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Crazy how people loved him when he was Misogynistic, who treated Sayaka like shit and had lots of anti-woman comments in Mazinger Z, but hated him in Grendizer when he treated the girls like a gentleman and had actual romance with them
Maybe being an iconic MC relegated to a sidekick had something to do with it
>Maybe being an iconic MC relegated to a sidekick
Nobody hated Amuro in Zeta, or Seabok in Crossbone
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Gundam fandom was a fandom, that mean they were teenagers and young adults. Mazinger was for children and they're into power scaling and similar shit
Crazy how americans do nothing but shitpost.
Crazy how you obsess over Americans even when unprompted
He'd be a pedo in Grendizer which would make some ree.
>who treated Sayaka like shit and had lots of anti-woman comments in Mazinger Z
People always point this out but no one ever acknowledges that he later recants on all these ideas. Later in the series he was one of the people pushing for Diana A to become a combat mech. You suck op. Try actually watching shit.
Amuro was more of a cameo than a sidekick, he was in and out of the story pretty fast
Most people don't care about Crossbone
Which is why I said "Diana A" and "later on." Do you just not read the words you reply to or do they just not sink in. Reading comprehension, son.
A lot of his fights with Sayaka were hormones out of control. And she fights back too. Also he's a dick towards Boss a few times as well, so it's not that he was misogynistic, it's that he was young and stupid.
He does get better at the end of the series, they all do.
I feel like these days a lot of people don't realize that when people called someone something they didn't really have any particular issues with that something so much as they just were looking for a quick and easy diss so you would just put down was the most obvious thing in front of you.
>ummm character changed in the last bit of the show so he was a saint now
Retarded fujo
Yes. That is how story telling works.
Jenny, get back to Anilist or your Discord and stop bragging about trolling /m/.
Mazinger Z is a product of its time where Japan thought women are worthless outside kitchen.
It wasn't about story telling since it's a show about a robot fighting evil robots with basic minimal story (evil dude wants world domination).
Even Nagai said he didn't take Mazinger Z seriously like Devilman
Danny Phantom fanaticism didn't age well
Here it would have been fitting to use "yumejo" instead, rotting smoothbrain abortion victim
Lurk 2 more years
It's because women are stupid pieces of shit and hating them is fun, easy, and cool.
Sayaka slaps the shit out of him and he slaps her back.
They're kids, not a domestic violence couple
>t. Israeli
Amuro briefly took on a mentor role and was whooping enemies that gave Kamille and Quattro trouble, adeabook was also the mentor and was the better fighter for all of Crossbone and the field leader if the crossbo e vanguard. Neither man was put in a useless dinky machine like TFO or a simple support machine like the Double Spazer, Amuro didn't fly the G-Defensor for Kamille. So I'd say that helped, just cause they weren't MC's didn't mean they were "sidekicks"
>Sayaka slaps the shit out of him
and everytime she does, Koji, her father and the scientists tell her that she will never be married because she's not a ladylike lol watch the show instead of defending it blindly
Amuro was demoted to use a Dijeh which is far less useful and cool than a Gundam. he also was afraid of space
>I am going to pretend I don't understand what jokes are
The Dijeh isn't really worse than the MK-II and he gets over the fear of space.
The Dijeh is a probably a better unit than the MK-II and is at worst on par with the Hyaku Shiki at least it's still an MS unlike the Double Spazer being a support craft not a combat Robot. Amuro also was willing to return to space at the end of the first earth arc but they could only launch one and he prioritized Kamille over himself
> a simple support machine like the Double Spazer,
And yet he saved Grendizer many times using it.
Mazinger Z had trouble fighting Kikaiju and Myceane mechs. No way in hell it would fair a single battle against Vega army which is like 10 times more advanced than older enemies
Great Mazinger once held its own against Grendizer and Vega machines.
Mazinger movies are Non-canon
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Grendizer is a good show, but "toning down" Koji is pretty insignificant flaw in the grand scheme of things.
