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Battletech's best machine: Timberwolf
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>I spelled Incubus wrong
Foreshame, anon. Would have accepted the Pums or Kodiak as an alternative.
Nope, I'm right, you are wrong.
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Weird way of spelling Orion
Kill yourself spit.
I'm more of a Centurion type of mechwarrior
I love the Orion. Looks like a stack of VHS players on some legs with gun arms
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There needs to be a modern MechWarrior/BattleTech anime imo
I really like the Cougar and have since MechAssault
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snib snab :D
Whenever I see it, I instantly go to youtube to rewatch the intro sequences of Mechwarrior 2. Just pure Nostalgia for me. So sad that the Clan invasions are not in MW5 (mods are shit)

What I always wanted to know, since I just recently started playing Mw5, is there any tierlist for the mechs(Including YAML)? I can't find none too reliably. Just want to see what the community thinks.
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Normie ass pick
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Because it's the best.
I can get four Fireball-XFs for the same BV as a single Timber Wolf. Enjoy getting hit by four 30+ hex charges vat-boy.
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The only original design above a 7/10 to come from battletech is the king crab.
The timberwolf isn't even the best Mad Cat. It's not even the second best Mad Cat.
I was under the impression that a lot of people hate the savage wolf.
I've never liked the Mad Cat
But you do like the Timberwolf.
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I donwloaded the other day mechwarrior 2 , i dig the low poly vibesm, and the soundtrack hits the spot ( trials of the wolf 3 ) but its a real pain in the ass to try and learn all the controls or bind the keys to a modern joystick... if anyone knows an easy way to rebind it im listening...
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Those people are hosers who don't understand how good ferro-lammelor actually plays. That or some neo-bug mech tried to jump behind it and ate a pair of SRM-6s for their trouble.
I haven't played 2 but for MW4 I went kb+m:
>Mouselook for torso.
>W-S for Throttle up/down.
>A-D to turn legs left/right
>Mousewheel for next/previous weapon group
>Tab for next Nav point
>Q to previous enemy
>E to next enemy
>Space for jump jets
>LMB to fire
>LMB for zoom
>R for sensors
>T to toggle between weapon groups and individual weapons
>F for coolant
>X to crouch
>C to shut down/ start up
I didn't mess with the rest of buttons and that worked well enough for me.
Ferro-lamellor is great, but XXLs not so much. The Savage Wolf is just an expensive sidegrade to the Timber ultimately.
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>but XXLs not so much
tough talk for somebody within 40 hexes
So back in those halcyon days of sci fi vehicle sim gaming, since software came in big box packages one of the many things they'd cram in is a reference card for keyboard commands that you'd usually have on hand so as to not need to thumb through a manual that itself is chock full of information and often flavored like it's some kind of in-universe document.
I vividly remember that the Mechwarrior 2 era has some really solid tutorials that give you the rundown of all the necessary fundamentals to play at the baseline level with just a keyboard, though. Hell, I think I've had more trouble trying to understand Earthsiege's way of doing things compared to MW2 where it's like there's only 10 keys that ever matter.
But it’s not, it’s the Maraude- oh, right..
It's neat, but it's no Timberwolf.
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So the Timberwolf is the most iconic Clan mech, what is the most iconic Inner Sphere mech?
Tie between the Atlas and the Catapult. The Hunchback, Urbanmech and the Argus are also up there.
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Can you blame them, it's pretty unique and captures the ethos
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Cat mechs > wolf mechs
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wolf mechs > cat mechs
Cat mechs > wolf mechs
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Correct. It's still a bit too greebly with the legs though, a JP twitter artist needs to redesign it and squeeze some more juice out of it. But the core of a truly great design is there
It's the truth
That wolf mechs > cat mechs
Wolf mechs are white women taste

Cat mechs are always better
Wolf mechs are everyone's taste. They are the best.
The best version of the best wolf mech (timberwolf) isn't even a wolf mech, it's a cat mech (mad cat) and it's not even the best cat mech
There’s a clan expansion launching this year my guy
No, it's still a wolf.
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I love this stupid thing
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Clan Wolf always gets the best stuff.
>They get Katherine Steiner-Davion thrown at them like a hot potato.
Not always.
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That's not how you spell Stormcrow; or Ryoken for that matter.
where is the Fafnir? or that mech that has 2 big ass rail cannons?
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"Gauss" rifles. Rail guns use the lorentz force, gauss guns use a different mechanism, but that's irrelevant because gauss guns in battletech are actually coil guns. Sorry about my 'tism.

I think the Cats AND Wolves are cool. Let's all get along...
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You dare imply the inferiority of bird mechs? I am MechWarrior Anon of Clan Jade Falcon, piloting the lone Gyrfalcon. I hereby invoke the ritual of zellbrigen and challenge the wolf and cat anons to a duel of shitposters. In this solemn matter let no one interfere!

