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Have you ever read or written fanfiction for /m/ shows? I'm not just talking about the more traditional kinds of fanfiction about characters doing something, but also original stories that are technically set in certain universes created by others.
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Who would win?
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I always found it interesting that they're both one of the biggest heroes in their country, and both have a bug motif.
I have read a bunch of Kamen Rider fanfics. Those fics attempting to rewrite a show are the worst and should be avoided.
They become friends. Find the bad guy who pit them against each other and then justice wins.
spiders are not bugs
I've read (and written) fanfic on Gundam. Most of its bad, and I've only ever published a few of those. No, I won't link any of it, because I don't want my teen year fantasies be seen.
Not really, unless imagining in my head crossovers with non-/m/ series and thinking about which characters would pilot which mechs counts.
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If I step on it, it's a bug, bug nerd.
Are rats bugs as well?
My balls are bugs
There is this cool UC Gundam fanfic on AO3 called 'The White Devil Reigns' where Amuro and Char get transported back to the OYW

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Did Zeon fuck Godzilla in this timeline
I know it's specifically Supaidaman here but
>Shocker/Destron causing shit in New York causing Spider-Man and Kamen Rider to team up
>Peter travelling to Japan on a job for the Bugle and gets caught in a Shocker/Destron plot
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>haven't written anything in ten years
>start writing a story where Char has a kid and realizes he likes MILFS
I wish I was kidding about this.
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Are these from Fanroad? I only tangentially know that mag published fanfics
I admire the fact that something like that was enough to get you to start writing again
I can't put anything to paper
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I did a really weird attempt at parodying and rewriting Gundam Seed forever ago… under the hilarious in retrospect name “Gundam Seed F.R.E.E.D.O.M.”

Some people enjoyed it at least!

Read and written several OC stories occurring in existing series in my teens and early 20s between studies. No, I'm not sharing my rewrites or self-inserts because it's cringe and they were lost in an HDD crash years ago and was the reason I quit writing too.
That sounds like fun issues of Marvel Team Up
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Godspeed, anon-kun
Quite a few. Like a Code Geass and Transformers Prime crossover called Code Prime.
Are you also the guy that did Fairy May Cry?
Just checking.
I wrote a lot of Aldnoah porn.
Yeah, one where shin getter robo takes on ORT (fgo) and blasts it back to space where it belongs
I like that fic. I'm at the part where CCA!Amuro and his dad make a 0079 version of the Hi-Nu, and his fake identity of Quattro Bajeena is exposed
I'm reading this 00/Seed crossover fic https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13736839/1/From-my-World-to-Yours
where Setsuna gets isekaied to the Cosmic Era after testing a rebuilt 00 Raiser with modified Tau drives, and joins up with the Archangel. Later in the story, after Setsuna tears ZAFT a new asshole with Trans Am, both Blue Cosmos and ZAFT really want to grab the 00 Raiser since for the Coordinators, its GN particles could potentially help their genetic issues, while the Naturals want to use it for competitive genocide. My complaint with this fic is that Setsuna's going too fucking easy on the GAT pilots since the 00 completely mogs the other G-weapons, yet Setsuna doesn't capture or kill the pilots.
bug just means any small creepy crawly thing, you absolute mongoloid fuck. you're thinking "spiders are not insects".

true bugs refer to lil shits like stink bugs and assassin bugs. spiders are bugs, as well as centipedes, millipedes, and you. read a fuckin dictionary next time.
I'm not them, but yes both fanfics were made by the same person.
Does Western /m/ count? Cause I've written like 5 seasons worth of fan-scripts for Megas XLR.


A lot of these I wrote back in 2006, but I've been updating episodes that didn't really fit the formula of the show that well.
Then eat them
These are so detailed that it won't be long before you can put the show and these scripts into an AI generator and produce them as actual episodes. I commend you for this. Good stuff.
I have written an OYW Gundam side-story fanfic, but I don't think I'll finish it. Plus I don't think it's very good.
No, not AI slop please. Sora looks cool but I would like stuff made by and for humans
Good luck with that. Thanks to the tax write off, we won't be getting anything Megas anytime soon. Best we can do is AI fan animation. Believe me, I'm not too keen on AI (For commercial use, recreational use is fine) myself, but I guess it would be neat to see my work come to life.
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I read an Eva fanfiction centered around Shinji raping Asuka and then they get into a relationship. It was actually pretty decent and I remember it fondly
I mentioned this in another thread, but several years ago, I made a timeline was an attempt at "unifying" most of the Gundam series I had seen at the time. The way it would go would be that, the early entries would follow early UC very closely in terms of general events, but with a lot of elements from other series; afterwards, the latter part of the timeline would cover both Late UC and many of the AUs at the same time, since the plots and characters of those shows/movies would crossover a lot.
So, for example, for the entries that would cover original Gundam, you would have Zeon vs the Earth Alliance (instead of the Federation), which would comprise the three superpowers from 00 - and in turn, we would see a lot of hardware from that series as well. So, for example, alongside the GMs (which would be Union-made), you would also have HRL Anfs and early Hellions running around, fighting Zeon Zakus, Goufs, etc.; likewise, before mobile suits, the Alliance would have been using those Moebius mobile armors from SEED. For Zeta, you wouldn't only have the expected mecha for the Titans, like the Hizacks and the Barzam, but you would also have them using Flags, Enacts and Tierens. Certain character custom units, such as Graham's Custom Flag, or Soma's Tieren Taozi, would be repurposed for other characters (for example, Jerid would use the aforementioned Custom Flag and, of course, wreck it as usual).
I might go into more detail, when I have more time (and if anyone is interested, really). The chronology would be roughly as follows:

>2112-2116: original Gundam, 08th, 0080
>2123-2127: Zeta
>2128-2129: ZZ
>2133: CCA/0083 (tl;dr Char rallies all Zeon remnants under his own Neo Zeon, then sets them up, and actually succeeds in dropping one half of Axis on Earth)
>2141: Unicorn
>2143: Narrative
>2191: F91
>2193: Victory
>2196: Wing, X, SEED
>2197-2199: SEED Destiny and Endless Waltz
>2307-2312: 00
That was a very enjoyable read, any more like that?
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When I was eleven or so I wrote a fairly long story about interdimensional travellers visiting Earth and the US president travels back to their planet with them and gets involved in their mecha war. Most of the story was the good guys being a rag tag group of survivors training in the jungle, which is where the President learned to pilot a mecha. Instead of piloting the mecha, there was an empty sphere in the robots chest they sat in, and when turned on energy filled the sphere and magically or whatever the pilot WAS the robot. So really you didn't need to do much to learn how to pilot, but they drilled in tactics and stuff. And after they beat the bad guys the President was taken back to Earth where his new knowledge of giant robots made the US the strongest country on Earth.
I typed this all up on a typewriter and bound it in this work folder thing "like a real book" and was ridiculously proud of it. My old man read it and told me it was good, and my mother had to look at dozens of tactical maps and drawings of robots I made for the companion "art book"
I wish I still had all that nonsense.
I know it sounds weird, but I have been thinking about writing a Valvrave fanfic.

Specifically, one that redoes the latter part of the second half. Where here, Haruto actually goes off to save Saki after witnessing her execution, A-Drei joining him after the fact, Shouko being the one who snaps L-Elf out of his funk, and the heroes turning the tables on the Dorssia/ARUS alliance via hijacking the broadcast and showcasing the truth (Saki's torture, the fact that the bad guys are actually using the brain farm, Liselotte's wish, and H-Neun's discovery). Oh yeah, and Haruto also realizes how much more Saki cares for him over Shouko.