>Most of the interesting villains end up being one-offs (this show could've gained a lot from having a chaotic bastard like Viscount Pygman)
>Danbei doesn't have the charisma or utility of Boss (still an okay character)
>Hikaru doesn't add much to the team dynamic
>Nifty saucer robots are largely supplanted by standard mutants/chimeras during the last third
Vega mechs are really underrated.
Dr Hell's mechs look so goofy and Mycanee's look retarded with those chest faces
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He was different in the original manga.
>>Danbei doesn't have the charisma or utility of Boss (still an okay character)
Danbei wasn't a Boss replacement. That was Banta, who disappeared in the second half for some reason.
Danpei even noted that both characters look the same
It's because Toei discarded the plan to have him pilot the Drill Spazer, it'd look too similar to Getter Robo.
Women are useless so I can see why people would like him more in the first role
Gee, I wonder who this is?
>having a chaotic bastard like Viscount Pygman
Still only partway through Great, but I thought Pygman was a weak part of Z. Appreciable, having a guy with different powers and being an outright rebel, but he still felt weak compared to Ashura and Brocken for me
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Was blown away by how much warmer the scarier-looking Kenzo was as a character than Yumi. I'm also not sure whether it was coincidental that Kenzo surrenders way more often, whereas Yumi was a bit more open to last-standing or suicide. Maybe it just means the Mycenae are terrifying, but I'd like to think that Kenzo surrenders more often because he simply cares deeply about his family. Not sure why he's depicted as such a grim hardass in every other continuity.
Shiro is a cute shota
You know what would be kinda fun? If there was a series where Koji got the Mazinkaiser, but it's by the time he's well into adulthood like in Infinity, and so rather than letting Z rot in a hangar, Shiro inherits Mazinger Z and kicks ass side by side with his older brother.

I won't lie, I did this exact thing in SRW 30, but seeing an official piece of media do it would make me hella giddy.
Where can I read the Mazinger chapters of Gekiman?
I always felt sad Shiro doesn't get much non-comic relief use outside of like Great Mazinger, he deserves better
Have you actually read Crossbone? Tobia is very much is the sidekick character for pretty much the whole manga, until he gets the X-3 in the second to last volume. Him getting the X-1 handed down to him happens in a separate sequel manga.
Seabook, under his new alias, is THE Gundam pilot for a bulk of the manga.
Anyone who complains about this hasn’t actually seen more than a few episodes of Mazinger because Sayaka is a cunt too, she gives as much as she takes.
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Sayaka never acts violently or loses her temper, and she never ever gets jealous of Koji leering at other women, and she definitely doesn't ever do all of these things at the same time
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Toei Koji and Sayaka are both fucking crazy.
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Scary women are hot
She is only like this when Koji insults or degrade her.
She never been cunt towards Shiro or others
fuck you faggot
Something tells me if it was in reverse and Koji simply reacted to Sayaka's abuse you would still think it was wrong.
>If I create a fake scenario instead of providing an actual argument against facts I will sure win the debate
yeah, you lefties are dumb
Sayaka got unnerved in general due to Kouji not needing her help anymore. Yeah, Kouji's arrogant attitude is part of it, but in some episodes (like when she attempts to sabotage the scrander alongside Boss) there was no real specific incident leading to Sayaka's anger, just her disliking how the situation turned out in general lines.
>like when she attempts to sabotage the scrander alongside Boss
Are you sure you're not conflating this with her supporting the creation of Borot, or the stealing the Scrander, because iirc it was Nuke and Mucha stealing it for Boss. Or maybe that was photonic energy
Generally Sayaka sided with Boss over Koji when it felt like they weren't being treated seriously or with respect, which ultimately came down to them just wanting to be relied on more, because they genuinely want to help
That's called jealousy, which also exists in men.
Koji in the other hand, was very exist, and downright called Sayaka and her Aphrodite useless several times.
Early episodes had him make fun of Sayaka every time she got down by enemy mechs
I love the fact you couldn't even bring yourself to simply lie and claim that you would treat the scenario differently. You just insulted me for even asking you that question.
