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Previous thread >>22488418
-Check out nyaa/anidex, KRDL and the pastebin before posting requests.
-If only posting an image, pop the name/title/source/whatever in the filename or post.
-If you find yourself asking "Is it /otg/?", it probably is.

>Metal Hero, Garo and Misc toku DDL
>Rare Tokusatsu Blog
>Stuff archived from Hi no Tori Subs (See the paste for Mitsurugi and Andro Melos, KRDL for Wecker and Bereke Scrubs for remastered Tekkouki Mikazuki)
>Big tokusatsu google document
>Other links of interest
And to start this thread off I had just finished episode 16 of janperson. This one’s another great series so far and janperson seems almost invincible so far, “almost” as something’s going on in his head regarding his past life. I also like that there’s not one not two but three main villain factions he has to take on which imo is very unique and almost like a rouge’s gallery of sorts.
Watched episode 2 of Avalon. I kinda love how the main hero only speaks in English when he's transformed. As if being empowered with mythical knight energy makes you speak in british-isms somehow.
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How is Spielvan?
In case y'all missed 'em, here's the latest chapters of the Lion-Maru manga,

& Kazumine's Ultraman, the first of its 4 original stories!
>Zoids, VOTOMS and Ryukendo
Damn hype
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Giant robo had to do it for the greater good, otherwise he would’ve been turned into a giant monument/playground/amusement park
I liked it but in comparison to the others it’s ok (objectively there is no bad metal heroes show), personally I liked gavan, metalder, and jiban much more, still great stuff and near character development
I see the movie is included as great gibanoid is on there.
Oh and an update on janperson, really great so far and got to the episodes with gun gibson BABY, awesome enough he’s in the intro now.
is it? they haven't said anything about it so a lot of people are assuming they didn't get it like what happened with the Black and RX sets
The episode where he dies was so fucking good. I wish the rest of the show had the same quality
I've seen full Mandarin subs for many shows that aren't in English, including some that don't even have decent quality raws on the western internet! Most of them appear to be by one "ZIIT SUB", but others, like Rainbowman, seem to have been done by others, & I've been losing my mind trying to find WHERE ARE THESE COMING FROM? Because 1, like I said some of those shows come with higher quality raws than currently available, 2, because having access those Mandarin subs could potentially prove useful, it's how Giant Robo & Daitetsujin 17 got subbed even if I admit those could've been a bit more polished, & 3, perhaps it might be possible to contact them & see if they have any Japanese scripts they might've worked off of, which would be even more useful! Is anyone here familiar with navigating Chinese web spaces?
I hadn't checked their site in a while, but raretokusatsu has really been putting in work. I have a few new things to download. Looking forward to watching Mirror of Janus, when I can find the time.
Thanks anon, this had some that I had missed with my other search results.
Looking forward to starting that eventually. It's also a geo9875 joint, and I've still not gotten through Abunai Deka and only just started Akai Meiro.
32 episodes of janperson done and what can I say, billgoldy is an absolute menace, from a somewhat silly lollipop sucking executive to a nightmare of a rival character, he’s easily now this shows main antagonist while neo-guild and super science are side antagonists at this point.
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There was a post about a bit ago about an old Zeiram hero show and someone must have contacted the guy who had the full video! There's a bunch of footage of Amemiya doing calligraphy/illustrations too. Kinda crazy he's still at it 30 years later.
New Lion-Maru manga chapter!
Found a copy of Super Robot Red Baron on DVD, really been enjoying it. Feels like a live-action version of Mazinger Z or Getter Robo
Is it the release with the mistimed subs?
If so, here's an upload with the subs properly timed.
Is the one where the distributor / company didn't give two fucks about their packaging and presentation that they put all four of their discs in basically plastic sleeves which you can get on eBay in packs of 100 for $2?
>Is it the release with the mistimed subs?
I got both Iron King and Red Baron. Iron King is WAY worse about the subtitle delays than Red Baron is. Like literal seconds per translation sometimes

Yeah, it's Millcreek. They also did the same for their original release of Ultraman years ago. I'm actually kind of surprised that they got the license to release Ultraman in the US from Tsuburaya for newer stuff like Tiga and Nexus
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Do I have to watch Minus One to understand this gag?
Sorry I haven’t been active much, been doing a few things but have made progress on janperson, seems a bit late to have a kid team not unlike the rider scouts from Kamen rider with only 14 episodes left but it is what it is, this one’s still pretty good. I hear blue swat isn’t all that amazing but my opinion might be a little bit different from others so we shall see but I really can’t wait to the two b fighter shows that from what I hear are a spectacular finish to the metal hero series.
Just got my payment request from AmiAmi for the Garouken
Only 10 episodes left of janperson and things are heading towards the endgame as all three villain organizations are appearing at once this time, which one will fall first, I’ll see that tomorrow
New Kazumine Ultraman chapter, second of the original stories!
New Lion-Maru chapter!
Only three episodes of janperson left, neo-guild is no more but billgoldy is up to something nasty involving children, finale is close
Finally finished janperson, what a finale, I think that kind is right up there with the ending to sharivan. I feel like THIS show is what robot detective was trying to do but they didn’t have the budget or just couldn’t try to emulate shotaro’s original idea to life, but it was a sweet ending where janperson make a breakthrough between what is human and robots It’s such a marvelous story and a emotional roller coaster throughout. Now my comparisons with the others. Once again objectively there is no bad metal heroes shows
Up next let’s kick some alien butt in BLUE SWAT. I have a feeling this isn’t gonna be as good as the others
Penultimate chapter of Kazumine's Ultraman, & boy is it a doozy!

