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Zeonic just released the final update on volume 2, making the collection complete. Uploaded the PDFs on MediaFire because his site is prone to getting DMCA'd and random server crashes:
Volume 1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/a4d0bczax5rot50/
Volume 2: https://www.mediafire.com/file/944ag1uohlssi5h/

Also, please, please, PLEASE, no bullshit arguments about "canon". You know exactly who you are.
I wish I could read the other seed novels by Liu, I really wonder what they changed
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SEED novels 1-3 were released officially by TokyoPop. You can find them on eBay quite easily.
Trafalgar also translated first volume of Astray LN
>SNEED anything
Into the trash it goes
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There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little post up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a 4chan pass. I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's okay, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on 4chan posting about a twenty-year old anime. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic shitposting NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "CHUCKS'S FUCK AND SUCK GET IT HAHAHA HA SO FUNNY BECAUSE FUCK AND SUCK FUCK WHOOOOOA BRO LIKE HAVING INTERCOURSE AND FELLATIO HOLY WOW HOW DID THE SIMPSONS GET AWAY WITH THIS ONE? GOLLY GEE WILLIKERS WHAT THE FUCK IT'S ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS AHAHAHAHAHA BECAUSE SNEED SELLS FEED AND SEED WHICH IS TOTALLY NORMAL BUT CHUCK, CHUCKY, CHUCK SELLS FUCK AND SUCK CHUCK SELLS FUCK AND SUCK! FUCK AND SUCK!"

You have become a parody of your own self. And that is all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now.

And that is all you will ever be.
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This thing is a mine for lore details:

>Before MS, powered armors were commonly seen on battlefields. Also, foot-long, bee-shaped UAVs called "Bowie" are used in agriculture.
>Apart from Orb and Heliopolis, other countries set up habitats in space as national orbital colonies
>Siegel put together a secret village deep in the Amazon for elderly Naturals (parents of Coordinators, who were also PLANT citizens) who wanted to spend their last days on Earth alongside some Coordinators who wanted to live on Earth. Oh, and he hired Serpent Tail to defend it from Coordinator radicals.
>The Earth Alliance had two completely separate MS programs: one for a mass-produced unit (Strike Dagger), and a series of five dedicated testbeds for special technologies and pilot training (the Gundams).
Kek, Zaft is too stupid to realize that sleeping agent can be a thing.
Your mediafire links are more prone to getting strikes. That's what kept getting DMCA'd for him in the past. Only problem is you missed a couple updates he made to the first volume it looks like.

Holy shit, he just copied and pasted from DeepL and changed a couple words! I was literally just reading it the other day. That is insane. He's not even trying anymore.
Nice troll
Where is the troll when it is true? DMCA happens
Stop promoting the f4g on the board.
Movie Freedom is genuinely a hundred times better than the novel.
Thanks for the fresh (really years old) pasta, SNEED friend
You think Freedom will get a manga adaptation like the two shows did.
Perhaps, but I personally don't think so. Manga tie-ins usually come with the movie/TV show to do cross-promotion while things are fresh, and there haven't been any news on anything from Astray and the like.
STFU disgusting tranny YWNBAW
Typical of /co/shitters: cry troon at whomever tells them to fuck off with their idiotic "ebin may-mays".
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As I was insisting the other day to some people, the novel confirms the world is in even worse shape than before:
>Blue Cosmos insurgents are at it again, strengthened in the aftermath of Aura and the Accord's attack
>Eurasia is further collapsing onto itself, now that its capital was obliterated
>PLANT is full of supremacist sympathizers butthurt over the coup's failed outcome
Not canon. Everything is fine.
What part of "NO BULLSHIT ABOUT CANON ITT" you failed to understand?
There's literally nothing in the film that doesn't mesh with the film. It's a 1:1
>There's literally nothing in the film that doesn't mesh with the film
I mean, you'd hope so.
>There's literally nothing in the novel that doesn't mesh with the film. It's a 1:1
And this is the problem with CE. The world revolves around Kira and Lacus. Athrun isn't even sure the world can move forward without Lacus and it's never made sense. Kira and Lacus being the focus of CE never made sense and nothing has tried to make sense of it.
>and it's never made sense
>Kira and Lacus being the focus of CE never made sense
>nothing has tried to make sense of it.
Except it makes sense, as a stupid power fantasy where two characters can win over the bad guys in the coolest possible way, bending the whole world to their will in the process.
They need the two to just go full evil, feel they're the best ones to rule the world, have Athrun put a cap in his ass and be done with the entire universe forever. This was a 20 -year Wait for nothing
And anyone who tries to fight them either dies or joins their side.
>And anyone who tries to fight them either dies or joins their side.
In other words, shonenshit.
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This is beyond fucking stupid. Orphee and the rest could've stayed holed up in Artemis indefinitely with Lacus, protected under the Umbrella from any attack.
But no, they're so pig-headed they have to open the gate to fight the lonely mobile suit that shows up, falling for an obvious trap. They have Mirage Colloid tech on Requiem's stations: how could they not have foreseen their enemy would use it and attempt an infiltration?
>22 bucks
>volume 4 and 5 arent out and its been 20 years
holy fuck
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Deacon, you hack. You are just using DeepL and doing edits on the MTL.
All of the official Japanese sources render "Black Knight Squad" as 「ブラックナイトスコード」 (burakkunaitosukodo), without any separation. Automated translators choke on the last three kana and spit it out as "Code", "Chord", "Cord" or even "Scord".