Seriously, I have so many problems with a lot of that part of the series (especially what the writers did to Saki), that I feel compelled to do my own rewrite.
I haven't really written /m/ fanfiction, per se. I did actually write an original work which was based on a rough outline I had for a Gundam AU series, but it's quite unrecognisable from that point now since I changed a lot of features. I haven't bothered to publish it or even have it proofread yet but I'm sitting on well over a thousand pages of material, not including documents about the universe itself.

Even if I know I would find the USA wank stuff pretty unbearable to sit through, this sounds pretty cool. It's a shame you didn't keep it all and maybe try and make something of it.
>Even if I know I would find the USA wank stuff pretty unbearable to sit through
Eh, I was 11. It was a childish way of providing an audience surrogate, and didn't really feature much in the story.
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Rewatched some of the latter parts of the second season of Valvrave. Good gosh, I’ve forgotten just how infuriating that section is.

That said, it has really gotten the creative juices flowing in terms of writing a fanfic. To sum it up, it will take place right as the heroes return to the Module after destroying the Phantom and Liselotte’s death. Things play out the same, except someone actually asks where Saki is, and this makes Haruto more eager to get back out there. Course, the others also point out that he has no plan of attack.

So he goes to L-Elf, who is still grieving over Lieselotte. This part remains the same. Heck, for the most part, it all remains the same, aside from Haruto being less comfortable with Shouko due to his mind still flashing back to Saki.

Then the big reveal happens. Again, same as before. Only this time, Saki actually says “Haruto, onegai tasukete” as the broadcast comes to an end. It’s inaudible to most, but Haruto, upon seeing her mouth those words, and with her look of despair making him flash back to both the night of his assault on her and when her confession in the theater, clenches his fist and makes the decision to save her. He won’t leave her alone.
Obviously, he has to help everyone on the module escape first. It’s while he’s trying to get to his Valvrave unit that he takes a bullet for Shouko, revealing the truth to her.

This time however, she won’t sell him or the other pilots out. But she does feel extremely betrayed by him and runs away, leaving him hurt, but also making him realize that he can’t be with her. After all, if he didn’t trust her enough to divulge the truth to her, than how can he be in a relationship that requires open communication?

The rest of the battle proceeds as normal, only all the pilots survive, and follow the survivors to the rendezvous point. All except for Haruto. To everyone’s surprise, he stays behind.

He’s going off to save Saki. This is something he feels he has to do on his own. After all, leaving her behind is what led to this massacre, and he feels he must take responsibility for this.

Here, we also get more insight as to what Saki has been going through. Turns out, she’s being used as little more than a lab rat, with all kinds of torture done to her all in the name of “finding out the weaknesses of the pilots”. This is all bullcrap on the part of the Magius side, but they’re still letting the humans conduct the tests on her.

Given that it ranges from drowning her, electrocuting her, and even cutting her open and slicing off parts of her body, it all very nearly breaks the poor girl. Not helped at all by the fact that it reminds her of her traumatic childhood, that she tried so hard to run away from, and that she is alone once again.

A-Drei isn’t happy with seeing this happen to Saki, but as a soldier, he can’t really do much to help, aside from intervene when they try to cut her open again. He wants to let her go, but only after she gives him some answers about L-Elf. And heck, if it turns out L-Elf did betray him after all, than he’s gonna let her stay as a lab rat.

However, when he tries to interrogate Saki, she remains silent. She knows that Haruto was the one that shot his eye, and she fears what exactly A-Drei would do to him should he find out. So she says nothing. It concludes with a frustrated A-Drei leaving Saki to be placed in the body bag again, all while the latter lets a tear fall from her eye.

Back to Haruto, he gets a message from Inuzuka asking where exactly he is. When he tells him what he’s doing, the latter is incredulous at first, pointing out that he needs to sort things out with Shouko and he has no plan.

Haruto remains adamant in his rescue attempt though, saying he’s taking responsibility, even refusing to allow the other pilots to join him. Reluctantly, Inuzuka lets him go, but not before asking him what his feelings for Shouko are, given everything that happened.

Haruto hesitates, but to ease his friend, he says that he still loves her (while silently admitting that he no longer sees her as his fated one). With that he heads on out. However, he tells Inuzuka to try and get L-Elf out of his funk, and sends a transmission to be unlocked by Akira and given to him.
Needless to say, the situation at the rendezvous point is less than stellar. The pilots are denied entrance due to the tensions surrounding their nature. However, unlike before, Shouko eventually lets them in, as she realizes that they need them, given that they will have Dorssian and ARUS forces on them soon.

That said, they are still without a clear game plan, and several, from Satomi to Takahi, and yes even Inuzuka and Raizo, try to get L-Elf to give them some form of strategy. But he’s still catatonic with grief.

It’s at this point that Akira is given the data from Inuzuka that was handed to him by Haruto. It turns out, it’s a video recording of the last conversation between the latter and Lieselotte, with her telling him about her wish for a sanctuary for all types of lifeforms and all that jazz. However, she’s still shy, so she gives it to Shouko. Just in time to, as she, despite her heavy heart, also decided to try to shake L-Elf out of his flunk, given her duty as their leader and all that.
Cont. (am I annoying you guys with all this that I’m dumping here?)

Shouko, with transmission in hand, goes to L-Elf. She begs him to help them, only for him to tell her that it’s pointless. When he brings up the name Lieselotte, she suddenly remembers that that is who was in the transmission she has, so she plays her last words to him.

This finally gets him to wake up, but not in the most desirable of ways. He feels both betrayed and saddened that the one he loved was in fact a Magius, and she never told him that fact. This makes Shouko empathize with him, as the same thing is going on between her and Haruto.

Both go through a moment where they share their feelings about how they feel betrayed, and what was all this for. As they listen more tot he transmission, and they hear Lieselotte’s sincere desire to help humans and such, this leads them both to decide to follow that dream.

Helps that, with her optimism and her decision to share his pain, Shouko reminds L-Elf of Lieselotte. While the two may not realize it yet, they are able to move past their feelings for a relationship that couldn’t be.
Hey man it's just my really cynical view of politics that affects my enjoyment of anything about US hegemony, not gonna get into it. Your idea sounds cool though, and it's a good audience surrogate for a western POV. I'd watch it if it were a TV show.

Back to Haruto. Using the Valvrave to launch himself after securing it in a hidden location on the moon, he grabs a hold of one of the Dorssian fighters that is returning to the command ship, and when it docks, sneaks onboard to begin his search.

He doesn’t really have a plan, as he himself noted that he’s not L-Elf. So he’s more or less making this all up on the spot. But should push come to shove, he’s willing to even give up his life in exchange for Saki’s rescue, if that must happen.

While sneaking through the ship, he comes across several important files. One of which shows the Phantoms being built by the Dorssians, which he steals to hopefully clear Jior’s name. It’s also where he comes across the research videos showing Saki’s torture. Horrified by the sight, and remembering everything that she told him, he hurries to her location.
Cont. (as a side note, politics in these sorts of shows have never been my forte unlike him. His idea sounds really cool though)

Before long, Haruto finally locates where Saki is being held, and witnesses how she’s being kept in that body bag. Without wasting any moment further, he releases her from that device.

As Saki’s eyes open up, she’s shocked to see Haruto in front of her, wondering if it’s all a dream. The latter embracing her tightly, while apologizing for everything with tears flowing down his eyes, convinces her that this isn’t the case. She hugs him back, reassuring him that he doesn’t have to apologize.

