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A containment thread about the non-dictatorial world of synchtubes. Dorkly's mog-rog streams of Fridays (along with other specific channels he host). My PTSF-THRS on Thursdays, Deacon's m-adras-tea-and-film subplanting Dorkly's Tuesday schedule, and Agguguy's MGRnR200X on weekends occasionally.
Tonight on m-adras-tea-and-film
Galient 8,9
Girls und Panzer 8,9
Preshow about REAL Indian history begins at 7:20!
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Super bump attack
Preshow in 28 minutes!
Preshow now!
Galient next!
Tonight on PTSF-THRS on CyTube at 8PM eastern!

Patlabor: The New Files episode 3
X-Files season 9 episode 10
Redo of Healer episode 2
Cobra the Animation (2010 TV) episode 7

Our weekly Preshow at 7:32 will feature two videos by Skallagrim. Hope to see you there!
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32 minutes left!
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4 minutes left!
Time to start the Preshow!
Time to start the night off with Patlabor!
Skallagrim? On MY /m/?
X-Files is next!

Crazy, I know...
Not that one. Also, consider chilling out.
Redo up next!
Cobra is up next!
Our weekly movie, Robots, is up next!
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Dorkly's Mog-rog stream is on and is now streaming the Thunderbolt Fantasy movie. The other stuff will include.

Ultraman Leo 7
and (hopefully) Dr Slump Movie 2
Git da fuck up there
Leo is next
Couldn't get Slump up, so Nightmare City is next
Up next is something related to Dragon Quest on this day of Mourning for Bird Mountain (Toriyama)
Thinking of streaming Digimon Con tonight, might do the new Faiz movie too if I can get it up in time.
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Zone of the Enders starts in about 5 hours (~18:00 UTC) on wideamari. The main stream starts in 1.5 hours (15:00 UTC).
That'd be dope.
Zone of the Enders has started.
Tonight at 8pm Eastern on MGRnR200X
Kamen Rider Faiz - The Murder Case 01 - 'The Mystery'
Kamen Rider Faiz - Paradise Regained
Digimon Adventure The Movie
Digimon Con 2024 (at 10pm after some filler)
Preshow starts at around 7:18 with some plamo videos. Hope to see everyone there!
20 minutes until the preshow!
10 minutes, Persia in the meantime
The preshow starts now!
Faiz next!
Open your eyes for the next Faiz.
Paradise Regained next!
Digimon Adventure next!
Digimon Con next!
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So the other day me and DeaconofSleenesh (who runs the m-adras-tea-and-film channel) has decide to let me host a special PTSF-THRS tonight at 8 PM eastern time with a 7:34 PM Preshow. What's the occasion for? Well think back to last Thursday and you'll find out.

I agree with that man.
About 52 minutes left until we start the Preshow!
34 minutes left
10 minutes!
3 minutes left!
Time to start the Preshow!
Time to start the night off!
More stuff next!
We continue the stream with this thing up next!
Up next is more stuff on this streaming day.
Up next is a short and a movie. Be there!
Tonight on PTSF-THRS on CyTube at 8PM eastern!

Patlabor: The New Files episode 4
X-Files season 9 episode 11
Redo of Healer episode 3
Cobra the Animation (2010 TV) episode 8

Our weekly Preshow at 7:27 will feature three videos by the The Fat Electrician, each one about planned ideas for guns. Hope to see you there!
20 minutes left!
9 minutes left!
Time to start the Preshow!
Time to start the night off with Patlabor!
Up next is X-Files!
Redo is next!
Cobra the animation TV is next!
Congo, our weekly movie, is up next!
Here's the stuff that Yupa missed last night