It's also an odd spelling. The English word "Squad" in Japanese is usually written as 「スクワッド」 (sukuwaddo). And, if it means anything, one of the few references I've been able to find for 「スコード」 are for "S-Cord-ism", the kooky religion from G-Reco.
Tsk tsk, Deacon.
AIDS finally got into his brain, there's no going back for this homosexual grifter.

Hope AIDS kills him soon and troons stop paying his gay cancer medicine thru patreon.
But that wouldn't allow them to kill Kira right in front of Lacus to finally break her and get her to accept them and Orphee, nor can he and Aura stand the idea that "the old race" are daring to defy them and weren't killed off in their earlier trap.

It's like people asking why Ribbons in 00 made a bunch of expendable suicide drones. And the answer is because Ribbons in a megalomaniac that gets off on the idea of forcing people to die for him. These guys aren't supposed to be sane and logical.
From the novel I think it is fine as the ending of Seed with Kira and Lacus retired. I still think it does not need sequel, Kira and Lacus needed their romance movie because some people thought their relationship were vague and platonic, but we don't need every couple to have the same type of movie they already kissed and such and clearly love each other. Prequel is fine but sequel I don't think so except with entire new idea from new writers with new characters and for fanservice maybe they could tell how are the old cast doing in slide shows or short scene.
You should see the official movie subs. Spelling errors galore during the Thai showing. Whomever is said translator-kun probs made a quick misread error and gets derided as MTL. Le lol. /m/ is quite the bastion of knowing proper tl!
Not to be the defender anon, but DeepL/Google translated it as "scorched" when you plop it in, so it sounds like you're pulling from your arse.
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>Not to be the defender anon, but DeepL/Google translated it as "scorched" when you plop it in
「スコード」 gets translated by Google as "Scode", whatever the fuck that means. Online Japanese dictionaries don't know what to do with that kana sequence, but they do accept 「スクワッド」 as "squad". Check it out:

>Le lol
Neck yourself.
>It's like people asking why Ribbons in 00 made a bunch of expendable suicide drones.
At least the Gaga forces made some sense, compared to "let's throw away our main advantage to have a pointless showdown".
Isn't that what Char did in CCA? Letting Amuro get the Psycho-Frame so he can fight him on equal terms?
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Char's whole thing in CCA was his obsession with having one final mano-a-mano with Amuro: that whole bullshit about dropping Axis was a red herring. There was a sense of honor underlying his insanity.
On the other hand, Aura and Orphee constantly refer to Kira to be a pest, a "failure", a worthless opponent. They have no reason to give him what he wants.
I'd act surprised, but I'm not. Hell, Brad Swaile hasn't voiced Amuro in over a decade.
>Durandal, who was like a father to them.

lmao what
Gilbert Durandal was a man who could have been a father to him!
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He quite effectively WAS a father to them.
Speaking of, I know this would be a gigantic retcon of everything that came before, but I would really like a story about the early days of the Accords. The novel mentions a few things, but the key detail is that Aura became a loli when, during the raid on Mendel, she was drenched in the anti-aging drug she was developing.
It's quite literally a supervillain origin story.
The more I look into this movie and how it ties into the Cosmic Era storyline, the more I agree. Power is a keystone in Kira's character, he needs power to do what he wants in the war, but he uses that power irresponsibly throughout both shows. There are many negative repercussions to his actions, and he's even framed as looking down on the others as being too weak, but Fukuda never grasps how bad this makes him look. He can say all Kira needs is the love of Lacus, but that "love" also coincides with her giving Kira more and more powerful MS even when their technology has been deemed illegal.

