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And we're back.

Props to the Side 7 Team.

Previous thread:


>Movement Guide

>Game rip, stamps GIFs included (S1, S2, S4H1, S7)
>AES key
Software: FModel or umodel

>Discord link

See #announcements and #tech-help for how to setup.
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Any improvements from vanilla?
All items are unlocked from the jump. Since it uses the unpacked version of the game, CPU requirements have decreased. No more stutter, roughly 15~ FPS gain.

Everything else is vanilla by design.
Reported to coppos
Piracy is bad.
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decode this in base64 for a special /gunevo/ themed treat
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You can now drop F-bombs
Everythings unlocked (even Char's Zaku skin)
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>devs can add emblems
We must immortalize Crossbone-poster.
geg lobby tonight?
first game in and someone disconnects, some things never change
Eurofags need to understand that their ping is going to suck, and if they have cheap internet, they need to stick to the Euro server.
2967 6643 lobby posted
played a few matches, maybe less than 50% had a crash/dc issue but other than that things seem smooth (or as smooth as things can be in GEvo)
player balance was surprisingly decent, the losses weren't absolute stomps save for maybe good ol' MISSION DETAILS CONFIRMED, funny that the only game I won was a stomp and I got MVP
the players I encountered seem chill, grs/ggs and go next and just want to play the game, I guess as long as I avoid the "big" personalities I'll enjoy myself
7730 4350

new lobby since last one broke
Is there an Oceana or SEA server? my ping is shit even for an ausfag but I sometimes get roughly equal to SEA as I do servers inevitably on the east coast
I don't think anyone has stepped up to host a oceanic or sea server yet.

I'll look into it myself when things are more stable.
new /geg/ lobby:
1004 5993
There is a Singapore server, but we don't want any seaniggers in our lobbies. Thanks!
But I said i'm Australian, just rural west australian
singapore should work, I think that's what I was mostly playing on in the offical servers
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Okay guys, what is the best way to host the game files? Currently I've got the game uploaded to Mediafire, thinking about grabbing a Seedbox and distributing it through torrent since my upload speed is absolute trash, but a lot of these services have bandwidth limits or prevent public trackers.

I wish zoomers knew how to use Usenet.
Go look at >>22553931. It's all you really need to get things running.
I meant the WHOLE game anon. JPs who used the Bandai launcher are fucked if they deleted the game.
>how do I play this game? Didn't it EOS?
Ya. But I'm gonna teach you how to get playing right now.
1. Download the game from Steam. Yes, you can still do this.
2. Right click the game name in your library. >Manage >Browse local Files
3. Copy this file location, we will use it later. It will look something like this:
>(drive)(folder)\steamapps\common\GUNDAM EVOLUTION
4. Open EvoGame > Binaries > Win64
5. Put your totally legal unpacked EXE in the the win64 folder. If you don't have a a totally legal unpacked EXE, find one. Put that totally legal unpacked EXE in the win64 folder. Don't delete the old one.
6. Go to the dicksword listed in the OP. Get a zip file called Side_7_Alpha_Launcher.zip. It's burried in their "installation guide" channel. Good fucking luck finding it because they gummed it up with all kinds of useless shit. Dump all the files from that zip folder into the win64 folder
7. Run Launcher.ui.exe. It may prompt you to install .net. Press Yes and install .net.
8. Run Launcher.ei.exe again. It will ask you to log in with Steam or Discord.
9. Enter your AES Key and file path that you saved earlier in step 3. If you don't have your AES key, find it.
10. Patch it, should only take a few moments. Then Launch the game and hope you didn't fuck up. You'll launch the game using Launcher.ui.exe from now on.
Discord Jannies, if you see this, never ever make an install guide again.
One good turn deserves another! base64 as usual
>Yes, you can still do this.
this is on the assumption you're redownloading it, otherwise you won't have the license and need a friend's steam for the file

My contribution incase anons never downloaded the game prior to EoS.
dead game
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Crossbone soon.
Do you guys provide the game if I never downloaded it or have any friends to borrow?
No download
>esport faggot 3stackers that stomped through Quickplay are doing it again in customs
>one of them reports me to mods for calling it out
>get reported for banter with a guy that snipes my pick at the start of the round
This server is fucking gay.
any lobby?
Lobbies were had, but I think they were all organized through the Discord, which was a bit of a faux pas. Probably should have had someone cross-post room code here.
>Discord Jannies, if you see this, never ever make an install guide again.
For real.
>error communicating to server
Did I fuck up the installation?
Yes restart
Could be your firewall or ISP or some shit. Try a VPN and make sure Windows isn't blocking api.side7.xyz or something

