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Happy 50th anniversary, Getter Robo!
Surely they've collected enough Getter Rays to revive Ishikawa by now.
Which Getter series is your favorite?
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New Getter Robo is definitely the most "full featured" interpretation I've seen, like someone took the first two manga and ironed out the rougher elements (doesn't kill Musashi for the sake of drama only to replace him with someone less memorable, doesn't change antagonist factions midway, etc.).
As a fan of older fantasy anime I really liked the time travel arc.

I also have a soft spot for the Getter Robo G anime, having seen the compilation movie and rips of the "Direct to Dollar Store" DVDs.
It might not have the carnage and consistently godlike visuals of the OVAs, but unlike the manga it actually made me care about BASEBALL PRO Benkei and the treacherous, glory-seeking Demon Empire.
I haven't read Go, Shin, Arc or the spinoffs.
Leave Pitzfag alone, spammer.
AnimeShinigami should really finish Getter Robo Go.
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Manga is torn between Getter Robo Go and Shin Getter Robo, as much as I love Ryoma, Go is such an excellent follow up protagonist.
Og Getter > New > Shin > Neo.
Still need to watch G
Wait why OG first, assuming you mean Toei and not the manga
>t. has read the manga, watched New, Armageddon, and Shin vs Neo but didn't finish Toei
I thought the question was about the anime only.

I read the mangas too. They are all good but can't rank them as they are close in quality
Manga > New > Armageddon > Shin vs Neo for me, but these are all so close to each other for me in terms of enjoyment.
I agree in terms of objective quality, that the manga definitely had shortcomings compared to the animations that chose its plotpoints, homages, references, vs when to do its own thing, but I'm still fond of it due to the sheer scale, even before Getter Emperor becomes the center of attention.
Finally a getter anniversary thread
I was worried even /m/ forgot about it, just as brain's base and Toei did
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>Neo Getter 2
>Literally has more power and options than Neo Getter 1 and 3.

Bit bias there, Hayato.
Neo Getter 1 still has their only real finisher.
dynamic pro doesn't care
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>Getter production by Obari
Holy shit imagine.
>Mazinger 50th anniversary
>nothing happens except more over-expensive toys
>Getter 50th anniversary
>nothing happens
Dynamic Hacks are massive faggots
fags like you is why Gundam went for yuri fags to stay afloat
Manga Go. Haven't watched any Getter anime yet but that's the manga i liked the most.
Go Nagai Wonderland burned down this year
Is manga G the low point or it's going to get progressively worse?
>Is manga G the low point
yeah I thought of giving up too since it was kind of meh compared to the first two volumes but Go is really good especially around the halfway point
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>Is manga G the low point
What do you even need an entire fleet of Getters for? Most things can't even handle a single one.
Gou was written years later and really is what defines later Getter series. That's the one that really shows the direction of the manga.
The Shin manga. Emperor is just too cool.
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Getter Knuck
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Are there higher quality scans of Go than what's on Mangadex (pic)?
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Unless this somehow looks better to you, no
Does the G anime go full ham with Hidler or that was all made up for SRW?
Made up for SRW. Toei's Hidler is a fairly generic villain that happens to look like Hitler (no crazy German accent either) and manga Hidler is barely there.
Hey remember when Armageddon Go had the ability to repel the invaders away...and never does it again afterwards?
How many Getter series don't kill off Musashi?
Actually kinda surprised by those results, I knew Black Getter was popular but not that popular.
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Don't get me wrong, I love him and atmospheric entry scorching him black is the coolest thing ever, just surprised he beat out the Shin Getter-1.
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Made a webm just for you, anon.
Do you think Shin looks better with or without pupils? I think the pupils make it look awesome.
The pupils are essential. Gives it that focused, nigh-sapient look.
>Imagawa was planning to incorporate GR into Armageddon had he stayed
how would have that worked
Would people like Shin Getter 3 more if his buns weren't so big?
Where did you hear this?
Imagawa's comments during trips to US cons both pre and post firing
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New Getter Robo
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S-Surely Go Nagai will inherit Getter's will and write a proper ending to Arc...
Go Nagai never seems to be in Devil Man mode when doing Getter stuff. He always leans more towards his tv magazine side for those.
Nagai can't write like Ishikawa and vice versa.
Hayato going Solid Snake and singlehandedly destroying an entire base will always be one of my favorite moments in the manga.
>Go Nagai
>proper ending
I wish OG Getter, G, Go, and Shin got a faithful anime adaptation. I thought Arc was alright, especially for being an extremely underbudget production.
Whatever happened to our resident Hayato fujo?