I can not get my head around how badly he has been handled.
>even when their technology has been deemed illegal.
Don't start with that crap, please.
>Power is a keystone in Kira's character, he needs power to do what he wants in the war, but he uses that power irresponsibly throughout both shows. There are many negative repercussions to his actions, and he's even framed as looking down on the others as being too weak, but Fukuda never grasps how bad this makes him look.
Even worse, there never are any negative consequences to his actions. He has the 'power' to do and undo on the battlefield, and nothing goes permanently wrong for him.
>POS Rising was blasted? Strike Freedom was upgraded!
>Archangel was destroyed? You have a better ship!
>The DRAGOONs do nothing against Femto armor? Lacus comes with the Proud Defender!
That was a thing even back in Destiny, where Kira could attack battlefields and people were presented as being in the wrong for not liking him. The show refuses to acknowledge how him kidnapping Cagalli took away the only person who could challenge Yuuna, or how Djibril escaped Orb because of Team Kira defending it and how he proceeded to go on to blow up multiple colonies. Even defeating the Destiny Plan, something Fukuda said would have worked, we don't hold Kira deciding to make the decision for the entire human race against him even when it in turns leads to Freedom and how that now leads to Blue Cosmos starting things up again thanks to getting support in the Aftermath, while Coordinator supremacists are angry Aura lost.

There is no peace in the Cosmic Era, and it wouldn't surprise me considering how fast it's tech advances it would fall to the Black History within Kira's lifetime.
Everything in that post is correct, except for one detail
>The show refuses to acknowledge how him kidnapping Cagalli took away the only person who could challenge Yuuna
That doesn't track with the events on the show, where Cagalli describes herself as "powerless" in those circumstances. How could she possibly challenge the Seirans if her fate was, effectively, to become a hostage in their mansion?
What really gets me is... Fukuda's supposedly a fanboy of robot anime from the 70's. I mean, he's doing a reimagining of Grendizer ffs. But look at Mazinger Z, it's all about giving Kouji power. Power isn't good or bad by default, it's how it's used that either makes someone a god or a demon, so the answer in those days was that the mecha representing giving the youth power and with it some form of responsibility.

Fukuda just wants to give Kira power, because he views those old shows as cool, but never wants to make him responsible. Just Kira having enough power to do what he wants, change the world as he sees fit, that's all Kira's development amounted to. Even his infamous "pacificism" ultimately reflects power levels, with others being so below him in strength he rejects killing them but will kill those who do give him a hard time. But at the same time, the tech progression in CE is so insane it means that Kira needs to keep being given more and more powerful MS.

We also see that because Kira removed Cagalli from power, her words could be ignored by the Orb soldiers. Cagalli also proved she could just show up and demand Yuuna being arrested if she wanted to. She had power, she just didn't acknowledge it.
Fukuda tries to avoid the question with that bullshit "neither will nor strength alone" sophistry, but it's never developed in any regard.
Does that mean we have to automatically accept Kira as the "good guy" without any reservations to his actions and the consequences of such?

>Cagalli also proved she could just show up and demand Yuuna being arrested if she wanted to. She had power, she just didn't acknowledge it.
In other words, she had no power... until she did.
>Does that mean we have to automatically accept Kira as the "good guy" without any reservations to his actions and the consequences of such?

I mean, yeah? I mean, think about it in Destiny for a second. In the original TV version of the show, they didn't even tell the audience what the Destiny plan actually was. It was just something that Kira and his friends said was bad and we were supposed to accept it, even turning on the guy who was originally advertised as the show's lead because he's fighting against Kira. We aren't supposed to question Kira's actions, and we have characters saying we're messed up if we don't agree with Lacus despite people claiming the show is about not blindly following leaders. Then Fukuda explains it, tells people it would work but would cost mankind it's "freedom," only for Kira to decide for humanity. And now, even with Fukuda throwing in Kira having a hero complex and looking down on others for being "too weak," we still aren't meant to question what he's done throughout SEED's story. Just cheer.
>Cagalli also proved she could just show up and demand Yuuna being arrested if she wanted to. She had power, she just didn't acknowledge it.

She also had to trick Yuna into acknowledging her, or at least wait until a situation where doing so was a good idea. As shown in the fleet battles, even though she showed up and tried to take command all Yuna had to do was deny it was her and the Orb forces had to ignore her and even fire upon her even though they knew damn well it was really her.
They still want him exterminated though. They set up the whole operation to disgrace him and then kill him, and later pass up their whole chance at taking out Orb again to get another shot at him. They don't want an honorable duel against him because they don't respect him but they do want him dead for being a representation of the old world they want to burn away and replace.
Then why is she so useless early on? If she could do all those things as "Chief Representative", why was she pulled on by the Seirans into a marriage that would've made things worse for everyone? What does she get out of it? There are some dumb blabbering on her end about "the good of the nation", but she is aware that the deal with the Atlantic Federation means that Orb soldiers will have to fight and die in a war against a (seemingly at that stage) pragmatic and well-intended man such as Durandal.