If you can do a ping to api.side7.xyz and windows isn't blocking anything, restart the process
>be washed up esports faggot
>get BTFO by casual player
>throw a tantrum
>report to discord jannies
When these esports niggers enter a lobby all I can think about is ruining the game for them.
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forgot pic
Based. Fuck that fag.
These dumb niggers single-handedly ruined the fucking game for COUNTLESS new players with their nonstop gay fucking crusades in pubs and ranked and even now they are playing meta slop nonstop. Any fucking word that leaves the mouths of these dumb faggots should be ignored. They all have paper skin and will try ruining this game again to feed their fragile egos.
>They all have paper skin
i was memeing with gm sniper and killed some tryhard named tzim with a few headshots, then he proceeded to exclusively go for me and try and tbag my corpse every time he or someone else killed me
some real mental illness with fps players and their fragile egos
Chief imma need a list of all the eSports faggots names so I can avoid them or grief if they're on my team
>stop stacking!!!
>loses unstacked once
>lol gottem!!!
it's almost like you're encouraging them to stack

>meta slop
It's not like playing the meta matters at the skill level where people can't deal with melee. If the enemy having a nonzero quantity of good dps players stops you from rolling them with mzaku and sus and the like, boohoo. You got stomped by newtypes when you wanted to stomp plats. Don't complain when you just wanted to be on the opposite side of the same result.

He smurfs and then his friends will tell you his smurf was someone else when he loses on their side. I beat him, z0mbie and Yari and I got told his smurf was Sunglasses until z0mbie corrected himself in the testing chat. t. SMOOTHIE_KING.
>it's almost like you're encouraging them to stack
They were pubstomping casual queue while insta-locking top tiers long before I got involved. They're afraid to face the truth that they're actually pretty ordinary when playing solo, so that's just how they roll.
>it's not like playing the meta matters
You're smoking. A good Barb/HA/Mahi/Guntank etc doesn't even have half the impact of a good RX78 or PR. You wouldn't even know these guys were pros if they started playing Methuss.
most of the guys from the official gevo showdown #2 are in the server. Some are gayer than others.
In the lobbies we have a z2m can walk into the enemy spawn same as a pale. The enemy isn't going to get pushed any farther back than that. At a low enough point it's all moot.
>join a room thats waiting in the lobby
>esports fag is in it
>log out
No gundam today
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>I can WOOOOO once again
You don't know how happy I am to find this out, bless you madmen for actually working on this for half a year and delivering
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Those were/are the same players that cried like faggots when the devs used to frown upon stacks that abused the matchmaking system. Betcha they're the same players that ruined JP and killed NA/EU
Source? The devs never balanced around the NA/EU server
Modders should make a Crossbone sticker
You should make a Crossbone stick instead of e-begging
Is this legal?
Gray area, Bamco could C&D and get it shut down if they wanted since even if the server could win the legal fight they wouldn't be able to pay the legal fees. Just keep your head down and don't plaster billboards on Times Square advertising it, Bamco hasn't felt the need to take action yet and probably has nothing to gain if their hand isn't forced.
>They're afraid to face the truth that they're actually pretty ordinary when playing solo, so that's just how they roll.
pretty sure you're just making shit up. those guys have been chill in the lobbies, win or lose
there's a fund? pretty sure theyre no donations and you're just making up bullshit
can i chat the opponent team?
In custom matches, room chat is enabled, so yes.
they do have server boosters
that's just a Discord thing. you can boost any server.
>all we have to do is keep quiet and not give them a reason
>dumbfuck releases a “how I reverse fuckled your game” manifesto

Can’t make this up
Your glorious leader released a 20,000 word document about how exactly they did this project, step by step, including what files and security measures they bypassed and even full-named those who helped (including some 17 yo kid). What a delicious document for legal
under DMCA consumer protections, it's legal. arguably, even without those protections, it's legal because everything is clean room reverse engineered and nothing copyrighted is distributed. it's why you bring your own AES key and game client.
fear mongering retards like >>22586575 will spout stupid bullshit though and would rather do no marketing and let it die because clearly building something and then telling nobody about it ever will go over so well
>wow cool to see EVO is kept alive maybe I should give it another try
>quickly see the esports faggots are ruining shit yet again
no thanks
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I wouldn't mind playing this game again but I kind of really don't want to play with the e-sportsfags and stackers again.
lmao no
Right now it's custom lobbies only. You can straight up see who is on which team and bail if you don't like it.
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Carl plays dogshit characters solo and Omni's at least transparent about their stacking when they do it, unlike people who stealth stack and have their duo dc when they don't see the game being a W
What happened?
SylvieClos wants to block 7v6 games together with her mod friends
What does this even mean? She wants to ban them or she wants to schedule them? First I've heard of this. t. SMOOTHIE_KING, t. Sylvie Clos twitch mod t. banned from tester chat by geg mods
Wait no you called her a funhater so she probably wants to avoid 6v7. Like okay sure but why not 7v7? Sylvie and School are trying to come up with events anyways like "spin the random character wheel" etc.
If people made 7v7s I don't think people would give a shit
Not when V Tubers run the server
I'm going to become a vtuber so I can run S7. Prepare to be mogged, Castian.
holy based
>I'm going to become a vtuber so I can run S7
thats an awful lot of seething not even be right. there's no vtubers running s7
the only vtuber was a tester or something
what vtubers run the server? isnt the only known vtuber just sylvie and all she wants is for ppl not to have to deal with dumbfuck 7v6s? mental gymnastics to not wanna deal with faggots who want an unfair matchup lmao no wonder this game died
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Crossbone spray...
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