As the two prepare to make their escape, A-Drei shows up. Pointing a gun at Haruto, he then asks the question he posed to Saki. Despite Saki’s protests, Haruto gives him the truth. L-Elf was hijacked when he shot his eye, and he’s the one that did it.

This enrages A-Drei, who grips his gun tighter, and asks why he should let him go, given he put a divide between him and his friend that he hoped to spark a revolution with. Saki is also horrified that Haruto did this, not wanting him to go through what she went through.

But Haruto remains firm, telling A-Drei that he is right to hate him, and that, as long as Saki can be let go, then he will allow himself to be subject to whatever torture is in store for him.

Saki begs him not to do this, as he was the reason she stayed silent through her ordeal. Haruto tells her that he knows she and the others will come for him, especially since L-Elf should have the data about Lieselotte right about now.
Cont. (man, this is longer than I was expecting)

Seeing this, A-Drei is hit with confusion, realization, and despair. The one who shot his eye out is here, not as some inhuman monster, but a man willing to give his life for his friend. Saki refused to answer him and endured all that torture because she was trying to protect him. And Lieselotte, one of the princesses of Dorssia, is dead, and he realizes that, had he not captured Saki, she could’ve been there for the rescue and she could still be alive.

Overcome with grief and remorse for everything, he puts his gun up to his own head with a sad smile, wondering what kind of prince he is given everything that happened because of him. Before he can fire though, Haruto stops him. He tells him that the best way to make it up is to join them, as he can at the very least help L-Elf once more.

With renewed resolve for now, A-Drei agree. Together, the three of them head to the Hanger where Carmilla is being stored, with the Karlstein graduate stealing one of the Kirschbaums.

X-Eins sees A-Drei, questioning him as to why he’s betraying them. After the latter answers, he lets him go, saying that he’ll catch up with them shortly. He wants justice for H-Neun’s death, but needs to get more evidence before hand.

With that, Saki and Haruto fly out in the Carmilla, with A-Drei right behind them in the Kirschbaum. Saki drops Haruto off at where he hid the Valvrave, and from there, the three head to the rendezvous point.

Just in time too, as the other three pilots are engaged in a battle with Dorssian forces. However, at least this time, they have L-Elf and Shouko giving them directions, the latter two having renewed spirits after their heart-to-heart. The arrival of Haruto and Saki on the scene quickly turns the tides in the heroes favor as well, and they are able to drive off the invaders.
Man, I wrote much more than I intended. I’ll stop for now, but I do have an idea for where things go from there.

Course, you guys are probably just annoyed and laughing at all my word vomiting.
I didn't read it, but good job, anon.

Never give up!

I was just so irritated by everything that went wrong in that show’s latter portions and the treatment of characters like Saki that I really felt like it needed another rewrite.

We may never get another season of that show, but I can at least do this.
I've got a WIP that's a Kabuto x Class of 09' crossover. Souji's in France studying french cuisine but then gets accosted by CIA Operatives and "coerced" into assisting America with a Worm Problem in the NoVa Area, specifically near LHS...

So he goes undercover as a Home Ec Teacher and gets set on a crash course with the shithole that is American Highschool

There's some Jeckole shipping and Nicole ends up getting Sasword but for the most part its HOT TENDOU ACTION
I’m back, and I have a bit more in terms of the outline (I’m probably tiring you guys at this point, but screw it. XD)

Forgot to mention that during the fight to repel the Dorssian forces, Haruto and Saki are pretty much perfectly in sync, to the point that it almost looks like a dance. This notably catches A-Drei’s eye.

Anyways, now Haruto and Saki, along with a defecting A-Drei, are back onboard. Haruto is given both praise and a few head slaps from Inuzuka and Raizo for the stunt he pulled that was, nonetheless, successful. Saki meanwhile, is given a relieved welcome from Akira. However, several of the students are still wary of her, given how she was executed on live TV and all that.

As for A-Drei, the reception for him is extremely cold. Many of the students, and even the other three Valvrave pilots, are extremely untrusting and harsh to him, as they blame him for the current situation. Not even L-Elf wants anything to do with him, as he blames him for Lieselotte not making it out alive (believing that if he had Saki and Carmilla with him, the odds would’ve been substantially better). A-Drei for his part, gives a few half-hearted attempts to defend himself, but more or less agrees, and is filled with self-loathing. Him being treated as a pariah by basically all the survivors certainly doesn’t help.

The only reason in fact that he hasn’t been kicked out is because Haruto stands up for him, saying that they need his help for the upcoming battle. Saki could care less about A-Drei, as she’s still bitter about what she went through thanks to him, but still agrees with Haruto. So very reluctantly, the students let him stay.

It’s now downtime before the final battle to retake the module. I plan to expand on said downtime, as this was something I felt was lacking in the series (which barely gave enough time to breath).

Anyways, Saki hopes to catch up with Haruto, only to become crestfallen when she sees him decide to talk to Shouko. What doesn’t help either, is that as she looks on the extranet, she sees that her reputation as an idol is practically destroyed thanks to the execution broadcast, with her former fans denouncing her as a monster, former agents and the like wanting nothing to do with her, and even many of her fellow students see her as inhuman. She tries to take it all in stride, but it visibly affects her, and has to choke back her tears.

Again, A-Drei notices this, and feels extremely guilty about it. That, and seeing the state of the Jior survivors and how they practically spit on him wherever he goes, combined with L-Elf denouncing him means he is pretty much at rock bottom. To him, he has no right to be a prince who rules over his subjects , if this is what the end result is.

That said, a surprising light comes to A-Drei from the most unlikely of sources. While he is leaving a locker room, he happens to run into Akira, who is obviously scared of him due to her hikkikomori personality and his reputation. Right as she’s about to leave however, A-Drei thinking her frightened state is less about the former and all the latter, says that she has every right to fear and be mad at him.

Unknowingly, as he is at the height of his despair at this point, he begins unloading all the grief and remorse he has bottled up inside him to Akira, who finds herself as his unexpected shoulder to cry on, herself unable to tear away. By the time it’s all over, A-Drei is pretty much collapsed in her arms crying tears of remorse. Given how she too tried to help out someone (her brother) in the past, only for it to turn out horrible for the both of them, even ending up ostracized just like him. As a result, she ends up feeling sympathetic to him, to the point that she hugs him back.

Realizing that someone does actually care for him, A-Drei apologizes for his outburst, while also thanking her. He asks her what to do next, and still a bit uncomfortable, she can only say that he can try to make amends.

Meanwhile, Haruto is now talking with Shouko, at the behest of Inuzuka. He apologizes to her for not trusting her enough to disclose the truth about his inhuman nature as a Valvrave pilot, saying that he didn’t want her to reject him and that she would be afraid of him.

Shouko also apologizes, saying that she too is sorry for her reaction to finding out, and that she understands why he did it. She then asks if he still remembers the promise they made as kids, and he nods (I’m taking out that stupid memory loss subplot). Upon seeing his answer, she then asks if they still intend to follow through on it.

However, Haruto hesitates. He realizes internally that he didn’t trust Shouko enough to tell her the truth the first time, and she to him as well. If that’s the case, them combined with how far away they are now in terms of responsibilities and such, that childhood promise can’t be fulfilled if they are to move forward.

So with a sad smile, he tells her that, while they may have been able to be together before, the new circumstances they find themselves in means he truly can’t be her soulmate anymore. Shouko, her eyes watering but with an understanding look, accepts this answer.

Now with that weight lifted, the two, still melancholy, head back to the others. Shouko goes to L-Elf, as she is still planning with him on what their next move is. He notices that she as a forlorn but content look on her face, and asks her what happened. She tells him that she worked things out with Haruto, but that they can’t be together as a couple, given everything revealed about themselves.