Original Nagai's Mazinger Z run is still the best franchise can offer, despite producing quite a lot bangers since.
Yeah the Weekly Shonen Jump run of the manga is really good. Shin Mazinger wouldn't be half as good as it is without it
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Wasn't the whole point that Koji and Sayaka were both equally little shits, just that Sayaka was more smug and prideful and spoiled, granted Nagai (and TOEI) really make them into lunatics who just fight even at times that is not called because of the Japanese Boomersaur phase of ''TEENAGERS, IMMA RIGHT''?

Lots of 60s and 70s works loved to portray japanese teens in a negative light, in spite of the fact that the main reason they were rebellious was, well, because japanese parenting was fucking shit and adult authorities were kinda dickbags??
Reminder that Great Mazinger is not canon to the shonen jump version and follows the alternate ending writen for the mazinger z tv magazine version which showed a different death for dr hell and featured the appearance of great mazinger.
The shonen jump version was also collected in a proper format in the latest version, which was also released recently in spain and repurposed some of the tv magazine chapters with some additions and changes making those versions of them canon to it and finally features the full ending with an extra epilogue.
Here are videos showing the three volumes (in spanish):
OK simp

Which Great manga am I even supposed to read (in English)
>see Chogokin colour variants and assume it'll come up in some media, be it gold or black
>the only time I see any of this is for Shin Mazinger
To be honest I never got owning all-gold stuff, seeing them gold as a power-up is fine but not something I'd want 24/7
No Great manga actually follows up on the Shonen Jump ending, they all either use the TV Magazine one or follow from Ota's
Why does Great keep getting shafted like this
But Rider 2 is super cool
What's crazy about that? Misogyny is pretty based
Ota because Go didn't even try.
I love Go Nagai but stuff like this fucking infuriates me to no end.
That's... okay, I'll give you that.
Nagai's Great Mazinger manga starts with Mazinger Z defeated (last episode from the show).
just because Z wasn't defeated at the end of its original manga doesn't mean Great isn't canon
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I wouldn't say he didn't try but it's a strange series when you look at it in retrospect all the same.
is Ota's Z and Great translated yet?
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Been meaning forever to translate them from Italian/Spanish/French into English, as frowned-upon as that is. Have a lot of the raw text on-hand, just never got around to picking a good font.
Alternatively you can just feed the pages into google or yandex for some crabsticks
>just because Z wasn't defeated at the end of its original manga doesn't mean Great isn't canon
The thing is that the scene where Z is defeated and Great appeared was actually from the very same chapter of the tv magazine version of Z that has the alternate ending where dr hell is killed differently, so it's literally incompatible with the shonen jump version. Here is a link containg it from an italian edition which has all the tv magazine version:
Tbf, that's probably because he cared more about his original version of Mazinger Z (which was cancelled against his wishes) and cared more about giving that version an actual end.
Great probably made more as a promotional manga for the anime the same way he did with grendizer.
Didn't know it had an alternate ending. Just as lame as the anime version.
It's much worse than the anime version. At least there the Mazinger Z was all damaged by the time it took down Dr.Hell, which leads directly into the next episode when it's in a pretty bad state already even before getting to fight against the Mycenae.
Could someone explain the Nagai/Magazine/Jump reading orders as if I were retarded, I just went with what was on mangadex and assumed that was the proper order
That version has the order fucked up.
If you see Boss Borot or Diana A it's from the tv magazine.
If you want a coherent version you have to either read the versions that either contain only the jump chapters or that contain both versions but fully separated, or you can watch on youtube the version that incorporates/repurposes some of the tv magazine chapters but with changes and aditions into the jump version making those specific versions of those chapters fit that i posted here >>22659317 (which sadly no one has scanned anywhere).
Either way unfortunately if you don't know spanish, japanese or italian you're fucked.
read all of them
it's still MOTW format so there's no reason to read in specific order
>Boss Borot or Diana A
I 100% remember them immediately showing up with no introduction, so that must have been it.