Priorities, my man. Necessity. At that moment, Aura and her skittles hold all the cards. If they had known their foe, then the best way to break Kira would've been to obliterate Orb once and for all.
How come the the awesome super Coordinators, pinnacle of humankind, could not see an obvious trick?
Considering Kira's themes in relation to power, there's something unsettling about Cagalli as well. The Seirans aren't just one of Orb's noble families, Yuuna's dad is the democratically elected leader of Orb's parliament. But even then, whatever parliament passes it ultimately falls on Cagalli to approve it or not. Orb's power ultimately lies in the hands of Cagalli, the adopted daughter of a family of a man whose claim to power is that his family was one who established Orb and declared themselves nobility, rather than in the hands of the people. She did have the power all along, but she wasn't using it and instead listening to others. Cagalli needs to be an autocrat, but she's meant to be a benevolent one like Kira and Lacus.

And couple this with Kira and Co. rejecting the Destiny Plan for all of humanity.

Really feels like Destiny is anti-democracy, instead saying leaders need to be strong and not be swayed by the people. That these supposedly "good" characters need to just use their power as they see fit, without any restrictions. Hell, that's basically what "Infinite Justice" actually means, that you see the enemy as so evil you're declaring whatever you do to fight them is justified and you don't answer to any laws (See Team Kira using illegal nuclear Gundams). And there's something even more unsettling about this because of the SEED factor, which in-universe lore makes out that those who have it are at the next stage of evolution, that they are more evolved than the rest of humanity (reaching that next step when they go SEED mode) and will be the ones to guide humanity according to the original show's website. It makes SEED come across as this Darwinist gundam, that Team Kira are more powerful and evolved therefore he's the one who gets to say how humanity progresses.
So, is the moral of SEED Destiny don't listen to orders unless it's from the right people?
Well, according to Fukuda SEED was about how fighting was wrong and how we shouldn't fight, Old interviews with him has him say that it what the one of the producers wanted for the show. With Destiny, Fukuda admitted that he wanted to challenge that moral and ask "is it really wrong to fight?" Even in the first SEED though, Fukuda talked about how having power is necessary in order to not be conquered, such as Orb developing it's own MS even if it came about because it violated it's own neutrality (working with the EA, allowing the Archangel to secretly enter the country).

Destiny does try to push the idea of not blindly following leaders, but doesn't extend this to Kira and his friends. Yes.
Again your whole argument is "Why did these unhinged egomanics do this knee jerk egomaniacal thing" when the answer is pretty obvious. It's almost like living in mostly isolation for 20 years sucking themselves off about how much better they are than everyone else causes one to develop an ego the size of Texas that's as fragile as glass regardless of how superior their genes are supposed to be.

There's just something disturbing about the what SEED as a whole inadvertently says. Fighting may not be a wrong way to deal with problems, and if people keep breaking the peace just keep on fighting. That democratically elected leaders will mislead the people for their own gains, whereas an autocrat is preferable in order to maintain a nation's ideals. And if those ideals are violated by those autocratic leaders, or when those leaders put those ideals or the idea of the country ahead of it's actual people, it's wrong for people to turn against the country and begin supporting ideals from foreign leaders. We need to question those leaders, but not the autocrats. In fact, giving more power to the autocrats and not holding them to any laws is a good thing because it leads to proper leadership. They're just better people than the masses, and have to guide humanity. And in the case of Lacus, her giving power to her champion is a sign of her "love" for him.
>Really feels like Destiny is anti-democracy, instead saying leaders need to be strong and not be swayed by the people. That these supposedly "good" characters need to just use their power as they see fit, without any restrictions.
In a very real sense, SEED does feel like the anti-LoGH. Especially amusing since Fukuda said that captain Konoe is inspired by Yang.
Anyhow, that series is explicit about the fact that autocratic or democratic governments aren't good or bad in and of themselves, but autocracy as a system inevitably leads to decadence thanks to the lack of accountability. Maybe once in a blue moon you get an enlightened despot, but that's not a guarantee that his issue will be as competent.
>in re, Lacus
The show has the people in PLANT just meekly going "well, if Lacus Clyne says so...". And this is portrayed as a good thing in the end, because it drives the Coordinators off their bloodlust after being nearly nuked.

This drives home Fukuda's point about Kira not being entirely correct about stopping the Destiny Plan, because it would've ensured peace and social harmony. The only difference between Durandal's scheme and Lacus' softer influence is that the people just happen to follow Lacus out of their own volition in the latter, rather than being threatened to submission with a space laser of doom.
>This drives home Fukuda's point about Kira not being entirely correct about stopping the Destiny Plan, because it would've ensured peace and social harmony. The only difference between Durandal's scheme and Lacus' softer influence is that the people just happen to follow Lacus out of their own volition in the latter, rather than being threatened to submission with a space laser of doom.