L-Elf pats her back, asking if she’s still well enough to continue on with the plan. She quickly reassures him yes. After all, they are to make a new nation that will fulfill Lieselotte’s wish, and make it so no more secrets need to be kept. Even if she can’t be with Haruto, she’ll still fight for a world accepting of people like him.

L-Elf gives a small smile. He can’t help but see Lieselotte’s cheerfulness and caring nature reincarnated in Shouko. And yet here, he finds it much more easy to speak and be honest with her, as she’s not a secret Magius. Course, he doesn’t tell Shouko this, as he wants to see her as different, but he can’t help but give a small smile at her, and her to him, now that things are moving forward once again.

Back with Haruto. Inuzuka asks if he sorted things out with Shouko, with Saki unknowingly listening in. He tells him that they are back on good terms, causing the latter to walk away, a sad smile on her face, bumping into A-Drei on the way, who notices her melancholy look.

However, she didn’t catch what Haruto said next, which is that, while he’s still friends with Shouko, he has made the decision to only stay that way with her, nothing more. Inuzuka is shocked at first, but comes to an understanding once Haruto explains why. He jokingly admits that he lost a bet with Raizo over them getting together, but is proud of him nonetheless for coming clean.

With that, Haruto heads on out, only to bump into A-Drei, who had been listening in on the conversation. He tells him that he too is proud of him. Before the former can walk away though, he mentions Saki, saying that she has a strong resolve, and that he’s ask for her hand in marriage if she wasn’t so dedicated to Haruto.

This surprises the latter, who didn’t realize how far her feelings for him ran. Wanting to atone to Saki by, at the very least, seeing her have a chance with the one she loves, A-Drew points Haruto in her direction, telling him to not let her go.

Before leaving, he throws Haruto an item; a pink-gold locket. When questioned, he simply says that he’ll need it, and to not tell her that he gave it to him. With an encouraging shove, A-Drei wishes him good luck.

Haruto eventually finds Saki inside the hallway where they talked in the show’s penultimate episode. It’s here where another change happens.

Saki pretends to act all aloof as always, asking him how things are going, especially with Shouko. He gives her a smile, saying that things are looking up now, and he has hope for the future, now that they are all back together.

Saki gives a sad smile, thinking that this means he’s going to be with Shouko after it’s all over. She then asks him to give the same proposal she believes he gave to Shouko, before teasingly saying that he’s just kidding. After which, Saki, forcing herself to smile, tells Haruto to let whoever his special someone is know how he feels soon, given that the last battle could be next. She then makes to leave the room, silently wishing that she could tell him her true feelings.

But to her surprise, Haruto grabs her wrist before she can reach the door. For him, having seen her forced smile, it reminded him far too much of her expression after the incident, the theater date, and after healing from her impalement. Realizing that she’s not being honest, Haruto asks, firmly, what she is thinking, especially after all the torture he had seen her endure. Despite Saki trying again to tell him she’s fine, Haruto is insistent. No more need for secrets after all.

Not able to hide it any more, Saki reveals that, no, she hasn’t fully gotten over everything that happened to her after her capture. She had to endure suffocating confinement, impalement on live television, causing her to lost her idol status, and suffered some of the most horrific torture imaginable.

To her though, the worst part of it was that she was all alone during the whole of it. She had tried her hardest to gain support and companionship, only to be left by herself to suffer with no one to comfort her. It certainly didn’t help that she was essentially right back to where she was during her childhood. Merely a plaything being exploited by adults at her expense, and it all brought back the painful memories she tried so hard to forget.

Haruto is stunned and devastated at hearing this. Her words, combined with the grief on Saki’s face, makes him think that she hates him, and is about ready to leave so she doesn’t have to see him again. But before he can make a move, Saki continues.

She tells him that, despite all that, she never did the one thing that was expected of her. She never sold him or her friend out during that entirety. Sure, she was relieving her worst experiences, but to her, the only thing worse than that would be for her to betray him to save herself the pain.

Haruto is confused by this. He notes that A-Drei would’ve let her go had she confessed what really happened, and he was, as demonstrated earlier, willing to bear all of the consequences he had in mind. So why didn’t she? Why did she continue to endure everything.

Saki then finally reveals the truth. Because Haruto is the light in her life that allowed her to go on. It was him that gave her the strength to never give up, and it was his selflessness and caring nature that made her so loyal to him. She pretty much all but admits that she loves him.

Needless to say, Haruto is taken aback by this, but not in a bad way. He thinks back to all the times she was by his side, how she was always there and never lashed out at him, even after the incident, and now, sees that she doesn’t even hold her torture against him. To her he is someone that she is willing to die for.

Saki tries to then excuse herself, even asking if he thought her acting there was peak performance material. But Haruto at this point can see she isn’t pretending. Embracing her, he tells her that he remembers what she said in the theater. And that he will be the one to share her loneliness.

Realizing that this is why A-Drew gave him the locket, he once again proposes to her, not out of guilt this time, but because he truly wants to be with her. She’s able to be for him what Shouko couldn’t be, and he will make sure to never let her be alone again.

Saki is stunned by this, asking him about Shouko. He responds by telling her why he can’t be with the latter given everything that happened. With locket in hand, he asks for her hand in marriage.

With tears of joy streaming down her face, Saki accepts this time. Both now emotional, Haruto than places the locket around Saki’s neck, saying that it looks good on her, to which she says she’ll cherish it always.

Just then, Haruto has another attack. Not wanting to harm his now-girlfriend, he begs her to leave before it happens again. However, she smiles and places a hand on his shoulder before exposing her neck.

After all, they are to share the same feelings and trails together from now on, so she’s willing to let him do what he is about to do for her. Seeing this, Haruto nods before the curse takes him over.

Only this time, it is consensual on both sides.
Okay, I think I need to stop my word vomiting again, especially since it was getting extremely sappy there.

Feel free to laugh and mock.
How do I share a text WIP here? I've stalled and would like some feedback.
I guess you put it into a pastebin?
This is how far I got in >>22470495
Read more of my fanfic here
I am debating if I should continue with any of this because I am lowkey ashamed.
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I read Addiction only so far, pretty good stream of consciousness style.
I think you should continue, it's quality!
I’ll probably have to do that once the whole of my outline is finished as well.

I’ve taken up too many posts here with my word vomiting. XD
I've read a few Super Robot Wars fanfics, though a majority of them were never finished. Also, one for Armored Core and Vandread.
>>22481744 Here.

I just updated 2 season 3 episodes if anyone gives a shit.

S3E11: Once Upon A Time In New Mexico
S3E12: Adventures In Skippysitting
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I have been thinking about writing a WfM fanfic, but one that is more just set in Ad Stella. The basic gist of it would be to focus around the power struggles inside a small corporation belonging to the Benerit Group. The main crew would be Asticassia students belonging to a dorm/house sponsored by the company, and the MC is a guy who suddenly finds himself in the middle of it due to reasons.
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I was working on a Halo x Gundam crossover fanfic for a while, but I stopped working on it around ten chapters in due to a loss of motivation plus a desire to try and work on something original. The basic outline is that it involves a Spartan retreating/escaping from Reach on a ship and trying to get back to his Earth, only to end up in the UC timeline roughly around the start of the Gryps Conflict. From there he ends up getting involved on the side of the AEUG, ultimately causing things to escalate dramatically over time because of his shenanigans and the tech that he brought along.