>have to know Japanese or some Euro language
And no scans in any of those languages either, apart from the video?
Oh, I wasn't missing out on anything gigantic? Anon said Go Nagai cared more about his version, so I assumed there was some continuity to care about.
If someone is willing to buy and scan the version posted here >>22659317 so that everyone can finally read an actual complete version here's a link to where you can buy it:.
I'd scan and even translate my copies myself if i could, but i suck at editing and my scanner sucks.
pretty sure his original continuity is obsolete and was replaced by the TV canon since the story continued everywhere in the same manner.
>Z gets defeated by Mycenae
>Great Mazinger appear
>Grendizer follows

Nagai also said that he was making Mazinger Z when he took breaks from writing Devilman for fun so I don't think he was too serious about Mazinger in the first place
My apologies, i posted a link too long, here's a better one for all the three volumes:
>Nagai also said that he was making Mazinger Z when he took breaks from writing Devilman for fun so I don't think he was too serious about Mazinger in the first place
I still don't know this for 100% certain, but this has always been my suspicion, that what he really likes is Devilman
How much of the TV stuff is by him vs others? I'm enjoying that a lot, at least.
You're a dork
>And no scans in any of those languages either, apart from the video?
There is an italian scan that has both versions separated and with some pages in color:
But the only version that contains an ending is the one on youtube afaik.
>Nagai also said that he was making Mazinger Z when he took breaks from writing Devilman for fun so I don't think he was too serious about Mazinger in the first place
Yeah, but he did say in an interview that he always regretted not giving the original Mazinger Z manga a proper ending.
>original continuity is obsolete and was replaced by the TV canon
Even if all the sequels and everything made after follow the tv canon the original version still stands on its own as a one-off.
>have to download more stuff from hastateam, again
>still no Mazinger Interval Peace, even though I know it was localized in Italian
>But the only version that contains an ending is the one on youtube afaik.
I'm so tired Boss
The tv original stuff was mostly Toei. They did go back and adapt the Lorelei story though, and the general set up isn't very different from the manga's unlike Getter's, but all the anime specific stuff (like Kouji and Sayaka constantly bickering, most monsters of the week plots, the Mazinger slowly getting extra weapons rather than them coming by default outside of the Scrander) was just by the Toei staff which is why you don't see it in other versions.
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Wow I assumed there was a chapter explaining what happen before pic related no it just shows Z killing Hell and then Great happens.
>most of the stuff I liked from Toeizinger were thanks to faceless and unnamed staff members of Toei
I need to lie down
>everyone just happily Bon dancing after the latest victory
>even Kenzo's joining in for this brief respite
Great is a good show
Tbf it's kinda obvious when you notice no other version is like this and the others all explicitly took more from the manga than Toei (even if not fully ignoring their take)
Dizer U soon.
I'm surprised we don't have more details about airing date by now.
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>the wings don't move 90% of the time or it's ambiguous
>10% of the time it's unambiguously bent the other way
>still no word on whether the backpack shrinks completely or not
I'm willing to overlook the fact that a backpack would be tedious for animating but it's supposed to be there, but do the design sheets or anything have the wings in its non-default configuration?
Really, everything stuck to the manga? I'm having such a good time with Toei, that's actually a bit disappointing.
Don't tell me you prefer homewreckers like Maria
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>preferring a literal simp over an innocent girl doing her best
Right on time
>that early in July
I'm gonna fucking cum
>all those Spazers
Obviously they'd be in the show, but I'm happy.
Did the original show give as many flashbacks on the backstory for Duke/engagement/etc?
>Ending Theme by BAND-MAID
oh hey i remember these girls, they did the ending theme for the Kengan anime's 2nd season

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>Kenzo's a hardass in every subsequent appearance, sometimes even donning a disguise so as to not reveal himself
>Toei Great's Kenzo surrendered more frequently than Yumi, for the sake of his adopted or biological children
>actually cares about wanting to have a better relationship with Shiro, while still giving stern but wise parental advice to his kids
>none of this ever comes up elsewhere and he's always just draconian or mysterious
If you asked me who I'd assume to be more sympathetic, Yumi or Kenzo, I would not have picked Kenzo.