Yet Fukuda even fucks that up by making it so that Lacus can manipulate minds as a Accord. The "good" option is someone who has the ability to brainwash people and becomes aware of this at the end.

Was there any indication Lacus got followers because she was an Accord? I imagine she being an Accord was only written to make Orphee a threat to her relationship with Kira.
I don't think her influence over people is because she's an Accord now, because the one on the screencap is Meer.
>This drives home Fukuda's point about Kira not being entirely correct about stopping the Destiny Plan, because it would've ensured peace and social harmony.

I'm pretty sure the reveal of Foundation and the Accords put a cramp in that point since they certainly weren't going to bring in peace and harmony without a blood bath first, and the Destiny Plan under them was going to be very heavily class based with the underclass being kept in ghettos and treated like garbage if their initial country was any indication.
>Novel Akatsuki getting scorched by Requiem laser and armor is melted off
>Movie Akatsuki blocks laser effortlessly. No real damage. Only battery was drained.

Lmao at all the details they added to the novel that was NOT in the actual movie. No wonder everyone says the Seed novel isn't canon.
It would've been nice if Akatsuki had actually burned off its fancy armor after tanking Requiem.

>Only battery was drained.
That was after firing the Zeus cannon. Mana-no-ikutachi is passive.
We've been telling you for months that the novel has errors and isn't canon. All Gundam books aren't canon. Don't get me wrong. It's a nice book, but it isn't a direct telling of the movie. There are changes and things that are different. It's basically an AU Seed novel.
Remember when he would spam Seed threads telling us the novel was exactly the same as the movie?
That went on for like 2 months. Dude wouldn't stop.
Stop pretending, asshole.
Why don't you keep your nonsense constrained to your designated shitting thread?
I think the novel was written befoee the movie went into production. The author was probably only given an outline of events. That's why some things just don't line or match what happens in the real movie.
I'm not pretending, that is someone else. BTW the Nazis lost.
>I think the novel was written before the movie went into production. The author was probably only given an outline of events.
The author is the movie's screenwriter.
You just quoted multiple people.
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>Thanks a fucking lot for ruining my thread with your crap, SHITHEADS!!!!
You done that yourself.
>Pretty sure that was all you
Doesn't matter cause it doesn't match the movie. Fukuda changed it
Movie has some Morosawa's ideas and Fukuda's intervention.
Novel is his own interpretation going wild.
They're adding Akatsuki flaking for Blu-ray. Production didn't allow for it Fukuda said and big earnings allow for cleanups.
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Liu Goto is a woman.
Tokyopop says guy
Female: https://twitter.com/goto6h/status/1025779861388836864
Now shut the fuck up.
Meer has mind control powers too, they're just more obvious, and work best when they're bouncing.
Okay so that's how they identify. That's nice
>so that's how they identify. That's nice
Keep that garbage mumbo-jumbo away from this board. It's no longer funny.
What? Truth fucking hurts?
The fuck are you even talking about? Make some goddamn sense, please.
Goto is a MALE that IDENTIFIES as FEMALE. Why is that so hard for a simpleton like you to understand?
>Goto is a MALE that IDENTIFIES as FEMALE.
Do you have any evidence of that? Or are you just talking out of your ass?
Hello, Tokyopop has a writeup and they're male but in Twitter they identify as female.
> Tokyopop has a writeup
What writeup? Do you have a source or something?
Also, Tokyopop is very well known for making shit up.
Tokyopop was also prone to errors to be fair. Shit, they had to get fan consultants for their .hack stuff because it was so bad.
Their print version of novel
I think it's all on Lacus's suspicious-looking SEED Mode, which isn't actually a SEED Mode. All Accords have these kinds of eyes when they mind-control people en masse. When we first saw Lacus's actual effects in Freedom, it's just her neurons charging up, no seed imagery.
She asks Kira to "link up" to her in order to target the heavy DRAGOONs, so take that as you will.
Is it me, or does she also have high spatial awareness herself? I always presume the Cal-re.A got a gunner cockpit because Orphee doesn't have high spatial awareness, but Ingrid does. Goes to show Accords still ain't "perfect", what with Orphee lacking spatial awareness, Lacus actually being defective due to how her Accord Trance influences the good of people rather than the bad, etc.
I haven't watched the movie myself. Apparently Shinn or Athrun exhibit high spatial awareness as well at some point? Maybe it's a learnable skill if you have the potential and/or spend enough time with others who have the skill (like the La Flagas and Kira).
>they mind-control people en masse
They can't control people en masse but just one they target

The activation is the same with other Seed mode, SEED factor represents the ability for an individual to enter into a state of enhanced awareness and peak physical ability, known as SEED mode, which I think she is indeed in that state in the movie.
Shinn has a Newtype flash when Kira gets attacked.