I initially started thinking about the idea after shooting the shit with a friend over the differences between the tech in the two series. Because of Halo having stuff like stronger and more heat resistant metal/alloys, way more powerful reactors and incredibly common railguns/coilguns I thought it would be interesting to see the impact of having that stuff thrown right into the mix. From there I ended up gaining more interest in the idea from stuff I had previously written, and thought it would be interesting to see the effect a character that I had (a Spartan-II) would have when inserted into events.
I should also say that I considered making it is a crossover instead with one of the AUs, specifically Wing or X, but that was almost purely because in those two mobile suits weigh far less than in UC and I thought it would be comical for a Spartan to nearly tip over a mobile suit by hand.
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Well it’s not finished yet, but shall I post what all I have written for my Valvrave fic outline via Pastebin here for you guys?

I mean, it gets rather character-schizo and sappy, but that comes with the territory. XD
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Wouldn't a lore-accurate Spartan side with the Federation or Titans considering that they were originally developed to kill Insurrectionists?
There's another fic with a similar time travel premise, https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13137914/1/Speak-of-the-Devil
Where Amuro and Char get transported back to UC 0079 with their memories
The Spartans were originally developed to kill Insurrectionists, yes, but it's not like they had a compulsion to kill any and all rebels no matter what the circumstances. There were a number of occasions during the Human-Covenant war where Spartans fought along rebel forces against the Covenant, as their priority had become to preserve as many human lives as possible. After 27 years of fighting against the Covenant that priority would be pretty hard to shake, and I don't imagine that they would simply accept "muh zeon remnants" as a valid reason for gassing entire colonies. They would vehemently oppose Zeon, but that would be a conflict for further down the line in the fic since before Axis' arrival the only Zeon presence in the Earth Sphere, not counting Zeon pilots/soldiers in the AEUG, was a few scattered groups leftover from the OYW.

There's also the fact that the Federation and the Titans are not the UNSC or ONI, meaning that the Spartan in question has no obligation to follow any of their orders and would instead assess the situation themselves. At which point, upon seeing things like Colony 30, they'd go "what the fuck."
I also once read a fanfiction based on the Asuka route of the game, Ayanami Raising Project.
I feel like this concept is very common for Geass since I've seen quite a few that go this route. Sometimes Lelouch isn't the only one sent back either.
>Some tard tries rewriting Zi-O
>Its just him shoving in his barely disguised fetish, alongside making up retarded headcanons on Zi-O to justify why its bad
How about all those crossover fanfics where some Rider fan gains the powers of a Rider, gets transported to another series, and forms a harem with all the girls in that series? There are some that aren't like this but most of them are. I did like Cinders and Ashes: the Chronicles of Kamen Rider Dante, which was a crossover with Re:CREATORS.
There are some interesting crossovers, like that Zi-O crossover with RWBY which does act as a nice rewrite to Zi-O, but mostly nothing changes for RWBY, where the RWBY characters still act like hypocritical retards
There are some good ones. I will always have a soft spot for Kamen Rider Days, the School Days crossover, and I also enjoyed Trump of the Moon, a crossover between Blade and Sailor Moon with OCs as the Riders, since it meshes the lore of both series quite well.
Just rewrote another of my Megas XLR Fanscripts. Season 3 Episode 13: House of 1000 Coopses.

We are entering Wattpad fag shit territory just by saying that name
Any rider fic that has a random OC replace the main character of a rider entry is inherently dogshit. A lot of rider fics were like that a couple of years ago, but I do remember reading a decent kamen rider x madoka fic named madoka:redemption that didn't have any of those faults amongst the hordes of tripe so It wasn't all that bad for me
What if they were the child of a previous Rider? I read a crossover fanfic between Faiz and Myriad Colors that did just that.
It'd only be acceptable if they were the real child of a rider like masao kurenai and not a generic OC
>That Wufei
So precious...
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wtf is up with the meteor boys just popping up in the most random of places???
No, but I have written a good bit of original mecha fiction that might become a coherent story at some point. What I have so far features a pilot pushing himself and his mech so hard he has a heart attack in the middle of a fight scene.
Wow, just like Kimimaro from Naruto's chuunin exam saga
I would read that
Anon, stop.
Anon who posted >>22505426 here.

This is probably a pretty odd question, but do you think a third-party manufacturer in Ad Stella (WfM) would more likely be based in Earth or space? Initially I was thinking that I would base the House off on "Mirasoul", which manufactured the flight unit used by Aerial in episode 6. However, when I read the lore again, I found out it was a third-party manufacturer. Considering Earth has all the cheap labour, probbaly making manufacturing more profitable, do you think it would be more likely for the company to be located there, rather than space?
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He wasn’t in the chuunin exam arc tho

Liking this so far
Keep it up anon
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Just wrote up a new version of one of my older fan-scripts.

Megas XLR S4E5: Attack of the 80ft Jamie

The most ridiculous Gundam official art I've seen.
The boy's "Gundum" basketball shirts caught me off guard.
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With all the Wing pictures posted, I have to wonder if there are any good Wing fanfics?
Since SEED Freedom released. I've been conceptualizing a third TV series for the Cosmic Era. Set 10 years after after the movie. With new characters, it would focus on a reformed Earth Alliance (who aren't the bad guys this time), and ZAFT being preemptively struck at by the Naturals and Coordinators on Mars, with their faction now called Neo Mars State. I haven't done any actual writing beyond the main character, some new Gundams and other MS, and some setting bullet points.
The Deer Hunter but the pistol in Russian roulette is replaced with the Twin Buster Rifle
I did a long time ago when I was a teenager. I haven't reread it in forever but I don't think I want to at this point.
>self-insert as a teen pilot in a Zaku and later a Geara Doga
>went from OYW teen conscript to early 20s Delaz Fleet soldier captured by the Federation at the end of Stardust, then joined an asteroid prison prisonbreak, escaped to join Char in 0093, fell down to Earth, survived, decided to start a new life on a Greek island ala Bourne Identity
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Bro gotta post the link now. You can't throw the stone and then hide your hand
Not yet but I'm planning to
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Just did a new rewrite of one of my old episode fan scripts for Megas XLR

S4E11: The Last Jamie On Earth

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Look up BlueWay
I love that there's a category for Sailor Moon and Gundam Wing crossovers on fanfiction.net. I haven't read any though. I assume most of them is just shipping the Sailors with the Wing boys.
>Axis Zeon shows up and the Spartan suggests teaming up with the Titans against Axis
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With what I was planning every side would have been left even more devastated than the normal Gryps War
>Because Halo ship is faster, the AEUG leadership send reluctant Spartan to meet Axis earlier on.
>Unintentionally ends up revealing Glemy's planned takeover much earlier, causes Haman to lose her nerve and drives a wedge between herself and more hawkish elements on Axis.
>Tenuous confirmation of Axis' support from Haman, Char unhappy about this.
>Spartan returns just after Kamille comes back from Hong Kong and learns about cybernewtypes.
>Due to similarity to his own training he's annoyed that he wasn't told about them, more annoyed when AEUG says nothing will be done about them. Gets into argument with Char over it
>Goes rogue to liberate cybernewtypes, causes rift in AEUG between those who support him and those following main leadership.
>Blex killed and Char 'takes charge' of AEUG, Char is more dissatisfied than before.
>Colony laser first used, sniped by MAC gun.
>Due to Spartan's actions in raiding newtype labs, Kilimanjaro is more fortified.
>War hawks on Axis send forces to Earth under the guise of supporting the AEUG during Kilimanjaro Raid.
>In reality, they leave them hanging. AEUG/Karaba forces manage to destroy Kilimanjaro but are more exhausted. Jamitov is killed.
>Simultaneously, the Axis forces on Earth sack Dakar. Dakar speech never happens and AEUG optics are fucked.
>Hawks oust Haman and Mineva, AEUG leadership rescues them in as an opportunity to solidify support from remnants of Haman's faction.
>Char is sick of the AEUG's realpolitik and decides that staying with them wouldn't achieve his goal of sending everyone to space, jumps ship to new Axis and skips straight to CCA Char trying to drop Axis on Earth.
>AEUG offers temporary truce to Titans/EFF, Bask refuses and causes a split that Scirocco takes advantage of for an attempted power grab.
I forgot all about this game.
>Final battle is an all-out brawl for control over the in the process of being repaired colony laser.
>Bask faction + Hardliner EFF vs AEUG + Haman faction + Scirocco faction vs Char Axis
I never really decided on exactly how it would all end, other than that Axis is successfully prevented from hitting the Earth and the colony laser ends up exploding.
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If it's up anywhere it was called Through Skies of Fire.
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Just wrote up a brand new script fic for Megas XLR