Backing down in the face of a challenge is unclanlike, rat.
File deleted.
You can smell the America off of this.
I like the Raven
It's the Davion Guards, so literally 0% American.
>engaging with the idiot
Stop that.
Unironically a solid choice, one of the most effective mechs when the clans invaded, old but reliable, has a fuck ton of variants with every role you can think of, etc etc.
The fact you can just strap on an AC20 and go nuts is just icing on the cake.
Dang it, dropped my pic
The new Orion variant from Solaris Showdown is extremely fun when you give it an arena supercharger and 3 PPC-X and then invest everything on improved rate of fire so you can make alpha strikes with a walking PPC autoshotgun.
It's a tie between atlas hardasses and urbanmech shitposters.
it looks too much like Mickey Mouse
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I'd also say the Marauder and Warhammer are runner ups, I swear I never hear anyone badmouth either
I dislike both of them, because I am at my heart a contrarian
They all manage to look cool yet the book covers made them look fucking stupid
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I don't disagree, the really old art is definitely an acquired taste.

I do like the Pillager though, it's a cool mech.
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12 year old me was not ready for the front loaded underage incest.
Ah, hellbringer my love.
I got my first Ace of Spades in a Hellbringer.
I remember when shimming sword used to frequent /tg/
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Come on, really? The Battlemaster? I'm not saying it's a bad mech, and you can make some cracked builds on the MW tabletop, but it's pretty underwhelming for its weight class. Hardly what I'd call 'the best mech'.
Yeah they were channeling Brave New World pretty damn hard with this one, I love how hard some of the early Battletech books went.
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Just want to chime in my appreciation for another Pillager liker, it doesn't get brought up often enough. I only discovered it myself after coming up with my ideal mech configuration and then realising it basically already existed.

The regular version is fierce enough, but the stealth models are demons from the blackest pit.
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Okay, but what about all of the unsung "good enough" machines? Not everybody gets to e a main character after all.
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my brother
>Come on, really?
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i like the sentinel
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It gunna be a real nice pile of scrap when I'm done with it.
Asking this here since no one /btg/ humors lore-related questions these days:

Something I wondered with Houses McKenna and Cameron: had James McKenna made his sister Katherine or his nephew Uston (not sure if Uston is Katherine's son), how much would have changed had James chose either one of them as successors as Director-General of the Terran Hegemony?

I ask because would the BattleMech and the Star League have been created or not since those inventions were after James chose Michael Cameron as his successor (making House Cameron the ruling dynasty of the Hegemony) and that the McKenna bloodline lived on through Stephen McKenna, the founder of Clan Snow Raven and the progenitor of the McKenna Bloodname.
Why would that effect the development of the mech? It would just mean that the historical blurbs about the mackie start with "dveloped in the Hegemony under Director-General JimBob McKenna." instead of whatever Cameron is on the article now. The only real difference would be slightly less Scottish-British gentry theme and more American (the continent) flavor to the old Hegemony.

Ah. But would a McKenna have devised Star League like Ian Cameron did?
Who knows and who cares? It's not like that era matters in anyway to the game. It's a fictional point of information so far in the game's past as to be irrelevant. It would be like asking "What if Minkovsky was born on Side 1 instead of Side 3?" in Gundam. It makes no difference to anything, it's just background filler.
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Sounds like some anon is living in your head for free.
Yeah, you're totally not obsessed.
I was there and (paraphrased) "I wish I could run into anons like you at my flgs to see if you'd beak like this face to face" is not a threat to beat you up irl and your overreaction to it is pretty fucking gay.
That you're still obsessed with it like, months later, says anon stepped on exactly the right nerve.
You're a pussy that only has balls behind a keyboard.
>babbles about how he's proud of his "national socialist heritage"
>says nobody would talk like that in person
>tell him to meet me at adepticon
>says he doesn't want to buy a ticket to "beat the piss out of an Internet stranger"
He's a toddler who melted down when it was pointed out his "red baron" garbage was just the antarctic nazi larp.
>"beat the piss out of an Internet stranger"
You're imagining things, that was never said by anyone but you.
You're childish and emotional, making absurd claims and inventing false narratives.
Seethe, racist.
Lmao. Are you him? Also, stop bumping the thread when you post like this. It's impolite to the rest of the board.
What you don't want the board seeing you chimp out and being obsessed over an anon?
Notice how you aren't posting the archive link to conveniently hide all your lies.

I see. Thanks.

Something not necessarily in backstory: for those in state militaries who become a Mechwarrior after 3-6 years in a military academy, are they assigned to a light mech first or can they chose a mech upon becoming a Mechwarrior?
Seriously, get a room.
You're dragging your paranoia in here from another board and being an asshole sperg about off-topic bullshit.
I could see them trying, now actually succeeding? who knows.

