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>has two insta-win nuclear cannons
>uses hands instead just to send a message
Garrod is so underrated honestly
I love it when Gundams just punch each other
The charge of time is a bit of a weakness.
Would Garrod fare in a Gundam Fight of G Gundam?
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not really
the video literally has Garrod shake off the Frost bros first, taking them by surprise with Double X's performance to charge up before they can no longer approach.
Meanwhile the space fight has them in more even machines, can't expect them to just hang back after getting kicked if you start charging the cannons.
And yeah he was pissed off.
Why didn’t they just destroy the satellites? Are they stupid?
>Nearly 20 seconds to fire
>Not a problem
Never watched anime before?
Anime's time doesn't flow realistically for dramatic effects
The moon base is guarded with 20 G-bits all carrying satellite Cannons.
Going near them is suicide
That's not how thrusters work in space. The boosting Gundam would just drag the mobile suit holding on to it. It wouldn't "yank" free.

No wonder Gundam X was cancelled.
^ that's why it's called "science fiction", retarDuel
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God, why is Double X so cool?
Frieza realized he was wrong about the time during the fight because he missed the core of the planet. The fight wasn't long in the manga, the anime dragged it out. IIRC, it takes like 5 chapters after he says that for the fight to end. The DX has to contact the moon and wait for the laser to reach it. It taking 20 seconds isn't out of the question.
the anime and manual both stated that it takes only 4.03 seconds to charge the DX too.

Also, episode 34 had the DX shooting 3 shots with a single charge.
The thruster exhaust literally pushed the holding Gundumb away
Your birth was cancelled halfway
That fire barrier is cool as heck
Wish it was used more
They did destroy the Satellite that hovered around Earth and allowed charging the Satellite Cannon at any time. But the actual moon base is guarded by the DOME controlled Bit Mobile Suits and pretty much impregnable.
There's no air in space to do any pushing.
which is why the thrusters blow him away even harder since theres no air in the way
Actually, that is how thrusters work in space. Any energy released against a surface will push that surface away from it based on the velocity of the initial acceleration. Ashtaron will be moving in the exact opposite direction at the same speed as DX moving away until DXs acceleration exceeds the shared velocity at the moment of separation.
Virsago is the one where everything fucks up because Virsago didn't utilize any corrective propulsion. Virsago is the one that should have been taken for a ride.
That means that both you, and Gundam X, are retarded.
It actually is a problem as we see in the fight against the Correl. The Double X gets dominated by fast suits.
>Ashtaron will be moving in the exact opposite direction
Except it isn't.
By "fast suit" you mean the fastest prototype in the setting that sacrificed all armor for speed, while also having an extremely strong beam knife that did more damage than beam sabers/rifles of other suits to the DX.
Rockets exhaust tens of thousands of pounds of gas at hypersonic velocities. It's going to push things away whether it's in space or not
If Garod's enemies could hit their shots the correl wouldn't be needed. It's not faster than beams.

>extremely strong beam knife
It's literally just a depowered beam saber. Gundam X suffers from enemies being dumb and bad at piloting more than any other gundam instead of just inventing some crazy armor to defend the main cast.
Huh? Check the scene again, it IS going backwards, not just standing in place, unlike the Virsago.

>Virsago is the one where everything fucks up because Virsago didn't utilize any corrective propulsion. Virsago is the one that should have been taken for a ride.

Virsago was just going to fire at point blank on the DX, it wasn't really trying to hold it. It seems to just give up on that when the DX is set free.
>If Garod's enemies could hit their shots the correl wouldn't be needed. It's not faster than beams.
The DX is hit often. It takes beam rifles and even sabers while just getting knocked around with little damage. It took sustained beam shots from the Bertigo's funnels to damage the original X which had weaker armor. The Correl is the only time a beam weapon slices through X's version of Lunar Titanium like it were butter.
Thanks to that the Frost faggots are still alive and causing trouble years after the end of the show.
I really hope if they go forward with that sequel during the upcoming anniversary they don't make the Frosts the main villains again. It'd be so lame to make them the only people that make the setting move. It's also bizarre they're still even part of the NUNE forces after what they pulled in the finale.
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Even Frosties sounded so afraid of it because it IS the fastest suit in AW timeline.
Remember how two entire armies shat themselves when they saw the satellite link in episode 38 and quickly retreated from the range?