S6E11: Backseat Driver

Forgot link

The only one that was kind of sort of ok I thought was the Zero One rewrite and only because it didn't suffer from the Covid fuckery that the actual show had to get hit with towards the end. Though it still had ridiculous cringe, mostly the writers incredible hate on for Gai. Not that he's a good character, but going out of your way to shit on him just to make a statement is fucking awful
>Zero One rewrite
Its written by the same weirdos that made that Zi-O rewrite. The only thing that was memorable about that fic other than the countless times Gai got shit on, was the authors being butthurt about someone criticizing how they wrote the Hibiki arc by constantly shitting on Kiriya.
Reminds me of a Sailor Moon SuperS rewrite I found out about recently. It's pretty much what you'd expect. I am not particularly fond of SuperS myself, but it seems like the "fans" only get worse ideas for these types of shows.
You ever read Gundam SEED Destiny Altered?
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The only /m/ related fics I ever wrote were gag fics about Lelouch and some unpublished Majin Bone stuff about life on the alien planet. Last year I went looking to see if anyone had done any Majin Bone fics in English and couldn't find any. Bit of a shame, the Japanese ones I remember were mostly Alligator and Eagle shipping.
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No. Redpill me on it.
It's SEED Destiny fanfic that changed a lot of events. There's also a fanfic called SEED Bloodlines that had Cagalli and Kira switching lives in the original SEED.
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Read this kind of neat Code Geass/Armored Core crossover with the main character taking jobs in Japan on behalf of both sides. It was kinda neat, shame it only had like four chapters.
For the barrel is so fucking garbage
I've read some Armored Core crossovers with Vandread, Gundam SEED, and Cross Ange. Only the Vandread ones have finished. Though, the Cross Ange one is more recent, so at least it's not dead.
Isn't that what G Gen does? Also, what about Thunderbolt, AGE, IBO, G-Bitch, and other newer AUs and entries?
I thought only the WonderSwan, GBA, and DS games did that. Wile the rest are straight adaptations.
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Just did another Megas XLR episode re-write of my fan scripts.

S5E10: History Of The World Part 1

I've read two Magic Knight Rayearth that add a male OC to the story. One of them even makes Alcyone the love interest.
I started writing an Armored Core 4 fanfiction because barely anyone's written about it and I love that game.
I personally think that Saki is like a character from a completely different show.
Try putting it on AO3 or Fanfiction.net.
I made one about the sex scene from ‘SEED’:
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Read this one G-Witch fanfic recently, it's about Petra's coma after the events of episode 20. It's basically about her coming to terms with her and Lauda's relationship, and the future she wants with him. I thought it was pretty sweet, has some nice Newtype-esque moments, and it features a Scottish Felsi.


The writer seems to be a /m/an since he alluded to Felsi Friday threads in one of the post-chapter notes. If you are lurking this thread anon, you did a good job. I enjoyed this one a lot.
How do you any of you feel when fanfictions toss in random Japanese phrases like sugoi, kawaii, teme, etc. For honorifics or stuff like senpai or sensei I don't mind too much. Everything else just feels forced.
The rape scene was from a completely different show.
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It wasn't rape.
It seems to have turned out alright somehow.
>Isn't that what G Gen does
As the other anon said, I'm pretty sure that only some of the G Gen games do that, while others are just straight adaptations. But I wouldn't know, since I haven't actually played them.

>Also, what about Thunderbolt, AGE, IBO, G-Bitch, and other newer AUs and entries?
I'd add Thunderbolt in immediate post-war period during the early portions of the timeline. I'm honestly not sure how I'd incorporate IBO, G-bitch and Age, though. I probably wouldn't, since there's enough bloat as is. I mentioned in another thread that, at most, I'd make 00 crossover with IBO and G-Bitch, since they all involve PMCs of some kind, and there's clearly defined world/corporate powers who rule their settings (that they're explained or elaborated upon properly is another matter).

Maybe I'll start this soon, to exercise my writing, but we'll see.
I read a Seed fic called Seed a Barren Sky which is unfortunately dead.
Where its Seed, but it includes characters from Destiny and a bunch of new Gundams. Basically Shinn and Stella team up with Kira against the ZAFT boys + Rusty and Shiho.
I'm tempte to write something similar, where Shinn and Mayu get caught up in the shitstorm in Heliopolis, they find an Astray unit, or an extra 6th G-weapon and pilot it to escape, joining the Archangel. One thing I have in mind is that Shinn initially fights like he's in later Destiny, wanting to get up close and personal so he could use his beam sabers or melee weapon, but he gets out of that mindset after the Archangel crew admonish him for being too reckless as they may not be able to repair his Gundam next time, or his actions almost kill Mayu.
Part of me wants to write a Code Geass fic with the main character being a mercenary Knightmare pilot because I read the one crossover fic with CG and Armored Core and it just worked so well.
A much better show btw. Seriously, the fact that she got so little screentime in the second half was criminal. Not to mention, given how it was written by Ichirou Okouchi, her relationship with Haruto was practically dropped to make way for more melodrama, when it was one of the strong points of the show, not unlike what happened with Lelouch and Kallen's relationship.

Hence why I plan to give those two more scenes in my fanfic.
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Here is the next rewrite of my Megas XLR fanscripts

S5E6: The GodMegas


Wrong Link

It’s like you’ve never seen it.
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speaking of /m/ fanfics, does anyone here remember the infinite Megas threads? it was a Infinite stratos crossover fic with Coop from Megas XLR taking the main lead spot on the show.

Shit was hilarious, too bad the anon never finished and some of the pictures got lost to time, I think you can still find the first few episodes in the archive so I'm curious if he ever continued that.

There's also an old /m/ collab fic with our own original roster, can't remember the name but it was really interesting.
That shit was fucking hilarious, made for a good afternoon chuckle
I had my gay awakening from discovering yaoi fics about Gundam Wing on ff.net
>fan fiction


I cant take that level of writing seriously after reading so much Sonic/Evangelion/Inuyasha shipping shit as a teenager. Smoking,angsting and sex. Thats all it was.
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No, but if anyone has any CharLalah recs I'd appreciate it
Got any more of these?
This fic >>22466914 Has Char/Lalah alongside Amuro/Sayla
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Here is the next re-write of one of my older episodes.

