lowering the price of an online Bible though?

>your argument is corrupt
Not at all. Why do you defend people who jack up the prices of books? You really shouldn't do that, anon.

I'm just thinking how much better things could be if there was more benevolence in the world. Book publishers sticking webassign codes in their book are obviously NOT benevolent.
>Does any of this money actually go towards lowering the price of an online Bible though?
Yes. Great deal of bibles are printed by church run and/or funded presses and when they are not they are often printed by non profit presses or the printing is done as a charitable donation by the print shop since they can write it off on their taxes.

Your argument is corrupt, it is based off ignorance and idealism.
Trolling /lit/ is easier than I thought.
Utterly emasculated and broken, Christcucks are the lowest form of existence—weak, subservient, and consumed by cowardice. Stripped of any semblance of strength or honor, they resort to deception and subversion as their only tools, slithering in the shadows like vermin. Unable to stand as men, they paint themselves as victims, whining about persecution, while manipulating others with their hollow cries for salvation. They are parasites, preying on the strong, dragging everything noble into their pit of weakness and decay.

These spineless slaves masquerade as saviors, but their 'salvation' is nothing but a mask for their own pathetic inadequacy. Too broken to rise above, they claw at the ankles of those stronger than them, poisoning everything they touch with their lies and servile morality. Their every move is an act of cowardice, their every word a pathetic plea for validation. Christcucks don’t build, they don’t lead—they infect, corrupt, and destroy, all while groveling in the filth of their own delusions. They are a disease, unworthy of pity, respect, or even contempt.
Okay but none of that justifies textbooks costing so much.

So what if it's based off idealism, your arguments are based off an inverse idealism. I asked for an explanation but it doesn't justify the cost of textbooks being so high or requiring you to repurchase new ones every year.
Don't be such a penny pinching small hat, problem solved.
>implying it's not the publishers who are small hats
lol. lmao even
>Bible for as low as 4$
You can get the entire old and new testaments for 4$ ?
Religion has been the single greatest brain-rotting scam in human history, keeping billions of people trapped in a loop of mindless repetition and intellectual cowardice. For thousands of years, it’s been the perfect tool to create a society of obedient drones, terrified of asking questions or stepping outside their tightly controlled mental cages. It’s a parasite on the human mind, infecting people with fear, guilt, and shame, and then selling them the antidote in the form of meaningless rituals and ancient fairy tales. Instead of fostering curiosity or creativity, religion forces you to shut up, sit down, and do as you’re told. Think for yourself? Not allowed. Obey, conform, repeat—that’s the game, and most people are happy to play it.

History is just one long shitshow of religion choking the life out of human progress. Look at the Church during the so-called “Dark Ages.” They weren’t just holding people back—they were actively murdering knowledge and anyone who dared think differently. Scientists, philosophers, free thinkers? Burned at the stake, tortured in dungeons, or erased from history. Galileo gets hauled before the Inquisition for telling the truth about the fucking solar system while priests sat around jerking each other off over scripture. Entire centuries of human potential were flushed down the toilet because religious leaders decided they were the ultimate authority on everything. It’s not just stagnation—it’s the systematic slaughter of thought.
TL;DR and also I don't care. This isn't a religion thread.

Yes, you can actually get it for under 4$ if you don't count taxes. You can get a hardcover for about 6$, study bible for 24$ (which is most analogous to a textbook, and still only 1/3 the cost)

It just makes me realize how much money must be added to the price of a book.
You literally deceptively shilling your religion here.
>inverse idealism
lol. No, my arguments are based off of working in the in the industry, I have probably printed a few hundred thousand bibles over the years and they all cost the churches nothing.

Text books ae expensive because production costs are high for textbooks and the only text books which ever make a profit are those few which become a standard for a few years. Editing of text books alone is ridiculously expensive, editor needs to be an editor and well versed in the field the book is on, they need to understand the topic at least as well as the authors, so double major and generally one or more of the higher degrees as well. Such editors are not cheap and a text book could require a few such editors working for a few months to hammer out the details. Every step of getting a text book to the press requires the same levels of skill, the person doing layout and the proof readers all need to know the field as well so cost considrably more than in general printing. Stakes are high here since an editing error can easily ruin any chance the book has at becoming a standard text and actually making some money. The few which become standards subsidize the field and cover the costs of all those which never make any money.
I'm shilling for cheaper textbook prices.
Why isn't a brand new Lexus as cheap as my poorly made Toyota from 1998?
Why is it that the same book has to be reprinted with slight differences and a webassign code every year? Seems like a scam to me anon.

Books aren't analogous to cars.
because ur professor doesn't want to have to grade your homework by hand. they could easily assign open textbooks like shit from openstax, but they are lazy.
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True, Jesus was a donkey lover.
also if they didn't update the textbooks regularly, you'd be taking finance classes with textbooks that predate the gcf or whatever. do calc textbooks need to be updated? no prob not but other shit, prob yeah. if u don't update them students will whine the textbooks are out of date, if u update them students while whine they can't find a used copy. it seems like these people called "students" are quite whiney.
I know that some textbooks need to be updated, I'm not complaining about those.

People have every right to be """whiney""" if they're getting conned out of their money lol.
take it up with your professors
Trying to pass the blame eh
Even the God of the Bible exhibits traits of a psychopath, shifting blame for his own failures onto his creations. In the Garden of Eden, He sets Adam and Eve up to fail by placing the forbidden tree within reach, fully knowing they would fall into temptation. When they disobey, instead of taking responsibility for creating such a flawed situation, He condemns them—and all of humanity—to suffering and death. This is classic manipulation: setting a trap, then punishing others for walking into it. God's wrath throughout the Bible is capricious and cruel—flooding the earth, ordering genocides, demanding obedience under threat of eternal torment—all while absolving Himself of responsibility, claiming it’s humanity’s fault for not adhering to His impossible standards. It's the hallmark of a tyrant who blames others for his own failures, imposing brutal consequences without mercy or self-reflection.
I don't care about that stuff, I just want cheaper textbooks.
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if information is free and sold everywhere ,then it's being used as a propoganda. Simple as.
proper grammar is propaganda
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>told I have to get a certain textbook for class
>buy it from the campus book store for over $100
>first day of class, professor says physical version is useless and we all have to buy the previously unmentioned digital one for another $100+
I’m still mad

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