Although the idea that a McKenna First Lord in place of Isn Cameron trying to "unite" (i.e. conquer) humanity and completely botching it to the point humanity civilization is completely fractured would be a hilarious AU setting.
iirc it depends. Does your family have a mech? You pilot that. Otherwise you pilot whatever mech they give you, vast majority of MechWarriors don't have much of a say in what they're running.
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>The Charger
No mech is safe when an AC20 with legs rounds the corner. You don't like AC20s? That's cool, there are enough other variants that something will tickle your pickle (or you could stop being gay). You a filthy clanner? Hey, we got a hell of a variant for you!
I always liked the twin LB20X Hunchie IICA in MWO
*IIC, not sure where that A came from
I always thought of the Hunchback as the A-10 Warthog of battlemechs - a mech designed around a cannon.
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There are multiple mechs like that, though Hunchback is a popular one yeah. A funny one that stands out is the Hollander, which is basically just a gauss rifle on legs.
I kind of want one desu
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>Can I also interest you in the Blitzkrieg?
>A mech inspired by the Hollander, it too is a big gun on legs.
>It's a full class higher as a medium mech
>capable of a top running speed of 118 km/h
>And best of all, its big gun is the very sexy Ultra Autocannon 20 for all your Assault class killing needs.
>What year did it come out? uh well 3061-
>Where are you going?
>There's more to Battletech than the Succession Wars and Clan Invasion!
>Come back here!
Would rather have a Hunchback IIC with TWO UAC20s.
>can't see target due to muzzle flash
>where we're going we won't need eyes!
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>two UAC/20's
Make way for the king, baby
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Pretty sad when even Smoked Jaguar has the capacity to fix broken Macross designs.
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Okay but those barrels aren't immediately flanking the cockpit. You won't get blinded by the muzzle flash! What's the point????
the point is crab, it was always crab
FCCW is acceptable, it's jihad onward that is fanfiction trash that literally no one asked for.
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I agree that the Dark Age lore is complete garbage, but admittedly I do like the mechs introduced in this era.
There are a few I come across and wish they were earlier era, because I stand my ground and refuse to play anything after 3067.
I understand, it's a shame though. There's a lot of cool stuff that gets ignored because of the lore being shit. Partial Wings for example are neat.
>partial wings
I thought we were on a level with your last posted mech, but this shows that you are opposite of understanding me.
All I'm saying is that while I hate how the lore has gone in terms of the setting and politics, and the overall idea of the Dark Age and ilClan which are both fucking stupid, I still like seeing how battlemechs change over time and what technology the various factions adopt or drop. I think one of BT's biggest strengths is that a lot of the stock/canon models of mechs and other vehicles and the supporting equipment are purposely designed to not be very good or average at best.
Makes the setting feel more real imo. Just like reading up on RL military history and seeing what ideas panned out and what didn't.
Having witnessed contemporary military decision making in my lifetime, I shudder to think the irection things have taken since WW2 ended has nothing to do with the battlefield, effectiveness, what is technologically possible or what is strategically viable, but almost 100% is the product of what politicians who know nothing about military, think is cool, or can be persuaded to spend taxpayer money on.
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Yeah... ignoring that depressing train of thought and going back on track, you've gotta admit the late era mechs are pretty cool.
Very very few of them.
Gauss guns are coilguns yes
All Gauss guns are coilguns

Concerning the Hunchback's 5M variant, would it have found more success as a heavy or assault mech since there will be more space for both CASE and extra AC/20 ammo if the HBK-5M was either a heavy or an assault mech?
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I mean, probably? Kinda defeats the point of the Hunchback which is being a medium with a big gun. If you want a heavier class mech you might as well just use something that already exists.
Hell you want an assault mech with oversized shoulder mounter guns? Try a Pillager-Anvil, it uses two long tom artillery cannons. Basically a Hunchback IIC on steroids.
The issue isn't the weight, the issue is they switched to double heat sinks but didn't actually remove any heat sinks. DHS means it runs way cooler than the original 4G even with just the 10 sinks in the engine, removing the extra sinks would have freed up 3 tons. The 6N is what it should have been upgraded like in the first place.

Wait, you can simply add in double heat sinks while keeping the original single heat sinks?
Are there still OG MadCats around or have they all been blown up in the lore by now?
Well yeah, as long as you have the spaces and free weight for it you could add as many heat sinks as you want.