Anime original stuff like Boss Borot, Sayaka getting mechs other than Aphrodite, the Scrander being a mid season upgrade rather than end game, and henchmen from Dr. Hell other than Brocken and Ashura have made it to other media, but you're not getting the ''arms race'' structure the Toei anime has anywhere else
The supporting cast is really endearing, I don't know whether I'd like the Scrander as a mid or final upgrade but I'm leaning towards favouring what the show did.
>henchmen from Dr. Hell other than Brocken and Ashura
Isn't that um, singularly Viscount Pygman, anon? He wasn't a bad part of the show or cast but he was definitely weaker.
>arms race
This was a highlight of Toeizinger and I sort of feel something like this somewhat in Great as well, with the army and intelligence branches bickering but trying different approaches and it feeling like they're coming up with different strategies, the Institute and Mycenae being somewhat aware of what the other is thinking (e.g. new tactics might mean a new Mycenae commander, the Institute will probably deploy Venus first and leave Great to protect the Institute unless he's baited).
Could you tell me if Grendizer has anything similar as well? The worst-case, making it just a mediocre show, would be
>Spazers are introduced and developed sort of randomly, with no great prior need for it, and the first few episodes after their debut all coincidentally need their sudden use even though there weren't really that many airborne/aquatic/underground saucer beasts before
>the different commanders all hate each other but their tactics against Grendizer or their methods against each other aren't really notable
It's a beloved show with more episodes than Great, so it had to have improved on Z and Great, right?
It's always one of the four. Even Groizer, Govarian and Big Dai X get to hang out with the gang sometimes.
When is it Jushin's turn?
I'll miss her...
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>no quip about the mess or people needing help
>just a somber but fond nod
I didn't know how to feel about the fake-out a few episodes prior, whether the intention was to test or tease Koji's return, or just have a fun and silly trick, but I really liked this scene. It shows how missed Koji was and how needed he was at the time, and he's seen enough shit to understand what the situation is like.
Another shout-out to Shiro and Robot Junior for never like, being an excessively major burden. Kenzo had to go out and rescue him once, but generally he (and the show-writers) really know when he should deploy and when he should stay in the base.
Great's finale was wonderful but painful, I was too emotionally invested in the characters to wonder or care about what happened to the Emperor. Just wish there was a canon or acceptable explanation, fancomic, 4koma, or even scribble on a napkin to explain the aftermath before Grendizer.
Shiro grew a lot, huh... Wait.
>no real word on what Tetsuya does after with his life
>at some point they removed Great from the museum before Infinity
Mazinger Interval Peace... doko desu ka
Could I also get Tetsuya and Jun's last scene, and Koji's last words with Kenzo, when you're free?
>those cute cries but then very tenderly half-inserting the Hover Pilder
>stickers for the Jet Scrander unapplied
>swapping those parts with what I assume is a childhood friend Mazinger from her brother
She's lucky she's forgivable from being pretty
>the three treasures of Great Mazinger's finale, these two scenes and the anon who made these webms
You're spoiling me, thank you, these are really really good moments to look back on.
He's adorable in every continuity
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I have a doubt, there are examples of some protagonist of some manga/anime mecha of go nagai and his circle (ken ishikawa, gosaku ota, etc) choking a woman? like this guy here And if so, what are those examples?
Mine your own data yourself.
I wouldn't be surprised if Hiroshi from Toei's Jeeg did it, but my memory faults me if that actually happened.
Really makes you think
Yeah he did it to his mom but I don't count that moment because he was brainwashed to do that
america was a mistake
I like they let him keep his shorts, not common with grown up versions of shota characters
>none of his kids got to celebrate father's day with him
No stop, I'm gonna cry...
Shiro > every other Nagai/Ishikawa shota
Neither did your dad I bet, given how much of a faggot you are.
He'd be if Enma-kun didn't exist.
