>If there is a danger, it lies in the Negro music and dancing that has been imported into Europe. This music has completely won over a whole section of the cultured population of Europe, to the point of real fanaticism. It is inconceivable that the incessant repetition of the Negroes’ physical gestures as they dance around their fetishes or that the constant sound of the syncopated rhythm of jazz bands should have no ideological effects.- Julius Evola
>incessant repetition >dance around >syncopated rhythm What does this elitist Italian retard think people did in Antiquity to be initiated into cultic mysteries.
>>24120397based >>24120406It was esoteric pacts that were classy and aesthetic like in the italian mob when you recite a creed, cut a wound and they burn the card of a Catholic saint in your hand.
jazz is rad.
It's over... The West (Japan) has fallen...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WFmwwGszC4
>>24120419literally just voodoo
Anti-jazz heads are idiots. Never forget that Evola and Adorno are on the same side of this
>>24120397*Antonio Gramsci
>>24120397Evola was a huge cuck. He wrote some shit once too about the special magical effects of "negro semen." Guy was very gay.A day in the life of Julius Evola>think about black dick>say a prayer to Hermes>think about black dick>go outside during a war and nearly die like a retard>think about penises
>>24120419No it wasn't you fool. The Mysteries involved doing an LSD precursor, tripping balls, simulating the journey of life and death with rituals, engaging in sex and dance rituals
I have literally never seen a quality thread that used this image.
>>24120397I am a fascist and like jazz. Want to complain about music? Complain about rap, which isn't even music.
who cares what this schizo italian had to say about anything