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Are we allowed to post real-life mecha here too?
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I see the Constructicons have been dipping into the Energon a little too much.
The problem with these real life LARP mecha projects is that they're always insanely underpowered. If you're gonna drop a mil to build one, why not invest 30-60k in a helicopter gas turbine for a powerplant?
To elaborate, it's never gonna achieve true bipedal motion if it has to be statically stable on one foot, and it has to be statically stable on one foot because it takes way too long to move the legs.
Who’s your favourite darpa robot? Mines chimp
Be careful with this kind of topic, we’ve got a notorious shitposter here that loves this particular thread subject and will attempt to keep it alive despite a lack of interest
all it's missing is a pile bunker
isn't it like that with every non-gundam non-ac thread? this is not exactly the fastest of boards
Logically that would be the case, but according to people on /tg/ it’s very deliberate because he hates those particular boards and “How they deserve this”
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thread is dead - the necrofaggot is here
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Does anyone else think the way a lot of those machines walk is kind of qt? For some reason they remind me of giant metal caterpillars inching slowly slong.
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Sort of like a less tracked version of The Crushinator.
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Why the fuck is the cockpit so big? Im no mechanical or electrical engineer but it feels like its taking up too much space and weight.
Needs to be big enough so the pilot can fit without being claustrophobic, then make it larger to fit all the controls and wiring, then make it bigger to include a roll cage or have some kind of some structural strength

how big do you think it should be?
>how big do you think it should be?
More fighter jet cockpit size, but then I wonder why that wouldn't work.
Cockpits are hollow. Almost a third of a car's total mass is the engine block -- even the frames and seats are like this.
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>More fighter jet cockpit size
But that IS more or less fighter cockpit size

F-16 is a small jet by the way, most are bigger
it's actually for visibility. They're trying to give it car-like visibility and interior comfort. I think they should go for small cockpit and either monitor or VR visuals since it's supposed to go to a niche market, but it's clearly a toy project.
We need to wait for a proper AI-assisted project at this point, to see how far real life mecha can go.

I liked the hyundai elevate concept (pic related)
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Atlas my beloved
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>"we're working on a method 3"
>Huh, I wonder how that's going on, let's look up the company online
>hold the phone

>In the video taken in April 2015, Yang slaps a former staffer's head several times and curses the man in front of other workers in the office of WeDisk, an online file-sharing site Yang owns. He orders the man to kneel down in apology, but hits him because he thought the apology was not sincere enough. Yang assaulted the man because the worker left comments critical of him on a bulletin board of the company's website after he left the firm.

Guys I don't think the method 3 is coming out
I still want one of these
nonsense, he's just using the brightslap on some lazy slacker motherfuckers
Is there a reason they do this instead of treads?
I can hear the pit of peril music from Thunderbirds while watching that webm
I'm guessing it's because there are fewer moving parts.
My guess is that those insane Russians decided "why not?" since they also tried weird stuff like the screw tanks.

At least mechanically it seems simpler than a tracked system since all you need is a large motor system with a ton of torque. Not as much maintenance as you would have dealing with suspension, wheels, and a linked track. It's literally just a giant metal foot pad that lifts up and down, shuffling the machine. And since it's an excavator that spends most of its time in one spot, it doesn't really need to move around all that often or get anywhere in a hurry. The downside is of course the slow speed, the awkward up and down movement, and steering might be weird. Not a design that prioritizes operator comfort.
As a Bong, the thought of one of these with AI intrigues and horrifies me. On the one hand, living robot. On the other hand, drunken footy hooligans in Accident and Emergency after a game will think twice about insulting the nurse bot when her boyfriend is this fucker.

Unless it's Millwall fans; you'd need five of them.
They're too heavy for treads.
Apparently the first walking dragline was developed in America in 1913
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It's not that it's too heavy. The world's largest and heaviest excavators Bagger 288 and Bagger 293 both run on a 12 tread system.
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Then why? The explanation I always heard was that they had so much weight that they'd tend to churn the ground rather than get meaningful purchase (presumably unless you ran them even slower). Did tread designs improve? Are they used on a different type of (possibly prepared in some way) ground?
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i could kick this thing's ass in a fight.
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>do not kick
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I need no wheels.
He is here
Manic from /btg/?
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Okay, what in the fuck even is that?
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Bigdog had a certain charm to it that Spot lacks.
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wtf is this real?
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>get into mecha anime
>now any kind of machine irl evokes a "monke neuron activation" instinct to look at it and ponder
Please what game is this i need it
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Project HON, I mistake.
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>cancelled 9 years ago
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At some point in my childhood a friend and I rented Front Mission 2 for the ps1 now years later I wrench on old cars on the weekend, volunteer to run the bobcat at work and read articles about heavy equipment.
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Just watch this (part 11 of 30)

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coal mining machine
Those power lines give off serious zeon vibes
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Needs the song
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Now I desperately want an anime where a young man is forcibly recruited by his cold and manipulative father into a top secret organization to fight a monstrous alien force. Then when they go to reveal his giant mecha, it's one of these.
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Game publishers be like, NO NO NO nothing good!
Let's spend 100million dollars on live service slop that will get shut down in a few years.
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There is an autist who used to post on >>>/diy/ who builds mechs in his garage.

