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We need more mecha medias that are not about war or fighting
We recently got Bravern
I mean this is a mobile war hospital. It is about war/fighting. Now the Out Frame D and back home are basically a camper with ostensibly no military value.
But I like war and I like fighting
-sent from my iPhone
My mecha smartphone(I use android)
What are the chances that Blue Cosmos pilots intentionally targeted these ZAKUs to up their high-scores?
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Was gonna post this in the plamo box art thread but it's fitting here
Only yesterday I learned that the Mechatro Wego's lore is that they were mechs made in the 50's for children to go to school in rural areas, everything is spread out and less populated. I think that's cute
The Out Frame D was a remodel of the Out Frame with the specific intent of making it more combat capable.
>tfw no mecha show about exploring and making settlements in a new planet because drawing different biomes and creatures for each episode would be murderous for the budget.
I only want a crew of pilots making camp and shooting the shit on their machines while exploring a harsh environment full of great vistas.
I want another cgdct sol show bit instead of a school setting its like the first few episodes of Psybuster minus the Cybaster, with girls and mecha (designed by Kow Yokoyama) doing disaster cleanup and construction.
>people is a single person
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>Destiny had better UC machines than UC
How does that make you feel?
Like you're full of shit
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it also had mecha pedophilia so you can feel included too
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There's ID-0 which is about deep space miners. I enjoyed a lot of the world building and science in it, wish it got more episodes or a second season.
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Yes and?
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>Be some dude on the streets
>Go into an underground bar that has a backroom brothel
>Meet the guy running this shit
>"Lemme guess... You want to see her?"
>Tell him yes
>He takes me to a secret elevator
>It takes about two minutes till we finally at the place
>It's a hanger
>A mech hanger
>Finally, I reach the ground and make my way over to the one I want to meet
>I meet up with the pilot of the machine and he looks like he has lost all self-respect for himself
>He doesn't even say a word as he is already starting to get in the robot
>The mech starts up and it moves back a bit
>A grin starts to form on my face as I'm already unbuckling my belt
>The pilot lays the mech completely on its back
>I can see those beautiful THICC mechanical legs
>They were just polished and repaired
>If I wasn't hard then I sure hard as fuck now
>All of my clothes are off as I see the mech get into a position
>THAT position
>This dirty whore knows what gets me going
>I already paid the man extra for an extended hour
>I'm going to ruin this slut
>I walk forward to the hours of pleasure that awaited me...

I don't regret shit
i need the kit
>I don't regret shit
what is there to even regret? this is based
The Gafran Mars Feather from Gundam AGE MSV.
It's an unmanned mobile suit dispatched by AG 200 to protect Mars from the Mars Ray disease, purifying the air and protecting citizens from solar winds.

While it's built using old Gafran from the war as a base, It doesn't have any weapons anymore.
Big backpack brainrot
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Watch Planettes
I don't know about non fighting, but there are non war mecha
>ATOM the begining
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Ah yes, another weird ass french-japanese collaboration, the creator of Code Lyoko worked on it

Add Oban Stars Racers to OP's list too if IGPX counts
I wasn't even awarer they did an anime based on Valerian, I only read some of the comics a while ago
I wonder how one could incorporate the use of mechs - including space robot fights - into a drama/comedy about bureaucrats in a government department in space. And why they would need to be in space.

This is because I am trying to write something like this and wracking my fucking brains out.
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You could do a Tail Concerto/Solatorobo that commits to the premise of being a little guy doing odd jobs without the world at risk.
There's also Steambot Chronicles for steam mecha.
Just to be clear, on all 3 you eventually involved into high-stakes events
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>Is it any good?
It's most definitely worth a watch at least once in your life. No one can decide for you whether it's good, though. It gets pretty damn weird towards the end.

I really liked what they did with the love interest dynamic, though. It's refreshing to see them not dwell too long on the tsuntsun phase and actually have the idiot MC realize early on "oh yeah, I think I actually like this girl I'm butting heads with"
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Albedo, I will love you forever, and I love burocracia and the founding fathers.
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Albedo, we have to care for each other.
>we may as well mention the Valerian and Larueline (I saw the first episode a while back but I never continued it -- is it worth continuing?)
It's no work of staggering genius, but I enjoyed it and it does some neat things. Hell of a lot better than the movie.
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Is there a mecha show with civilians turning against their governments?
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My Absolute Homie
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Quick! Load these heavily injured and physically unstable patients into that giant robots backpack so it can bumpily run back to base while shaking them around!
Stargazer my nonbinary binary waifu
Xenoblade X adaptation but they actually get the mechs before 20 hours in?
I still want an /m/ serious about freight delivery
Maybe something like The Fourth War--your bureaucrats have too much authority but feel underappreciated, get bored and turn a petty grievance into a small war?
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That's not how the hospital Zaku works. It's a mobile hospital unit which carries the three hospital pods on its back to any location needed, which isn't dissimilar to some mobile hospitals which are used on occasion today. It is not a Zakambulance.
Holy moly, A SEED Zaku design I like besides Meer Campbell's concert custom. I would like an HG of this, please.
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Okay, but you have to at least admit that a Zakambulance would be really fucking funny to see...
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One of my favorites is one I'd barely even consider /m/ material.

I watched the first 7 or 8 episodes before getting bored of it.

>ATOM the beginning
I watched Pluto and it was okay (except for the first episode) and it was pretty bogged-down by the fact that it's an Astro Boy storyline adaptation. Does The Beginning have the same problem?

Oban was Podracers: The Franime
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Are you new to english? "We" here could also refer to We, the anime loving masses
no war for you, anon
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We did.
you have to go back
So it's IGPX?
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Does this count?
>Hurr give us more boring shit
Are you a woman? Get fucked.
>he associates women with NOT fucking him
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we recently had an anime about mecha pest control
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Do we have line art of the Fire-Fighter ground Jegans?
>Free Healthcare
>But you have to ride the Zakambulance
The German spacenoid gets home from his job in the space warehouse and promptly fires up PowerLoader Simulator 2224.
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What keeps the patients from getting jostled to death?
The fact that the mech is just transporting the pop-up medical buildings, it's not an ambulance. It transports the facilities where needed and sets them up.
I'd rather a Big Zambulance
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The fuck is that clown thing?
You don't think it had much in the way of mecha, but add an image of a spacecraft.

Jr mobile suit my beloved
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She looks like she violates people
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Its not really mecha but try giving space brothers a watch. Actually a really great series about a car engineer trying to become an astronaut like his brother. It goes into a lot of the technical stuff involved with space travel and becoming an astronaut.
Years ago I watched through a lot of episodes of it before realizing the whole series was 99 episodes long and dropping it. I was working security at the time and was afraid it'd literally bore me to sleep. I had to watch something else to keep from nodding off.

And since I made that last post I tried and dropped Atom: The Beginning at episode 4. I didn't even realize the anime ended 7 years ago, but the manga is still going. It's obvious in hindsight when it's 12 episodes and more than half seem to be filler.
Watch Daiguard.
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They're still fighting as a monster of the week plus logistics and paperwork.

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