Kimura died so it'll remain that way
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Only after watching Great can you actually appreciate his growth in Infinity, Tetsuya's proud of him and he got to use the Thunder Break (no combo attack in SRW30?), he's come a long way. Infinity was a fine movie.
Infinity hate is really crazy, it's a good ending to the series
I hated it because it was abysmally slow in SRW30, turns out the pacing's rather harmless, better than the Mazinkaiser movie.
>SRW30 gave us Mazinkaiser instead of the Shin Mazinger Zero-esque Earth support victory, and it varies on what one might prefer, even though even a glimpse of stuff like Kaiser, SKL, or even Govarian in other worlds would have been nice
>SRW30 gave us some confirmed closure/reconciliation about Tetsuya still feeling guilty about Kenzo but Koji having forgiven him, which we don't get in the movie
That last bit would bump the movie all the way to 10/10 for me, but it's a solid 7, 8 if you love Mazinger (so for me it's an 8)
Didn't have this one, thank you. Boss was very true to form in the movie, I'm glad they gave him some time to shine
he had a cute chub belly in Great Mazinger
that's alone makes him the best version of Shiro
The Mazinkaiser movie felt it was cramming a whole second season in 50 mins
>second season
>Mazinsaga's Mazinger is getting a Moderoid kit, but the cancelled manga has the audacity not to be completely translated
Ah, that would have been good to include, thank you.
>the chakra stuff and Mazinger going absolutely seething apeshit on a cosmic level is from Mazinsaga
>can read the Mazinger story inspired by all of Nagai's works but can't read Mazinsaga
I guess one can only just keep rereading Shin Mazinger Zero and wait for more SRW or anime adaptations
Do you have raws? I'll translate it if you pay me.
I don't have the raws and my bank account has $5
Fun fact, if you check Mangadex, you'd see MazinSage just recently got picked up in Spanish LOL
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>Koji just has a dinky UFO in Grendizer
>it's actually a relevant plotpoint that its missiles are weak and is overall unthreatening enough to be ignored by the enemies, and this is how it saves the day
Koji said he built the TFO and knows its capabilities, but I didn't know he'd blast Grendizer to safety with its harmless missiles, assumed it was Koji just being proud, but there's something to take genuine pride in in the TFO, it's a small thing that'll warm up to you.
Maybe not so much the blushing and copious bromance though, the latter's fine but Koji blushes a LOT. Fujo show...
I don't... I genuinely don't have a reaction to that. I mean, I guess Euro languages are easier to translate, but I'm disappointed in anglophones yet again.
Latin America has Mazinger as their ''70s super robot that became ultra popular'' so I guess it makes sense it keeps beating English. The same group also translated the Mazinkaiser manga and Alter Ignition, for example
>Latin America has Mazinger as their ''70s super robot that became ultra popular'
Wasn't that only a thing in Spain?
Nope I'm Latino and can confirm that the show is still popular, even prime time TV shows are willing to mention it by name still
Saved from Crunchyroll?
Shiro is always cute
>like Great
>always think Mazin Emperor G looks like it could be better
>this is the first time I actually prefer the design over Kaiser, even with the panel-lining details
Was it SRW's SD aesthetic, or just the particular colouring that they never got right? I'm glad but so confused. But this truly looks like a robot fit for a king.
Have any of the Gosaku Ota chapters been scanlated?

I've been dying to read them for years but I can't even find raw scans of them anywhere, just people talking about what they're like. I used to even wonder if they were real at all until I finally saw a low-resolution, non-english translated scan of the page with the mass-produced Greats.
Not long to go now.
Grendizer Ota version is translated. The other two aren't
Better than nothing. Where can I look for it?
I have them.
It's the pupils. Removing it fixed the design. Mazingers should never have pupils, only Getters.
Mangadex or mangakakalot
I think it's more the gold. all other Emperor G versions make the gold look more like cheap yellow.
The fact Z and Great by Ota aren't translated just gives me more reasons to hate the treatment of English speakers to classic manga
I actually didn't notice the lack of pupils, I liked it in SRW but not sure if it would look good on kits.