It's based on a script made while the show was still under the working title of Redman, & according to Japanese Wikipedia, it was scrapped because by the time the show took complete shape it was too removed from the forumla, & yeah I can see that.

I think instead of doing Lion-Maru next, I'm just gonna finish Kazumine's Ultraman first.
Started blue SWAT, I fucking heard that Kenji Yamamoto and that near identical BTTF theme while battling the alien of the week, you think I wouldn’t notice? Its amazing he wasn’t caught earlier for plagiarism
Back to the Future was popular in Japan, anon.
I know but still lol
& badabingbadaboom that's Kazumine's Ultraman done & in the bag!

I bet y'all are now wondering, am I gonna do Kazumine's Seven?
Yes, but not for a while though.

Only 5 chapters to go with Lion-Maru!
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Anyone know what this is?
Isn’t his version tied with Jiro Kuwata?
They're separate, serialized in different magazines, but some reprints include both as if they were the same series.
Looks like something out of Jiraya.
Does anyone know any Gransazer softsubs compatible with Bunny-Hat Raw's release or should I just opt for TV-Nihon?
Here's a bunch of raw Ken Ishikawa,
Azteckaiser, Battle Hawk, Kaiketsu Shuffle, Ultraman Taro, & Henshin Ninja Arashi which I previously uploaded separately.
Meteor Storm
Dragonic Knight
Zyuranger Zord
Ultra, Ultra, Ultra, Ultra
Fire Ryukendo

There's a few I don't recognize, that Blue Sentai, the Red Sentai below Fire Ryukendo, and whatever the two on the left of Fire Ryukendo are. Grey and Black.
2 new Lion-Maru chapters at once, because they're both very short, they clearly must've been published in the supplemental magazine separately from the main serialization in Bouken-Oh.


Only 3 chapters left!
For mecha action there's Giant Robo, Super Robot Red Baron, Daitetsujin 17,
& given your mention of Gridman, practically any kyodai hero show could work.
& yes Winspector, Solbrain, & Exceedraft also work excellently for non-violent toku.
Daimajin Kanon is such a great fucking show, seriously. Really wish it would have gotten another season

Also kinda have the hots for the fish lady
I want to buy the 2 volumes of the prequel manga, but I don't know enough about Japanese sites, to even consider buying the ebook versions.
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Is this toku?
Tokusatsu Gagaga
>Finished B Fighter
>Fully expected Black Beet to face turn because I just got off Abareranger and how the show runners had to scramble a redemption arc for Abarekiller
>Nah he's a villain through to the end, although he does become a little less of a bastard
Pleasantly surprised. Funny how what worked in the 90s didn't go well in 2003.
Watched all of a Metalder. It was a pretty heartwarming show.
Onto episode 25 of blue swat, this one is kinda slow and is so far my least favorite of the metal hero’s shows, gold platinum came in but I kinda just want to end this one so could get to B-fighter. I hear the retool is coming up around this point so I’m half expecting a bunch of Kenny’s to appear as means of appeal towards the child audience
And done with episode 28, good grief anons were not wrong about this show being the low point of the metal heroes series, almost every episode since zaji first shows up is the same, gold platinum doesn’t make much a different either, same aliens each episode, badder aliens make their getaway, it doesn’t help that it went from something dark to almost episodic, oh well at least “hyper sho”(insert aura battler dunbine joke here) appears next episode so at least SOMETHING happens. I’m almost thinking of stopping this show and moving on to B-Fighter but I’m also curious as to how this one ends so I’ll keep going.
I've heard some people hype up Silver Kamen as a masterpiece, a "holy grail" among untranslated showa toku if you will, but I know alot of you here have no problem watching toku raw, so if you've seen it, does it live up to that hype?
From the little I've seen it's okay. But it's definitely a trend chaser given the shift from human sized to kyodai.
The first half feels like more of that same weird and charming speculative sci-fi toku a la Seven. The second half drags itself down to something more like almost Mirrorman. It never becomes downright bad but it definitely loses charm.
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Nibbas we eatin good

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I take my translating manga very seriously.
>edited scat porn toku
flashbacks to when night shift nurses was everywhere
the last movie was....oddly charming
New Lion-Maru chapter!

Just 2 chapters to go, & the next one is also the longest in the series!
>watching Dennou Keisatsu Cybercop for the first time since I saw episode 1 unsubbed years ago (downloaded it from some blog that had shitloads of old vhs rips of toku)
>still just as batshit, over the top, and fun as I remember it being

Stuff like this makes me love Toku
Onto episode 37 of blue swat, past few episodes were actually better than before following the upgrades, still this show is an absolute chore to watch and I haven’t been enjoying this one like I did with previous metal hero shows.
which metal heroes should i watch first? is it okay to watch b-fighter kabuto? the suits look cool
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(S. O. S.)
>is it okay to watch b-fighter kabuto?
Why wouldn't it be okay?
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Juspion, Metalder, and Jiban are pretty fun anon. B-Fighter is good from what I remember, haven't seen it in ages though. Always loved the suit designs (kind of have a thing for robotic animals/bugs)
Almost done, after queen showed up the quality of these episodes got better, also space mafia seems to be bickering with one another that may spell their demise lol. Just seven episodes to go then it’s finally B-Fighter.
Well hey, at least he didn't say that Beetleborgs was better. That show was such a wasted fucking opportunity. You had a mish mash of everything kids loved (monsters, bugs, and comic books) and completely wasted it by making it extremely kiddy
All the Saban shows are really ugly.
Here's a little something that while not toku in the strictest terms, y'all might be interested in nonetheless!