I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Say something nice about this game.
is a nice game
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By far one of the best drawn mecha manga for its time, I can get over how clean the pages look and later the artist goes off the rails with detail, RIP Ken Ishikawa.
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Black Getter is dope.
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>all sorts of obscure porn games and shit gets translated
>but not THE getter game
I'd love it more if the color scheme wasn't literally just Batman.
What /m/ thinks about this?


I don't care for Black Getter. It insists upon itself.
So Getter can be in several places at once, accelerating universal domination.
The ending of G is pretty good
>Look at the guy's other animations
>He has a skullkiller one
Fuck, I really want the Kyomu Senki Void Chronicles to be translated
Hypest moment in the manga
The Allied Robot forces are adorable.
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How does everyone feel about Getter Robo High?
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getter cute
fucking praying for the day someone translates this. fucking love mahjong AND getter, it's like someone tapped into my brain and made it
unfortunately im a dekinai
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Always like Getter Robo G for the ending themu:
That's a great one. There's a Kageyama version of it as well.
yeah that is pretty great
thanks anon
Did G happen in Go?
Yeah? Yeah. It's mostly irrelevant, but it's still part of continuity.

Or are you talking the anime?
Manga (Getter Robo Saga Collection): Yes
Anime: No
It happened in the non-Getter Saga original publishing as well.
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No, the manga
I thought Yasha or Rando would be the setup for some Hyakki hook, but that went away fast
Then I noticed nothing from G was ever mentioned
Also, what was up with this random Gore looking ninja?
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>Then I noticed nothing from G was ever mentioned
Wrong. I see what you're trying to do but you have failed.
Shit, I forgot how Benkei's armor looked and thought that was Musashi in the new style
>I see what you're trying to do
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You say that like it's a bad thing
I'm going to assume the last one will feature Getter Ark and the Post Ishikawa Getters.
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Thoughts on the proposed 2025 Live Action Getter movie?
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You just made this up.
To domiante everything everywhere all at once
Not joking
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no thanks.

coming from someone who cast aside criticisms for the last show's awful cg, i don't want this.
I hate those designs so much
Getter 1 might look decent if it didn't have so much fucking greeble on it.
I think only New?
Can someone get a source for this?
It looks too much like New Getter rather than OG.
pls respond
There's also a tonal shift that I really don't remember being this jarring. Even body horror was reduced in quantity.
Any place to find the original scans, if possible?
Has there ever been a successful reimagining of Getter or Mazinger with a realistic style? I have never seen one.
>realistic style
I meant a design that works in a live action setting, since >>22633010 aren''t very good.
The OG designs can work well in realistic settings, it all depends on the CGI modelling abilities of the studio adapting the story.
I always think of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8FfpGJFfFI when wondering what should be needed to make most /m/echs look good in Live Action settings.
looks like an old video game
Where is new Getter OVAs?

manga Arc, pretty closely followed by manga Go.
Animation-wise I've only seen Armageddon, which I thought was alright.
I don't like the liberties it took with some of the cast. It's cool seeing Kei have an actual role beyond getting her mind disintegrated by Getter, but the Genki plot twist was incredibly stupid.
It's pretty rough til the end.
It's just sort of a worse version of the first part of the manga, but thankfully it's only one volume.

I hear that the Getter G anime is a lot better, probably cause it had almost 40 episodes to breathe and flesh out Benkei, but I can't confirm myself.
i like Getter-3 and Getter-2 could be cool for a take on Shin's design but that Getter 1 just looks like shit
is there any potential for this series to get a remaster?
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>I don't like the liberties it took with some of the cast. It's cool seeing Kei have an actual role beyond getting her mind disintegrated by Getter, but the Genki plot twist was incredibly stupid.
I don't know what's the worst part of Armageddon, making Go stoic or making Genki a girl
>That video
Is there one for toei getter?
Getter 1 looks too much like Dragon
Classic Getter is the coolest Getter and I'm tired of pretending it isn't.
I only like getter 2 design to be honest
better than liger and poseidon
Go was also a male clone of Michiru, making things even fuckier.
I forgot that, yeah fuck Go there, he's just nothing like the manga
Kei basically took Sho's place
Go took Messiah Tahir's personality for some reason
And it's probably due to the audio drama but Ryoma and Hayato seem to know Go immediately upon seeing him for the first time
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not everyone, getter Arc is still Missing.
I was unironically at the edge of my seat when I reached this part. The only other manga, that made me feel like that, aside from the ending of Getter G, was Ashita no Joe.
lower middle part, anon
still not seeing it.
Yeah, I'm wrong, I thought it was Arc when it was actually New Getter.
So Arc was heavily inspired by Evangelion, right? That's why it's even more lively than Shin Getter with its teeth and roaring, and the weird scene with Musashi that the anime butchered.
No and Eva mimicked those things from earlier manga by Ken Ishikawa
Eva was heavily inspired by the endpoint of Go and all of Shin. Arc heavily inspired Guren Lagann's second half.
But Arc was post-Eva. Even Devilman took inspiration from it for Saga, anons.
>Arc heavily inspired Guren Lagann's second half
Yet it still didn't understand and the ending chose to kick the can down the road.
Many mecha and story elements in Eva were blatantly inspired by Skull Killer Jakio which came out 5 years prior
That's probably because he was very much a plot device in Armageddon. At least they managed to do him justice in Shin vs Neo.
Anno has multiple times considered both Go Nagai and Ishikawa as his role models and called Go his favorite manga prior to making Eva.
Jakio and the rest of Kyomu Senki will never be translated, it's time to do your JP reps
When will we get Kirik and Khan?
What in the hell are Shin Liger and Shin Poseidon? Never seen them before ever