Athrun uses Strike Freedom.

That’s it.
>like the La Flagas and Kira
Kira is made in same lab with Flaga clones that explained he likely got some Flaga DNA inside him too

Shinn gets the electric reaction in the movie while Athrun is not, I think the dragoons could be explained by Chaos Gundam having similar treat in its weaponry in Destiny like Akatsuki
So all Accords have SEED Mode, but they take a step forward by manipulating people's minds, correct?
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A comment I want to make in this regard. One of the things about old super robot shows is that the protagonist obtains power and learns across his experiences how to wield it for good. It's a very typical bildungsroman structure.
Gundam SEED, on the other hand, has little of this. Kira is taken as the unassailable "good guy" from the very beginning. He doesn't learn anything, and his path across the story is literally stated that "he" will discover himself, chiseling that nothing he does can ever be wrong.

There are two occasions on which he doubts himself, and neither amounts to anything. Once in Destiny to Murrue:
>is it possible that we're wrong about Durandal? [HAHAHA SIKE!]

And once in the movie:
>you are all weak and I don't want to be cucked because I love Lacus too much!
Man, seed is so fucking stupid & intellectually bankrupt
In a battle of villains, between the Accord Orphee Lam Tao and his 2-seater Cal-re.A and fleet of remote-controlled ships against the Innovator Ribbons and his two-faced Gundam Reborns connected to the Quantum Supercomputer Veda, who takes the W?
Though, more generally, really, how do Accords stack up to 00's Innovators?
Huh, weird that they gave Shinn something over Athrun. Unless it really is just a matter of having spent a lot of time around Rey then Kira.
The Innovades can hack all forms of technology. The Accords can control people's minds. It all comes down to who can play chess and win the board, Aura or Ribbons.
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Maybe it's Rey's ghost giving him warning and his spirit is hanging out with Stella inside Shinn's head.
Goto said that this is the case but Fukuda also said that the novel has more details because some scenes were cut from the movie due to time.
Innovator's were far superior and a decent threat for most of the show. The Accords get Team Kira once on account of them taking advantage of them and having tricks they don't know about like the beam armor and psychic powers, but once they don't have a massive advantage from being sneaky and have to go 1 on 1 with Compass as their best they lose pathetically. Even Orphee has to call in backup and gang up on Kira to almost get him and once it's one on one and Mighty Strike Freedom is ready he gets crushed. Fucking Rey put up a better fight against Kira, all Orphee can say is at least he lost with new and decent animated footage instead of losing to retracted stock footage. At least Ribbons gave as good as he got against 00 Raiser and scored a draw.
Athrun can use Strike Freedom's Dragoons easily.

Also only one of the Accords (the guy played by the Ready Player One guy) shows the mind control ability. The implication is that not all of them have every psychic power.
>Goto said that this is the case but Fukuda also said that the novel has more details because some scenes were cut from the movie due to time
It's best to treat them as two separate things at this point. The Novel was written at a different point than the movie. And when the movie went into production, some things were changed and cut to fit a movie format. That's just how it goes. Like how some Dune fans weren't happy with some changes made in the movie.
>At least Ribbons gave as good as he got against 00 Raiser and scored a draw.
Maybe it's a quirk of the English dub, but I loved it when Setsuna said that he and 00R would have the advantage in melee against Reborns, only to get bitch slapped away a few moments later.
Quantum brainwaves allowed some spatial senses and the ability to reach out and feel/communicate with other QBW users, but even the strongest ones (true innovators) weren't rivaling newtypes in terms of psychic power, it was just greater awareness overall, and some kind of teleporting bullshit but Ribbons himself wasn't capable of that. If Orphee gets his fleet, shouldn't Ribbons have his A-Laws fleet too?

>The Innovades can hack all forms of technology.
Yes and no, it was more that when the good guys found out Veda was compromised and under Ribbons' control, they had to cut out Veda from all their systems and go independent. If they stayed connected to Veda then they could have been shut down by the trial system at any time. I mean, if Ribbons somehow gained a link to the good guys' ship then definitely yes, he could have Veda hack them.
> Fucking Rey put up a better fight against Kira,
Ehhhhh.....no. Rey didn't even scratch Strike Freedom. It was very pathetic.

Orphee at least damaged SF.
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>At least Ribbons gave as good as he got against 00 Raiser and scored a draw.
Agreed. Although I was disappointed by Ribbonz mobile suit. I was expecting something unique and different. Not just a 00R evil clone. Ribbonz had an entire resources of a massive Asteroid factory (that was meant to be a Colony ship) and that's the best he could make? I honestly expected Ribbonz to make and pilot something like the Gadaleza. Dozens and dozens of fangs.
I feel like Ribbons' ego would prevent him from using something like the Gadaleza as his personal unit. Reborns largely exists in its current form to say
>See, I can build a working Twin Drive System too
>Not just a 00R evil clone
Reborns Gundam was not a 00R clone. It had the whole fucking two in one gimmick transformation where it was half Guncannon and Gundam. It didn't share ANY design or weapons with the 00R. It even mounted the twin drives on the elbows just to be different.