So for context, Gundala, Son Of Lightning (Gundala Putra Petir), is an Indonesian superhero created by Harya "Hasmi" Suraminata who's pretty much a combination of Thor & The Flash, made his comic debut in 1969, & has remained popular since, getting a movie in 1981, & another in 2019 which was met with extremely divisive reception, meant to set up an Indonesian superhero cinematic universe.

I've always wanted to see the 1981 movie, but subs never existed, until of course I caught wind of, subsequently bought a subbed bootleg DVD which I've just ripped & put on Archive, complete with both hardsubbed mp4 & the ISO.

that was the general consensus for YEARS thanks to rangerboard users
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I was a bit disappointed there was no final fight with him, in fact the whole body double thing seemed a bit pointless. I was initially expecting him to be an android as well based on his other helmet but I think that would have pulled away from Balski being a robotic rival to Metalder. Either way, it was a good show.
What Tokusatsu do you recommend if I liked Garo?
I have not watched any Tokusatsu outside of Garo season 1 and the first 2 movies, but I really loved it.
Keep watching Garo. I can't think of anything quite like it desu. You could also give Shougeki Gouraigan, Hakaider, Mirai Ninja, Zeiram, Moon Over Tao, & Tekkouki Mikazuki a try since they are all involve Keita Amemiya.

I've also heard Zebraman, Dark Soldier D, Lady Battle Cop, & the Casshern live-action film are more adult-oriented.
Saw battlecop not to long ago. It’s ok but not the best, footage from it would be recycled for other shows later on like janperson and blue swat. Don’t expect anything raunchy besides like one shower scene, it’s still a toei heroine after all
The show has so much cyber heart you end up forgiving its extreme love of blue screen effects.
Some of the stuff like the pods with the weapons/equipment coming up out of the ground is so fucking over-the-top awesome and bonkers, that I legit don't mind it. It's kind of endearing actually. Also LOVED the blue screened holes in the wall in episode 1
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The episode where they take the biker chick in for interrogation and they seem to be standing in a shoebox is another great example.

Also nothing gets me more hyped than Jupiter splitting the heavens to summon the tiniest weapon.
FINALLY finished Blue Swat, wow that was a chore to go through but I’m finally done with it, if there were anything I’d like to say about this is that the fights were nice and the characters were great, the aliens looked amazing, unfortunately I feel this show could’ve been much better, even before the retool but the finale was quite good. Still it’s a good show but no doubt about the weakest of the metal hero shows and one I probably won’t revisit.
>Juspion-Jiban-Sharivan-Metalder-Janperson(yeah I changed my mind here)-Gavan-Jiraiya-Shaider-Speilban-Blue swat.
Up next at long last the show I’ve been waiting for to get to, big bad beet *cough* I mean JUUKOU B-FIGHTER!
Starting B-fighter! Absolutely rocking opening btw, heard it a while back but I’m excited to start this one, from what other anons were saying after finishing this one it’s possibly a top tier show
>blue Sentai
Kuwagaraiger from Hurricanger
>red Sentai
Gekired from Gekiranger
>gray on left
Kiramai Silver from Kiramager
>black on left
This one's got me stumped as well.
Alright I really like this one so far, already much more so than blue swat, instantly I recognized that this show has some major throwbacks to previous series especially the original space sheriff trilogy, I hear it gets even better so that’s exciting
It's adult oriented but it's also a pretty nice love letter to showa toku
>Dark Soldier D
Good but man every character is pretty evil, awesome monsters and surprisingly smart guerilla filmmaking. Fun fact: Koichi Ohata did storyboards for it and is rumored to have come up with the mechanical design

Someone already summed up Battle Cop (the behind the scenes is somehow slightly raunchier) and I haven't watched live action Casshern but that's one that usually gets praised. Give the Zabogear movie a watch sometime for my recommendation
I remember hearing a few times that back in the day manga artists were seriously stigmatized by Japanese society, with tabloids saying they're all psychos & perverts & whatnot.

In fact some of you may know there was an early episode of Ultraman Ace which depicted a manga artist as a serial killer, which I must say is really weird considering tie-in manga were a huge part of a toku's marketing back then, including Ultraman Ace & other Tsuburaya shows!
>Fun fact: Koichi Ohata did storyboards for it and is rumored to have come up with the mechanical design
He probably just did the storyboards, if he designed anything he would be credited under it. I don't think the mecha in it looks like anything he would really have drawn.

& that's the Lion-Maru manga in the bag!

Will I do the Fuun Lion-Maru manga? Eventually but I wouldn't count on it for a while.