Could the additional double heat sinks for the HBK-5M be because that variant had a small pulse laser and two medium lasers, which might require more exits for all the heat generated from that laser combination?
So apparently they became a lot more rare after Clan Wolf broke ties with the Clanner Homeworlds and lost out on the data and industry built around making them. They still build them in the inner sphere post Jihad, but a bunch of the custom parts are tooled by hand so every Madcat made post Jihad is basically artisanal work.
Probably, that and DHSs are just objectively better than SHSs. They take up an extra spot but they weigh the same and are twice as good, and you can usually completely replace the singles for the doubles with no real compromise needed.
That said I'm pretty sure the 5M replaced the singles entirely with doubles, but I don't know if more heat sinks were added on top of that.
5M doesn't add any sinks. The 4G has 13 SHS and it needs them, the 5M simply swaps to 13 DHS which becomes excessive as the mech only can generate 17 heat at most which the engine sinks more than handle as DHS. In and of itself that would be inefficient but not strictly a problem, but the decision to reduce AC/20 ammo to unacceptable levels to make weight for the CASE and SPL instead of removing even just one heat sink which is no longer needed is when it becomes problem. But it's just one of many oddities of the TRO 3050 and its questionable "upgrades".
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I love this guy
I do not care for the Marauder.
ferro-lammelor is great but there are better mechs I'd rather use it on. One configuration of the War Crow has jump jets and I've found it makes it much more useful to have the good armor working in tandem with the fact it's extremely hard to hit. In modern BT jump jets are the only real form of protection still
>clan shittery
3.5 awesomes
it's almost a shame but there are other designs like the Fenris which also fell out of fashion with the clan but were picked up by the Inner Sphere. The Lyrans now have a whole factory that produces the Fenris which is cool because it's one of my favorite medium mechs that my brain tells me is a light mech
For me, it's the Vapor Eagle
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The redesigns of all the classic mechs are so hideous. TRO is the only way to go.
>The redesigns of all the classic mechs are so hideous
But that's what battletech is!
4xSRM6a + LBX20 my beloved....
Wait, doesn't the UrbanMech technically violate the Ares Conventions, if not in letter then surely in spirit?
For me, it's the rifleman.
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Clan IIC mechs > Omnis

The IICs were the last mechs the clans designed to be used as weapons of war and not in retarded honor duels.
Omnis are overkill for a proper honor duel if you think about it, they make more sense as force multipliers to offset the numerical disadvantage of the Clan war machine.

A state actor in need of a special operations machine where cost is second to getting jobs done under unusual mission specifications would murder for a platform like the MadCat, just saying. It's almost a merc's dream if not for the production cost too (though I'm pretty sure the common consensus is that Wolf's monopoly on the Timberwolf was a major contributor to unit costs).

All this to say it's not the fault of a brilliant weapon system that its designers are terminally fixated on optimizing the fuck out of conflict resolution to the point of ritual, because if the Clan culture wasn't so warped by that need to minimize waste then they'd have assfucked the IS several times over... assuming they could survive themselves during that period where they recreated the IS in microcosm on the Pentagon Worlds.
Thats a funny way of spelling Marauder.
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>its designers are terminally fixated on optimizing the fuck out of conflict resolution to the point of ritual

You say that, yet Green Birb, the clannest clan of them all, managed to up with the Summoner... the mech you'd choose if you could have an infinite supply of exactly one design.
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For me, it's always been this speedy little guy.
Vapor Eagle is honestly just OP. Last time I used one it received barely any damage and I ended up using it to clean up the entire end game when all the remaining enemy mechs were pretty severely damaged. It can run super far, jump super far, and it's base config has enough weapons that at least something will hit every turn at close range and you can crit fish super easy. Its insane, really didn't anticipate it being so OP especially just looking at its stats
Fucking Malthus you piss parrot fuck say that to my face not online and see what happens.
>If you have two different mechs of the same tonnage, you can make them do the same thing
>chassis litteraly doesnt matter
I wish the tabletop would implement a hard point system like the games do. It makes the mechs more distinct and makes you actually think about your load outs since you can't shove whatever you want in there and it just works.
Incorrect. Simply use your brain.

>Urbanmech with the AC10 replaced with a Blazer
Fun variant, feel free to use.
>Urbanmech that goes 8/12 and has a battery of small lasers
Only use as a custom for a single eccentric character. This is a joke custom, and like all jokes should not be used to exhaustion.
>5/8/5 vibroblade melee machine
This is not an Urbanmech, call it something else.

Oh, I know this game!
It's "spot the Hunchback!" isn't it!?
Nope, it's the Timberwolf.
Pretty much everyone who plays tabletop goes through the same steps with customs.

1. I can make my own mech designs, that's awesome?
2. I can finally fix all the issues with mechs and optimize them more
3. Why do all of my customs look exactly the same?
4. Maybe running stock variants is fine.