Claiming that the Reborns and 00R are clones of each other is fucking stupid. It's like thinking Wing Zero and Epyon were clones because they both had the Zero system.
But Ribbons alone made the Trial System obsolete, as he finds all sorts of ways to shut that down.
>Claiming that the Reborns and 00R are clones of each other is fucking stupid.
Ribbons used 00R's data to build Reborns Gundam

> It's like thinking Wing Zero and Epyon were clones because they both had the Zero system.
Epyom Gundam was built after using data from Wing Zero.
And yet it's still super successful.
Anon the regulations on nukes and power sources in CE are equivalent to IRL military vehicles being subject to CAFE emissions regulations
Are all of Shinn's dead loved ones living in his head?
Except they're not. Every line is exactly like the movie. There's no reason to separate the two.
Trial was like most of the 00S1 ideas in that it was a fine countermeasure to rogue Gundams on paper, but totally failed to acknowledge the realities of the circumstances where it could be used. Almost all of how Ribbons comes out of S1 on top is based on subverting the plan in ways that Aeolia didn't anticipate, because there's no such thing as a perfect plan.
>Every line is exactly like the movie.
The second time Trial was used, Ribbons DESTROYED the Plutone Drive within the Seraphim with the Ribbons Cannon. This is why the Trial System is ultimately considered useless.
"lmao" what, you meme-spewing dipshit? Put the movie's and the novel's dialogues side to side and they are identical.
>exactly like the movie
Except for differences.
Not that anon but you know that isn't true at all. Just stop. Enjoy both for what they are worth.
>The second time Trial was used, Ribbons DESTROYED the Plutone Drive within the Seraphim with the Ribbons Cannon. This is why the Trial System is ultimately considered useless.
Was it ever explained how Ribbons avoided the Trial System but stayed connected to Veda?
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>you know that isn't true at all
The dialogue in this scene matches the novel one-to-one (highlighted). Where's your argument now?

>Enjoy both for what they are worth.
I'm utterly sick and tired of you passive-aggressive bullshit. You do this crap every time the novel is mentioned. Do the board a favor and fuck off.
Ignore that guy. He is obsessed with the novel being canon for whatever reason. Who knows? Even though several anons already pointed out the aver differences between the novel and movie. He's just schizo. Just remember the official stance by Bandai is that all novels and secondary material aren't canon. The only thing they consider canon is the anime. End of discussion. I don't hate the novel either but like you said they aren't the same.
Stop replying to yourself, Duel. We all know it's you.
I'm starting to think that you are this Duel guy, and you accuse others to hide yourself.
Who said anything about "canon"? That kind of stuff is irrelevant to me personally, since it can get retconned and altered at a whim.
It's also absurd that a novelization written by the movie's screenwriter is, somehow, in a lesser category than model kit manuals and magazines.
>Proud Defender being made for Rising Gundam in novel
>Immortal Justice is said to be more powerful than Destiny Gundam in novel
>Akatsuki gets way more damaged in novel
Novel is garbage. Destiny Gundam would beat the shit out of Immortal Justice.
Stop sucking off e-celebs. Whatever beef you have with some random gundam Youtuber is stupid
>random gundam Youtuber
Eh? Since when that Duel ver/m/in has been doing the YouTube thing?
Who tf is duel and why should we care
Doesn't match the subtitles though.
>Who said anything about "canon"? That kind of stuff is irrelevant to me personally
No one cares about your personal opinions and head canon. We aren't here to please you. We care about what is official and approved.

>It's also absurd that a novelization written by the movie's screenwriter is, somehow, in a lesser category than model kit manuals and magazines.
You say this like it means something. Plenty of Tomino Gundam novels aren't canon either. For good reason as the differences create big confusion. Same with other Gundam novels. That's how things are.
>what is official and approved.
Show me exactly where is the "officially approved" part of your argument. No, I don't want to hear bullshit about "it was said plenty of times by this or that". You put up the evidence about canon right now.

Not "we". You, the exclusive, singular (You). This crap of yours about worshipping canon comes from one individual that goes berserk any time the FREEDOM novel is mentioned, regardless of what anyone else says, as clearly stated when you said.
>No one cares about your personal opinions and head canon
As I have told you before numerous times, I'm sick of your passive-aggressive bullshit.
Im seriously thinking its just one anon who is obsessed with seed novel because he hasnt seen the movie. Hes has jealous of other people who have already seen it.
We did not need a dedicated seed novel thread
Shut up Duel
>No one cares about your personal opinions and head canon. We aren't here to please you.