Thought that it might be the brighter electric blue, than the standard darker blue limbs
Still been putting off translating Z and Great from Ita/Spa/Fre into English, I can technically read them just with the translated text but it'd be nicer to scantlate, I just couldn't decide on a font
Can you send the Spanish scans?
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Sorry, it was mostly Italian and French, I remembered Z's last volume was non-Italian and I misrembered it being Spanish
You may have all the scans, as well as the garbage scans I made as a test, see picrel here: >>22665011
Ok, let me tell you right now, that Mazinger Z in Spanish is NOT the Ota one, but rather, an officially licensed Spanish-original comic made in the late 70s when the series premiered in Spain:
Yeah, sorry, I knew it was something mentioned as an Ota thing that was actually its own, I just ignored it out of a burning desire to read the Ota stuff and being upset that my slow and tedious computerized translating efforts (knowing none of these languages) were spent on something other than reading Ota's stuff. I think vol5 has Dr Hell's origin story, which no other works aside from Zero seem to have.
>the six-book series would be re-released in Spain by Asociacion Cultural del Comic in two omnibus volumes.
Uhhh I only have one or two chapters of it, don't I? It'd be neat to have this translated as well some day, if it was six whole volumes of story.
>Dr Hell's origin story, which no other works aside from Zero seem to have.
Actually, the Mazinkaiser manga one-shot by Go Nagai also has his origin story, saying he's a clone of Koji's dad (which I'm guessing is where ZERO got the idea of them having the same DNA)
Koji's GRANDdad.

In that manga he cloned himself as the fully evil Doctor Hell and the fully good Doctor Heaven.
As Heaven he even had his own Ashura with the specular body parts
Is that the one with the reversed other Ashura? I don't know how I overlooked it, I might have dismissed it due to ending shortly and giving something I already got from the thing that got its inspiration from this to begin with.
All this cool shit makes me assume or remember that all of these things were alas one-shots and otherwise abandoned ideas..
Feel free to read it, the one-shot is the part written by Nagai
Could it be they skipped Great Mazinger in U because Arab got localized Mazinger Z and Grendizer but not Great Mazinger?
They skipped it because Tetsuya doesn't appear in Grendizer, and Mazinger Z is enough to point out Mazinger is here too.
Tetsuya appear in the Dragosaurus movie with Grendizer and Getter Robo G (the origin of Dynamic Special)
Finished all 92 episodes of Z! It’s really fun
Congrats. I'm 10 eps left to finish my re-watch and it's pretty fun watch still
Already? That was fast. Did you end up liking Baron Ashura? Got surprised that a fucking goofy Santa robot got Dr Hell Chogokin Z? How did you find Borot? And Pygman? There were quite a few sad episodes too, weren't there? Glad you enjoyed Z, hope you'll enjoy Great as well, you're in for a few surprises there as well. What were some of your favourite attacks or episodes?
my understanding is that Koji was a teenager in Mazinger, a young man with a burning heart. In Grendizer he already attended college so he was a young adult by then, less prone to outbursts he had back when he was the MC.
It's easy to forget Grendizer is literally years after Z and Great
Fucking finally! One of the most underrated Mazinger designs out there.
>people loved him when he was based and hated him when he wasn't
Which part are you confused about, OP?
Mazinger Z 2022 has a lot of those pages in it
>All these deleted posts
Apparently we got a new janny who hates mecha
alright so I'm not really clear. Are Vega and Fleed different planet? or Vega is the army name?
Vega is the name of the planet and the name of the army, known as the Vega Empire. Fleed is another planet, where Duke comes from.
>MCs home planet he fleed from how do we call it
kek. I only know the french names so it's funny finding this out now
You have Vega Planet, home planet of Vega army, the antagonists.

Planet Freed is a neighbor planet home planet of Grendizer and Duke.

Both planets used to be friendly until Vega decided to invade it and steal Grendizer. Then Duke ran away with it to Earth by accident.
