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>wow the wooden idol means that on page 450 after rambling for 50 pages about goodness knows what Ishmael is totally justified in taking a dump in that whale's mouth
Is the fetish for so-called "symbolism" in books no better than the seal clapping retards pointing out the colour of Hank's t-shirt in the youtube comments under every Breaking Bad clip?
Still seething that you got called out for not having read it? Maybe you should try Harry Potter, it's probably more your speed.
Why does Melville generate this kind of seethe, what kind of person gets this upset over a book they've never read?
I don't think I've ever mentioned Melville on this board before, I just used him as an example.
Swing and a miss on that one embarassing.
Ignore the kid
embarassing samefag, you didn't even have the sense to space out your replies more
Why are you acting like a lunatic in my thread? Are you able to have a simple conversation about Moby Dick's on-the-nose symbolism or is that too much to ask?
I'm actually not the OP
Gonna be honest, I did not understand what the wooden idol represented
You haven't said anything actually descriptive or meaningfully critical of moby-dick's symbolism, you just splurted out a bunch of seethe with a bare reference to a few pieces of imagery from the book, it literally just sounds like you don't get it because you've not actually described what you don't like about it, let alone given any kind of rationale as to why it's bad.
You also really need to stop with the one-two samefagging, doing it exactly the same way every time makes it way too obvious.
But I'm really not the OP
Anon, it's a pagan idol, that's exactly what it is. The pagan idol makes Queequeg do weird stupid things and then tells Ishmael through Queequeg to go on an eventually doomed voyage, that's not even symbolism.
wow this is so deep i've just finished 1984 and now i will read moby dick
Symbolism is a matter of interpretation, it's not just there for it to troll you while you puzzle it out. You can find it stylistically distasteful but if you want to criticise it without being called stupid you need to
>i've just finished 1984 and now i will read moby dick
Literally me exactly 2 months ago, I finished 1984 on the 18th and started Moby-Dick on the 19th.

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