S3E6: Friends, Romans, Megas

I had some idea's with some of the major one being a 40K fic involving the tech priests on Mars digging too deep and instead of finding the void dragon they find a Getter Robo and the insanity that spawns from that. I feel like I need way more 40k knowhow to pull that one off.
only gay erotica for wh40k
Nice, is there any other fanfic that un-yuri the yuri shit?
What was yuri about Rayearth? They all had clear male love interests, for one, and the ones that didn't had no teasing with other girls (or characters in general). You could argue it had yaoi/fujo baiting with Eagle and Lantis, but that's what you'd expect from shoujo shit.
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Here is the next Megas XLR Re-Write of my old fanscripts

S3E7: How the Glorft Stole Christmas

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wrote some retarded helltaker beelzebub shit where in one part she shows a room full of stuff that fell into the abyss and one of them was a hg gouf she terribly put together
Since Valvrape was already brought up, there was this one fanfic for it that I read ages ago called Touched By The Moon that focused on Saki and Haruto.
Shame it hasn't been updated since 2016, I actually liked most of what I'd read.
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I think the fanfic Founding Of An Empire is, despite the spelling errors, one of the best fics, and what Valvrave should’ve always been. Heck, I wish that that author got hired by Sunrise.

Still working on my own Valvrave fic btw. I’m about two thirds of the way through it.
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>Have you ever read
Plenty of times, yeah. I'd argue I've read more fanfiction as a whole than actual literature, lmao. But there's something endearing when a fan enjoys a franchise so much that he is willing to write hundreds of words for free for other fellow nerds to read. Yeah, plenty of shit, there's a reason why fanfiction has the reputation it has, but every blue moon you find something decent enough.
>or written fanfiction for /m/ shows?
Same too, i write a Sekirei x SRW OGs fanfic just to kill time when at work. Why those two? because my autism for a shitty harem manga nobody cares about know no bounds and OGs was simple enough. Hard to write when there's little documentation on names and stuff.
Doubt I'll finish it so i don't bother posting it, not like i think its decent enough anyway.
Also have a couple (unfinished and unpublished) side works, like a Area 88: Azur Lane or a Gundam Puru side story, and of course i've tried the foolish endeavor of writing my own SRW. Again, not like i'll ever finish them but they help pass the time, i guess.
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Now you know how Chad feels about you
Good luck!

This seems like ancient history now.
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I have been reading this webnovel about a Kamen Rider-esque guy got roped into a team of Sentai girls after being defeated by them.
It's trashy harem at times but the obvious toku throwback and fights are fun to read.
I would like to draw a Sailor Moon x Iczer-1 crossover doujinshi series, but my art is subpar at the moment. I can at least keep trying to draw the characters in "my style", until I learn how to storyboard and get better at gesture.
Wouldn't mind reading it, anon. I'll even draw some pics for you, if time provides. Did you ever post it somewhere?
maybe a decade ago I wrote a very short outline for a UC AU where Char doesn't find Jaburo so there was a full on proper invasion using all the fun specialized MSM suits, focused around a zeek team that was doing some testwork in the run up to the invasion
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Here is the next rewrite for one of my Megas XLR fanscripts

S3E1: Racheal Loves Brodie

Biggest issue I see is that Char didn't really go full "fuck everyone on earth" until after Zeta, he was trying to find a more genuine solution before getting his spirit crushed by everything that happened in Zeta.
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Have had a pretty basic Godzilla vs Mazinger Z idea for the longest time. Where Dr Hell accidently awakens Godzilla from an ice bank while searching for Element X. And after seemingly killing Dr Hell, Godzilla makes his way to Japan.

Koji fights Godzilla, and halfway though Baron Asura shows up with a really big doomsday mechanical beast for revenge. I had a specific one but at this point I've forgotten what it was.

Had several further ideas of various super robots meeting other kaiju.

Another completely different idea was a transformers x macross crossover. Where the Transformers work up shortly before the series starts.
I wish Goji and co appeared in SRW. A mainline title and not only in X Omega.
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please post this
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Here is the next rewrite for my Megas XLR fan episodes.

S5E2: Kids stuff.


Also my previous post for Racheal Loves Brodie is actually S5E1
is this a thread to dump fanfic ideas? because ive had one buzzing around in my head since finishing Gundam Zeta and Zeta ANT
the new ending was really nice and a way less depressing note than Zeta's original ending, but Kamille not being paralyzed in ZZ means that ZZ would go down way differently, and CCA as well most likely. Kamille and Fa are both still in a pretty shit mental state at the end of Zeta, with Kamille throwing himself into fighting to keep from thinking about everyone he lost, and both him and fa saying they dont believe in the promise of newtypes anymore or that they could go back to how they were before. it paints a pretty bleak picture of them not really being able to escape the cycle of fighting and war that they did in ZZ, and id like a story exploring this with them sticking around for the first neo zeon war and later CCA
>Gryps conflict ends but with Argama exhausted, deaths of almost all their remaining friends send Kamille and Fa into an even darker mental state, both fling themselves into piloting despite not even knowing what theyre fighting for anymore
>Kamille fights his way through the Neo Zeons with the same efficiency as in Zeta, Fa also grows more as a pilot, but at the cost of both of them gradually losing even more of their idealism and childhood
>Bright probably having problems with them gradually losing what was left of their innocence as they get engrossed into yet another war yet still having to work with them since he has no other choice
>Haman possibly chasing the newtype connection she almost had with Kamille, but both of them are too set in their ways for it to make a difference, even if it succeeds, just leading to further pain when they inevitably confront eachother
>Kamille and Fa seeing the dublin drop firsthand and being mostly powerless to stop it
>kamille reminded of the cybernewtypes with the ple clones
>Axis zeon defeated but still Kamille and Fa have nowhere left to go but back to the federation up to CCA
>FF to the leadup to CCA, Kamille and Fa join Londo Bell, as neither of them really know how to turn it off at this point much like Amuro
>Fa basically an ace at this point, maybe given a souped up Jigen or something
>Kamille, while still seeing Char's axis zeon as a threat worth fighting ala amuro, but still wants to try and convince char to stand down as he still has a lot of fondness for his mentor and doesnt want to have to fight him
>tries to reach out to char repeatedly, begging him to remember the argama and the time when he was quattro
>char however sees this as another hit to his mental state and doubles down, with his surrogate son telling him he doesnt believe in the cause char has dedicated his life to being the proverbial last straw
>eventually when char does launch his attack, Kamille is still reaching out, maybe culminating in a newtype connection
>char however still doubles down, kamille's attempt to get through to him have all exhausted and he has to watch powerlessly as two of his mentors fight to the death
>him and fa try to stop axis from hitting earth, only for both of their suits to get blown away
from here im not sure how id end it, but im thinking that they end up survivng and finally take this as a hint to leave the endless cycle of war

would anyone be interested in this developing this or is it a shit premise? this is all very lose and i just came up with this right before bed, i might revise it later.
Very interesting, anon. I like it
Violently based
rounding back to this i think im more interested in the implication of Kamille in CCA and how he could impact things as well as how he (and fa) would be like by then, but at the same time i cant shake the idea of him in the first Neo Zeon war. Would be interested to hear input on this.
I made it past 40k words as of this Monday
My Valvrave fic is current past 50k words, though it is extremely amateurish.

Still working on it.
Would Kamille get along with Judau?
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Here is the next rewrite from my Megas XLR fanscripts.

S5E8: The Omega Megas

Wrote this:


Had to abandon it for a while due to other commitments. Been getting back to it by fixing mistakes I committed.
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To the guy that keeps bumping this topic with random images, thank you for keeping this thread alive.

Here is the next rewrite of my Megas XLR fanscripts.

