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Patlabor but good
Then how come picrel isn't J-Decker or Machine Robo Rescue?
Cmon now the fanbase’s have been friends for literal decades
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>Patlabor but good
I wouldn't go that far, but I definitely prefer the Puma Twins to most of Patlabor's antagonists. They're a lot more active and deceptive compared to most of the crooks SV2 dealt with.
As for protagonists they're fairly equal, depends on how firey you want your redheads to be.
I also have to applaud New Dominion's english dub for having the best F-bomb of all time ("OH SHIT IT'S A FUCKING CYBORG!" or something to that effect. It's in Episode 2, right after Leona is rescued from the brain surgeon.).

You're Under Arrest is kinda underwhelming though.
The characters aren't as layered, and the situations are significantly more pedestrian, for better or worse.
Kinda surprised to read that the manga came out /before/ Patlabor, the anime feels like it mostly exists to capitalize upon the gap it left while the Wasted XIII movie was in development.

J-Decker's fun, though I prefer the characters and the parts that touch upon the implications of sentient robots over most of the "monster of the week"-material.
The only Machine Robo I've seen is the first 8 episodes to Revenge of Cronos.
Hey hey boy
Wrong image, OP
This, we don't need normie template memes.
A few years ago I tried to contain jabbing for a few days but after 4 days I saw this exact image and I couldn't help it anymore
I love the colouring on that spider tank. We really ought to have a thread for mecha from ecchi/hentai because they can deliver some good designs from time to time (and it's super hard to find clean images of the designs).
Dominion Tank Police AND Patlabor are both good.
Patlabor was better, but I prefer Leona.
tomato tomaato you know what I am refering to
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Never seen it, but was thinking of watching it next.
I recently saw Iczer One and was deeply impressed. The animation quality mogs modern day slop.
man, I can still remember that cat strip bit when they first played it on tv
You're not the only one.
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I still find it sad that they are robots
What’s this?
Tokio Private Police
This, specially from 80's design
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Dominion Tank Police is Patlabor but every character is Ohta
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So Patlabor but good.
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this never fails to make me kek
I'm now interested in your religion.
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Sex without a condom with the Puma Sisters!
They're not just robots, they're sexbots that have broken free of their programming.
I've been watching Patlabor and I just watched the first episode of Dominion and I gotta ask, is there any explanation why Noa and Leona are basically the same person? Right down to the cute nickname for their tank/mech. Their speech is so similar I had to check and see if it was the same VA even (it's not). Did Patlabor just blatantly rip this character off or what?
All female anime characters were established in the 60s and 70s, everything since just copied that.
>that classic Manga U.K. stank
Ah… They don’t make em like they used to
So...ultimately mindless sex objects no matter their character or sophistication based mostly on a male dominated medium?
this is the gayest shit I've read on this website in like 5 months. go back to sucking dicks in an alleyway you ginormous faggot nigger

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