Them being different is literally explained in every version of the story. Vega invaded Fleed, and now is going for Earth.
Its one of the shows that even non otaku latino people know about.
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Arab are tearing Grendizer U apart on social media
they didn't like it at all
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I've seen plenty of people say they are pretty hyped after the first episode, and a lot of people making memes with Sayaka and Koji.
Some fr*nch were complaining but I wouldn't consider their opinion at all.
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They’re also incorporating parts of the Great Saucer War movie right? Like the blond chick who is Duke’s girlfriend is the daughter of the Vega leader.
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/m/en, what are your pros and cons on Grendizer U's premiere?
I get to see my two childhood robots together

Everything bad about Modern anime
Feels like an oldschool anime in certain regards. More than one would expect from a modern show.
Action is decent.
Doublas M2 appearance
Will replace Mazinger Z Infinity in SRW at some point.
13 episodes.
Lack of merchandise so far.
Won't get popular enough for sequels and stuff, might even end before concluding a story.
>13 episodes.

Where are people getting that from? Is it just an assumption? Last I checked, there hasn't been a confirmed episode count.
>pros and cons
Why so aggressive? It's just another way of saying of what you like and don't like.
Yeah, they split the princess into two characters.
Rubina (with Teronna design) is more of a princess and defensive figure, Teronna (with Rubina design) is the warrior piloting a mech.
We're just assuming, considering that 1 cour is how this horrible industry treats original anime nowadays
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why does Nagai love to trash Mazinger Z in every single show?
Joke answer: Mazinger Z, his "blowing off steam" work became more popular than his self-claimed magnum opus, Devilman.
Being invincible doesn't mean you don't get trashed, it means you get up and keep fighting every time.
>it means you get up and keep fighting every time
Z couldn't do that in 1972, Mazinkaiser and that short special where it got replaced by Mazinkaiser.
Even when it became extremely powerful in Infinity, it got trashed at the end
>self-claimed magnum opus, Devilman
I thought magnum opus was demon lord Dante or susonoo?
>demon lord Dante
that was the prototype of Devilman
Don't. Shonenshitters wouldn't understand. They can only think in wrestling logic.
At least it's not trashed in the original shonen jump manga version.
(The one where it's wrecked is in the alternate ending of the tv magazine version, which is the one that leads into the great mazinger manga)
Are you retarded?
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??? I'm sure you don't actually know what Demon Lord Dante is if you think Nagai thinks of it higher than Devilman
"Product details will be announced in the future"
"The best thing about working on Grendizer U was being able to ask the original author about all the questions I had over the past 50 years. And it turned out to be some shocking truths, and things I could never really talk about. It's scary."
Roughly 8 hours til the stream begins.
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Because they are heroes!
That's based tho
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Sayaka also could start a lot of stuff. Their interactions worked exactly because they weren't just one sided, both were jerks.
How did he lose?!
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Just go away. Please and thank you.
That doesn't really work because Koji is not only a man but an exceptionally athletic man so he's far physically stronger than Sayaka. Toei is a very conservative company so probably it was a reaction to the women liberation
Sayaka stepped aside and he ran into the books.
they were just writing a typical Nagai woman

...when Nagai explicitly wrote her as a more traditional heroine in his manga
64cm Grendizer.
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Goodbye, Honey onee-sama...
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>because japanese parenting was fucking shit and adult authorities were kinda dickbags
So nothing's changed.
Best Mazinger anime
Mazinger Z's final battle in his own series.
ZERO was incredibly based
>original ends with all the Go Nagai properties (sans Devilman) and the entire world assisting Koji against Dr Hell, with Koji and Sayaka affirming their love in the strongest way I've seen in any Mazinger story
>sequel gives Tetsuya and Great a lot of cool moments, and ends as a thank-you to Go Nagai personally, and a look at Mazinger's legacy
If I could read it for the first time again, I would.
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What are all these wonderful pages from, and did they have one for Zero? Or just animated works?
The 21st Century Mazinger Fanbook.
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>it's from exhentai
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