tonight on mog-rog at 8p Eastern (about twenty five minutes from now)
Thunderbolt Fantasy s2e1
Ultraman Leo 8
Dr Slump Movie 2
TBF next!
Leo next!
SDGF now!
Dr Slump Movie 2 next
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Zone of the Enders in a little over an hour.
There was a little delay but ZOE starts in 5 minutes.
Page 8 bump
Tomorrow another stream.
That's correct. On m-adras-tea-and-film:
Galient 10,11
GuP 10,11
The Adventure of Iron Pussy
Preshow at 7:42 EDT will be a video about what happens when you mess with Thai ladyboys
Do you remember what file host you use for your streams? Archive's been spotty these past few months.
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For uploading I use cockfile. Most of the time I resort to direct links from a certain streaming website.
Preshow starts in 12 minutes!
Galient next!
Girls und Panzer next!
Our movie next!
I forgot to mention, cockfile's file limit is much larger than it says on the frontpage. It's like an open secret.
Dia dhuit (Gee-ah hwitch or Dee-ah dwit (Hello)) /m/! Tonight on a Post-Saint Patrick's Day PTSF-THRS on CyTube at 8PM eastern!

Patlabor: The New Files episode 5
X-Files season 9 episode 12
Redo of Healer episode 4
Cobra the Animation (2010 TV) episode 9

No dedicated Preshow this week, just Irish songs until the show starts. Hope to see you there! Slán leat (Slah-n lyat (bye))!
The show will start in 23 minutes!
5 minutes left!
A bit late, but time to start the night off with Patlabor!
X-Files is next!
Redo is next!
Cobra is next!
Our weekly movie, Zardoz, is up next!
What a trip that was.
tonight at 8p Eastern (about an hour from now)
Thunderbolt Fantasy s2e2
Tek War
Ultraman Leo 9
SD Gundam Force 45
Retroactive (1997)
TBF now!
the kids have to learn about Tek War sooner or later!
what's the link
Ultraman next!
google up cytube, ctrl+f "mog-rog"
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Retroactive next!
Bump. Thought the thread has vanished until I realized I was looking for it on /fit/.
Tonight at 7pm Eastern on MGRnR200X
Gun X Sword episodes 1-7
Ninja Slayer From Animation episodes 17, 18
Preshow starts at 6:30 with a couple of sci-fi shorts. Hope to see everyone there!
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Zone of the Enders starts in a little over half an hour.
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Because I'm an idiot who doesn't understand timezones ZOE starts in ~15 minutes.
I know it's probably been said before, but my God she's cute.
Preshow in 30 minutes!
The preshow starts now!
Gun X Sword starts now!
So I decided on what films to stream for this October and early November. I'll also re-post some of the stuff I'll be streaming in late July to September.

7/18 = Ten Zan: The Ultimate Mission (AKA Missione Finale)
7/25 = Steamboy
8/1 = Predator
8/8 = The Running Man
8/15 = The Abyss
8/22 = Dredd
8/29 = Split Second (1992 film)
9/5 = Riding Bean + Gunsmith Cats 1
9/12 = Gunsmith Cats 2 & 3
9/19 = Clerks
9/26 = Leviathan (1989 film)
10/3 = Reptilian
10/10 = Evil Dead 1
10/17 = Nekrotronic
10/24 = Phantasm
10/31/Halloween marathon = Billy the Kid Versus Dracula, Return of the Living Dead Part II, Bible Black, & This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse
11/7 = Rock 'n' Roll High School
11/14 = Flushed Away

Oh man. The shitty Yongary remake? Sweet.
The first week October is usually dedicated to pure trash.
*week of
It'll make you appreciate how quickly South Korean cinema has evolved.
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So my electricity's been on and off for most of the day today. Since I hav no guarantee I won't lose it again tonight I'm thinking I'll postpone tonight's stream to next Sunday when I should have plenty of time and hopefully power and internet to get it ready.
Unfortunate but understandable.
No probs man. This just gives me time to work on a group project for my Psych course.
Sorry to hear that.
I also won't be able to do a stream tomorrow. You can count on next week, though.
Deacon, you should be aware I just sent you an email.
Sorry if this affects your plans btw.
No worries - I'm out of it with these antibiotics I'm on so a late night stream is a bit out of the question for me on a Sunday
It's fine. I still won't be able to stream that day, though.
i really should check these threads before the exact moment i expect the show to start...
same lol
but to be fair I usually get blindsided when wrasslin is postponed in the same way too
Tonight on PTSF-THRS on CyTube at 8PM eastern!