After 20 something years of playing battletech pretty much everyone I know goes through this and stops running customs entirely unless its for a campaign using salvage rules.
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Customs only work in a vacuum and you completely ignore the campaign rules around them. It ups the maintenance costs and failing the rolls to actually customize your mech can lead to degrading its quality which makes maintenance even harder, parts cost more, and makes your mech easier to break. The reason people use canon variants is because those variants are how the mech was intended to work by the factories producing those mechs from scratch, and they'll have official conversion kits if you want to change up your mech's full load out without potentially destroying it in the process.
There's a reason set variants exist, if it was that easy to just switch around mech load outs within a reasonable timeframe without a corporate facility helping you out then Omnimechs wouldn't have any reason to exist.
Now please remember this is a ttrpg, and if you want to play quick pickup games with your customs and everyone else is cool with it, then all the power to you, but please understand that there are actual rules in place regarding the pros and cons of customized mechs and you're not using them which is completely on you. The game shouldn't have to have more rules in place regarding customization when you're already ignoring the present set to begin with.
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For me, it's the classic Mad Dog
My favorite mech after the Timberwolf . I remember it as Vulture in MW4
Funny thing is the Dog is essentially just a more economical Timb.
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Whatever happened to little Madcat, anyway? The mech drawthreads were fun.
The MK.II is better.
We don't talk about the MK.III.
Fuck you, there should be a MadCat for every weight class.
Where's my ScoutCat God dammit
Dude. Why make a medium class? This is means less firepower.
Super Heavy Timberwolf/Madcat when? That Orca should be shown what real firepower and versatility looks like.
Look not everyone is into Steiner Scout Lance builds like that.
Yeah but sometimes an extra gauss cannon or LRM can make a difference.
Also I'm more into medium/small mech scout squads. Going the Steiner way is overkill unless the situation would require more survivability.
And if I have to, I will attach a Cyclops to such a Scout Lance just to be perfectly sure.
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My mom got me pic related and another book when I was a kid at a yard sale before I'd ever heard of Battlemech. Read the books and loved it but this was early 2000's before we had highspeed internet. I sperged out on the school bus years later when I read an article about MechAssault for the OG Xbox and realized there was a whole universe of this stuff
To my absolute surprise, my LGS somehow picked up copies of the 40th anniversary beginner box for Battletech.
I've never actually played tabletop BT before but fuck it I'm going to do my part to raise awareness of the game and maybe convert some people over to the ways of giant robot mayhem.
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For me? It's the Centurion
Usually the story you hear is that of someone who was exposed to Mechwarrior 2 as a kid and only some time later finding out it's a videogame spinoff of a larger IP.
God that game casts an endless shadow.
>Now a top-rated animated series.

Not on my home planet.
for me it was 3
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It's a fun diversion at times to purposefully make make good *bad* mechs or mook mechs. I like to make mechs similar in BV or c-bill (usually BV) to a canon design but try to make it actually useful/threatening on the table. I found a trick is lower movement, reduced armor, carrying a decent tonnage of ammo, and ACs/SRMS/MG can get you there decently. In introtech play this can quickly devolve into massed MG spam if you let it though.
Every time I look at it, I'm reminded of the Black Marauder.

I wonder if it was ever truly haunted and manipulating Langstrom, or if he was just pants-on-head schizophrenic...
do you have a link to that model?
3/Pirate's Moon also within the window come to think of it.
My childhood memories of going to CompUSA with my dad are all blurred together but I vaguely remember two things, one being when MW2 was the thing running on a bunch of the displays as the big marketable software of the day, and the other being walking away with a standalone big box for 2Mercs Titanium.

That latter one's a weird one because nowadays all I hear about Titanium is that it was bundled together as a trilogy, and the manual that came with 2MercsTi in retrospect made a lot more sense as a Mw2 manual what with all the Clan specific shit it dealt into (it was a cool as hell manual too, pocket sized but packed with plenty of info and neat sketches in the margins like it was some Clanner's personal notebook)... but the only copy of 2 I ever saw was an OEM version that came with an old Dell my dad got, probably from that same CompUSA.
The dead body in the wall locker may or may not have been controlling it as it walked pilotless, but there is no doubt at all that by the time it started talking and sucking Clanners out of their cockpits there was something of an otherworldly fucked nature going on.
I'm always worried about book adaptations of stuff like this, are there any of the books that are good?
>Pirate's Moon's
All I remember about that was that the step up in difficulty from 3 seemed so fucking huge. I beat 3, but the first mission of Pirate's Moon just stomped my fucking face into the mud.