S4E4: Collect Her

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I wrote this. https://archiveofourown.org/works/29797596
The other day someone on the farms called it 'weird'. That's about what I was going for, really.
I've actually thought about writing a gundam rwby fanfic of an Anaheim engineer getting the isekai treatment to that shitshow. The poor fellow proceeds to have an aneurysm over the terrible mech design and tries to build anaheim out of spite.
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Not letting this thread die!

Just wrote a new rewrite for my Megas XLR fanscrpts. I don't have a proper image from the show so have this Mega Man X4 box art instead.

S3E2: Ultrabot Z

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Will team RWBY show as pilots in your fic, or would they fuck everything over as in canon?
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Hey anon, I'm glad you liked it even if it took me months to notice this thread. I and my editor were really happy with how that one turned out since it fits a niche practically ignored under that tide of Sulemio and let us channel some of that mounting anger over the S2 trainwreck into something productive. And yes, Felsi Fridays played a huge part in conceptualizing it.
The things I got up on AO3 aside, I've also been the main text generator behind one of /m/'s collaborative make-our-own-AU attempts conceived on the wave of disappointment with AGE. It featured a two-seater lead Gundam (pic related, I wonder if the drawfag behind is still around), but kind of ran out of steam at 190k words mark as the amateur pitfalls in my writing became apparent to me with experience, as did the realization that the completed work as envisioned would be a Purple Days-length doorstopper. It was still fun to write though and I go back to polish and add to it every now and then. I'd love to reuse some of its concepts in a more original work someday.
Very cliche but I recently I had this idea floating in my head about writing a fanfic of a spacenoid Zeon and earthnoid Federal pilot being long distance childhood friends and meeting in the battlefield of the OYW. Cue in angst, drama, etc.
Can't let this thread die. Working on another Megas XLR episode rewirte. Will post once finished.
This is still the best Rider fanfic I've read.
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Here is the next rewrite of my Megas XLR episode fan scripts. This one was a major overhaul from the original.

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>House of 1000 Coopses
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Not for /m/ stuff. The only fanfiction I ever read and attempted to write was Tenchi Muyo fanfiction.
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Maybe the /m/ Wikia should have a page dedicated to fanfic links. Thoughts?
There's a wiki just for fanfiction so no unless a few anons say otherwise.
This is tangentially related, but I might as well ask in this thread. Does anybody have an idea of what the fuck happened to Fanfiction.net? I can't access it anymore.

They've been like that for a while. Some days you can access it fine. Some days you don't.
Hope you're still working on it. I myself have a similar idea, but more like the DS G Gen (or Gundam only SRW), a crossover from all Gundam series, which of course will has quite a mess on characters' age and history setting. Well, it's fanfic anyway.

UPDATE: Fanfiction.net is operational again.
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Here is the next Megas XLR fan-script rewrite of one of my fan episodes.

Season 6, Episode 5: The Cockpit
Fun story with Kamille recovering mentally after being conscripted by Char to pilot Alpha Azieru: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36613183
there is no /m/ wiki, it is just one retard's fanfiction

fanfiction.net's says their host (GoDaddy) threatened to ax their DNS resolution until they removed 12 items that were said to be child abuse. FF.N claims they did a manual review of them all, deleted what they said was in violation (but not all of them, by their own admission, because they felt some of them did not violate the rules), and then they got their shit delisted because most of the internet is just automated and run by bots anyway. But yeah, it's back now.
I wrote a lot of crappy self-inserts when I was a wee lad. I have an idea for a Xenoblade Chronicles X and 2003 Battlestar Galactica crossover but never did anything with it. I don’t even know if I have the notes for it anymore.

I’ve also tried to write a lot of Armored Core stories that never went anywhere. I got as far as writing a bunch of bios and designing their ACs in one of my save files for the games but it fizzled out after that.
Thank goodness.
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Thanks for replying, sorry it took me a month to notice. I'm happy to know the shitpost threads I partake in helped in producing something great.
That two-seater looks awesome, I hope you get around to using it in another work.
>I and my editor
I've been wondering about this, since you seem to work as a team. Is your editor someone who takes part in writing, or is he more a proofreader who gives ideas for the story?
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>I hope you get around to using it in another work.
Probably not in that particular form since our WIP original mecha setting (do not steal) has less humongous mechs, but here's another one from where that came from - a Slavic-styled Zaku. The gimmick was in that unlike the Zaku, it's heavily armored and generally remains a cut above whatever the not-Federation could produce.
>Is your editor someone who takes part in writing, or is he more a proofreader who gives ideas for the story?
You could say it's both. We bounce ideas off each other all the time, but I tend to be the one writing since I'm easier to get going than him. Typically he comes in to fix and/or de-ESL the result since my usual style is somewhat dry, but he does write stuff on his own as well, especially for our original work.
That reminds me, I had an idea for a Wizard/Madoka crossover fanfic. Basically the premise was that Haruto moves to Mitakihara to teach at Madoka and the others' school and gets wrapped up in the show's events while going through a pretty loose adaptation of his own series' events. This was less due to how I personally felt about Wizard though (I actually kinda like that show), I just wanted to make something that didn't clash with the focus on the Madoka stuff.

It would have been kind of a slow burn with it focusing primarily on Haruto slowly becoming more of a father figure to these girls and how even in spite of all of the awful things they go through he still manages to be a beacon of hope. Dunno if I'll do anything with it but I actually wrote quite a lot of notes down for it.

I actually had an idea kinda like this too, but without the harem elements and sort of as a middle finger to the stereotypical self-insert crossover fic. Basically, MC-kun gets isekaied into the Cyberpunk universe with the powers of Faiz and sets out to avert the ending of Edgerunners. I never wrote anything down for it so it's all pretty vague but the main idea I had was for the ending. Basically, MC-kun saves David and ends up being the one to fight against Adam Smasher, but loses the fight and ends up dying in his place.
Thanks for the reply, it's cool to see people working as a team for something like fanfiction.
>Probably not in that particular form since our WIP original mecha setting (do not steal) has less humongous mechs, but here's another one from where that came from - a Slavic-styled Zaku. The gimmick was in that unlike the Zaku, it's heavily armored and generally remains a cut above whatever the not-Federation could produce.
Sounds very cool. When and where are you planning on putting it up?
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Here is the next re-write of my Megas XLR fanscripts.

S5E5: Enemy of the Universe

had a Symphogear/Kabuto plotbunny a while back (specifically a fusion heavily leaning towards the Geah side), with shit like Genjuro and Ogawa using PunchHopper and KickHopper (and later graduating to TheBee and Gattack respectively)
I do plan a big flashback arc set in the 2020s (around when the main girls are born) that's more Kabuto-y featuring Geahverse equivalents of the Worms: the "Lahmu", another race bioengineered by the Annunaki, with Fudo having been replaced by a (non-evil) one after uncovering them, who creates the Masked Rider System to protect humanity from his less-friendly brethren, ft. Genjuro as prototype Kabuto, Yatsuhiro as Sasword, and Sonnet (Chris' mom) as Drake
>When and where are you planning on putting it up?
Hell if I know. At our current rate it'll be another decade before there's enough to present. There's plenty (but not enough) world-building done, but the plot is barebones and with very little "meat" written so far. That's the hard part, really.
The only /m/ fanfiction that I know of is Shadowcell's rewrite of SEED Destiny, and I have no idea how it is beyond being grimderp.
It's shit.
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I wrote a script fic that was meant to be a proper write up of the cancelled episodes of Baldios but I only did one episode and never got around to the others. I talked about it with some anons during an old thread a year or two back and got some ideas from them in regards to the story, I’d like to go back and maybe finish it one day
Can't let this thread die! I have another Megas XLR fanscript rewirte int he works and will try to get done by next week.
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