Also why are there so many fucking Dragons, it's not that cool
>Shin Dragon
>Saint Dragon
>Metal Beast Dragon
Armageddon, they're the other forms of the Shin Dragon
Ryoma and Benkei, you mean (Hayato is a virgin)
Hayato had a fiancé who blew up in that big explosion
Died without getting banged
Is there a first series Getter Robo pack with good raws and subs for every episode?
It's nice but why does it have a megamind forehead? Can't they just make a toy that's accurate to Ishikawa's art?
Out of the 3 OVAs, I like New the best
If Armageddon kept up the quality it had in the first 3 episodes for the whole thing I'd say that
I shouldn't be surprised...but this I assume is why we almost never get merch of Getter 2/3s.

I'm kinda disturbed by how unpopular Getter Dragon is.
Imagawa was just on his own level
>No Shin Getter Robo!
>No Getter Robo! (2021)
Why were we denied these amazing songs?
It's fucking hideous and deserves to only be a mook for Getter 1 to chop down.
Which also happens to show Shin Getter jobbing and watching in the corner.
Bit late to the party, but happy birthday Getter Robo!
Got any more artwork like this?
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My top 3 would be Armageddon’s Getter 1, Manga Shin Getter 1, and Armageddon’s Getter 2.

I didn’t think much of it when I didn’t know Getter Robo as much, but after reading the second half of Go and all of Shin I love the pupils and the Shin Getter to death. I wouldn’t be surprised if Shin Godzilla was inspired by it desu.
This. The pupils are an essential part of Shin Getter's design.
>Armageddon’s Getter 1
That’s just manga Getter 1
Pupils are best when used for effect
Any Anons here Getter figure collectors? What is the best Shin Getter 1 figure in terms of articulation?
Shin Getter Robo and Getter Robo Go
You can't have one without the other
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>My other harmless posts also got deleted in this thread too
Jesus. Wtf? Talking to the famous resident autist like it was an interview really got them mass deleting my shit. I am not happy.
I like Sentinel's Shin Getter as well as Sky X Studio
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Kill dinosaurs. Behead dinosaurs. Roundhouse kick a dinosaur into the concrete. Slam dunk a dinosaur egg into the trashcan. Crucify filthy dinosaurs. Defecate in a dinosaur's food. Launch dinosaurs into the sun. Stir fry a dinosaur in a wok. Toss dinosaurs into active volcanoes. Urinate into a dinosaurs gas tank. Judo throw dinosaurs into a wood chipper. Twist dinosaurs heads off. Report dinosaurs to the IRS. Karate chop dinosaurs in half. Curb stomp prehistoric green dinosaurs. Trap dinosaurs in quicksand. Crush dinosaurs in the trash compactor. Liquefy dinosaurs in a vat of acid. Eat dinosaurs. Dissect dinosaurs. Exterminate dinosaurs in the getter chamber. Stomp dinosaur skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate dinosaurs in the oven. Lobotomize dinosaurs. Mandatory abortions for dinosaurs. Grind dinosaur eggs in the garbage disposal. Drown dinosaurs in getter rays. Vaporize dinosaurs with a getter beam. Kick old dinosaurs down the stairs. Feed dinosaurs to alligators. Slice dinosaurs with a Tomahawk.
Pose+ Getter 2.
>Sky X Studio
How are their other products by the way?
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About to open get what?
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in getter we trust
Getter-2... I kneel

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