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Post your continuity breaking cash gra- I mean, obscure prototype and limited deployment mobile suits from MSV
Is that a Zaku 1.5?
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mass produced zeta, my beloved
man, Fujita had a fetish for things sticking out everywhere on his designs
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i can appreciate how this tried to be closer to the OG rick dias
it really should have a monoeye instead of a visor though, i think if they had a visor on the prototype they would've stuck with it for the production rick dias
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wish we got to see it in ZZ or something
the blurb specifically talks about how the author took liberties with the design because as a MSV suit Proto Rick Dias is not on the same level of "official" as the actual Rick Dias and the author thought a more GM-like look would be appropriate
'Style', he had a style for things sticking out everywhere.
The Gundam
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I find this handsome.
Kind of, the MS-05Q Zaku I was made because some pilots refused to upgrade to the Zaku II.
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Looks weirdly similar to the Zorin Soul
the OG MS-O6-zaku II
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Shaldoll Scout is one of AGE's best designs. I've often wondered if that combat rifle was capable of destroying Vagan armor.
Agreed. I am a huge UCfag, but this is one of the very few non-UC designs that I think look great.
Probably, the Shalldoll scout is used around AG 140/164, we see it quickly in Memories of Eden
Zaku Marine Type. Not to be confused with the Mariner from ZZ. It was my favorite suit in the now-defunct MSGO. It had a great shotgun that actually worked better underwater and a torpedo gun. It was based on an MSV design which had an old pre-HG kit.
Gun-EZ prototype (unit 2)
Many forget that the Gun-EZ are technically gundam
I don't care that its origins are rooted in something made by Nagano, it's sexy and shiny and I love it.
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I recently got the Ka Signature action figure of the Hyaku-Shiki Kai Mass Production Type. It was not my favorite MSV, and I would have preferred Bandai releasing the regular Hyaku Shiki, but having in my hands now has given me a new appreciation for the design.
If the Gun-EZ is a Gundam then so is the Javelin
No, wtf, Javelin is RGM. As in GM.
Perhaps you meant Gunblaster?
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>I was made
When did zeeks start making intelligent mech AI?
... I as in "Zaku I"
you know, 1
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Yeah this right here, my personal favorite mass production zeta. It actually feels like a simplified MP unit unlike the Re-GZ or especially the zeta plus.
It's so simplified it misses the point. It's a failure of a mobile suit that was just plain inferior to the Hyaku Shiki Kai.
the hyaku shiki kai has a hard time developing it's own identity. I end up just looking at it as a hyaku shiki with a retarded alien head
>It's so simplified it misses the point.
Absolutely. It's not fit for ace pilots like Zeta Plus and Re-GZ, nor it is cost-effective enough for mass production like ReZEL. Still, it's decent and looks really cool.
>It's a failure of a mobile suit that was just plain inferior to the Hyaku Shiki Kai.
Uh, kinda? Saying this is kinda missing the point, as regular HSK is more of a competitor to Zeta Plus as an ace suit. HSKMPT on other hand, while slightly better than MP Zeta, is also way more expensive.
For me it's the Full Armor variant.
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It'll always be my beautiful baby boy
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Only Re-GZ I actually like.
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as classic as it gets and still lovely
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Based fellow Gelgooner
what’s wrong with nagano?
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For me it's Nemo III.
I just wish it was in the same colors as the regular AEUG Nemo.
I like how it and Nemo II cease trying to hide their Zeon roots. III goes a step further and focuses on just a cannon role, knowing it can't compete with GM III anyway
That's a factor too, though I feel like it's still is kinda Jim-my, making it more of a blend of aesthetics of the EFF and Zeon suits and looking quite good as well. Nemo II is relatively uglier.
I disagree that it really can't compete with GM III though, unless the latter is some advanced variant or equipped with G-Defenser.
Zaku Tank my beloved
in sheer performance they might be on par but productivity is very, very firmly on GM III's side. And that's before accounting for the fact you can refit the single most plentiful MS around into it.
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Not going to start a new thread for a simple question and this seems like a good place to ask. Should I watch AGE? I've been sitting on the fence regarding that for years, on one hand it's one of the few Gundam series I haven't touched, on the other hand, whenever I look up the screenshots, the interest in watching it dies. May the wise sages of /m/ share their impressions of the series to help me develop a final solution to this dilemma?
it's a very flawed show that only becomes more so as it goes on, but it has a lot of good ideas and a great premise that just couldn't be executed well. A few aspects like certain characters, music and mecha are done very well from start to finish though.
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This Dom goes three times as fast
First half ranges from decent to great. Second half ranges from watchable to shit with few worthwhile moments in between.
I'd say to watch it if you like mecha designs. Skip otherwise.
>this seems like a good place to ask
Cursory reading through the posts indicates that anons itt seem to know their Gendiums well enough while also not being particularly argumentative, allowing for the beast known as 'possibility to answer my question without shitposting too much' to emerge.
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I'm really fond of this walking war crime, I'm not a super big SEED guy but I do like the N Dagger N
Zoomer finds out about Roman numerals for the first time.
I need this shit so hard.
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Give us a Galbaldy Alpha kit, you cowards!
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ZII is listed as a Z-MSV, but it feels more like a hybrid of the Methuss and Zeta than a variation of one MS.
As a reminder, Z-MSV also had Guncannon Detector, Gundam Mk-III and Dijeh SE-R.
Z-MSV is called that because it's MSV for Zeta the anime, though centered on AEUG machines.
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Everything is Beta, Beta, Beta! I want the REAL MS-17 Galbaldy
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This is actually just the GM quel accept it got popular
Hello, Mr. Bandai here.
What's that? You're asking for A.O.Z. Reboot Advanced Galbaldy Beta?
I hear you loud and clear. We'll announce it later this year. (laughs)
I do like me the Galbaldy Beta as well.
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Same. I fucking love this chunky boy