Funny enough, in the manga, Garrod defeated Correl and the other Psychos with Satellite Cannon. it didn't need the vulcans
Wait, that's the Gable doing some long jump/flight?! I guess it's technically not impossible considering the low weight of everything X related, but it's still a bizarre sight.
probably has lots of thrusters
>They did destroy the Satellite that hovered around Earth and allowed charging the Satellite Cannon at any time
when did that happen?
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That was something that happened offscreen before the start of the show.

The premise of the "Under the Moonlight" manga was that one of the satellites in that network turns out to only be damaged and knocked offline, and 9 years after the events of the TV series that surviving satellite has been repaired and converted into a satellite to provide power for the humans on Earth rebuilding their cities. However it also still functions as part of the GX satellite cannon power system and responds to satellite cannon systems requesting energy.
The relay station stuff was mentioned in the old official Gundam X site they created for the DVD release. But, yeah, I don't think they ever talk about it in the show itself.
damn, TSC during daytime could be cool
IIRC they do briefly refer the lack of the relay system in the early episodes to explain why it only works when the moon is visible
I don't remember if the show does, but you don't think the Moon's only visible at night, right?
They do show the moon visible with the skies still blue in the Gable episode, although they decide against using the Satellite Cannon anyway.
0079 was cancelled.
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cancelled != cut short
Ideon = lost the entire ending, that became exclusive to a movie.
Layzner = lost the entire ending. even the 3rd OVA didn't cover the whole ending and left 2-3 arcs uncovered.
0079 = lost the original ending and was going to cut abruptly until Tomino and his team begged Sunrise to get 4 more episodes just to make a new ending to wrap things up
X = actually finished the story. the only thing it lost is Ennil's Gundam and DX's extra weapons

learn the difference, kid
the only things that we know of. It's not exactly a secret the entire space arc was rushed and was missing ten episodes worth of material and character growth. But despite that the show did stick the landing perfectly well and can be considered complete and finished as it was intended to be.
I think they cut things that aren't significant to the story like all the action scenes of G-Falcon with Leopard/Airmaster and Frost Brothers getting their upgrade Gundams.
They also wanted to make Amuro's VA be the voice for D.O.M.E but this was scrapped as well.
>Bertigo's Funnels
In universe I just always assumed Gundam X had made anti-beam coating reliable and incredibly easy to mass-produce. It is after the 7th space war after all.
Out of universe its the same team who did Gundam Wing so they're used to drawing Gundams that never get hurt by beams lmao
I dunno, I think Satyricon for example would have had a bigger role to play. At least bigger than getting wiped out 15 after they're introduced. By extension giving Pala more screen time and development, seeing how she's meant to be part of the "new generation" kids with Garrod, Tiffa, Carris. And Kid. Kinda?
>he missed the core of the planet.
He destroyed the core, the problem was he held back because he didn't want to blow up the planet whole sale and risk getting killed in the blast.
they should have rocket punches honestly, fuck this distinction of real and super let me do awesome super moves in gundam games too
wasn't there a suit in Turn A that had a rocket punch? or was it G-Reco?
Turn-A specifically Corin Nanders Kapool
Honestly you could probably handwave the realism in a show by having it happen during a desperate situation and the pilot jury rigs some technobabble thing to rocket one of the MS's hands out. It'd end up inexplicably being one of the ultimate attacks in SRW like how Waverider Crash is almost always the Zeta's, even though it really shouldn't be stronger than anything involving beams.
Neue Ziel does exactly this. So can the Zeong. It just so happens that the guns in those hands tend to be better than slamming your machinery with relatively delicate controls and (more importantly) a fucking fuel source onboard that could potentially explode.

Those two asswipe brothers should have died, that was the saltiest part about the ending for me.
Just do it like Victory Gundam with its legs, they launch their fist and HQ sends them a new one in the air.
Yeah, as much as I love Gundam X, i didn't like how it made everyone in the main cast survive the war.
>Honestly you could probably handwave the realism in a show by having it happen during a desperate situation and the pilot jury rigs some technobabble thing to rocket one of the MS's hands out.
that exact thing happened in a western mech show
>missing the point
He's the original NTD.
The Doven Wolf and Silver Bullet could do it.

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