As for what's next, well first I'll do another chapter of Kazumine's original hero Denjin Arrow,
& then, after having done only monthly manga so far I think I'll start doing some weekly manga!
Namely a couple Kazumine originals, along with Kazuo Umezu's Ultraman!
I see they've finally stopped pretending they even care about the villain side of the cast.
I understood the reference and chuckled, anon.
Thanks, I’m right at the episode where black beet first appears, it’s great but something tells me this show is about to get even better
>rocking opening
Shinichi Ishihara doesn't have a single bad song.
Next episode will be the monster martial arts tournament, I don’t think I’ve seen a toku go for this kind of thing, then again those shounen tournament arcs were popular at the time around the 90s so it shouldn’t be a surprise for toei themselves to spoof it lol. Also black beet is starting to become my favorite rival character
Either mad gallant or billgoldy, I’d put hakaider here as well but he isn’t from a metal heroes show, not to mention he had very little screen time in his original appearance because he was introduced too late towards the shows end
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Thought of something fun but also really stupid, foreign metal hero titles but robocop was really popular and these were seen as “sequels”
>Jiban-Super robocop
>Winspector-Super robocop rescue branch(only one adapted)
>Blue-Swat-Robopolice alien busters
>B-Fighter-Robopolice insectroids
>B-Fighter kabuto-Insectroids extreme
>Kabutak-Insectroid kids
>Robotak-houndbot “Robocop’s pet detective dog”
>Moreo robocon(not a metal hero show but it came afterwards lol)- The misadventures of robokid(finale has a special guest fake shemp Peter weller)
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Seem no one posted this yet.

Shin Dogengers, celebrating 5 years/seasons.

>Kabutack HD Remaster already have 4 episodes on bilibili, youku and iqiyi
>2 episodes will be updated every Monday and Wednesday at 18:00
Late response but it already was through >>22658188
are there any good subs for the sailor moon live action?
Which show has the best soundtrack and why is it Jiraiya?
Are you watching TV-N or Miss Dream? I didn't have any problems with Miss Dream's subs.
What problem are you having?
I thought this was going to be a new version of the Hakaider movie, and I was going to be pissed that I wasted money on the Bluray.
Looks like a cool toy.
Almost done with b-fighter, it’s pretty great and imo feels almost like an “anti-sentai” show of sorts where it plays around with that formula but in its own unique way, this show actually got a little darker overtime (the opposite of BlueSwat) and the storytelling is very good.
Just eight episodes to go, I’ll give out my honest opinions, it’s brilliantly written to avoid itself from being too much like sentai, especially when they go back and forth from using MOTW to more character based episodes giving this show a unique feel to it, HOWEVER on one hand I do think this show could’ve benefited by having just a little bit more MOTW especially in episodes where absolutely nothing happens but on the other hand it makes the b fighters conflict with Jamahl’s commanders much more personal. With that said I love that they got the main character’s irl twin brother to play black beet
Miss Dream's is your best bet, that said apparently episode 31 is pretty bad sub wise but it's apparently the only bad one among the batch
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>finally has an actual release date
I know it's going to be trashy schlock. I know it's going to be JDF taking himself way too seriously going SIT-UYAH! for 90 minutes as he clings desperately to his glory days. I still want to see it though just to see HOW bad.
i'm 12 episodes into Kaiketsu Zubat and i'm starting to feel like the zubat suit and zubacar are a bit superfluous, the secret identity bit barely comes up and he fights perfectly well as Hayakawa Ken in his cowboy outfit. great show nonetheless, i only started watching because of the insanely catchy theme tune.
Holy shit what a finale(more like three finales with jamahl’s end and black beets final bout and stopping the wormhole from eating earth), but the epilogue story was fucking awesome with blue swat and janperson coming back, it might be one of my absolute favorite finale’s in tokusatsu. Anyhow here’s how I compare each show once more
And now, my last metal heroes show (I promise I’ll get to the rescue hero trilogy someday lol) and to some the real last metal heroes show, B-Fighter kabuto
I hope I don't regret this.
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Also many years ago when I first went on this place I didn’t get a joke about “super machine heado” but now I know it was from this show, it was the song that ended up getting stuck in my head
>Suupaa biito mashin Herakuresu
Tatakau kami no chikara wo omoishire!!
Muteki no aitsu ga maji ni naru
Ima koso Mega Biito Foomeeshon
Riku no ouja da
Mega Mega Mega Mega Mega Herakuresu!!
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>Joe 90 – Top Secret #1 – 34 + Annuals & Extras (1969)
Quite unexpected for GetCo to have this, but I'm not complaining.
For some review a YTber did on the show (didn't watch it) someone scanned BCI Eclipse's production info booklet on Iron King
Quick double post, but it mentions on the second scan that Silver Mask was supposed to get a western release by a "Ronin Entertainment" back in 2007. Looks like we WERE supposed to have it released here subbed at one point.
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Keita Amemiya exhibition stretching back to Mirai Ninja opened today in Japan
Started B-Fighter kabuto, easily more lighthearted “so far” than it’s predecessor, you can sort of tell it’s aimed towards a slightly younger audience(a hint for the last two shows later on) but enough it’s still entertaining for adults as well, Sentai elements are much more apparent here (especially in later episodes from what I’ve seen with mecha showings up and more insect themed characters besides beetles) although I am half expecting it to head into the same darker territory b-fighter did previously
So that's why he hasn't been playing with the new jet fighter diaclones.
U wot
I just got the (other) manga based on P-Pro's Hyou-Man pilot!

By other I mean there was also one by Jiro Kuwata you can download raw here.

This other manga though, written by Atsushi Miyazaki & drawn by Kenji Nanba, looks way more involved, is much longer, & ran weekly instead of monthly, both versions look very different story wise, which makes one wonder just what the show would've been like had the pilot been expanded into a full show.