Yes you are. You are all pawns in my game of life and I can and will throw your lives away for my pleasure.
Shut up, Aura. Go back to being useless and dead.
You must be the same anon who got upset when told that the Power Ranger's color book was not canon. And that it wasn't an official Power Rangers story. That only the TV show matters. Then proceeded to rage for weeks in the Power Ranger thread.
Reborns doesn't need to stay connected to Veda, same thing with the last two Innovade MS. Gundam wiki claims that Official Gundam Perfect File 19 and the HG Seravee/Seraphim model kit booklet backs this up. I guess ultimately he doesn't even trust connecting his own Gundam lest someone else use the Trial system on him. Technically he was right, because if his suit was connected then it would have been crippled along with the rest of the Gagas and there wouldn't need to be a duel between Setsuna and Ribbons.
Then how are Tieria and the other Innovades like Regena Regetta talking to Ribbons during the final battle if he isn't connected to Veda? Their bodies were killed and their consciousness was stored in Veda.
That's really the thing. Fukuda may say he's trying to emulate the mecha anime from the 70's, saying that he's returning Gundam to it's roots, but it's clear he never really understood those shows. He just saw that kids thought they were cool, as well as how the more militaristic mecha anime of the 80's eventually slowed down and Sunrise began making the Braves shows. Fukuda cares about spectacle, not storytelling.

As anon said, Kira is simply meant to be the "good guy" and his entire arc amounts to giving him more and more power simply because he's a "good guy," but Fukuda misses the point about learning to use power responsibly. Kira angsts while piloting the Strike because he lacks the power to do what he wants, in turn allowing him to be manipulated, but once he gets the power to fight non-lethally the show paints him as enlightened.
Talking to other people with quantum brainwaves doesn't require Veda. Regene reached out to Tieria while on Earth so they could have a private chat. Al and Marie were telepathically talking to each other while they were child test subjects in the HRL lab, each held separately in different rooms.

I'll admit the Veda thing at the end of 00S2 was a bit hamfisted, though. Ideally Ribbons would have locked down "admin" access to Veda only for himself. Tieria somehow happens to gain access to Veda just because.. Regene let him access Veda? But Regene was already dead after Ribbons killed his body and reduced Regene to nothing but a consciousness.. and Ribbons already pegged Regene for a traitor long ago, so why was that still even possible?
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>Kira angsts while piloting the Strike because he lacks the power to do what he wants, in turn allowing him to be manipulated, but once he gets the power to fight non-lethally the show paints him as enlightened.
This is a constant for SEED. The only thing Kira understands is "power". Even in the movie/novel excerpt posted in >>22612524 he's angry about him and his buddies being too weak for Lacus. The conflict is solved by, you guessed it, more extraordinary power into their hands!

>but Fukuda misses the point about learning to use power responsibly
It's worse than missing the point. The point doesn't even exist here.
Because Kira is Kira, then the story will never question his actions or intent. He is always responsible and noble and kind-hearted. Just being 'him' is good enough as a sign of inherent goodness. And no, that's not me being negative of cheeky about it, but the story's own words.
Just like fortnite
>Fukuda misses the point about learning to use power responsibly
What's really funny is that Athrun is trying to teach this lesson to Shinn (poorly) during the middle section of Destiny, but somehow it doesn't apply to Kira at all.
>but somehow it doesn't apply to Kira at all.
Or to Athrun himself, who eventually ends up zipping across the battlefield and acting the hero in the same way he berated Shinn for.
>No, I don't want to hear
This isn't about what you want. If you like the Seed novel then good for you. Write about it in your diary. Maybe go on Tumblr. Stop trying to tell everyone it's canon. Every hardcore Gundam fan knows they aren't canon.
Just watched the movie.
I'm a bit confused. Are the Spec II suits just the frames of the original suits from the 2nd PLANT-alliance war but upgraded/retrofitted with new toys in secret? Or were they built entirely new from the ground up?
>Are the Spec II suits just the frames of the original suits from the 2nd PLANT-alliance war but upgraded/retrofitted with new toys in secret?
They are supposed to be the same suits but with minor upgrades. Although Destiny Gundam was partially destroyed, they rebuilt it to original specification with a few minor upgrades like an improved reactor.
>Bunshinn no Jutsu
>minor upgrades
I didn't say it made sense or claim it made sense. That's what the anime, databooks, and other stuff say. The only other alternative is if you believe the old databooks before the movie was released that say Destiny Gundam truly was the most powerful mobile suit of its Era ever created and Shinn wasn't able to pilot it to full potential due to mental problems.

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