Patlabor: The New Files episode 6
X-Files season 9 episode 13
Redo of Healer episode 5
Cobra the Animation (2010 TV) episode 10
Roujin Z

Our weekly Preshow at 7:23 will feature a video about the Discotek situation that happened awhile back. Hope to see you there!
10 minutes left!
4 minutes left!
Time to start the Preshow!
Time to start the night off with Patlabor!
X-Files is up next!
Redo of Healer is next
Cobra is up next!
Fuck up the encoding, so....Up next is our weekly movie, Roujin Z!
Forgot to mention: We totally already did Moon 44, Kohai.
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Are you fucking shiting me...
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Could do some other Emmerich schlock. Stargate would be dope.
Well I wanted to do one of his earlier work, The Noah's Ark Principle (AKA Das Arche Noah Prinzip); but, I can't find a rip or torrent of it anywhere.
I'll dig around, I forget if I found that one or not, but I def recall it on my radar for something I looked around for when I ran Moon 44
also lol Aliens For Breakfast featuring Sinbad
I recall that as aggressively no-budget but sorta not bad at what it tried to do

unrelated I'm wrangling shit up for tonight, including Christopher Lambert's birthday
I'm seeing he's got a credit as "Additional Voices" on Mazinkaizer and some other ADV joints
is this some joke and like, they used a sample of him from MK that ended up public domain, or like he's "well, I cannot go back in ze time and be in ze Goldarak, but dammit I can still get into ze Nagai anime one way or another hon hon hon!"
>I recall that as aggressively no-budget but sorta not bad at what it tried to do
It felt like a made-for-tv version of a made-for-tv movie. Wasn't awful in that context, but very the thing that it was.
tonight on mog-rog at 8p Eastern (about fifteen minutes from now)
Thunderbolt Fantasy s2e3
Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight
Ultraman Leo 10
Beowulf (1999 w Christopher Lambert)
oh also SDGF 46 in the usual spot
Yeah, somehow I forgot that we did Moon 44. And I don't know why.
show now!
Lucy Lawless (who can fly, unlike Xena) birthday
the amazingly shit animated Dragonlance movie next!
ultraman next!
SDGF next!
Beowulf (not the cg crispin glover as grendel one) next!
As previously mentioned >>22543671 this Sunday I'll be streaming the second half of the first half of Gun X Sword. Hope to see everyone there!
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Zone of the Enders in 1 hour and 20 minutes (UTC 18:30).
We're beginning now.
Tonight at 7pm Eastern on MGRnR200X
Gun X Sword episodes 8-13
Ninja Slayer episodes 19, 20
Preshow starts at 6:35 with more Ninja Slayer EDs. Hope to see everyone there!
About half an hour until the preshow!
The preshow starts now!
Gun X Sword next!
Ninja Slayer next!
Some Easter content on this holy day next.
So to replace Moon 44 for next Thursday. I've decided to go with Travelers: Jigen Keisatsu (a Koichi Sakamoto) for our movie.
Tonight we're going back to our scheduled programming.
Galient 12
Girls und Panzer 12
Yukiyukite Shingun
Preshow at 7:32 Eastern!
Galient now!
Girls und Panzer now!
Movie now!
Tonight on PTSF-THRS on CyTube at 8PM eastern!

Patlabor: The New Files episode 7
X-Files season 9 episode 14
Redo of Healer episode 6
Cobra the Animation (2010 TV) episode 10 (for reals this time)
Travelers: Jigen Keisatsu

Our weekly Preshow at 7:20 will feature a video about Donald Crowhurst and the Sunday Times Golden Globe Race. Hope to see you there!
One hour left!
20 minutes left!
3 minutes left!
Time to start the Preshow!
Time to start the night off with Patlabor
Redo is next!
Cobra is up next. I swear it
Our weekly movie, Travelers: Jigen Keisatsu, is up next!
Here's the stuff that our pall AllNames missed.




tonight on mog-rog at 8p Eastern (about a half hour from now)
Thunderbolt Fantasy s2e4
Naruto Shippuden 276, 277 (Mecha-Naruto arc)
Ultraman Leo ep 11
The Transatlantic Tunnel (1935)
TBF next!
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Naruto next!
Ultraman next!
sdgf imminent!
upon further review That Trek With Frank Gorshim next!
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Speaking of Trek, I found a JP blog the other day by a westaboo with some decent pictures of the toys and figures they sold over there: http://blog.livedoor.jp/godzitoraman/archives/866053.html . He's also a fan of Gerry Anderson stuff, it seems.
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Zone of the Enders starts in an hour and a half.