I'd love to scan it, but that's a while off because I'm already in the middle of scanning something, & I'm sure you can imagine that MANUALLY scanning hundreds upon hundreds of pages kinda takes a minute. (GOD I wish all these obscure showa manga were just digitized)
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There's another Barom-1 manga?
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I want to see HQ scans of this version
There's Takao Saitou's original manga, the manga based on the TV version by Takeshi Koshiro which was serialized in Bouken-Oh, & the one you just posted, a two-shot by Saitou also based on the TV version from the May & June 1972 issues of TV Magazine.
Never knew he did another version besides his original, you can tell he loved toei’s design for barom 1
Interesting, I found out a little bit ago(might have been through here even) that Lion-maru was originally supposed to have been a lot more like the jaguar man/hyou-man pilots taking place in “modern 70s japan” and was more of a spiritual successor to spectreman(if it even was going to have kaiju occasionally) but P-pro wanted to make something different and original especially after kamen rider became a massive hit on television by combining feudal era japan stories and henshin heroes, it was hilariously coincidental that toei and ishinomori came up with the exact same idea at the same time
New chapter of Kazumine's original hero, Denjin Arrow!
I don't sub shows anymore, sorry.
Mainly because I'm way better with written Japanese than spoken Japanese, which becomes a problem when Japanese DVDs ALMOST NEVER have captions.
I do HAVE Matsumoto's Lightspeed Esper manga though, so I MIGHT do that later down the line.
wtf am I watching
>Last Shooting!
>Kidou Keiji Jiban
>Kidou Senshi Gundam
Is he a Gundam reference?
So if I want a toku subbed, & I find a reliable looking person on Fiverr, who's cheap enough that I could get a whole 52-episode show subbed for, give or take, a month's pay (not all at once obviously), would that be worth a shot or does it seem too good to be true?
You hire one of the existing toku subber groups, that has completed at least one complete project. Part of that hiring process, is making sure that the group has a really good editor, because the translator shouldn't be the only eyes on the words.
I'm pretty sure most proper sub groups don't or wouldn't do for-hire work, & even if they did I imagine their rates would be astronomical.
what ever happened to toei tokusatsu world? it just shilled a bunch of kamen rider stuff at the end of its life
It’s a long story but basically they were advertising various shows to see if any network or company would pick them up for international distribution but the main benefit was YouTube’s self subtitles function so those shows could be available to other languages, unfortunately due to a lack of foresight on Toei or anyone’s part by brutal coincidence, YouTube got rid of the self subtitles function thus rendering the entire point of the channel naught. All wasn’t lost however since other companies like discotek would pick a few of these shows up like jiban
Says "Utaban" in the corner, which was apparently a variety show
Noice; any decent rips floating around?
Finished episode 22 of B-Fighter kabuto, I’m gonna be real honest, this show feels vastly inferior compared to the first series and is a bore of a show so far, lead characters aren’t nearly as good either. Maybe the show’s second half will vastly improve things once the B-Crushers and new insect warriors are introduced to the show, not to mention /m/echa showing up
And it seems like the originals will show up at the halfway mark of this show at episode 25, plus the other insect medallions are showing up meaning the show’s real story is about to begin and might a make this show worthwhile otherwise I’d sandwich this show between spielban and blueswat
It would've been nice if they at least included Japanese subtitles for everything.
Wow the Jump in quality went right up in these last three episodes, the crossover episodes with the originals were actually fantastic. Also onto episode 28 Its hilarious that mac’s actor would go on to be the voice of Dante of DMC fame, what retroactive recognition that is, and even more funny when you remember that Nero’s voice was previously a power ranger
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Finished episode 36 now, this show got astoundingly better around the second half so much it’s like night and day. The series especially got good once the mecha finally made its appearance and the new insect fighters with b-crushers as foes. If this was an attempt in saving this show and an excuse for new toys then they did an absolutely good job with it
hopefully some of this exhibition money is going to a mirai ninja remaster
even when I was a kid I always thought it was weird how cramped Machine Man was when driving
what sort of baddies do the Finger Five battle?
Ishinomori’s family and Kamen Rider V3.
So I just decided to gamble 25 bucks on that Fiverr translator.
There are 2 outcomes here, either y'all get the first episode of Rainbowman, or I'll have wasted 25 bucks.
You have just wasted 25 bucks.
I wouldn't be surprised if they really are a competent translator, but they do a bad job anyway because the shitty audio quality of 70's toku throws them off.
Unironically, they were partially responsible for the small American football boom in Japan because of one of their songs.
>most proper sub groups don't or wouldn't do for-hire work
I don't mean the professionals working for companies. I meant the fansubbers. I doubt they're going to be charging crazy amounts, since they're not actually in-demand.
No one that's a worthwhile translator is going to be using Fiverr. They're going to be working for a company, translating documents or talking to other translators in negotiations.
Anyone doing translations as a side-gig or for fun, isn't going to be very good. Which is why I told you that you need a good editor.
OK, do I just ask a fansub group or is there a specific place I have to go to enlist their services?
Also pardon my saying so but if it really is as simple as just commissioning a fansub group, how come I've never heard of any prior instances of that happening?
probably since /krg/ or /ssg/ will shit on this:


