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Akitaka and Yoshitsune bringing back mecha musume!
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>those GMs
akitaka didn't stop making mecha musume, he just got significantly worse from his haydays
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These are really cute.
The implications of these are horrifying.
You could argue Aerial's already a mecha musume. Just a really fucked up mecha musume.
ties in with the GUND prosthetics too
And all of them are getting figures.
Surprisingly cute
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>the voodoo that you do
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Let's not forget the fact that Pineapple is also a mechamusume now!
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Unrecognizable as G3. Horrible
what the fuck, how is it a guncannon if they're replacing the cannons with railguns and they're giving it a stylized RX-78 beam rifle instead of the guncannon beam rifle?
The show would improve so much if these were actual designs.
Aerial would need a reverse mecha musume. Like robot head and fleshy arms and legs in schoolgirls outfit.
Where's my Darilbalde?
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Bandai's AGP line was a few years too early... I'm surprised they haven't tried to bring the idea back with 30mm Sisters
I know about those two, but is Calibarn getting a figure too? The Lfrith duo?
They confirmed that the first two sold so well they were making figures of all of them and making new designs as well.
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I really like Mika Akitaka's newer line of girls because they're clearly trying to be different than just the old MS with a girl on the middle. They're adapting some parts whole completely changing others in novel ways. Like a lot of the bigger Zeon MAs and large scale MS having a Zaku girl at the core of them
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I miss Sophie so much, bros.
>bringing it back
It has literally been the most popular thing in mecha for the past 10 years. A big reason they've stuck with build series and WFM is the opportunity to print more "girl" kits for M/M fodder. Heck, its gone so far in that direction that a lot of people are buying M/M kits/figures for the girl alone and discarding the robot.
>stuck with build series
Akitaka is doing the original UC shows.
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Wasn't that the purpose of Infinite Stratos?
pas ta certain point it's just a girl in a mech
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All trash
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Bubblegum War in the Pocket
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The guncannon beam rifle is a stylized RX 78 beam rifle
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I really like that little snowman art on the shield.
really cute how the zaku shoulders are stored on the back like that
Its not terrible but i feel like there mightve been a better way to do this
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A lot of these just feel like copy and paste with changes to the hair and armaments. Which results in it looking low effort and uninteresting compared to the old style. Where the girls had obvious characteristics from the suit's armor.
imo a lot of the old ones was just a girl (clothing optional) with bits of a suit's armor stuck to her. The new ones feel more iterative than that.
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This salvages Aerial's design
We don't sign our posts here.
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Really? Might have to cop a Calibran and Erial Rebuild
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Suletta in Kill la Kill
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only thing that makes this remotely gundam are the horns and feddie symbol, otherwise this could be any generic mecha girl
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...where is her clitoris?
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Any Suletta mecha musume that give her a witch hat?
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Closest I've seen
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OP is very likely bullshitting (even if I would like for it to be true. He didn't answer a previous anon who asked for the source.
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I want one.
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Hamster, racoon, all the same to me... do we have Madoka using a gear?
Robo tanuki
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These are better because they are covered up more.
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Can we have these girls be actual robots so we can have mechabare?
cant find anything
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I was in the process of doing a Suletta Calibarn kitbash with the kotobukiya Dark Magician Girl but I got very busy with university classes. Overall wanted to try and use the upcoming konosuba megumin model kit and make a mold of the hat pieces from the tree to try and make a witch hat for suletta like
If I get some time over the summer, I'll attempt to showcase my kitbash in one of the threads
Also with 30MM releasing the AC6 kits its going to be possible for more ridiculous kitbashes going forward with mecha musume
One of these days I'm going to hunt for this one. I like her
I wish we had a release date for this already

That's not a musume
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>Cover a girl in so much stuff you can barely tell she's in there anyways.
Seems a little self defeating.
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