I don't know, maybe I was just bad at games as a kid.
Eh, kid me was terminally into Instant Action anyway.
Actually, I think across all the MechWarrior I've ever played, most of my time has been in IA rather than main game content.
Darn. Good thing there ain't any literal things like that.
Friggin 40K vibes in terms of how some Chaos Daemons possess vehicles or how Chaos Titan Pilots fuse with their machines.
You're not misremembering. I had the same experience as a kid, playing 3's main campaign back to front constantly and then getting stomped into the dirt by the xpac. Pirate's Moon just cranked up the difficulty to an absurd level for some reason.
Is this canon or just an elaborate shitpost?
With Battletech, there's every likelihood that it's both.
>A 30 ton UM-L99 UrbanMech LAM was listed, among numerous other joke units, in the Random Allocation Tables of the non-canonical Third League Turning Points: Free Taiw...St. Ives 2012 April Fools publication. Over the course of the 2019 Clan Invasion crowdfunding campaign, CGL produced an April Fools update (Update #99, dated 2 April 2020) in which they presented Technical Readout-style drawings of an UrbanMech LAM by fan Bishop Steiner. A Salvage Box: UrbanMech LAM was seen amid product for 2024 Adepticon, though because it was still pre-release and close to April Fools its canonicity is still unknown. Since then the BattleTech Salvage Box: UrbanMech LAM was made available for purchase for the first time on May 10, 2024 through the Catalyst Game Labs online store.
I'm only questioning it because it got so far as to get the salvage box. There's April Fuckery, and then there's actually putting in an order with whatever group they do plasticwork with. For a product they actually sell on their store. For a game that is model agnostic and therefor doesn't require models to exist of something unless there's a deliberate intentional desire to represent it as if it would be a legit thing worthy of visual representation and not just something that exists in imagination.

I guess what I'm getting at is I can't tell where the joke ends and the legit seriousness begins.
Tbf part of the reason was because people loved the idea. There are people pissed off because there's still no stats for the Urbie LAM outside of an Alpha Strike card I think. Personally I'd be interested in running a campaign with one, I like LAMs in general so it'd be fun to experiment with it.
how does it feel surat
Played MW5 at last and realized just how much of beast battle mecha are once they have superchargers and melee in them. It makes my mech feel like a OYW mobile suit just getting around an enemy hacking them apart

After all these years believing they would get outgunned and outmanuevered by mobile suits I feel proud to embrace Battletech again
The emergence of melee weapons proper in battletech is kind of funny. It was largely considered a contingency thing, you planned for it but didn't encourage people to throw robot hands. That is until the Hatchetman popped up in the 3020's and a handful of them butchered a bunch of Dracs like something out of a horror show.
When you can facetank anything that wasn't a heavy weapon that you can't dodge and you are limited in your methods of destruction in targeting industrial areas and places that serves as the future birthplace of mecha and how the Kuritans took some rejected undergunned mech and made it to a budget brawler. It was time for the Sunburst to get even and make a mech designed for brawling with more than an LBX or Large Pulse Laser
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I choose the honorable path.

Which sometimes leads to you getting whacked with a hatchet, but what can you do?>>22729914
Yeah. I completely discounted melee until I got the arena Highlander, stuck a supercharger on it, and started cleaving mechs in half.
>le Steiner scout lance meme
I am now triggered. The Steiners unironically have the best light mechs on the setting and their scout lances would, consequently, be made up of a bunch of really really good light mechs and not le goofy assault mechs, and I'm tired of pretending like this isn't the case. Every new TRO and the Steiners get some new super optimized light mech or even medium mech
people get the wrong idea that Battletech as a setting completely eschews its macross origins in favor of slow lumbering battleships with legs...which just isn't true. A bipedal mech running even 64kph is moving FAST and a lot of mechs move even faster. Furthermore each turn on game is only a couple seconds, if a mech jumps during its turn, it would necessarily mean that it's jetting around like a Gundam does on land like in 0083 or something. While I don't think we should think of BT mechs as being full anime mechs, they sorta have to be pretty close in most cases
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Really wish I could find that one gif of a glaug doing the windmill arms thing, because that's an important part of the canon of 'mech melee.
Right up there with Dougram wrasslin.
people get real into the need for BT to be this epic tactical "realistic" mech simulator when it is in reality and necessity equal parts a simulator that is gritty but also goofy and "anime". Mechs carry around giant hatchets designed to mostly crush other giant mechs for Kerensky's sake!
Solaris 7.
If you or anyone you know thinks BT is a historical milsim franchise and nothing but, that's because they haven't been to Solaris 7.
Actually, let me amend that.
They either haven't seen Solaris 7, or they haven't been paying attention to what Tactical Operations lets you do.
Because there's some clown shit that you can pull off with TacOps last I've browsed it.
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Glaug go brrrrrrrrr
That's a good loop.
Biggest barrier was for a lot of people and myself included, the point of entry was from Mechwarrior by Activision and Microsoft. It took MW5 for me to see how closer it was the tabletop and it's supplemental materials. But people don't have the time to absorb all the knowledge and want their confirmation bias.
OK that's shenanigans and you know it, 2 era had some of the most clown world jump jet handling and you had an entire run at the Solaris 7 Championship.
Solaris in MW4 is still the same 'walk slowly and shoot', just inside a stadium instead of the battlefield. The only difference is Duncan Fisher.
Sure but my intended point was more the fact that they acknowledge S7 and the primary activity that takes place there across the Mercenaries games, by letting you compete as far back as in 2mercs.
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A lot of people, mainly vidyafags who have only ever played MWO/5, don't seem to understand what exactly the TT is trying to convey.
Jumpjets for example, they're supposed to work like how early UC Gundam mech jump in atmosphere, or mechs in Dougram. The reason why they kinda float slowly in MW? Because when they tried to capture jumping more accurately, no one could hit any of the jumping mechs, especially the Jenner. Some players insist MW is an accurate mechsim, when it purposely isn't. It's slowed down on purpose because otherwise first person wouldn't be doable for most people.
if it was accurate like that then you'd have stupidass meta like bunnyhopping or people doing dumb cringey shit like teabagging and 360 noscopes and that would just further piss off people who only wanted to lean into the """hard""" sci fi vaguely like a milsim
But that's what the heat system and piloting checks are for. If you run around like mad and jump all over the place you're supposed to overheat and trip over. This already has a solution. It feels very foolish to kneecap your mechs just because someone might crouch up and down on your corpse lmao
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Hell, even the tabletop acknowledges it fudges numbers for a game that's meant to be enjoyable as a tabletop and that if you were to autistically follow the rough conversion guidelines they use for what an in game action is equivalent to in-universe, things start to get a bit weird and clownish. There's been an effort to make clear that you should take certain things in BT with a grain of salt, calibrated to suit the media they're made for rather than trying to establish a unified experience.