this guy has been doing his own fanmade rider m ultraman and sentai animations in mine-imator. a minecraft based animation software. he's been at it for some time.
Followed the guy for the fanmade openings of many toku but not really bother with his fanmade characters.
His last fanmade opening was Ryuki like a year ago?
Starting the last four episodes of Bfighter kabuto and then my metal heroes marathon is “almost” finished ever since I started Space sheriff gavan all the way back on February first, again I’ll get to the space sheriff movies later but I’m really gonna take a break after this alongside completing Showa rider Title is called “elder dies” oh no not guru, this one’s gonna hurt
Not sure if I should watch Bycrosser, Changerion, or Guyfried next. What do you anons suggest? Gonna watch all three eventually.
Did not care for Jetman or 00s Rider stuff.
I’ve seen bycrosser, it’s a fun show.
And that’s it, this one started off really slow but overtime once the second half started it ended up being spectacular! It seemed like excellent closure to the series itself and metal heroes as a whole even though somehow their powers came back by the time space squad occurs, maybe the will of light needed b-fighter once more against that villainous alliance, we’ll see when that comes out. Now my final comparison for each series until the rescue hero trilogy later
>Juspion-Jiban-B’fighter-sharivan-metalder-B’fighter kabuto-janperson-gavan-jiraiya-shaider-speilban-blueswat
Tuns out I really enjoyed juspion the most. It was a long journey but it’s over now. Man I really need a break but yeah metal heroes is a mixed bag but most shows are fantastic
So Mill Creek's catching up to releasing the Ultra shows that have come out since their initial deal with Tsuburaya, & they say they've extended & expanded their deal to include, quote, "many that have not been available in the US previously."

Maybe I'm being naive, but that sounds like an implication that they're gonna do more non-Ultra Tsuburaya stuff. (hopefully including stuff that's never been translated at all before!)
Speaking of Tsuburaya, I wanna give Fireman a shot once I'm done with Return Of Ultraman, haven't heard much talk about it, if any of y'all have seen it how is it? Are Master Tyrannosaurus' subs coherent enough?
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The 6th Armor Hero series is subtitled Star Ray.
Amemiya's making a vehicle sentai at home
I tired fireman but as someone who’s even used to slower paced shows, this was REALLY slow especially for the lack of subtitles on most of them, I dropped the show by episode 12 but I’ll probably get back to it one day. At least the fight scenes are great and some creative kaiju designs
Welp, you were right.

I dunno if it was you or another anon who suggested commissioning a fansub group,
but I'd once again like to ask, if it's that simple how come I've never heard of anyone doing that before?
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Hakaider sequel when
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>Making the white room bleed during their fight.
Not my favorite Keita Amemiya work, but man when it hits, it hits.
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Really wish there was a reprint of the Brazilian Spectreman comics, though the fact that it was completely unauthorized probably isn't gonna help with that, there were 30 issues, only 10 have been scanned in varying quality. (1, 4, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, & 24)
I don't get the purpose of those exposed inner parts. It screams prototype model.
B-fighter Kabuto lacks the exposed parts funny enough
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Not a new show but Gransazer is getting a new figure.
There's no western release of Zebraman 2, that has the midquel "Vengeful Zebra Mini-Skirt Police", is there?
Twitter/discord/telegram/website/email or whatever social media they have.
>how come I've never heard of any prior instances of that happening?
Toku is a small community, funders usually contact directly, and not something openly discussed. As it involves piracy.
Because people are retarded, I stopped sharing my commissioned subs publicly because people were uploading them on fucking youtube and therefore risking the raws getting changed to a platform inacessible to foreigners.
What shows have you commissioned?
I really liked when he was making OPs. I was always impressed with the level of effort he put in.
His actual show is fun, not having any spoken words, makes it watchable for us baka gaijin.
What do you mean "the raws changed to a platform?" & how does that come from the subs being on YouTube?
Also, the phrasing implies that there are things that have been subbed that no one but the given client knows about or has access to!
For years I & many others have wanted shows like Rainbowman, Mighty Jack, Silver Kamen, Inazuman Flash,
your phrasing implies that for all we know those could've been subbed years ago but are being kept under lock & key!
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>『#Kamen Rider Gotchard』Thank you for watching

>I never thought I'd have to take my helmet off like that...lol

>I am truly happy to be able to be involved again in "Nichiasa," where it all began.

>Thank you to everyone involved in the filming and the cast for your help.
There's a whole Blu-ray release in the states mang
I'm amazed people still upload to YT given how strict it's gotten compared to its early wild west days
>What do you mean "the raws changed to a platform?" & how does that come from the subs being on YouTube?

I get most of my raws directly off japanese sites, those accept foreign credit cards so the inconvenience is minimal. If subs get uploaded on youtube, they become a million times easier to find by the owners of the raws, and then they become incentivized to restrict access to foreigners.
I know this is a noob question but are there any toku series aimed at adults? Not looking for edge necessarily but like a toku equivalent to Star Trek.
In terms of general adult toku, the best known example is the GARO franchise,
but as for a "toku equivalent to Star Trek", there are 2 Star WARS inspired shows Message From Space Galactic Wars & Star Wolf,
the former is subbed, the latter isn't but was turned into 2 dubbed compilation movies called Fugitive Alien.