Joke's on you, Mr. Bandai
Advanced Galdbaldy Beta is the only Galbaldy Beta I actually like.
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Postan the best aquatic MS, at least he and Juaggu got a spotlight in Unicorn's wankfest episode.
The day of the baldy can't come soon enough.
What the fuck going on with the knees?
those are hyper beam sabres on the knees. they also work as beam cannons
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I love things that are cannon!
Does this count?
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When do we get to see the coolest Federation mobile suit again?
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I can't get a basic pic for the 4th form.
Yet I can get it for r
Looks like some SRW original if you ignore the gundamface, pretty cool
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Yeah, if you ignore the Gundam face. Let’s go with that…
Efreet was originally intended to appear instead. An artifact of that remains in Cannon Illefuto's name. It was also meant to appear in 08th MS Team but got replaced by Gouf Custom.
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yo dawg i herd u liek VSBRs
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there's just something so wrong about metal build F91 to me, it's bizarre
it feels like it has tiny dainty feet
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Very cool car, needs more VSBRs though.
Small torso and slightly oversized shoulder armor?

Holy erotica
AGE MSV bump!
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not strictly a MSV but given how different it is I feel it might as well be - Fujita's Zeta design. I like it so much more.
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Its not in any of the official Gundam MSV groups, but the Epsy Gundam never gets posted on /m/ and only hardcore UC dudes seem to be aware of this Nagano design, it feels like a really obscure MSV in that way.

>The Epsy Gundam was an obscure project developed in an attempt to create a mobile suit capable of Interplanetary travel to attack and destroy enemy fleets outside the combat range of allied ships. The design effort was carried out in a joint venture between Anaheim Electronics and AEUG. Designed around the same time period as the MSN-001 Delta Gundam, it's most noteworthy feature was a relatively new type of nuclear propulsion system, Nuclear Pulse Propulsion, whose concept was to utilize small directional nuclear explosives to "push" the mobile suit across space. Theoretically, the thrust produced from the system were in the millions of tons, which would allow the Epsy Gundam an incredible operational range. This method is also one of the techniques used for moving around large asteroids like 5th Luna. The Gundarium Epsilon alloy was developed over the course of the project, due to the rigors (shock, radiation, etc.) the Epsy Gundam had to withstand because of its propulsion system.
it's pretty obscure but it is still at least somewhat recognized, the Anaheim gundam list from Sentinel that is still mentioned sometimes includes it. Though typically the description is just that it used a new Gundarium alloy type.
I like some of the theories about how it might be related to Hyaku Shiki in some way, especially from back when Delta had very little background and the entire situation was rather muddy.
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I wish Bandai would make a kit of the Hyper Zeta
he's pretty cute!
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my nugga
one day we'll see a kit of it
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I don't know why but the prototype ZZ kicks butt.
Is there any ZZ that isn't?
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That's an interesting Dijeh.
I prefer this one.

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