If you want autistic, try Harpoon and the book written using it as a reference model, Red Storm Rising (tangent: anyone in the mood for real world milfic, RSR is a fun read that aged in some wildly interesting ways that thankfully haven't transpired IRL in full yet). BT, the way I've known it, doesn't care to be a Harpoon because that gets in the way of the core fun of FUCK YEAH ROBOT CARNAGE.
what do you think I do every single turn when I bring a Phoenix Hawk 9 into every battle? Do you think I ever not jump jet? jump jets are OP in earlier eras and absolutely necessary for alot of mechs in later eras due to increased lethality of weapons
Guys, is it still furry if it's Wolf's Dragoons?
I’d argue it’s even furrier if it’s Wolf’s Dragoons
Even after they got publicly shamed by the Wolves at Furry Convention 3151 for not being furry enough?
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Abandon humanity.
Return to crab.
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gibe bushy
Atlas is specifically designed to brutally mog everything else
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Step aside old man, there's a new crab in town.
Son that looks like something that is neither Succ War nor Clanvasion.
Don't make me pretend at being a grognard now, I only know MechWarrior 2!
>fast light with a SFE post-3050
Why do you want to pay 8 figures for a 25 ton mech?
>8 figures
It doesn't have an in universe price attached to it (yet) but the description notes it doesn't use any real advanced tech (for the era) and it's BV is 731. Pricier than most light mechs, but still cheaper than a grunt medium like the stock Centurion.
I'd give that the Hermit Crab is in the 2 to 3 million range, cheap for a mech, but there's cheaper.
Kids, kids, the first rule of mechwar is if you find a mech to be obnixious, annoying, and a pain in your ass: then THAT'S what you should be fielding.

It looks good on paper but its a death trap because of where the cockpit is.
Honest answer is the hunchback. A good mechwarrior in a hunchback is not someone to take lightly.

Ask yourself a simple question: how many times have hunchback mechs been a nusiance to you in your career?
>if you find a mech to be obnixious, annoying, and a pain in your ass: then THAT'S what you should be fielding.
I'm not twitchy enough to be a good stealth Flea, nor can I get the hang of the reflex trigger on anything with gauss. I haven't kept track of the new weapons or any new chassis, so I don't know what's actually good these days.
>Usually the story you hear is that of someone who was exposed to Mechwarrior 2 as a kid and only some time later finding out it's a videogame spinoff of a larger IP.
Damn why you gotta call me out like this?

My fucking grandmother had it on her PC of all things. I think it came with it.
I cannot tell you how satisfying it has been to torque up a hunchback with a mace and just dome the loving fuck out of other mechs.
Mother of God..... so you fet the hunch AND Khorne berserking? How is that legal?