If you just want a space show toku or not then watch Blake's 7 PLEASE watch Blake's 7 it's so fucking good.
Ultra Q
What is the best Garo series?
>I get most of my raws directly off japanese sites, those accept foreign credit cards so the inconvenience is minimal.
What raws are you even buying that aren't already widely available? LH stageshow shit?
The original by far.
60s Star Trek? The OG Ultra trilogy Q, Man and Seven. Ultra seven feels particularly more adult and that’s why it got a bunch of spin-offs for an adult audience.
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Sure'd be nice if a single one of those shows was subbed. (OK some of them might be, but not the ones I recognize at least)
Devil Summoner's first season are subbed:
Not that anon, but the raws that we do have are always because somebody was kind enough to share stuff that they bought and that shouldn't be forgotten.

Plus, maybe they watch stuff aside from just tokusatsu.
The first four episodes of Eko Eko Azarak TV series was subbed by Hi no Tori years ago. Some anon did the first two episodes of Mighty Jack a couple months ago. He said he was gonna do better quality episodes and post them on IA... never saw them as of this posting.
Phone Detective 7 was subbed as it was airing, recommend a watch.
Didn't know there was a 1974 TV drama version of Japan Sinks. I just knew about the movie that came out the year before with Hiroshi Fujioka in it.
I believe he was also in this one as well, this show in particular had an all star cast including what is believed to be the last acting role of Mia Hama(King Kong escapes and YOLT) before she vanished from the industry entirely
New manga, another original hero from Kazumine, Senkou Mack!
Since it's pretty short I figured I'd want until I finished it to tell everyone.
Just finished Garo: Hagane wo Tsugu Mono, I like how it ended with a character saying "I guess in the end we are the Garo: Hagane wo Tsugu Mono". OK show otherwise, pacing was bad at points and in general felt like it needed more episodes to flesh it's cast out more, the more mature Ryuga we got was cool though. The final episode ending credits was really cool and made me realise suit actors don't usually get individual credits like they did there, which is pretty sad.
Still better than stunts/suit actors who work in Hollywood productions. Their name are in the credit, but their scene usually be cut or on screen for a fraction of a second.
Take AkibaBlue's actress. Her goal is to have her name on Hollywood movie credit. Her dream has come true but she never got to stay on screen for more than a second.
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A new chapter of Kazumine's original hero, Denjin Arrow, a short one as opposed to the big combined story arcs.

Next on my list will be my first time translating something NOT from Kazumine!
What are you talking about? Isn't that a point of a stunt double?
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Ooh, do you have this manga ripped by any chance?
Does anyone have the Shotaro Ishinomori's manga version of Kaiketsu Harimau? Probably not because the digital version was delisted in 2019 & nobody ever thought to put online while it was available, but y'know doesn't hurt to ask.
Night Head is on nyaa and IA... iso and rip formats. Seems to be from a Malaysian release though.

Even when sickly and wearing that aparatus he can sing like a god. Has he really been hospitalized 158 days?
Is it really only acute pancreatitis? What is that thing over his mouth?
Acute pancreatitis can impact lung function pretty badly.
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Jiraya brazilian comic sequel confirmed for august, it will have 208 pages.

>"The incredible ninja is back in action. 20 years after Dokusai's defeat, the Ninja World is boiling. Mafia organizations from all over the world begin a shadowy fight to occupy the void left by the villain. Jiraiya, now a family man, will have to fight to maintain the hard-earned peace. However, he will have to do this without his legendary Olympic Sword. In the face of new events, another old acquaintance emerges from the shadows. Benikiba also returns seeking revenge, and she is not alone."

The Juspion one was quite good
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Would you anons consider X-Bomber a tokusatsu seeies or not? I'm too much of a Go Nagai fan not to watch it despite my only experience with super marionation being Team America.

Captcha: GASP
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tokusatsu , of course.
Y'Know for as much as I love them, turns out 50+ year old kids' manga aren't always exactly written like Shakespeare. & it really fucks with me when that shows in a manga I'm doing, because it makes me unsure whether I'm getting sloppy as a translator or if it's just the original writing being kinda wonky, which even then gets me worried that it'll MAKE me look like I'm getting sloppy! I always stress that I'm not a professional, but that doesn't mean I wanna put in anything but my very best!
On a completely unrelated note I just did the first arc of Kazuo Umezu's Ultraman!
Almost forgot to mention, this is gonna be another thing I do between volumes of other stuff, so I'll do the other arcs sooner than later but just not immediately.

As for what I plan to do next, it's gonna be a long one at 5 volumes, & even irrespective of its length it's probably gonna be the most intimidating project I've done yet.
It's not even toku related, but don't worry it is VERY /m/, I'll probably announce it with its own thread once I get started. Trust me, it'll deserve it.
Gonna read the Kazumine version today, thanks
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I just find it interesting how different people interpret the color schemes of black & white characters.
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Forgot I could have posted this here the other day.

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Love those old school sofubi with removable helmets, & how they literally never look anything like the characters they're supposed to be.