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Taught myself how to wheelie and stoppy one of these back when I worked at a truck yard and had to clean up piss bottles. Thankfully we had the enclosed cab for when the sun bleached piss bottles would explode. Almost never had that bitch on 4 wheels.
I work with these, not shit to horse around near unless you got a death wish.
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And yet everyday millions of disinterested and stoned teens paid minimum wage drive these through hardware store parking lots and cramped warehouses withouth issue.
wow you work with forklifts? that's crazy, next thing you know you'll be working with ladders
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tfw general electric made a fallout proof mechnic mecha, never heard if this before and just read up on it
>THAT monster glaring at you from the left is the biggest robot ever made. It weighs 170,000 pounds in its double-thick rubber treads. It can punch its claw hand through a concrete wall or gently stretch stainless-steel arms to pluck an egg off the top of a house.
There's a man inside. Safe within the lead-and-steel cab, he can work where no unarmored man could live -in the deadly radiation that atomic energy the most fearsome as well as the most promising invention of the century.
He could roll right up to the atomic engine of a space rocket and delicately maneuvering those 16-foot arms, make adjustments. Or he could replace a broken part in the atomic boiler of a power plant. Or haul the fatally hot debris of a nuclear accident away to the burying ground. If H-bombs struck he could dash into the destruction zone to rescue injured people and scrape away the worst of the fallout dust.
you don't even have to TRY TO KILL HIM WITH A FORKLIFT
if a guy has a robotic arm prosthetic, is he /m/?
What is this thing for? It's cute
Alright anons: Today I saw a truck with a pillar sticking out the back and into the ground on the sidewalk. The pillar was like 2-3 stories tall. What is it for?
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glorious Patlabor future
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Drilling rig maybe for wells, manholes etc
Anything like this?
This is probably the worst video to gif conversion I've ever seen
I do wonder if the new electric motor models will be able to keep up with the 'athleticism' the hydraulic ones achieved.
>Was more physically tiring than complicated to operate
Huh, unusual
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>all it takes is a pretty face to make a robot feel alive
would you still love your robot waifu if she were just a cpu on a rack?
I love you intel i5 2500k
It's a mining vehicle iirc
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Walking dragline, it's for digging holes and pits.
Fuck, I see a reference to Flubber once every year at most and it takes me by surprise every time
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This you?
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The mighty GLITZ Walker that shall make Ghana the dominant superpower in Africa!
(god I love the African military industrial complex)
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What am I looking at?
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water strider
I actually know a guy who works as a truck driver and has several thousand hours on Euro Truck Simulator kek.
"Choose a job you love, and you will always have to work every day of your life, plus overtime"
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these are the controls
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Complete scam that never worked and no longer exists
Why do they have this goofy-ass mech statue in front of the Kalashnikov concern?
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Do Strandbeests count?
I think the most feasible form of bipedal mecha has wheels or continuous tracks installed into its legs for regular movement while the legs themselves assist in quick turning, jumping and climbing. like the Aestivalis.
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Just dump the rest and mercy kill this thread
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ah, his mother then. Very good.
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He’s also legitimately insane, posted a screenshot of his progress on the aniki tribute thread that was up for over half a year of all the replies to the op saying rip and the like, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM WAS HIS with (you)’s attached. Then he threw a tantrum when one anon decided to put the thread out of its misery and he claimed it should’ve been up for another month or two, yes he actually planned on keeping it on life support even longer like he has a personal attachment to them. In addition he always acts like the victim whenever his actions are called out on thinking he’s some saint that does no wrong and that everyone else is a schizo. Imagine spending your entire day and night keeping watch on your threads and bumping them, what a life that is am I right?
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I fucking loved Robot Restaurant, it might be an absolute tourist trap, but it was cool as fuck
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This thread has been up since January with legitimately only one person keeping it on life support posting random shit that isn’t mecha.

Someone fucking kill it already
This happens a lot. It is difficult to understand what they think they're getting out of doing so.
when i was a kid i thought backhoes and bulldozers were cool. then i grew out of it. then i got into mecha. now even operating a bobcat or a tractor makes me feel like i've been selected for a critical mission in space
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