Its probably banned in californua and new york....
Maybe your granny just appreciated a good PPC.
>because of where the cockpit is.
Battletech has 90% of it's cockpits front and center or on the head, literally the most visibly displayed and targetable location. You can see a mech you've never encountered before and you see that big clear screen on it's face and go "yeah that sounds good to shoot at". I don't see why the kc would be any worse than the others.
I'd argue the KC is rather protected, Sure it's big panorama cockpit looks open on paper. But if you're gonna try and shoot it, it'll be bounding up and down, if you're gonna try and smash it, you need a stabbing or very dexterous slashing weapon which most mechs don't have, and you'd have to do the most fucking smoothbrain thing you can do to a KC, which is get in it's face in close range.
Strictly speaking true cockpit headshots are difficult as all fuck short of two mechs standing still and staring off. MechWarrior? Moving targets, hard to hit without game registering you as clipping the CT. Tabletop? It's like, what, roll nat 12 on the hit table isn't it? And that's assuming you pass the GATOR check to hit.

Despite how exposed some heads are on some mechs, in practice only some kind of god-blessed savant mechwarrior is going to regularly be landing those shots.
I have had shit luck with the kc. At first i thought i was cursed, so i stuck other lancemates in it, but they were quick to die.

On the tabletop, topnotch. In MW5, Its right in center mass and thats where the missiles go straight to.

I dont have this problem in a battlemaster, atlas, cyclops, orion, highlander or even a regular crab or maurader.

That fancy mech at the end of the campaign? Same fucking problem. Do i suck at the game? I hope not but i have been doing this for 30 years, even with bioderms and hercs which are mechs you order from wish.

It sucks because those cannons are fun. Just scream snibbity snip when you toast a smaller mech, until some hunchback hits that cockpit and the fun and games are over.

Npcs get fucked too. I dunno, maybe this is a mw5 thing and mwo it dominates?
>90% of battletech mechs are called Something Wolf
Faggot furry franchise.
I'll have to check what each one's version was, but for me the KC's hype got undercut in 5 for me by the fact that, before encountering a Rare Mech drop of it, I found myself in possession of

1 Crab
2 PPC-Xs
A few double heat sinks

So between two hot running crabs, one of them can actually throw claws and has the most fun energy shotgun I didn't know I needed. Not a good look for King honestly.

King is still fun, it's just that the Lightning Crab as I've taken to calling it is by far one of the most fucked up medium mechs I've ever had the pleasure to run in a MechWarrior game. Absolute Arena monster, deletes things with hilarious ease at the Rep7-ish point of the game I'm currently at.
*blasts you*
So it turns out that King Crab I got was a 000B.
Also, it turns out as soon as I gutted the large laser on it for a PPC-X I was back to loving it. It helps that due to a few fuckups I kiiiiiiinda broke the spare Double Heatsinks on the Lightning Crab and well I guess it's time to move on, especially since the Succ Wars are about to go down in my game.
Yeah, but anything with PPC-Xs is good.
PPC-X is the most OP weapon in MW5
Not even wrong on that, the firing rate has no business being that high.
It's a 10/10 videogame shotgun of a weapon.
The tabletop already has the Snubnose PPC as a short ranged PPC, but it would be cool if the PPC-X was added in as a cluster damage weapon.
I figured the intent was "what if LBX... but PPC!"

Just, the idea of -X being the defacto notation for any cluster fire weapon system in BT, I mean.
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That was an eternity ago when times were better. While we're on the topic, I seem to remember one fan artwork with a 'Mech or two standing in the background beyond two guys fighting on platforms arena-style; one of the guys was wielding a chainsaw over his head and wearing a shirt inscribed "THE GREAT COMMUNICATOR". I don't suppose anyone remembers that one or even knows what I'm referring to?
Can't say I've seen anything matching the description, but it does sound like something from around 2014 or so, or at least pre-Doom 2016 post-whenever was the last time the internet remembered the Doom comic was a thing.

There's a very specific reference there that I'm hedging on to date it, and it's the whole "Chainsaw! The great communicator!" line from the Doom comic. Not as iconic as Rip And Tear but still one of those nuggets of comedy gold along the likes of Berserker Packing Man And A Half.
Not fanart, it's in the color section of Handbook: Major Periphery States. Done by Alex Iglesias AKA Flyingdebris.
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Much obliged!
OG as in like the original run from the times leading up to the Clan Invasion, or OG as in you mean the Timberwolf and specifically the Timberwolf and not the spinoffs that carry the MadCat name for IS marketing hype?

Because if the latter, there's at least two factories tooled up for MadCat fabrication as of ilClan era, and something about the kind of person Alaric comes off as in lore makes me think he's the type who would want to see the Timberwolf prominently visible across as much of his territory holdings as possible, and to give a death stare to anyone who tries calling it a MadCat. Like it'd be symbolic of what the Star League could achieve if not for the constant warring.
The entire comic was a comedy gold mine.
The timberwolf and the cougar are absolutely S-rank.

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