The Barom-1 one is especially confounding since Barom-1 is actually 2 kids.
Oh my, that devilman one basically is what if it were Toku instead. Got any more of these?
Second color is the best one.
Just google image search 面取れ ソフビ
I just did and I found a MJ thriller a variant lol
Nobody but a samefag would guntguard for him, and nobody on this fuckin board calls him "pitzfag" because we know who he actually is, only faggots on /a/ call him that, where he also gets banned for avatarfagging
In summary: Avatar-fagging is against the rules
He (You) should stop avatarfagging
So is off topic posting and trolling, which is what you are doing.
>The Barom-1 one is especially confounding since Barom-1 is actually 2 kids.
Saying to follow the rules is trolling? Man you have a persecution complex or something? Just stop. It is that simple.
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Is this a parody of Diamond Eye?
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Man, Dogengers was awesome and funny, too bad they never made another season after Season 1.
You did this to yourselves.
It would be low, low budget. We need a real HD release, not an upscale.
I never fan funded any of the later seasons if that's what your implying.
Yeah, shame it was only a one season only show. Would have loved to seen more from it.
That'd be great
There’s something really hilarious about the image in my head of Barom-1, a loving hero of justice and friend of all children holding doruge in this very aggressive way as if he went too far, almost reminds me of this (also spidey related) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbDh6WeAxvg
The boost in popularity is allowing Shuraomaru to do shit with some actual resemblance of caring for storytelling so I consider it a fair trade off.
Shuraomaru has always cared about actual storytelling. It's good he's gotten more to do I guess, just to bad AHK now sucks ass.
Shin Dogengers ep1 airs in a little under a day.

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Yeah I haven’t been active on this general that much lately ever since I finished metal heroes(besides the rescue hero trilogy) and all of Showa Kamen rider(except the second half of super-1 and there is a reason for that I started getting into classic anime again starting with Mazinger Z and currently near the end of great Mazinger( really good stuff), in addition I’ve gone through a retro anime rabbit hole I haven’t touched on in a long time and finally decided to just jump right in watching all these OVA’s I always wanted to get to such as izcer-1 and project A-ko, yesterday in particular I watched for the first time gall force that absolutely hit me with emotional astonishment I didn’t think an anime would do to me(rabby is cute) and just started bubblegum crisis, awesome first episode so yeah that’s why I haven’t got to other shows like changerion or jumborg ace yet lol
Hope you have fun watching Grendizer and other Mazinger related content soon.
Saw the crossover movies already with getter robo( I hear the 70s show isn’t as good though I’ll get to it eventually) and grendizer I’ll get to at some point but I’ve already have my priorities elsewhere
Then you'll be happy to know I'm translating Gosaku Ota's Mazinger manga, it's already on MangaDex but I was planning on waiting until I got a bit further in before telling everyone, but since you brought Mazinger up I figured I might as well. I'm 2 chapters in, which means I've at least gotten further than the last guy's attempt! & in case you don't know, Gosaku Ota's version of the Mazinger trilogy is one of those cases where a tie-in manga ends up REALLY taking on a life of its own, so definitely look forward to that!
That particular version of Mazinger Z goes down a path that’s vastly different from go nagai’s or toei’s classic stories and elements have even crept up into other media with the MP great mazingers in SRW, it’s also ultimately more somber
>There's a whole Blu-ray release in the states mang
I'm not talking about Zebraman 1 or Zebraman 2, but the mid-quel v-cinema.



>A direct to video movie called Vengeful Zebra Mini-Skirt Police (ゼブラミニスカポリスの逆襲, Zebura Minisuka Porisu no Gyakushū) was released on April 19, 2010, to promote the upcoming release of Zebraman 2. The story is set in 2024, one year before the events of the sequel, and focuses on the characters of the Zebra Mini-Skirt Police.

>If you just want a space show toku or not then watch Blake's 7 PLEASE watch Blake's 7 it's so fucking good.
Blake's 7 is highly underrated. The last season is still good, but you could tell they didn't know what to do anymore. Blake's 7 is easily one of my favourite British shows. One part space, one part spy, one part action.
>turns out 50+ year old kids' manga aren't always exactly written like Shakespeare
Shakespeare was written in a hybrid style, for the high class educated people, and the commoner with no education. Which is why there's silly scenes where characters act like clowns in an otherwise serious story.
Comics, manga, etc are written for children and sometimes for teenagers. So it's all for the uneducated commoners.
If you're going into a visual medium, and expecting high class writing, you're going to be disappointed. If it happens, then it's a bonus, but it's never the goal, and honestly the audience probably doesn't want it.
If you want some high class writing in the comic/manga medium, then you're going to have to be hyper selective. It exists, but it's few and far between.
I watched Doomed Megalopolis years back.
Should I rewatch it before watching the 2 live action movies, or watch the movies first?
I know they roughly cover the same novels, so I'd assume key points of the story overlap, but I don't know when I should start. It's been ~15 years since I saw the Doomed Megalopolis anime, so I remember the basics of what happened, but I doubt I remember all the details still.
I didn't mean to sound like I was complaining, & I'm definitely not holding it against the authors either, in my original post I just meant to say that sometimes when discrepancies in the writing arise it slightly complicates my job as a translator.
Maid Butler owning a maid café is a super deep cut, but I swear the idea of them being androgynous just escapes the writer.
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>Yabai Kamen really just said "fuck it, we're going for Cultural Victory"
Should I use fansubs or official subs for Gavan? Obtaining either isn't an issue.
Sorry if this is asked a lot but Desuarchive is down
Is he still supposed to be androgynous? Also Maid Butler actually did own a cafe before, in fact it was back when they were first announced. They had one back in 2017 and early 2018.
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shin dogengers its supposed to be out today
Yesterday, it went live exactly after Super Hero Time ended.
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It’s >>22725877 again, it’s quite fun seeing various tokusatsu references and gags of series one has already watched in all of these old school anime, almost burst out laughing at sharivan’s blink and you miss it cameo in episode 1 of dirty pair. Its especially funny because that particular installment was one of my favorites throughout my metal heroes watch through
Did the Garo generals die out? I just got around to starting it...
They might as well be here now anyway

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