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also if a bit of OC is alright
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Pure mecha porn

Nicely done!
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Where is this from? I have never seen it but at the same time i feel like i know this
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argento soma
i remember having a hard time trying to watch it
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Thank you friend. The name does ring a bell but I have never seen it. Maybe i will give it a try.
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Is this a Turbo Custom? I am seeing the arm-mounted Solid Shooter and lack of Trample Riggers on this.
yes it is
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The robot looks lewd
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I always wondered if the Japanese Battletech manual did it first, because it's always the first thing I think of when I see this pose
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real vehicles did it first
Which jet?
i think it's an f-105
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i need to reverse image search this one and see if it has a tag
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ah, it's ウェポンロードディスプレイ
searching up ウェポンロードディスプレイ twitter gives a shitton of results i'm just gonna dump those if that's okay
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forgot pic
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the vidya gaem ones go hard as fuck, by the way
Is this Power Dolls?
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the source says it's an original work https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/100571504
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this nemo variant looks crazy
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luv xeku
Holy shitski, I dunno if I’ve ever seen this image before!
When did EVA01 use a fucking axe
Asuka uses it
angry feline
PG UNLEASH gaia gear alpha never.
That makes sense
Pretty kino
it is yeah
Honestly it's bizarre how little of the real world young people are aware of.
Few normal people are gonna be aware of that unless they're military autists, including boomers
I've seen it recently and it's pretty good. Not perfect, it relies entirely too much on the two MC's versus the rest of the cast and a big subplot ends up being entirely a fake out, but otherwise it's a very unique Mecha show that has a lot going for it.
A like Argento Soma, but I would not call it unique, it's basically a mix of "The Count of Monte Cristo", "Frankenstein", "The War of the Worlds" and Jamila episode of Ultraman.
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Holy shit that's awesome
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You are all dead.
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How many missiles is not enough?
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What're the Jackal and Casull doing in there?
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why didn't AC6 get one of these?
This would be such a cool design if not for all the copy pasted engines and battery power. Horrible choice both for aesthetics and functionality
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wish I could see the mech, is there a version of this without the poor fold scanning?
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looks like the blodia from cybots
Tourist... You may stay.
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Thanks anon
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Load out shots are my fetish
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I made this some weeks ago.
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Anyone have one of these for the Zeta Gundam?
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I really like when they include the pilots as part of the loadout
Those are cosmetic accessories nowadays tho...
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Miss this game.
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Huh, didn't know DS had a loadout poster. I love that game, here's hoping Kojima delivers some actual /m/ shit on DS2.
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If you must know, there's a second poster, and maybe a poster with the father on fire.
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>you're expected to believe it fits 240 of those missiles in there somehow
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Probably a /k/ question, but does anyone know if the Gripen has an onboard APU for enginestart? I've seen the promo vids showing them quick-turning and launching off of highways, and don't see a cart in the image here, when there's usually one included in these weapon load displays of other jets.
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/m/ is for all mechanics,
As an aircraft specialist (see pic for reference), I would say that an airfighter NOT having one would be unbelievable, no matter how cheap, airfighters have to be able to take off and fight without waiting for their turn with the cart or needing to look where it is.

Also I googled this
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I guess France didn't bother doing loadout shots for the press.
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Tried to guess the position of the APU as a specialist, and utterly failed.
This pic show where it is.
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I'm extremely concerned about the GP02 shield and the Cardcaptor baton.
Is that Gun Griffon or HIMACS?
At least wait for an HGUC first.
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It's a Jagdpanther AWGS from Gungriffon Blaze iirc

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