Tuesday stream status?
Show tonight on m-adras-tea-and-film:
Galient 13, 14
Girls und Panzer OVA: This is the real Anzio Battle!
Police Story
Preshow will be a video about what the hell Italy was thinking making its tanks the way they did, starting at 7:25 Eastern
Galient now!
Time for the movie!
Due to reasons, I'm posting the upcoming movies I'm going to stream in the next couple weeks.

4/11 = Crazy Thunder Road
4/18 = Blue World Order (film)
4/25 = Oblivion (2013 film)
5/2 = Gen-X Cops
5/9 = X-Files "series" finale
5/16 = X-Files: I Want to Believe
5/23 = Gen-Y Cops
5/30 = Men in Black 2
6/6 = Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation
6/13 = RoboCop 3
6/20 = WiWiWe
6/27 = WXIII: Patlabor the Movie 3
7/4 = America: The Motion Picture
7/11 = Solarbabies


Tonight on PTSF-THRS on CyTube at 8PM eastern!

Patlabor: The New Files episode 8
X-Files season 9 episode 15
Redo of Healer episode 7
Cobra the Animation (2010 TV) episode 11
Crazy Thunder Road

Our weekly Preshow at 7:41 will feature a video about some music facts. Hope to see you there!
About 28 minutes left!
Probably going to be a bit late
Bit of a late start, but the Preshow starts now!
Time to start the night off with Patlabor!
X-Files is up next!
Redo is next!
Up next is Cobra the Animation 2010!
Our weekly movie, Crazy Thunder Road, is up next!
tonight on mog-rog at 8p Eastern (about forty minutes from now)
Thunderbolt Fantasy s2e5
Velocity Trap (1999)
Ultraman Leo 12
SD Gundam Force 48
SF Saiyuki Starzinger The Movie [16mm film scan]
TBF next!
Velocity Trap next!

and I'm def digging 60fps synchtube
probably going to put in a bunnyhat mad science 60fps KR in the puppet slot after this
Ultraman next!
Show tonight on m-adras-tea-and-film:
Galient 15
Girls und Panzer OVA 1, 2
Preshow begins at 7:26 Eastern.
*7:18 Eastern
Preshow begins now!
Galient next!
GuP next!
Indian Top Gun next!
Tonight on PTSF-THRS on CyTube at 8PM eastern!

Patlabor: The New Files episode 9
X-Files season 9 episode 16
Redo of Healer episode 8
Cobra the Animation (2010 TV) episode 12
Blue World Order (Film (no relation to the wrestling stable))

Our weekly Preshow at 7:17 will feature a video about Lafayette "War Daddy" Pool. Hope to see you there!
About a half an hour left!
17 minutes left before the Preshow!
7 minutes left!
Time to start the Preshow!
Time to start the night off with Patlabor!
X-Files is up next!
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saw this the other day and thought it'd be good for one of your friday shows
odysee com/@MaverickTopGun:9/Journey-to-the-Far-Side-of-the-Sun--1969:c
not sure if you've seen/played before, but it has a lot of cool miniatures made by the thunderbirds guys
Redo is up next!
Cobra the animation is next!
Our weekly movie, Blue World Order (film), is up next!
tonight on mog-rog at 8p Eastern (about thirty five minutes from now)

TBF s2e6
Gundam NT
Leo 13
Fly Me To The Moon

that's come close for a few birthdays
Show tonight on m-adras-tea-and-film:
Galient 16
Girls und Panzer OVA 3, 4
Kerala Varma Pazhassi Raja
Preshow begins at 7:50 Eastern.
Preshow now!
Movie now!
Tonight on PTSF-THRS on CyTube at 8PM eastern!

