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/m/ - Mecha

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New edition.
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If you're gonna post Tatsunoko waifus, you should at least acknowledge the OG. Seriously, even Team Rocket was inspired by her gang.
Left, right, or middle.
None, Rayearth is low quality.
Thank you for playing.
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You're welcome, have a puppy Kristen Noemi can't shoot.
>Kristen Noemi
Literally who?
There's something about 80's girls that I can't help but love them.
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>Looks this chick up assuming this is some obscure story from years back or fake
>It's real

American anons are you guys okay?
For me, it's Amu.

Exceedingly based taste.

Umi will always be my favorite.
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Based AnaĆ­s enjoyer.
O Captain! My Captain!
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I pick sex
Still one of the most underrated Sunrise heroines.
I like this one more.
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I wish Meltrandi were real
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>imagine seeing those giant tits with your own eyes
What would laying on top of them feel like?
We know Nina. Now leave that table alone.
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I love pizza wife!
>like the green girl
What is it with green?
Why are so many of her pictures like this, I was expecting something like this in Seed but she was just an innocent girl
this green is shit though
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delicious mirage butt
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You're literally insane
Because seeing innocent girls act lewd is sexy.
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That's true, but seeing threads bombarded with pics that encourage bombarding her with your seed, or of her Seed Destiny lookalike made me expect something completely different from the show
I also assumed there would be a lot more singing
Zemi Mama is a perfect 10 milf.
Where are the pics?
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A-anon this is a blue board
While we're on the subject of MILFS.
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I wish we had more milves and onee-sans in mecha anime
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Gilf at this point
>deeply like Misa so far in the show
>she gives off mommy vibes
>she's like, 19
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I want to make this young hag a mother
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Never have I loved a character this much yet also wanted her to romantically win. Well, Misa and C.C. but I'm definitely actively rooting for her to win the Hikarubowl quite a bit more. Haven't been able to look up fanart due to not having finished her show yet
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Here's pre-plastic surgery Meer. Say something nice to her.
she looks better
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I'm a man of Ė¢įµįµ’Ė” pleasures
Poor Xiaomu.
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Shinn has a nice wife.
So will you
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Best /m/ waifu.

Good choice.
Amu is the kind of girl that would steal your last life in Life Force
If she counts as /m/, then so does pic related.
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Dunbine had some pretty great girls in it.
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Nanoha has always been /m/
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Moar of her never version
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Some governor that shot her dog because it killed a bunch of chickens and tried to bite her and her kid and people are mad.
Aren't you aware that canine lives are worth more than humans? Haven't you seen John Wick? Aren't you aware of the majority gender of the majority ethnicity in America's preference for canine male companionship than human males?
>Aren't you aware of the majority gender of the majority ethnicity in America's preference for canine male companionship than human males?
Yeah, Bimajo is the best pizza wife I'm glad you like her.
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Excuse you, I'm not going to take this kind of sass from someone who uses VLC
Doronjo has to be #1 due to her blonde hair, but I've only seen pics and clips of Time Bokan, didn't know Bimajo existed at all. She is pretty, I'll give you that.
Tatsunoko alone has made 10 versions of the trope just for Time Bokan as a franchise. Leopard (Yatterman Night) and Bimajo (Time Bokan 24) are the latest.
>just finished last slice of pizza
>no more pizza
man, do i want a pizza
Both of them look like they should be bullied to the point of crying (affectionate)
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What a smug pizza girl.
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Her smugness is uncontainable
Team Rocket before Team Rocket.
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Super Milia
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Best waifu from Brave.
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>Perfect stop there!
>Go back!!
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I'm guessing you don't like Flash's heavier shoujo artstyle?
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I like the more substantial proportions of Shin
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There she is.
I've seen better, man.
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Are there any /m/ girls you had a crush on when you were younger, and do you still have a crush on them?
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lol man i forgot how the mecha are also just bursting with T&A
love shizuru though.
idunno i think she's pretty sexy.
really fun to be around too i bet
Any mecha yanderes in the house?
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Speaking of blonde hair >>22624907
>completely neglected that blonde bombshell for whatever reason, even though OG Honey is already super pretty and there's nothing wrong with her show
Flash looks like it might be top tier in terms of design though, although all of them are appreciable in their own way
Van is so lucky.
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Allenby has been my waifu since I was like 11.
All I can think of is a male one, sorry.
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Evil women are just better.
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Ok hear me out...

She's funny.
The funny part is that they were all originally intended to be the same person before the Shigino OVAs.
Whatā€™s she from? Sauce and google bring up nothing.
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E.X. Troopers, that lost planet spinoff game they did but decided not to localize.
Can you waifu a starship?
If you have to ask
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Fair enough.
If there's something like this in any of her shows then I will start prioritizing Honey way more
It gets even better.
Honey was never that shy in the show so far, but this is some next level fanservice
Man you haven't seen anything yet
Wait what, is that still her
>episode 1
I don't know how to feel about the dub, but this looks cheaper yet better-animated, but also gives the impression that people who loved it worked on it.
That figures
That's... unexpected.
>they just went so ham on the fanservice even in the opening
I have to power through the rest of Cutie Honey to get to this
>just three episodes
Flirtatious blonde robowife deserves better than this
High "Alone on a Friday Night?" energy.
The show is based on a live action movie that Anno directed. Also, Honey is voiced by Jessica Calvello who also voiced her in the dubs for Shin and Universe.
Shame about that. Wouldā€™ve liked to give it a try. Also, sheā€™s a cutie.
I believe it has been fan translated.
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The girl they got for the live action movie has.. a bit of a chubby face.
Amon sounds more fitting than Honey, but maybe it's something I have to get used to, she sounds a bit more fierce than gently playful. But she does have a bit of a decent range, I guess I was just expecting something else.
>being subjected to a horror show
Hopefully the rest of Universe makes up for this
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is it worth watching the show just for her?
is it worth watching ANY tatsunoko show just for the main villainess?
The Time Bokan series are pretty good for those, except Kiramekiman which had to work with modern constraints and a different network that didn't allow things to get as sexy as before.
Love how Nagai himself picked Jessica as Honey's English voice.
Her first lady boner.
Damn straight.
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That's not Sally.
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Purest maiden. Don't at me. Don't try to argue. This is major plot point.
A greater hero and savior than even Senpuji Maito himself.
Best MM girl.
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She forever shaped my taste in waifus
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>no Ruri
The Narumi Hidaka tomboys.
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I like Tsubaki.
Me too. She's cute.
Who is this?
Shizuru Fujimura
Best Godannar wo/m/an.
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Which is a pretty impressive deed
Now in the 200 post mark.
Glad you specified wo/m/an.
Please tell me she has jiggle in this.
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20 images left.
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I'm a simple man. If she has green hair, like Cima in Stardust Memory, she's the winner.
Good choice.
Look who's talking, Nina.
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Incorrect. Green hair must never win, only lose.
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10 images remaining.
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The greatest /m/ain character.
Doot doot
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Only one more left. Who will it be?
Apparently Luna/m/aria
well there ya go
And it's me. Wasn't expecting that.
Relena is crazy, then again so is most of the cast in Wing.

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