Patlabor: The New Files episode 10
X-Files season 9 episode 17
Redo of Healer episode 9
Cobra the Animation (2010 TV) episode 13 (End of Cobra)
Oblivion (2013 film)

Our weekly Preshow at 6:51 (yes, the video is that long) will feature a video talking was the X-Men ever woke. Hope to see you there!
*Our weekly Preshow at 6:51 (yes, the video is that long) will feature a video disproving that the X-Men (and by that extension Marvel Comics as a whole) was always woke. Hope to see you there!
This weekend on MGRnR200X I'll be streaming the second half of Gun X Sword. Hope to see everyone there!
About 59 minutes left until the Preshow!
About 51 minutes left!
6 minutes left!
Time to start the Preshow!
Time to start the night off with Patlabor!
X-Files is next!
Redo is up next!
And with this we reach our end. Through our travels in space, we have meet many people of adventure. We've meet cowboys and outlaws, trouble consultants, an android, and three guys who's job is to find undiscovered alien life, and now we end where we started. A rogue-ish space pirate... The final episode of Cobra the Animation (2010 TV) is next!
Up next is our weekly movie, Oblivion (2013 film)
Here's the stuff that Yupa missed



tonight on mog-rog at 8p Eastern (about thirty minutes from now)
Thunderbolt Fantasy s2e7
The Tomorrow Man (1996)
Leo ep 14
Electric Dreams
TBF next!
Tomorrow Man in progress!
SDGF next!
Electric Dreams next!
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Dolores, I in one hour and twenty minutes.
Tonight at 7pm Eastern on MGRnR200X
Gun X Sword episodes 14-20
Ninja Slayer From Animation episodes 21, 22
Preshow starts at around 6:33 with some Godzilla/kaiju fan animations. Hope to see everyone there!
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There will be a Zone of the Enders refresher stream over the next two weeks starting from episode one. The first stream will be this Monday (29/04) 20:30 UTC. If you can't make it let me know and I can accommodate you on a different day and hour.

If you're interested I hope you take this opportunity.
About half an hour until the preshow!
The preshow starts now!
Gun X Sword starts now!
Ninja Slayer next!
Tonight at 7pm Eastern on MGRnR200X
Gun X Sword episodes 21-26 (end)
Ninja Slayer From Animation episodes 23, 24
Preshow starts at around 6:34 with the last batch of Ninja Slayer EDs. Hope to see everyone there!
Preshow in 30 minutes!
The preshow starts now!
Time for Gun X Sword!
Ninja Slayer next!
Refresher stream starts in 2 hours.
We've begun.
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The channel is wideamari.
Show tonight on m-adras-tea-and-film:
Galient 17
Girls und Panzer OVA 5, 6
Girls und Panzer der Film
Preshow begins at 7:27 Eastern, with a look at America's answer to the Maus.
Preshow now!
Galient now!
GuP now!
Der Film now!
As far as an SDGF replacement goes: We're mostly out of good SD shows. Could just do other kiddie mecha stuff. Most of Dendoh has readable subs now, for instance.
This is a man who thinks about nothing but Fukuda.
Do not trust his words.


Tamiya's Mini 4WD tie in manga and anime series.

Directed by Tetsurō Amino. Iron Rigga. M7, Hiwou, and others.
I've got that Fukuda Fever this year, this is true.

I've heard of Let's & Go though. Looks cute.
Tonight on PTSF-THRS on CyTube at 8PM eastern!

Patlabor: The New Files episode 11
X-Files season 9 episode 18
Redo of Healer episode 10
The Galaxy Railways season 1 episode 1
Gen X-Cops

Our weekly Preshow at 7:30 will feature a video from Dimitri Monroe. Hope to see you there!
Second leg of the Dolores catch up stream starts in a little over an hour.
1 hour left!
29 minutes left!
9 minutes left!
Time to start the Preshow!
Time to start the night off with Patlabor
X-Files is up next!
Up next is Redo of Healer!
The Galaxy Railways are up next!
Our weekly movie, Gen-X Cops, are up next!
Minus One is finally floating around.
stuff tonight soon
Leo next!
SDGF almost over next
The Tuxedo next!
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Dolores, I starts in 15 minutes at wideamari. I'm a little late.

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